r/The_Donald Has Been Quarantined For The Democratic Debate

First they came for r/The_Donald, Steven Crowder and Ben Shapiro and … wait a minute, no they came for everyone else over the past two years while these guys sat around ignoring the problem:

Media Matters led the charge for censorship.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It wouldn’t surprise me if there is another mass shooting because of this, because censorship always leads to violence. The establishment aren’t trying to calm things down. They are hoping someone will go on a shooting spree because of the censorship, so they can use it to justify further crackdowns on free speech.

    This will be their undoing IMO. When they use censorship they are admitting that they have no arguments. They are discrediting themselves.

  2. Is there going to be a flood of boomers and neocon dupes into alt-right spaces now?

    We need to engage these people.

    • Engage them to do what?

      The “alt right” has no plan except some vague hope to “Take Back America” perhaps through a “Slow Cleanse”.

      We cannot live with these people any more and must separate for real by forming a new state & government & territory.

      • Hmmm. You mean like A VERY ENLARGED CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA FOR WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY ? Sounds like not only a great idea … but the only one that would solve the problems. The only SOLUTION.

  3. It’s truly amazing how quickly this became a shitty country once (((everything))) was put into place.

  4. Good riddance I saw R\Donald community turn from MAGA into MIGA almost overnight we he won the election. They have been posting Zionist boomer cringe memes for 2 years now and yes that community was very cult like you could not criticise trump or the trump family in anyway and you of course couldn’t criticise gods chosen without boomer mods calling you a secret muslim libtard and then banning you

  5. Then good riddance. This IS a ‘cultic’ mentality. I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of MAGApedes now MIGApedes are mentally deficient in some foundational manner- it’s almost as if God is closing their minds, so they will not hear, because of the sinfulness of our leaders and the stances we hold as ‘sacred’ in the former USA.

  6. The Left always preached that book burning and censorship in the 1930s lead to the horrors of the Nazis therefore free speech must always be defended. Of course this was after WWII when the Left controlled all media allowing only controlled opposition to their agenda. With control of three TV networks, wire services (AP, UPI, Reuters etc.), newspapers and the NYT/Washington Post setting the print agenda it was nearly immpossible for the average well informed person to learn the whole truth.

    Narrative stories were told instead of news to change public opinion by creating propaganda campaigns with appropriate villians and heroes. The so-called Civil Rights movement was an heroic battle between peaceful Negroes who wanted to better themselves through education with the help of enlightened whites against KKK rednecks. This showed the world how benighted the South was and in need of reform.

    The fact that Civil Rights protests were organized, funded and lead by people outside the South was never reported. The narrative was that Civil Rights was a spontaneous Black movement for “justice”. Police protecting lives and property attacked by agitators was reported as police instigated violence. Black crime destroying schools and neighborhoods causing white flight was irrational prejudice by ignorant whites, North and South.

    After years of propoganda and instigating violence for TV audiences sympathies shifted towards the agitators. After LBJ became president Civil Rights laws were passed destroying liberty and leading to riots that burned many cities in the 1960s. The Left moved on to anti-war protests, feminism, abortion, gay rights and other degeneracy that has destroyed the U.S. Now it’s immigration and diversity to finish us off. The Left never followed up in places like Selma to see how their handiwork played out over time because they didn’t care about Blacks, they just wanted to destroy.

    Now that the internet has ended the Left’s monopoly on reporting the truth has broken out. The legacy press, big tech, the FBI and deep state tried to make that bitch Hillary president but failed. They then tied up the Trump admistration for almost two years with dead end investigations but were exposed as frauds. Big tech now openly censors real right wing political opinions and books and cuts off their funding while the Left cheers them on hoping to avoid a repeat of the 2016 election. The Left is running scared.

    When the Left was out of power those old hypocrites were in favor of a free press and against censorship. After 75 years of controlling the narrative and seeing that control slipping away they are acttively promoting censorship. Although the MSM, big tech and the deep state will ultimately destroy the “conservatives” the respectable “conservatives” will not lift a finger to attack tech monopoly censorship eventually directed at them. The respectable “conservatives” are a collection of grifters who have never conserved anything, they belong in the dustbin of history like the defunct USSR. The only real opposition is sites like this one, many thanks HW.

  7. I stopped calling it R/ Donald years ago it is R/Zognald now but they weren’t shut down for their rabid Zionism they were shut down for what campaign promises Donald Trump originally stood for

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