This is Blompf at his best:
President Trump: “I just want to say that this is my honor. I didn’t really expect it. We were in Japan for the #G20 and I said, ‘Hey, I’m over here. I want to call up Chairman Kim.'” https://t.co/U0muthq0pl pic.twitter.com/4ysKyW4QM6
— The Hill (@thehill) July 1, 2019
I don’t like our President glad handing with that little monster from North Korea.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) June 30, 2019
You couldn’t make it up. John Bolton was sent to Mongolia while Tucker Carlson was one of those accompanying Trump to the DMZ. pic.twitter.com/5SudROfyNb
— Tom Wright (@thomaswright08) June 30, 2019
For a fleeting moment, I remembered why I voted for him which is summed up in the tagline of this site: Peace, Populism, Progress, Prosperity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a united, wealthy and denuclearized Korea without American troops on the DMZ?
Meanwhile, the Democrats are striking a different tone on North Korea:
This President should take the North Korean nuclear threat and its crimes against humanity seriously. This is not a photo-op. Our security and our values are at stake.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) June 30, 2019
“Our values” https://t.co/YiIRmIL5ZD
— EMPEROR ‘KINGFISH’ WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) July 1, 2019
My “friend”? https://t.co/MDzN5H8aZi
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) June 30, 2019
This is Stonewall. What started here fifty years ago is unstoppable today! #Stonewall50 #Pride #WorldPride pic.twitter.com/fHlLWFkLr2
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) June 30, 2019
#Pride#Pride#Pride pic.twitter.com/otCEt2uhDY
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) June 30, 2019
"I'm all for speaking with adversaries but what's happened here is the president has raised the profile of a dictator. I think that he should put the work in beforehand and hold him accountable to a commitment that he made before." – @JulianCastrohttps://t.co/9oWQFeE17E
— Democratic Coalition (@TheDemCoalition) July 1, 2019
There’s nothing like the #SanAntonioPride festival! This city’s embrace of the LGBTQ+ community is inspiring and a model for the nation—and I couldn’t be happier to be back home to see it. pic.twitter.com/RNLvPWoQbB
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) June 30, 2019
Our President shouldn’t be squandering American influence on photo ops and exchanging love letters with a ruthless dictator. Instead, we should be dealing with North Korea through principled diplomacy that promotes US security, defends our allies, and upholds human rights. https://t.co/9ROpNfjYbY
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) June 30, 2019
“Tim Ryan savages Trump on North Korea, Huawei” https://t.co/iak8LhsWtJ
— Tim Ryan (@TimRyan) June 30, 2019
To his credit, Yang chimed in to strike a different tone:
Anything that improves the political climate on the Korean peninsula and engages North Korea on its nuclear program is a good thing.
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) June 30, 2019
Advantage Trump on North Korea.
This is nothing new though. North Korea has always been one of the few bright spots in this otherwise dismal administration. Sheldon Adelson is reason why we can’t have a similar approach to Iran. The Iranians were also willing to negotiate and hold up their end of the nuclear deal.
What do you call a Jewish queer? Answer: A Heblew.
why American White nationalists are, apparently, against an US war with Iran? It doesn’t make sense.
Unless it’s only theater. The unwinnable war would benefit China, maybe Russia, and white nationalists.
Mostly because all the people who will end up dying and getting mutilated in such a war will be from around here. That’s what happened to a lot of people from my generation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I just saw that around 4.000 died and 30.000 plus wounded in the middle Eastern wars.
Yet circa 70.000 die because of opiods and 45.0000 per year by suicide PER YEAR in America.
In the bigger picture the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were beneficial to white nationalist interests in the US (and abroad), only financially it drained about 7 trillion (if I’m not mistaken) out of the beast, so a war with Iran would be highly beneficial. Many times the worse is better.
Like the 1 million black african immigrants into some parts of Europe in 2016 and 2017.
I say invasion!!, white genocide!!, it must stop!!
tragedy!i!! But in reality I think with negroes, is beneficial in the bigger picture. It surely awakens a portion of the dumb masses.
Moslems are insidious, so much more dangerous, negroes are in your face. Worse is better at this point.
I hope nobody calls me a Jewish shill for thinking this way. Shalom.
If we bomb the hell out of Iran, what is the benefit to white people? Only Israel will get bigger, Jews will become richer and more powerful and white population will continue to be shrinking.
Besides Iranians are the only decent people in the Middle East. The rest are Wahhabi subhumans and Kikes.
I would like to stuff Chuck in an oven.
The Jews must not hate North Korea…..yet. The Jews are busy in the Middle East right now getting Christian Zionists and Americans into fighting stupid foreign Wars for Israel. However the Jew will never be happy with Israel. The Jews want all the Middle East and the rest of the World. The goal should be peace, friendship, and commerce with all nations. That was more a quote from Thomas Jefferson. I guess the Jews would really hate Thomas Jefferson. Deo Vindice !