Mooch Is Disavowed!

Told you so.

I’ve said for years that the first sign that Blompf had sold out to the Republican donor class was the appearance of Mooch on the transition team. A real populist would have never had anything to do with him. Where would Blompf be today if he hadn’t embraced these people?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. With a nickname like “The Mooch” who would want to hang with such a parasite? The mooch Omarosa lasted longer in the Administration solely because Trump had to pussyfoot around the darkie for fear of negative racial accusations. What? It happened anyway? I do credit Kelly for firing the damn obnoxious bitch but it took way too long.

    In all fairness to Trump, I think a saboteur recommend The Mooch for the White House position. Probably the same one that recommended Manigault.

  2. Funny how none of the thousands of people who have associated with Blormp over the past 40 years seem to have anything good to say about him. Sooner or later they all have a falling-out with that bum. The only one I can think of who still remains close to him is the cross-dressing queen Rudy Guiliani.

  3. during my NYC bike-messenger years (1974-94) I hand delivered legal documents for signature to Drumpf 2X. On both occasions he signed the doc and delivery ticket and shoved them back @ me w a $100 tip.

    there: one of the “thousands of people who have associated with Trump” has said something good about him.

    this aside, Drumpf is the worst anti-White, Jew-stooge, globohomo Prez yet.

    • ‘Tis true, that *some* people in NJ who have worked for him, either at his golf course in Bedminster or in other capacities, actually like him. They call him caring even while a narcissist, and genuine in both.

      But if you ask some of the people who worked or contracted for him in Atlantic City, many hate his guts.

      At the end of the day, none of that matters because he is exactly what you call him.

  4. I agree with the Mooch in this one thing. Trumpenbergstein already has turned on the country. The MIGApedes are the only ones who don’t know it.

  5. This is what happens when you fill your cabinet with swamp replacements subversive heebs, and people of questionable character. Laughing at blumpf for continuing to say he makes the best choices you put these shitty people in you deluded potato

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