Oh no, Beto just dropped out of race for President despite him saying he was “born for this.” I don’t think so!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2019
Beto O’Rourke here again.
Today, I am announcing that I am suspending my flailing presidential campaign, which failed to catch fire with progressive voters, but succeeded in alienating moderates and conservatives and making winning in 2020 much more difficult for the eventual Democratic nominee.
“Former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas is dropping out of the presidential race, ending a campaign in which he struggled for months to recapture the energy of his insurgent 2018 Senate candidacy on a national stage full of other big personalities and liberal champions.
Mr. O’Rourke made the decision to quit the race in the middle of this week, on the eve of a gathering Friday of Democratic presidential candidates in Iowa, according to people familiar with his thinking. He is not expected to run for any other office in 2020, despite persistent efforts by party leaders and political donors to coax him into another bid for the Senate.
His campaign has been under extreme financial strain, and Mr. O’Rourke’s advisers concluded that proceeding in the race might have meant making deep cuts to his staff in order to pay for advertising and other measures to compete in the early primary and caucus state. …
Since then, Mr. O’Rourke has campaigned doggedly on issues related to guns and race, calling most notably for federal gun-control policies that would require owners of assault-style weapons to surrender them to the government. That’s a far more aggressive stance than most Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed. …”
I tried everything to get you to support me.
I livestreamed myself getting a haircut. I said that hell yeah the federal government is coming to seize your assault weapons. I said this country was founded on white supremacy. I confessed and admitted my own white privilege. I called Donald Trump a White Nationalist and blamed him for the El Paso shooting. I said that Trump was like Adolf Hitler and that it was no longer sufficient for White people to not be racist.
I would have continued saying extreme things like this, but I ran out of money and lacked “the means to move forward successfully.” Good luck to whoever wins in 2020. It won’t be me in the Texas Senate race because I destroyed any chance of having a political career there.
Maybe I will get a job managing a Whataburger.
It’s interesting to see the self flagellating white male candidates bite the dust
“extreme financial strain”
I personally jump-started Beto’s campaign with a $5 contribution. But
then didn’t send him anymore. Makes me feel
I’ve been busting my chops from laughter for the past 5 minutes……..
Ha! I should have sent one dollah. I didn’t, though.
I sent 5 ZOG bux to High Yellow Harris’ campaign and they haven’t stopped bugging me for more since then. You’d think I was a Zionist jew billionaire from Las Vegas, or something.
What a loss for America……. How will the US be able to recover from this tragic loss ??
No. No. Just…..no.
One less comedian to amuse us…
I’m surprised that goofy bastard didn’t get mercilessly ridiculed in the jewsmedia, madam. But then again he was promoting their anti-white, gun-grabbing agenda, albeit ineffectively.
Beto Skateboarding all over the entrance to the drive through and the exit of the building as people are trying to take their food to go while heading to their cars.
What a douche.
Wait, didn’t Truman do the same thing during the 1948 campaign?
A nasty man who wanted to nullify the second amendment rights of Americans and impose a homo tyranny on Christians.
Aside from the fact that Butthead was never really in the running, and didn’t have a real campaign as such, he can now get down to running for Mayor of Dallas.
Is Dallas really that far gone, Mr. Owen?
He fought the “guns” and the “guns” won…