Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Wants To Replace a Confederate General With a Civil Rights Activist Monument on Capitol Hill



The Hill:

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday requested the architect of the U.S. Capitol replace a statue of a Confederate general with one of a civil rights leader.

The statue of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith will be replaced with one of Mary McLeod Bethune as one of Florida’s two statues in the National Statuary Hall and elsewhere in Washington, D.C. …

“Florida is proud to commemorate the 144th anniversary of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune’s birthday by sending our state’s formal request to place her statue in National Statuary Hall, making her the first African American to have a state-commissioned statue,” DeSantis said in a statement.

“Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was an influential educator, leader and civil rights activist who became one of Florida’s and our nation’s most influential leaders. Dr. McLeod Bethune’s statue will represent the best of who we are as Floridians to visitors from around the world in our nation’s capitol. Her legacy endures and will continue to inspire future generations.”

Legislation to replace Smith with Bethune was first proposed in 2016 and then signed into law by then-Gov. Rick Scott (R) in 2018. The statue is expected to be completed and moved to the hall next year, according to a release. …”


This is the most important thing Ron DeSantis has done since he went to Israel with Sheldon Adelson to sign the bill to give NO QUARTER to anti-Semitism in Florida in the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem!!! Don’t ever forget ISRAEL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Kirby Smith was a bad general though. He was responsible for one of the biggest missed opportunities for the Confederacy during the Red River Campaign. Gen. Richard Taylor lambasted him in his memoirs.

    • That’s true, I’ve read Taylor’s reminiscences. Kirby-Smith, by contrast, was very complimentary of Taylor. I think Kirby-Smith was out of his depth. From what I can tell, he was a good man, he just wasn’t comfortable with making decisions on his own without guidance from Richmond. But, the Kirby-Smith family was extremely influential in early Florida. Edmund and his brothers also served in the U. S. Mexican war.

      Taylor’s autobiography is a curious volume. If you aren’t well versed in Classical History and Mythology (which I am not) many of his comparisons are lost on you. He did, however, spark my curiosity, and I made notes of some of those subjects that I was unfamiliar with; intending to look them up later. He had some rather grandiose ideas about linking up with Lee’s Army that I’m a little skeptical of. Something else that I found odd was that, although, he utterly despised the incompetent, Political General Nathaniel Banks, he seemed to have some strange admiration for the thieving, barbarous, Political General Benjamin Butler.
      I think it’s probably because Butler had been a friend of the family, who had actually suggested Taylor’s ex-Brother-in-Law, Jefferson Davis, as a U. S. Presidential Candidate.

      • Kirby Smith was a good and brave man. But, as you said, was out of his depth commanding the armies in the Trans-Mississippi theater.

        Taylor was perhaps the most learned gentleman among the generals of the war on either side. His writing style and content was far above the usual quality of war memoirs. He had a dark sense of humor too, like D.H. Hill. And his assessments of McClellan, Lincoln, Grant, Bragg, Joe Johntson were spot on. He was rather unfair to Longstreet. I think he shared the resentment many Southerners felt towards Longstreet at that time.

        Butler was a colorful character. A skilful lawyer, a cunning politician and a brilliant orator ( read one of his funniest speeches here: https://www.nytimes.com/1865/01/30/archives/gen-butler-at-lowell-what-he-has-to-say-for-himself-his-own-version.html ). He was a Democrat, and before the war, was considered to be one of the most pro-southern and pro-slavery politicians in the North. However, when the war started, he suddenly shifted his position and began acting like a Black Republican.

        But so far as political generals go, he was at least somewhat competent and he was not a complete scoundrel like Halleck or Stanton. He did not pillage the Southern people as severely as the likes of Hunter, Sherman, Sheridan did. Perhaps that was the reason for Taylor’s soft spot for him.

        • Thank you, that is a very well thought out reply. I shall have to take all of those things into consideration. Still, it’s very hard for me to find a “soft spot” for Butler. The only spot that I can think fitting for him would be at the bottom of a chamber pot.

  2. I don’t know of any historical parallel to this. We’re worshipping images of the lesser gods of the minorities (black, jew, muslim, etc.) in our own land, and giving them cultural and political control without a threat or a need to compromise with them. It’s so insane, because it’s totally unnecessary. Our idiotic elites are giving away everything for nothing. I sometimes think some powerful organizations must be putting LSD in the water supply.

    It can’t be that the peasantry needs to be replaced. Look at how docile we are. We’re cooperating with them through not reproducing, and faithfully following their educational and media programming regimes. The rich can do whatever they want, whenever they want. They can actually get transfusions of young blood, force society to accept perversions that make it easier for them to indulge themselves however they wish, take away dissidents’ ability to express themselves or make a living, and on and on. And the so-called replacements are dangerously savage, compared to us. I can only conclude that there is a force of great evil behind all this, because little of what’s happening is reasonable. The forces and influences that made society good, moral, and cooperative are being systematically inverted, if not marginalized or destroyed. These are incredibly warped times.

    • @Rich L., eloquently & powerfully said , as is your usual.

      Drove my Mother around on a couple of errands yesterday, and the talk turned to the ever increasing level of the anti-White…She actually did the “I hate it for all of you & my grandkids, but I won’t be here much longer ” bit.

      Something inside of me detonated with renewed FIRE.

      • Most generous praise, Carl. Thanks very much! I wish more of us would feel the way you do about the fight to save our people and civilization.

        • My favorite rebuttal to the “I’ll be dead before that happens” quip, is, that our ancestors had a very similar saying, but it meant something entirely different, their’s was, “Over my dead body.” That pretty much sums up the difference in a nutshell.

  3. What the Florida!!!

    Well, it’s a good thing that the RETARDicans held on to the governorship in Tallahassee, huh?

    • The one positive is yet another reality check: We can’t delude ourselves again that someone signaling that he’s ‘our guy’ is any better than the most virulent anti-White poc. It’s much worse to watch these traitorous White cucks doing this sh#t.

  4. You have to ask yourself though – why is it that the statue of the Confederate general Albert Pike – located in Washington, D.C., will never be torn down or replaced? It’s because he is highly revered by the Freemasons – he was the highest level Freemason during his time and his book, “Morals and Dogma”, is handed out to every new Freemason initiate. Did I mention that Pike exalts Lucifer as the Angel of Light in this book – numerous times – and also refers to our God as the “Empire of Darkness”?

    People – you have to dig a bit to discover that there is a whole other agenda that goes beyond The Tribe (although they are part of it). It all leads to the coming New World Order.

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