French Toast: David French and Jonah Goldberg Out At National Review

Big news in cuckservatism tonight.

We’ve known for a while now that Jonah Goldberg was leaving National Review to launch his own knock off version of The Bulwark. It turns out that David French is leaving with him and tagging along at this new venture after becoming a lightning rod this summer.


“Trump skeptics in the conservative media are gaining steam, adding two new outlets which are prepared to fight for attention among Republicans frustrated with the president.

National Review stalwart Jonah Goldberg this week announced the creation of The Dispatch, a site for conservatives who are skeptical of the president, which will compete with The Bulwark, launched earlier this year by former Weekly Standard co-founder Bill Kristol and commentator Charlie Sykes. …”

It is a strange world.

The Never Trumpers are clearly being downgraded within mainstream conservatism. True Conservatives are also leaving Congress like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker. And yet, they retain so much power within the Trump administration, the GOP Congress, the state legislatures and the federal courts that they have managed to ruin the Trump presidency.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Arian,

      It’s an occupational hazard French has had to deal with from kissing so many zio-con asses. You’d think he’d shave the beard, but it would deprive him savoring the flavor.

    • It’s the Sacred Poop of the Self Chosen of the Volcano Demon God Yahweh, stupid insignificant GOY! You’re just JEALOUS of the sacred poop!

  1. So this is what the death of American conservatism looks like: a fat jew and a creepy pervert wandering away from a discredited magazine to form an even more obscure and irrelevant publication of their own.

  2. Their criticisms of Trump make no sense from a policy point of view. Trump has without a doubt governed as the most conservative President we ever have had. Trump really doesn’t get enough credit for how he has slavishly served Israel these past 3 years from these people. All he has to do is one thing they don’t like and they fly back into their NeverTrump rage.

    Other than Bill Kristol, French and few other clowns most of the 2016 NeverTrump have moved on and accepted Trump as one of their own.

    At this point the whole NeverTrump phenomenon just appears to be about sour grapes of the 2016 election cycle and the Trump twitter account. Conservatives like Dick Cheney and Matt Schlapp are thrilled with Trump.

  3. The Never Trumpers are clearly being downgraded within mainstream conservatism. True Conservatives are also leaving Congress like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker. And yet, they retain so much power within the Trump administration, the GOP Congress, the state legislatures and the federal courts that they have managed to ruin the Trump presidency.

    And it’s at this point that Hunter Wallace thinks the wisest political move is to dump Trump.

  4. Of all the news articles mentioning my departure from NR, this — hands down — has to be my favorite. “Huge proponent of drag queen story hour.”
    — David French

    Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV)
    5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

    May God rebuke you, French, so this nation will be warned by your godless perverted example.

  5. So much for the stereotype that jews are good with money. You would have thought that Goldberg would team up with Will Chamberlain at Human Events. Now there will be three neo-cuckservative news for GOP jews magazines that no one reads or respects.

    How many gold wrapped chocolate coins is it going to take for NR, The Bulwark, or The Dispatch to lure Hazony and his (((nationalist))) manifesto to their race to the bottom publications?

    • A-B-C testing the goyim. Once they find the angle that brings in readers and money, they will all flock to it like Jews to a coin.

    • Jews are good with money. THEY get to print it up. They can print as much as they. Their White male slaves have allowed the Tribe to do this for centuries!

      • White males probably had to crawl to the shylocks, so their hypergamous and never satisfied wives could live like aristocrats.

        Men left to their own devices live austere. It’s women that believe they need deserve castles and royal garments.

        • ‘So much for the stereotype that jews are good with money.’

          If u want to know many of the money getting tricks…

          Riddle of the Jews success by fritsch.

  6. S\As far as I’m concerned, such a comment as the one below DISQUALIFIES this “veteran” to be even an American citizen…..

    ” David French: My Black African Immigrant Daughter Is More American Than Your Native Born White Son!

    July 14, 2019

    In “Alt-Punditry” “

    hey, david french, go to your nearest “drag hour” meeting and leave the running of America to REAL Americans !!

  7. “National Review stalwart Jonah Goldberg this week announced the creation of The Dispatch, a site for conservatives who are skeptical of the president, which will compete with The Bulwark, launched earlier this year by former Weekly Standard co-founder Bill Kristol and commentator Charlie Sykes. …”

    I respond:

    Wow! Oy Vey! That’s some pretty hard core Kosher J Neo Cons there man! I personally ran in to Wisconsin J boy Neo Conman Charlie Sykes back in the early 1990s when I was promoting David Duke’s mainstream Conservative GOP success. Sykes actually wrote a decent book “Profscam” I met with him, didn’t know he was Jewish and just brought up the JQ – he went nuts.

    Anyway – m’thinks we just have to recognize this type, contain it, same as containing the worst diseased Ebola Black African migrants.

    No sorry Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes ain’t going to be dictating anything to regular White folks in Bowling Green KY or Greenbay Wisconsin.

    Hey Bill Kristol – how about doing a stint in the Israeli Defense Force IDF? Maybe you could lose a few of those flabby pounds in your gut. And NO, Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg and Charlie Sykes, you ain’t going to replace us with sub minimum wage 3rd world H1B happy slaves:

    You will not replace us!

    I’m sure most OD readers would like to #*$&#@ these Neo Cons. That’s understandable. But there are lots of other things we can and should do, let’s break up their conferences the same as Antif breaks up our.

    F**** them and any cuckservatives that will subscribe to their blogs, newsletters.

    • Hear-Hear !!

      Excellent comment – Americans and all around the Western/European world, whites with half a brain MUST detach completely from any cuckservative/jew/liberal philosophy and most importantly from anything that promotes democracy !

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