In this latest round of low-carb dieting, I have been looking at new ways to incorporate leafy green vegetables into my diet as both sides at supper time and as snacks that can be prepared in bulk, portioned out into meals and used throughout the day to quell my appetite.
We’ve already looked at Peel-a-Pound Soup and Southern Boiled Cabbage. When I am on a low-carb diet, I usually like to start off the day with a cup of coffee and a solid breakfast. In between breakfast and supper, I will snack on cheese sticks, lean meats or one of these soups. Finally, I will usually have a meat and a side of vegetables for supper or some cheese based recipe.
Last night, I was inspired by reading this passage on the diet of slaves in Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman’s Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery:
“The high slave consumption of meat, sweet potatoes, and peas goes a long way toward explaining the astounding results shown in figure 34. The slave diet was not only adequate, it actually exceeded modern (1964) recommended daily levels of the chief nutrients. On average, slaves exceeded the daily recommended level of proteins by 110 percent, calcium by 20 percent, and iron by 230 percent. Surprisingly, despite the absence of citrus fruits, slaves consumed two and one half times the recommended level of vitamin C. Indeed, because of the large consumption of sweet potatoes, their intake of vitamin A was at the therapeutic level and vitamin C was almost at that level. Of course, the fact that the average daily nutrient content of the slave diet was good does not mean that it was good for all slaves. And even the best-fed slaves experienced seasonal variation in the quality of their diet, due to the limitations in the technology of food preservation during the antebellum era.”
Did you know that antebellum slaves had a better diet than modern free blacks? How many morbidly obese slaves have you heard about dying from heart attacks, strokes and diabetes?

I thought to myself … what was the secret of their success? What was the Slavery Diet? The diet of slaves was optimized for hard labor on the plantations.
In one cup of chopped collard greens, you have 858% of the daily recommended levels of Vitamin K, 80% of Vitamin A and 46% of Vitamin C. Vitamin K strengthens your bones and consumption of collard greens reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality. Slaves used to eat plenty of meat and collard greens and sweet potatoes.
I’ve been looking for super foods that are spicy and Southern and last night I tried out PhillyBoyJay’s Spicy Collard Greens. I thought it was great. I have plenty of leftovers to snack on next week too.
I honestly haven’t had Collards before, Collard greens is basically a African-American southern dish right? I always see blacks gush about them Collard greens boi haha lol About the only vegetable I’ve seen them get excited about, almost in the same way as they do with fried chicken and watermelon
I heard its like kale sort of right?. I’m actually growing some kale right now but i’m not sure if these cursed cabbage moths/worms are going to ruin my batch like last year. I’m using a natural herbicide this time but I don’t want to use chemicals
Both races ate it back in the plantation days. It is more associated with blacks though
My mom used to fix greens, mustard or collard, with hammocks, bacon and butter and hog fat and cooked in their own juices. We ate vegetables seasoned with meat, as she called it.
Collards are good, and are almost as satisfying as a meat dish alone. They are like kale, but they have much more of a bite and substance. Collards taste good in soup with a chicken stock, onions, garlic, and some wild rice and/or black eyed peas or pintos. I like to add finely chop smoked chicken. Most people like collards with pork, but I think they go best with mild soups with beans, peas, and a poultry base.
If you aren’t worried about cholesterol, chop them up and saute them in some bacon grease with garlic, onions, and diced apples.
I love collards and mustard greens.
I was in Austin, TX, recently (I know, but it was for business) and the 24 Diner had collards to die for. I really mean to die for! It made the looney bin a tad tolerable. It’s more freaky than people think. That place will never be invaded by aliens… or humans.
What do they taste like? Spinach? (Cooked spinach makes me gag)
I only like spinach in a salad, or in a recipe for a dip dish. (Knorr Vegatable Dip). This stuff disappears during the Christmas holidays in the upper midwest0 mayo, sour cream, water chestnuts, bread and spinach with the mix……
Collards taste more like kale to me, but they are far more substantial than most greens. It’s one of the few greens that can take the place of meat on a plate, and still leave you satisfied afterwards.
Collards also go very well with meat. Pan fry a ribeye and quickly saute some chopped collards in the rat left in the pan to see what I mean. As much as I like spinach, collards are much more of a meal than wilted cooked spinach.