About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Anglo-Saxons (together with their jewish partners) cancelled the Germans from academia in 1914 (Revilo Oliver has an interesting essay on this subject), now their partners decided they don’t need them any more. I understand their grievances and I admit that they were the original middlemen on the jewish slave plantation but one has to say that they are not exactly without any guilt in the demise of the White race.

    • Out of all the European races In Britain the Anglo-saxon (with the proportional exceptions) has been the best gift to the jews.

      Very malleable and eill to conform a kind of ‘plastik’ mentality.

      Lets not forget the piece of S*HT “Queen” Oliver Cromwell and the fact that HE/SHE alone gave entry to Jews back to England as well as the freedom to practice their “faith” openly!

    • It’s worth remembering that the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ aristocrats have actually been Franco-Normans since 1066. With French female fidelity being what it is, those aristocrats could literally be anything.

      • This is right. But there has been some trickle-down-effect from the aristocracy to the middle class and even the proles. So I find the English are quite “special” in their deceitfulness and hypocrisy as a whole.

      • My great grandfather said it was half German yid aristocrats that pushed for the highland clearances, replacing the highlanders with sheep, to make more coin on marginal lands. So it seems the Franco Normans were replaced in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, largely by intermarriage. Money talks.

        One thing I know the Stewart’s I know IRL are real ugly looking people, you wouldn’t think they were Celt or Norsk.

        An interesting read.


    • The Jews supported Germany in WW1 up to the Balfour Declaration. Germany was at the heart of the Thirty Years war, and outside of Austria and Prussia served with Napoleon’s armies.Not to denigrate Germans who should be proud of their culture, but this obsession with WW2 and blaming everyone for your kinsmen’s defeat and questionable actions (everything past the Anschluss) blinds you from the fact that your people have caused far more harm to Europe than the hated Anglo who spent their peak imperial years trying to prevent another Napoleonic War whereas your people spent their peak imperial years encouraging and later starting 2 world wars. Learn to zoom out and see the broader picture.

      And within the Southern context, it was the British government (during the rev) and later the Union who decided to use German soldiers to pacify the Anglo and Scots-Irish of the South.

      There’s more White blood on the hands of the German than the Anglo. Remember that.

      • A very garbled version of world history in my view. The English always played the White nations against each other and called that “balance of power”. And the English were together with the jews the driving force in the two big wars in which White nation decimated each other (but the English cleverly avoided great losses), and the whole race embarked on a decline which might lead to the wholesale extinction. The English are very clever in their deceit and hypocrisy. For me it is hard to tell where the Englishman ends and the jew begins. And our current rulers are often hybrids from the English aristocracy and the jews (Miles Mathis is quite good at bringing this point to the focus).

        So I am obviously not a fan of the English and the whole Anglo-sphere. But one should probably not harp too much about the past. But I don’t expect much from them in the future as well. But if they would prove me wrong I would gladly take it.

        • “A very garbled version of world history in my view. The English always played the White nations against each other and called that “balance of power”

          Honestly, citation needed. Considering how bloody the wars in Europe were between the continental powers, tell me how England intiated any of them? If Anything, England’s government always attempted to stop them from getting as far as they did.

          ” And the English were together with the jews the driving force in the two big wars in which White nation decimated each other”

          Citation needed. Austria started WW1 and Germany Started WW2. You have to get into some pretty esoteric reasoning to prove otherwise. WW1 and WW2 didn’t need to happen but from German greed but it did.

          Austria didn’t need to invade Serbia. Germany didn’t need to declare war on Russia. Germany didn’t need to invade Belgium.

          Germany Didn’t need to invade Czechoslovakia. Germany didn’t need to invade Poland.

          Please, and of course you don’t really address history prior to the two world war which might prove your narrative about England being the pawn of the Jews wrong. Germans and the French have been spilling the blood of Whites across Europe for centuries and somehow it’s England’s fault.

