Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: The Lost Cause That Built Jim Crow

I’m far better versed in American history than the American Nationalists.

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, our Southern ancestors doused the flames of social revolution and crushed the first abolitionist movement in the Early Republic. Then a generation later, the Fire Eaters in the antebellum era led the resistance to the rise of Black Republicanism in the East which culminated in the creation of the Confederacy.

After the War Between the States, the Redeemers succeeded in Taking Back America (read: Dixie) and neutralizing the Reconstruction amendments in our homeland. They built Confederate monuments all over the South. As the South was colonized and exploited by Eastern capital around the turn of the 20th century, the Populist movement rose against the Eastern plutocracy and while it was also crushed most of its reforms were later adopted in law.

In the aftermath of World War II, our ancestors fought back against the Second Reconstruction, but they lost that battle to the Civil Rights Movement due to Jewish control of television. This brings us down to the present day and the mounting resistance to the Third Reconstruction.

New York Times:

“Joe Biden launched his presidential bid in April with a bold defense of the principle that “all men are created equal,” a principle he rightly argued that, from Thomas Jefferson on, “we haven’t always lived up to.” But, Mr. Biden added, this is something “we have never before walked away from,” and that’s where he went wrong. Like most Americans, the former vice president forgets the period ironically known as Redemption, the movement that followed the abolition of slavery and ended 12 years of America’s first experiment in interracial democracy — Reconstruction — with a systematic, multitiered, terrorist-backed rollback, when the defeated Confederate South, as the saying went, “rose again.”

The Redeemer base consisted primarily of white Southern Democrats whose most urgent intention was to neutralize the black vote, which under the protection of United States troops during Reconstruction had shown astonishing power in sending Republican majorities to Southern statehouses. (It is worth remembering that Democrats and Republicans occupied positions opposite to those of today’s parties with regard to “states’ rights” until around 1964.) In what we might think of as the first “Freedom Summer,” in 1867, some 80 percent of the black men eligible to vote in 10 of the 11 former Confederate states registered, and soon they were sending delegates to new state constitutional conventions on the basis of equal citizenship. Almost no one had anticipated the passion of the freedmen for the franchise (women didn’t get the vote until 1920), and in the 1868 presidential election, the ballots marked by these black men provided the margin of victory in the popular vote for Ulysses S. Grant. Black power had reared its head, and with it came more muscular state governments embracing investments in infrastructure and the region’s first statewide public school systems. …

Overall, more than 2,000 black officeholders would be elected during Reconstruction throughout the South, including, by 1901, a total of 20 black congressmen and two United States senators, both from Mississippi. The year 1901 denoted a mournful milestone in black history. By that year, Southern efforts to disenfranchise black men had been brutally effective, and no African-American would represent a Southern state in Congress again for more than 70 years. “

Naturally, we will be the leaders of the resistance.

It has always been this way. The primary difference is that now the entire country will have the demographics of Reconstruction Mississippi and South Carolina. The history of Reconstruction and how it ended in the South shows that demographics is not destiny.

If demographics was destiny, then South Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana would have succumbed to black majority rule. The sheer ferocity and will power of the Redeemers brought down Reconstruction in the South. In fact, there are monuments on the grounds of the South Carolina State Capitol to the leaders of the White Man’s Revolution of 1876. This is why it is so necessary to keep us tied down by mainstream conservatism and full of White guilt with leaders who are hopelessly cucked and who are unwilling to do anything to fight back because they are checkmated by the -isms and -phobias. The hallmark of these so-called conservatives is their lack of thymos or spirited virility which Plato described as one of three elements of the soul.

Wade Hampton III on horseback must not be allowed to happen again. The whole rotten edifice of Reconstruction in South Carolina collapsed in a single day. In fact, there wasn’t a RAHOWA to take back the state. The victory of the Redeemers in South Carolina was almost bloodless and only one man gave his life to spare generations of South Carolinians from black supremacy.

There is a monument to McKie Meriwether standing in North Augusta, SC:

I’ve shared the story of how this monument was dedicated before:

“One day, fifty-one years after the liberation when the freedmen of Charleston had honored the Martyrs of the Race Course, there was another grand celebration on the streets of a South Carolina town, and school children again assembled and sang, and prayers again read and orations again delivered, and again there was a march to unveil a memorial to the dead.

The state of South Carolina had provided some of the money to erect the monument, but private donations were raised, too, and the Hon. B.R. Tillman had contributed twenty-five dollars, and Mr. Henry Getzen had too.

And on that day a thousand people came and cheered and shouted the rebel yell as the Honorable D.S. Henderson retold the stirring story of how young McKie Meriwether had “perished for the cause of liberty” in “The Battle of Hamburg.”

It was not a massacre in the brutal sense of that word, declaimed the speaker; “it was a rebellion against wrong, an armed rebuke to tyranny and oppression.”

Ignorance and vice had reigned in those dark days. The Supreme Court of the state had been given over to a “superannuated Jew, a shrewd carpetbagger and an ignorant black negro.” A Negro militia terrorized decent white people. Military satraps ruled the state at the point of a bayonet.

But there in Hamburg, “the very citadel of negro Republicanism,” the flame had been lit, and ignited “the white man’s Revolution” of 1876.

And then, at the top of a picture-perfect square at the top of the prosperous main street of North Augusta, some pretty schoolgirls in pretty dresses unveiled the obelisk, revealing carved inscriptions to “the memory of the young hero of the Hamburg riot,” who gave his life that the “civic and social institutions which the men and women of his race had struggled through the centuries to establish in South Carolina” might be passed on unimpaired, and the “supremacy” of “Anglo-Saxon civilization” assured.”

In life, McKie Meriwether “exemplified the highest ideal of Anglo-Saxon civilization.” Perhaps this is why last night we learned that Anglo-Saxons are scheduled to be cancelled and written out of history because of ties to white supremacy!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “the ballots marked by these black men provided the margin of victory in the popular vote”

    Then, as now, Yankeedom held the decisive electoral votes. Then, and now, the votes of the South and West are meaningless.

    However, the North only retains electoral supremacy because of their political allies in California. Which is falling to the Mexican invasion.

  2. “Perhaps this is why last night we learned that Anglo-Saxons are scheduled to be cancelled and written out of history because of ties to white supremacy!”

    They can be cancelled out of (((their))) history any time they want but they will never be cancelled out of OUR history unless we let them. If we aren’t willing to defend our ancestors then we aren’t worthy of having descendants. I want my descendants to look, think, and behave like me. And, if they don’t look, think, and behave like me, they aren’t mine at all.

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