AOC: White Supremacy Is a Mind Virus!

I’m actually not a white supremacist.

I do not believe White people are a superior race. I see evidence all around me to the contrary. It’s more like I am comfortable in my own skin. I identify as White. I think White people have lots of problems. I stick up for White people because no one else is willing to do so.

We’re not living under anything resembling “white supremacy” in the United States. If white supremacists were in power, AOC and The Squad wouldn’t be tolerated in Congress. From 1901 until the 1970s, there were no black representatives in the U.S. Congress from the South. It took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to dismantle the Jim Crow South.

AOC is currently the best thing that white supremacy has going for it. If AOC is against white supremacy, it couldn’t have been that bad, right? White supremacists would have already sent her back. They didn’t want tens of millions of AOCs flooding into our country from the Third World.

It’s a damn shame that the Civil Rights Movement gave us the Immigration Act of 1965. It was the single worst law ever passed in American history.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “You will become a minority in your own country, and you will like it.”

    Would it be good for the Chinese to become a minority in China? Nigerians a minority in Nigeria? Turks a minority in Turkey? The whole notion is absurd. They think whites will meakly allow them to steal this country away from us. They are wrong.

  2. White Europeans are the creative inventors of all that makes civilization exist.

    How is that not superior???


    Let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him.

    His printing presses and Radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him.

    Rabbi Rabinovich

    • Not to mention the machines of fast, mass transportation which have enabled the unarmed invasions of his homelands.

  3. White Europeans are the creators of all inventions of civilization.

    How is that not superior???


    Let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him.

    His printing presses and Radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him.

    Rabbi Rabinovich

    • I believe your quote from the parasite rabbi but could you give a source that quotes or discusses him?

    • That is because you love to hide behind women more than glory.

      A Jewess has taken your lands and you have destroyed your colonial empires in a moral crusade for feminism, which was nothing more than you lusting after the prize of other’s.

      Good luck to you in your future struggles European cousins.

  4. Not sure if anyone here is following the India vs Pakistan spat over Kashmir, but a repeated theme is the fear that India will swamp the native Kashmiris with outsiders. This from the Guardian:

    “Lifting restraints on the purchase of land and permanent settlement by outsiders is almost as inflammatory: many fear a consequent demographic shift.”

    Oh, those RACIST Kashmiris! Why can’t they see that they need some diversity to strengthen their ancient Muslim enclave?

  5. “I do not believe White people are a superior race. I see evidence all around me to the contrary.”

    A bit meek. And someone who fancies himself as an advocate of his race should never go so so far to publish such a view.

    Go to the symphony hall instead of “Lion King” and restore your believe a bit.

    • Its not meek, its just logical to state so we are not in any position to claim supremacy

      Thats true tho, I disavow hunter watching lion king but the Symphony hall although I enjoy it can be pretty pricey I think you meant belief not believe

  6. “White supremacist”, “racist”, “Nazi” are all anti-White hate slurs used to demonize and silence Whites.
    There is, however, a very serious malady we need to be healed of, a malady which is at the source of our decline: White self hatred.

  7. Just being White already tags us as White supremists. They won’t be happy until they chase the last White man down on earth. There’s been a war on for millennia and we are the enemy. Just look at all the destructive brother wars in the past centuries. That’s undeniable proof.

    • True you don’t even have to be a supremacist to be slured with anti white speech you could even be apolitical normie and even tho hunter doesn’t carry the title or endorse white supremacy he will still be labelled as such by our enemies just for voting for potatus blumpf

  8. White supremacy means ruling over nonwhites, which I do not want. (I don’t know any white person who is a supremacist). Separatism means separating from nonwhites into our own homelands and allowing nonwhites to have their own homelands.

    I am a separatist and I want the establishment of a white homeland on this continent for my people. The nonwhites and liberals can have America, since it is gone anyway.

    • Then you are a “hater” Stephania! Think about it: if you look back into our history you soon find that blacks were brought to our shores in a state of slavery, and none of our forbears could do anything about it, protest against this illicit trade as they may, and did. Hence, they were given no choice other than to enslave blacks. But it is not as though blacks derived no benefits from this arrangement. They did. Many.

      I have no real desire to rule it over blacks (or Hispanics, or whomever) either, but we, like our honorabe, patriotic forbears are given no choice by the powers that be. I’m not going to be ruled by black savages, give me a break. I could give two hoots about ruling it over them, but they are here to stay, so here we are. White Supremacy over black inferiority? Well, of course. No self-respecting White would ever act as though there was some kind of “equality” between the races.

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