Politico: The Massacre That Spawned The Alt-Right

In the history of bad takes on the origins of the Alt-Right, this is perhaps the worst hot take that I have ever seen and that is saying something:


“Death to the Klan!” On Saturday, November 3, 1979, that chant swept over Morningside Homes, a mostly black housing project in Greensboro, North Carolina, as dozens of protesters—some donning blue hard hats for protection—hammered placards onto signposts and danced in the morning sun.

The American left had largely given up on communism by then, but these demonstrators were full-on Maoists. Their ranks included professionals with degrees from places like Harvard and Duke. And they were descending on Greensboro, a city where sit-ins helped launch the civil rights movement in 1960, to ignite another revolution. They danced to a guitar player singing, “Woke up this morning with my mind set to build the Party.” Their children dressed in tan military shirts and red berets. They even brought an effigy of a Klansman, dressed in a white sheet and hood, which kids from the neighborhood joined in punching. …

The seeds for this iteration of white supremacy were planted 40 years ago in Greensboro, when the white wedding of Klansmen and Nazis launched a new, pan-right extremism—a toxic brew of virulent racism, anti-government rhetoric, apocalyptic fearmongering and paramilitary tactics. And this extremism has proven more durable than anyone then could imagine. …”

Today is the 40th Anniversary of the Greensboro Massacre.

As a Xennial, I was one of the oldest people who was involved with the Alt-Right and the Greensboro Massacre occurred before even I was born. By the time that I was in college, Glenn Miller and Harold Covington were already marginal figures in the White Nationalist movement. Neither of them had anything to do with the creation of the Alt-Right.

The Greensboro Massacre was an episode that occurred in the late 1970s during the first wave of White Nationalism. Glenn Miller was born in 1940. Harold Covington was a Boomer who was born in 1953. When I first encountered them in the 2000s, Pastor Martin Lindstedt challenged Glenn Miller to a fight in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Granby, MO. Harold Covington wrote an entire book about me called Freedom’s Sons in which I was cast as his arch nemesis as the president of the United States. In the book, I was assassinated by my mistress in the Oval Office.

These people were considered a laughingstock to us at the time. I used to taunt Glenn Miller on online forums in the 2000s about his Declaration of War in which he vowed to go out in a blaze of gunfire. I remember how he wanted to be buried with the sword in his hand while giving a Sieg Heil. For over a decade, I dismissed Glenn Miller as a blowhard and a cartoon Nazi as he ran for political office in Missouri and distributed a crude newspaper called The Aryan Alternative. I thought of him as a throwback to an earlier wave of White Nationalism.

Harold Covington and Glenn Miller really were throwbacks to White Nationalism 1.0

The Alt-Right was the second wave of White Nationalism. The origins of the Alt-Right can be traced back to an archipelago of online forums in the 2000s. It was spawned during the George W. Bush presidency and appealed to people my age and younger who were alienated by the Iraq War and who rejected mainstream conservatism. Richard Spencer founded the Alternative Right webzine in 2010. The movement grew on forums like 4chan before taking off during Trump’s 2016 campaign. It was a symptom of the global rise of populism and nationalism.

The Greensboro Massacre did not “spawn” the Alt-Right. The origins of the Alt-Right are in more recent history: the rise of the internet since the 1990s, social media and the smartphone since the 2000s, the loss of faith in political parties, the political class and the mainstream media since the 1970s, the rise of globalization since the 1990s, the backlash against mass immigration, political correctness and multiculturalism which has been brewing since the 1970s, partisan polarization since the 1990s, resentment over the consequences of feminism which has led to a rise involuntary celibacy, the acceleration of changing racial demographics, and so on.

The populist and nationalist resentments which have been brewing and which led to the Alt-Right in the United States have parallels in all Western countries. The true cause can be neatly summed up as a reaction against unprecedented, unwanted and undesirable social changes that White people dislike which are certain to intensify in the 2020s and 2030s. Just as the Alt-Right replaced White Nationalism which became antiquated in the 2000s, a third wave will eventually replace the Alt-Right in the future as it expands into a younger and larger disaffected audience.

I aspire to one day being as old and long in the tooth to my successors as Glenn Miller and Harold Covington appeared to me back in the day.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m hoping for the creation of an Alt-Reich, but most white Americans are still too passive, selfish or indifferent to care much about their racial survival.

    • That seems to be the way it’s going, with young fellows putting up flyers that say, “it’s ok to be White”.

    • Good thing i finished my lunch twenty minutes ago… otherwise I would have spit out my drink laughing at the idiocy of that statement. Linder leading ANYTHING is a hoot.

  2. Even Glenn Miller who was clearly an agent after early release from prison admitted on the VNN forum that the man who organized the event (the name escapes me right now) was an agent. So file this under psyop as well (I know, I am a bit boring, but what can you do).

  3. The alt right seems like an attempt to turn white nationalists into Trump supporters to increase the size of the population, with the understanding that in order to grow some ideological orthodoxy would have to go (such as excluding all jews, focusing only on race etc.)