          England isn’t perfect either, but it’s just amusing that Germans have to come up with these fantastic “Eternal Anglo” fairytales to justify their history. The French don’t and no one cares. No Frenchmen is snotting around on the forums saying the whole world should have just let Napoleon conquer them because it would have saved Western civilization. Only Germans, and it’s quite the hypocrisy given their bloody history.

          • The war between the states was an Anglo Saxon vs Anglo Saxon bloodbath. Trying to put that disaster at the feet of the Germans is dishonest and historically incorrect.

            Germany didn’t start either world war in Europe during the twentieth century. The bloody cunts in Britain could not fathom another power dominating continental Europe and formed a coalition of the coerced to fight against Germany.

            Anyone that scratches a mm beneath the surface of the propaganda as history bullshit your trying to sell will discover the truth of the Anglo Saxon and jewish alliance against Germans and Germany.

          • Yeah, you cite nothing and display your school textbook “knowledge” but I should satisfy some scientific standards with proper footnotes. But generous as I am I will give you some reading advice (and I am sure you will declare the authors partial):

            For the malicious foreign policy towards the Continent since Elizabeth I. you might read Reventelow’s “The Vampire of The Continent”.


            For the backgrounds of the world wars and England’s role in it, you might read Harry Elmer Barnes’ books on WWI and Paul Rassiniers “Those Responsible for the Second World War”.

            But I know how futile it is to convince an chauvinistic Anglo…

          • November:

            This is like the small brain, glowing brain, big brain meme. Your portrayal of my argument as being “propaganda” is in itself a sign you have yet to move into the big brain part of the argument.

            The war between the states was an ethnic example, not a governmental one. It’s no secret that the armies of the North were populated largely by Germans, Irish and other foreigners. Lincoln himself may not have been a German but he used these non-Briton peoples to wage war against a British peoples.

            The example of the World Wars was to emphasize that both the German and the German governments have a lot of White blood on their hands. Most Americans, German Americans especially, have no intimate knowledge of German history and only are familiar with that and they like to bring it up as a cultural high period for Germans along with false narratives of persecutions.

            I’ve spent over a decade in this movement and I’ve heard all the nuanced arguments and not one of the rationalizations meet the actions with the possible invasion by the USSR being an excuse to invade the USSR. For a non-European example, look at the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

            – US embargoed oil to Japan
            – Japan knew they’d lose in a war with the U.S.
            – Japan attacked the U.S. in a decisive strike
            – Japan hoping Americans fear them enough to back off

            Japan made a terribly dumb move. Even if Roosevelt knew and let it happen it doesn’t change the reasoning of the move. Does saying they made a dumb move make me “falling for propagandized narratives”? The evidence is right there but I’m not allowed to draw a conclusion that doesn’t glorify Germany or her allies? WTF?

            Same can be said about WW1

            – Serbian Terrorist Assassinates Austrian Prince.
            – Austrians send list of demands to Serbia
            – Serbia agrees to all except 1 (allowing Austrian police to move and act with impunity in Serbia or something like that.)
            – Austrians declare war
            – Russia declares war

            Germany knows if it declares war on Russia, France will get involved, it doesn’t care. Etc. and so forth.

            Again, I don’t need to drudge up so document of some Jew somewhere in a Russian advisory role that hates Kaiser Wilhelm to see that Austria and Germany were actin irresponsibly and un-diplomatic. That war never had to happen. Somehow, somewhere, there’s apparently a secret British cabal using mind waves that made Austria and Germany go full retard.

            Give me a break Germans. The only addendum that should be added is that everyone involved in the Great War fiasco was a product of their times when they each thought that their Empire was the mightiest and deserved to throw their weight around at other Empires. But my point is that the Germans have no one to blame but themselves, not the British.

          • Outlander,

            You’re out of your mind and making up erroneous claims like your explanation for the War between the States. It was an ideological war between Anglo Saxons in the north invading the sovereign Anglo Saxon CSA. To say the war was simply governmental conflict misses the point entirely.

            I’m not going to type a 10,000 word essay on why Germany invaded Poland because the truth (not propaganda as busy) is already been expounded on innumerably already.

