Occidental Dissent 2019 Fundraiser

UPDATE: We’ve raised $1,826 out of $4,000.

2017 and 2018 were terrible years for our movement.

In the 2016 presidential election, we got pumped and dumped by Donald Trump, and then we were disavowed and hung out to dry and left to absorb the fallout from his election. It came in the form of chronic Antifa street violence, social media censorship, financial deplatforming and frivolous lawsuits which have taken a toll on our movement. Then came all the infighting and recriminations.

As far as this website goes, we have been banned and censored by Twitter, Google/YouTube, PayPal, Donately, Donorbox, Popmoney, Square, Disqus, Venmo, Stripe and Google Pay. There have probably been other services, but those are the ones which come to mind. I forget all the alternative payment processors we used like Rootbocks, GoyFundMe, FreeStartr, MakerSupport and so forth until they were also shutdown. We’ve also been sued for $10 million in a civil suit for allegedly causing James Fields, Jr. to crash his Dodge Challenger into that crowd of folks in Charlottesville. I had never heard of Fields until I saw him on the news. I wasn’t even in Albemarle County at the time. Last year, we raised $5,000 to hire a lawyer to deal with that issue. The lawyer was paid off and the court case is still pending. It seems like it is taking forever to get the matter resolved. We are still not out of the woods yet. It looks like the Charlottesville lawsuits are set to finally go to trial next year.

As other websites and organizations have crashed, Occidental Dissent was fortunate to survive this winnowing process and has been rebounding in 2019. I’ve refocused my energies on producing content on a daily basis. I just try to add value now by keeping up with the news, doing alternative punditry, sharing my knowledge of history, sharing tips about how to eat right and networking in real life. This website has never been more productive and active than it is today. I couldn’t be happier with the way things are going. In the year ahead, we are going to be a refuge from the stupidity of the 2020 election cycle.

I have one small favor to ask.

We’re putting our son in a private school here in the Deep South. He just started kindergarten. I sink a lot of my time into building and maintaining this platform out of sheer idealism and it would be a big help to us if we could raise $4,000 to offset the cost of his annual tuition. As with this stupid lawsuit, it would be one less thing that we have to worry about in this household and one more reason to justify spending more of my time here doing both what I love and I am good at.

Occidental Dissent will return to regular posting about a week from now. Thanks for your support.

P.O. Box:

This is the safest, most reliable, most anonymous way to donate to us:

Brad Griffin

P.O. Box 1214

Eufaula, AL 36072

If you write us a check or a money order, make it out to Brad Griffin.


I’m still not sure how Bitcoin works, but I am getting up to speed:


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent