Year Three of the Trump presidency: the collapse of the border, constant tweets about presidential harassment, defending Israel’s honor 24/7, etc.
Presidential Harassment!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2019
I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said. They are destroying the Democrat Party, but are weak & insecure people who can never destroy our great Nation!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2019
We’ve noticed a shift in Blompf’s rhetoric.
He is moving the Overton Window in a negative way now.
Has anyone noticed how Blompf’s rhetoric has totally changed? He identifies America with Israel in every other tweet now. He decries SOCIALISM. He used to be a nationalist, but now promotes Charlie Kirk conservative orthodoxy https://t.co/RgpOBPMee9
— EMPEROR ‘KINGFISH’ WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) July 21, 2019
I don’t consider trying to take those natural reactions people are having to the left and trying to steer them to Israeli nationalism as anything positive. That is why Trump is bad and should be attacked. Trump is 100% on board with “national conservatism.” https://t.co/4y8LLZZr0B
— Ulfric (@Ulfric74) July 21, 2019
You know election season has come when Trump is talking about the angel moms again. Time to bring them back in the spotlight to be toyed with for some more photo ops/electioneering. https://t.co/pfPmksB3Ga
— Ulfric (@Ulfric74) July 21, 2019
This is not a stretch…. pic.twitter.com/tuOMNpZTsC
— Jay P (@JayPuccetti) July 21, 2019
I am not ashamed to say that on all issues except “woke” issues (race/gender/sexuality) I agree far more with “the squad” than I do with Blompf. I don’t totally agree with them because they aren’t far left enough. As far as I know they are reformists and don’t want to abolish free-market capitalism, end all funding to the blood-soaked imperialist military and send weapons to Palestinian communists the way I do.
Yeah–we kinda knew you wouldn’t be ashamed to say it, heeb.
Shut up, kyke
Bonocorsi is a WOP, but not a good one like Julius Evola.
Spahnranch1969, your baseness is so conspicuous that I don’t read your posts; I smell them.
Couldn’t even spell it out directly: k-I-k-e. That’s a tell.
I don’t like the idea of the Left being “Woke” on issues of sex/race/gender/ immigration as if their viewpoint differed from the left. It does not therefore they are not “Woke” they are conformists. The concept of “White Awakening” and being red pilled however does indicative a revolutionary political and racial epiphany which is diametrically opposed to the dominant ideology. The left needs to quite trying to appropriate our terms. We are the true awakened ones!
Racial and religious agitation is the hallmark of the Jew.This is part of the realigning of party politics going on, and the promises made to Trump, that he is going to get re-elected. Blacks and foreigners will rise to take over the Democrat party and Jews and their money will migrate to the Republican side. The goal of the realigning strategy is to isolate white Christians outside of the two party system. And the architects of this scheme to marginalize the founding stock of white Christian America, the chosen.
KMac, having been played for a fool by Drumpf,
now thinks Drumpf will “pave the way” for the “real thing”.
someone like…Josh Hawley?
fact is, the Jews own the entire White political class. We
have only ourselves.
““pave the way” for the “real thing””
Its not an argument, its a new meme the (((conservative movement))) are using to get WN to vote for their shit again.
When Trump was running, they repeated two memes 1000s of times to shut down debate on Stormfront:
1) Trump is better than Hillary.
2) Trump has a chance, our (pro white) candidate does not.
““pave the way” for the “real thing””
I first noticed AmNats using it on CaptBlackPill’s feed a couple of days ago. So get used to it, they are going to repeat it 10s of thousands of times in WN circles for the next year.
Can’t believe Kmac is turning into a boomer cuck for Blumpf how pathetic wanglin still does the trump dick riding routine thing too every now and again i don’t know why
Better then hilary or trump trolls the libtards epic style is not a argument anymore for voting for this orange piece of shit
Kmac is a great guy with a first class intellect but a lot of older men like him tend to become a bit too credulous for their own good.
For day-to-day information, Ryan Girdusky’s populist mailing list is a good complement to Axios and other mainstream news aggregators. As a result of today’s edition, I learned that McConnell is pushing another budget deal that predictably funds all donor class priorities and nothing of value for the ordinary American. Trump is expected to sign.
I think it’s important not to give too much of a shit about the Palestinians. It’s an expression of gross pathological outgroup altruism given that the Palestinians do not care about us.
Caring about the Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, Venezeulans and North Koreans is the American dissident nationalist eqivalent of the “refugees welcome” mindset.
How about we save our sympathy for our own?
Lew .. is that short for Lewenstein? Or perhaps Lewenberg?
Silence, Lew the jew.
Those four colored ladies are the good guys in this latest stupid Trump conflict. So far all that orange buffoon has done is get into fights with politicians and celebrities – when he’s not sucking up to his jew masters or betraying his white middle class voter base.
Caring a great deal about people such as the Palestinians who basically don’t give a fuck if you’re alive or dead is definitely indicative of a confused reasoning at best and pathology at worst.
In this tweet Trump seems to refer to Israel as ‘our country’.
(it starts at 1:03)
“But I hear Omar put in a sanctions bill against Israel, and other things beyond sanctions, so when I hear that, you just can’t talk about our country that way”.
Of course, his defenders can just claim the comment ‘you can’t talk about our country that way’ simply referred back to his earlier criticism of Omar’s comments against the US. Considering Trump has a tendency to speak like a demented idiot, they could very well be right. But it sounds awful.