            Read this, and come back to me with your bs about the Germans being the villains.


            While your at it, you should acquaint yourself with some of the statements the drunken fat Rothschilds puppet Churchill made about the war in Europe.

            So you’ve been in “the movement ” for 10 years. Good for you. I’ve been active for nearly 30 years, and I have met Waffen SS Warriors and men that were submariners in the Kriegsmarine during WWII and heard their first hand stories.

            I bet you don’t know about the allied death camps that Eisenhower had for the German military personnel that surrendered, or the mass raping of German women of all agesby the Soviet Army which was a British and American ally.

            Even Pat Buchanan a AmNat paleoconservative wrote about the British and American plots to destroy NS Germany before any shots were fired in September of 1939 in his book “The Unnecessary War.”

            One last thing for you to ponder. Why did Britain go to war with Germany over a bs war guarantee, and then at Yalta give Poland to Joe Stalin (who btw also invaded Poland, but the jew controlled Brits didn’t declare war on the USSR). Hmm?

          • Outlander,

            As an Englishman myself, I enjoyed reading your comments, and you are right that this ethno-German fetishism among otherwise sympathetic Americans and German-Americans deserves some rebuttal. Thank you for giving these idiots a long overdue rhetorical kicking.

            But there is an important and significant caveat to my praise. I think you are wrong about the two world wars. Certainly the Second World War was initiated by Britain and France, not Germany. That is not to suggest Hitler acted perfectly, but Britain was – in my view – the villain of that hour. I believe that one of the keys to the fundamental cultural change needed is a broad popular acknowledgement of the moral and ethical sketchiness of the Allies and a more realistic assessment of Hitler, his intentions, beliefs and actions.

            I criticise my own country with regret, and with some reluctance – I am British myself – and one point on which I part company with the Germanist hysterics who comment here and elsewhere is that I don’t believe we British should apologise, nor should we carry any burden of guilt. The ordinary British have paid, and continue to pay, a high price for the errors and malignancies of our elites.

          • Tom Rogers,

            I wish that I could send you daughters some tubes of KY-Jelly, so the next time Mohammed rapes them, it will not hurt as much.

            F$ck you and cuck island. But you’re still speaking English, eh mate?

      • But you are right that I should have written “1917” instead of “1914” (although I have some doubts that the narrative of Benjamin Freedman is right that the media switched suddenly from pro-German to anti-German. One would expect some preparation for such an thoroughly enmity which is still carefully groomed in the media).

        • One thing I do know the Jews were far more numerous in English red lodges. The red lodges voted to fight with the soviets.The blue lodges voted to fight with Germany. Ultimately the English and their Jews out numbered the Scots and their Jews. Such was British politics before women could vote.

          That is all hidden forbidden history.

          So glad I swore no oath to serve those so called “Brothers”.

          Not only that the red lodges in the last what 10 years pushed to make all Freemasonry Christian degrees less “Anti-semitic” and to be more “Philo-semitic”.

          So even Freemasons no longer hold to their oaths, that is what happens when certain people betray other certain peoples.

          You want to know why the French “elite” are so messed up read up on Oriental Freemasonry.

          One good thing about London and the funny money, all the British Jews, particularly from Scotland are moving there, to create funny money wealth. Who needs trains?

      • Gast,

        Why should I waste my time reading yet more books on the subject matter? Would any of them substantially change everything? Will I look at it and be like “Oh shit, Hitler should have annexated all of Czechoslovakia!” or “Yes, I see it now, Germany’s invasion of Belgium in WW1 was totally justified!”

        I highly doubt it. I expect there to be apologetics and information attempting to justify the moves as necessary and/or humanitarian but ultimately caused more harm than good. I’m also not full on shilling for England as being completely perfect. I could cite the Crimean War or the Second Boer war as examples against England and even bring up the failure of England to get involved in the various Prussian wars on the Continent.