    I don’t think Alex Linder had much to do with it and Miller was basically a Linderite who then became a mass shooter. He could be written in jail if you’re into true crime writing.

  4. Wait- that book was about you?
    I always assumed you adopted the name from the book. Strange. I always knew Covington was a hyperemotional slanderer but never knew it was to that extent.

    • The book wasn’t “about Hunter” but he is the primary antagonist (well a fictionalized version of him is) because Covington hated him at the time of writing. It’s basically the story of a North-West Republic being concerned that they are going to get nuked by the neighboring U.S.A. and so spies are sent in to assassinate President Hunter Wallace and his inner circle to take out the threat and send a message

      I still liked the book in all other regards.

      • “I always knew Covington was a hyperemotional slanderer but never knew it was to that extent.”
        Yup. The obese slob was a jerk, first class.

  5. So, I did a bit of research. I must laud my memory, remembering a more than twelve year old forum post is not too shabby. I have now found Glenn Miller quote concerning Greensboro:

    “Eddie Dawson, a so-called security chief for Virgil Griffin’s NC klan group, who was actually working for the cops all along as an informer. He was, in fact, in charge of the Klan/Nazi anti-communist demonstration, that day.”


    And elsewhere I found the juicy testimony of another man:

    “And what was Virgil Griffin doing driving through Greensboro, the morning before the attack, before the sun came up, with police agent and FBI informant Eddie Dawson, with a copy of our parade permit in their lap? What exactly were they doing?”


    So you see, Charlottesville was nothing new. ZOG stages the same psyops over and over again. And why not? They have a success quote of 100 percents because most members of the movement are retards who are easily tricked.

  6. @Joao Freedom’s Sons is a highly amusing read—Covington was a good writer—and while I found President “Hunter Wallace”, a onetime federal informant still bitter that the Movement had united behind the Old Man, pure hilarity, it was immature and I would have been upset were I Griffin.
    The Northwest Quintet is some thrilling fiction, and can be more purely enjoyed now that Covington is deceased, and it is more artifact of an earlier White nationalism than directive. One thing you’ll note in the books is the marginal role of the Internet, and when The Brigade and Freedom’s Sons were being written was exactly when 4chan was getting radicalized and the Alt-Right was emerging. WN 1.0 saw Internet activism more as cowardice, a retreat from the real world, whereas now we know it’s fed the redpilling of a new generation, many of whom are going into the real world in the Groyper War today.

  7. I remember that Greensboro massacre well. One of the communist victims was an acquaintance of mine who had been in my home. His story was a sad one and his actions would seem inexplicable to most everyone. He was a real fan of Stalin.

  8. A great article – worthy to be front page as morning “ARISE” bugle call, a siren sounding off in every newspaper !!

    Such an accurate and descriptive analysis of the reasons. The reasons that have brought each one of us,here, today.
    The following can EASILY be applied as a analytical social diagnosis for European as for other Western white nations:
    (the phrase ‘Alt-right’ can easily be interchanged with the ‘Identitarian’ word)
    “…….The origins of the Alt-Right are in more recent history: the rise of the internet since the 1990s, social media and the smartphone since the 2000s, the loss of faith in political parties, the political class and the mainstream media since the 1970s, the rise of globalization since the 1990s, the backlash against mass immigration, political correctness and multiculturalism which has been brewing since the 1970s, partisan polarization since the 1990s, resentment over the consequences of feminism which has led to a rise involuntary celibacy, the acceleration of changing racial demographics, and so on.

    The populist and nationalist resentments which have been brewing and which led to the Alt-Right in the United States have parallels in all Western countries. The true cause can be neatly summed up as a reaction against unprecedented, unwanted and undesirable social changes that White people dislike which are certain to intensify in the 2020s and 2030s. Just as the Alt-Right replaced White Nationalism which became antiquated in the 2000s, a third wave will eventually replace the Alt-Right in the future as it expands into a younger and larger disaffected audience. “

    Here. We are here in our current status socially, economically we can even claim, spiritually.

    Here in our common state of talking points our shared view points – for the most part – as we slowly but surely come to recognize the ailments that plague us individually as we make it through our daily lives or collectively. as we begin to recognize patterns.

    Patterns, a unique filter of sorts that appears to arise from somewhere deep in our racial subconsciousness, in our inherent historical ‘dna’.
    A filter, an aid, through which we seem to recognize the patterns unfolding today before our eyes, as they sway and move before us and bringing and pushing ‘winds’ of dark changes, like dark heavy clouds ever encroaching towards us from the horizon.

    We recognise our demise even if for some of us, we are unable or unwilling to NAME it.

  9. The combination of jewish communist infiltration and implementation of the protocols of the learned elders of zion launched the “Alt-Right.” In other words, jews through their anti-White Heterosexual Christian activities spawned the Gentile’s immune response. This reaction shouldn’t have caught the jews off guard, after all, it’s happened to them 109 times before.

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