        However, at the end of the day, my point still stands that the Germans are responsible for more White blood on its hands than the Anglo. Whether it be because they’ve been the barbarians of Europe for thousands of years or whether it be because Great Powers have constrained German empire building, it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t.


        You may as well bring up lodges because that’s what all this “secret history” is supposed to be about. Books upon books of one guy who has “done the research” or was “in deep” just to tell me how the Anglican League Secret Church Society all voted to declare war against Germany and three of the five leading members were Jews so therefore, Germany was the victim.

        • Yeah, why should you read something, because you have already the History Channel talking points? But when others comment you act like a fucking Wikipedia-editor (“citation needed”). As always the hypocrisy and stupid arrogance of the Anglos is simply astonishing.

      • Tom Rogers,

        “But there is an important and significant caveat to my praise. I think you are wrong about the two world wars. Certainly the Second World War was initiated by Britain and France, not Germany. That is not to suggest Hitler acted perfectly, but Britain was – in my view – the villain of that hour. I believe that one of the keys to the fundamental cultural change needed is a broad popular acknowledgement of the moral and ethical sketchiness of the Allies and a more realistic assessment of Hitler, his intentions, beliefs and actions.”

        I agree with you that

        “the fundamental cultural change needed is a broad popular acknowledgement of the moral and ethical sketchiness of the Allies and a more realistic assessment of Hitler, his intentions, beliefs and actions”

        However, that really doesn’t excuse the general and broad statement that is made by these people that Germany was some force of pure good in the world and Britain a Jewish puppet. Germans (including Austrians) have perhaps one of the bloodiest histories on the continent of Europe. Sometimes rightly or wrongly. We don’t see that with the state of Great Britain so much, England being a bit sketchier with the Hundred Years war but that really was a Norman thing.

        As I stated earlier, England spent the highlight of it’s years policing the world and engaging in conflict with here and there with non-Whites (Boer war being the exception). Germany and Austria did the exact opposite. When looking at a conflict where Germany and Britain served side by side, the Boxer Rebellion, Germans behaved worse towards the Chinese than the British or Americans (though not as bad as the French or Russians arguably). Kaiser Wilhelm himself coined the pejorative “Hun” during that conflict.

        We aren’t dealing with people who are interested in facts though. We are dealing with people who don’t trust even the basic facts and would rather believe in the opposite. What bothers me particularly is that these people aren’t even making an honest critique about mistreatment of Germany at Versailles, blaming that bumbling Kaiser for WW1 or blaming America for the Jewing of West Germany. Honest and empirical analysis. Instead they blame Britain who drew lines in the sand and when Germany crossed it they declared war.

        If I told someone not to break into my friend’s property and we could discuss what they wanted in there and they broke in anyway, I’d go in and kick the shit out of them. Any man would be justified in doing that.

        Then someone writes a book about how the burglar rightfully deserved what was in there and that the whole locked door was a conspiracy I invented to keep that burglar down and out.

        Even if the writer’s story was true, the fact that the burglar didn’t attempt to negotiate isn’t a sign of the burglar’s virtue, it’s a sign of his stupidity. The burglar didn’t exhaust all options, and if he had his way he would have taken what he felt was his. No one with an ounce of justice in their soul would consider that the right course of action.

        What if the writer’s story isn’t true though? If it’s bullshit or circumstantial at best? Like I don’t like the burglar but that didn’t factor in to his action and punishment?

        These German Americans don’t think like this at all. Germany did a lot of bad things in the 20th century, and because Britain was the one that gave them the bloody nose, that means Union Jack man bad. When their own country, the U.S. and Russia did far more damage to their nation, it’s somehow Union Jack man that is bad.

        Why don’t I whine on and on about Hitler bombing Britain and murdering thousands of British citizens? Almost killing my own family on several occasions? Because I can look at the historical nuance around it. Something German-Americans cannot and will never do because it doesn’t fit their persecution MYTH of Germany.

        “I criticise my own country with regret, and with some reluctance – I am British myself – and one point on which I part company with the Germanist hysterics who comment here and elsewhere is that I don’t believe we British should apologise, nor should we carry any burden of guilt. The ordinary British have paid, and continue to pay, a high price for the errors and malignancies of our elites.”

        British elites are scum, but there’s nothing to apologize for. This argument has devolved from one about Germany to one about WW2 by Hitler worshippers. World War 1 was the gayest war to ever exist and it was Germans (Austrian and German) who created and then escalated it. Britain’s policy since its existence was to prevent another Thirty Years War or Napoleonic War by challenging other European powers.

        If Briton’s had our way, we’d be living in our comfy towns drinking our tea and beer and living jolly lives. But everyone knows that would never be allowed to happen without a powerful military keeping the wolves at bay. I’ll be happy when the German is able to find the joy of “Little Germany” in their hearts but history hasn’t shown that yet.

  2. So???

    Are you going to FINALLY stop whining and ORGANISE & PUSH BACK??

    When will the SAXON finally have ENOUGH ?????

    hey Brits, Anglo-Saxons, STOP BEING POLITE – What the FCK is wrong with you ???

    Raise your voices, make let your voice go one octave LOWER, make your speech NON empathetic and DEMANDING/AUTHORITARIAN.

    For FCK sake create an offensive character and run with it !!

    • The system that is in place was meant to achieve the demographic result that it has. When individuals try to point that out, they are crushed.

  3. We see this dumb shit amongst American-Germans bitching about WW2 in the comments, on SF and elsewhere all the time too among our movement.

    They can have their gay little ethnostate with the Scandinavians in Minnesota and in two or 3 generations time they will be importing Turks and Somalis. The only German peoples who are worth a damn are Austrians, Saxony DDR Germans and possibly Bavarians. The rest of your kin are happy to destroy themselves by voting for Mama Merkel’s refugees. The much maligned Anglos were the ones voting for Farage and Brexit.

    German Americans who are obsessed with WW2 are the real ones who we should be discussing optics with. It’s flabbergasting that there is all this blame put on Anglos when a lot of people in this dissident movement are Anglo or some sort of British mix and it’s people with German (and admittingly Irish) names that are doing the cringiest shit. I don’t even know why that stuff needed to be brought over to the Americas which isn’t uniformly German.

    All the Anglo hate is retarded too even within context because Germans were literally annexing and puppeting nations during the war and German Americans are just like “Should of just let Hitler conquer you lel”.

    No we should have let Mosely taken over, fighting Germany was inevitable when they decided to attempt at rebuilding the 2nd reich in the 3rd reich’s image.

    • Outlander,

      The cucks in buckingham palace and parliament were making plans to flee fag island for Canada, if the Germans launched Operation Sea Lion. The British always bite off more than they can chew and go running to the jews and/or Americans to save their sniveling pipqueak asses.

      Germany should have beaten the u.k. in both world wars, but hey then you wouldn’t have muslim rape gangs grooming anglo girls and you might’ve had to learn to be bilingual.

      • At least they planned to flee, instead of prepare orders to burn the entire country down instead of accept an unconditional surrender. I guess it would have been a more noble end to a people than seeing them for what they really are; a bunch of conformist blowhards. Germany doesn’t even need rape gangs since the women are so willing. Hell even the German mass shooter was a cuck bitch compared to Tarrant. Pretty standard German stuff. Everyone knows the best Waffen SS units were comprised of non-Germans.

        Bantz aside, if you can’t present the argument and only provide links and book recommendations, then you really don’t have an argument. People who try to present credentials instead of arguments have the weakest points. I know a guy irl who does that with climate stuff, he will throw scientist names and journals around with vague studies but doesn’t actually answer the questions presented to him by others. Weak stuff

        • Outlander,

          Really. Stick to MGTOW. Your take on the jew kay and the two world is more full of holes than all the cheese in Switzerland.

    • Both anglos and nords are just trying to out-cuck each other at this point. I don’t know who is worse, sweden or UK, but only meds and slavs can laugh and point fingers.

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