Eternal mood pic.twitter.com/TMPAZWA0zr
— `•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• ?????? (@RubAlcoholOnIt) November 20, 2019
One of these women is actually conserving something. pic.twitter.com/WJa3v6UE7C
— ? Dr. Speculativus ? (@salvamedomine) November 20, 2019
ok pornstar ? pic.twitter.com/tqLCEO0Z00
— Ty Webb (@realTy_Webb) November 19, 2019
There are some forms of gay rights legislation that even conservatives should support.
— Brad Polum-snot-nosed-lemming-bo (@brad_polumbo) November 20, 2019
I explain one such example for @dcexaminer: https://t.co/RLxx01yu9O
Excellent prediction https://t.co/wyApaAtSkB
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 20, 2019
As a nationalist and populist voter, the only point on which I overlap with mainstream conservatism is social conservatism. It is the only leg of the traditional three legged “conservative stool” of Fusionism that I agree with. I’ve always hated neoliberal economics. Ever since the Iraq War, I have always strongly disliked the globalist neocon foreign policy.
Capitalism Conserves! #CapitalismCures pic.twitter.com/8bJWUwAMZt
— Turning Point USA (@TPUSA) November 18, 2019
America isn’t a race. It’s a idea.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 18, 2019
Our Founders built a country based on ideas of freedom and liberty on top of a Judeo-Christian value system.
That’s the type of nation and the type of conservative movement we must continue to be.
.@robsmithonline Is ON POINT! Every American Should Have The Same Level Of Freedom! #BigGovSucks pic.twitter.com/ai0vR6My04
— Turning Point USA (@TPUSA) November 19, 2019
It’s simple,
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) November 18, 2019
As a Christian, don’t tell me what my God can’t do!
Judgmental “Christians” are the exact opposite of REAL Christians.
Jesus saves….you don’t!
Jesus hung out with sinners just like all of us! @charliekirk11 @robsmithonline @RubinReport @kanyewest
RT! pic.twitter.com/62h7PAKMPa
In 2020, remember this:
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) November 15, 2019
Republicans are the party of Uber.
Democrats are the party of taxi cab unions.
Own your own labor, work where you want and how you want, and embrace innovation. That’s conservatism. https://t.co/4Ulopc0xFc
With that shit-eating grin, the snot-nosed brat denies the Holocaust. That evil sneer gives physical form to Fuentes’ bigotry. https://t.co/TQCc8DVm8K
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) November 19, 2019
“The Conservative Case For Throwing Conservatives Under The Bus Because We Don’t Want Them At Our Parties Since They Make Us Look Bad To The Left” pic.twitter.com/bVSyqzKEoC
— Ashley Rae Goldenberg (@Communism_Kills) November 19, 2019
By the way, on the Nick Fuentes/@michellemalkin controversy, the idea that Fuentes represents some a core of “sincere” young people with “real” concerns is just ridiculous garbage. He’s a spiteful racist troll with a spiteful racist troll audience, and Malkin runs cover for him.
— David French (@DavidAFrench) November 19, 2019
Nobody can convince me ever that young people saying edgy shit is more dangerous than the neocons.
— Cassandra Fairbanks ??? (@CassandraRules) November 19, 2019
For example, French actually believes that America should go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. Not for defense or a just cause. Just because.
I disavow David French. pic.twitter.com/2skKsg4vIa
Getting in the gutter with Nick Fuentes & Faith Goldy isn’t putting America First. It’s throwing every principle of liberty and equality that made this nation great in the first place in the trash to advance white nationalism. https://t.co/zRUXoHhoa9
— Tiana Lowe (@TianaTheFirst) November 18, 2019
Since @NickJFuentes has nothing better to do then make conservatives look bad while acting like an Antifa thug leftist, I’m calling him out to debate the writer of this article and fellow Masshole, you know…since he wants to debate someone so badly. ??https://t.co/muSP7U3OuB
— Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) November 19, 2019
Man, this groyper troll game is weak AF. Even the left does better than this and we all know how bad they are. Then again, you guys are basically the ultra right version of the left’s loser cancel culture hordes right down to the incel looks and behavior, so….????? #Fitting
— Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) November 19, 2019
Hey groypers, your “fearless” racist leader blocked the guy who wrote the article about him. So much stunning and brave going on here. ?? pic.twitter.com/V3Ad7KyI16
— Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) November 19, 2019
He blocked the guy that wrote the article, not me. My God, you incels can’t read past a 1st grade level.
— Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) November 19, 2019
So you know, calling me a “whore” when you have nothing left to say is EXACTLY WHAT THE LEFT DOES. But you guys keep thinking you’re so much different. ??
— Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) November 19, 2019
I love how the same men that rail against porn, have no problem calling women they can’t have “whores” while sitting at home likely masturbating to the porn they’re supposedly against.
— Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) November 19, 2019
The regressive Left and the incel Right is the same creature with different causes.
https://t.co/PzCkfuVLyn pic.twitter.com/uH5C8dUjgc
— `•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• ?????? (@RubAlcoholOnIt) November 19, 2019
“@NickJFuentes makes conservatives look bad!” – Mindy Robinson pic.twitter.com/XGyEI06s1z
— ????? ????? ?????? (@PureSantaCarla) November 19, 2019
I can’t wrap my mind around how we came to the place where it has become highly taboo to identify as a cisgendered heterosexual White Christian male in mainstream conservatism, but open homosexuals, Iranian immigrants, race-mixers, atheists, Jews and proud feminist libertarians have become thought leaders and gatekeepers and given platforms of this thing called “conservatism.” We’re told that even drag queens are welcome within the fold now.
This is why I reject the term “conservatism.” I have nothing really against the concept as I understand it (real conservatism is a visceral and organic defense of authority and social hierarchy rather than a fake and astroturfed ideology), but in the United States the term “conservative” means “classical liberal.” The ideology of the mainstream Right is conservative liberalism. The goal is to conserve classical liberalism as the foundation of the social order. The result of this mindset is that we get more tax cuts, deregulation, Zionism and cultural degeneracy.
It seems to me like in the Trump era that social conservatism has been completely abandoned by the mainstream Right. I am old enough to remember when George W. Bush ran for reelection on the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2004. Now, we have strippers and homosexuals telling us that “we have no place in the conservative movement,” which is fine by me.
I don’t see anything of value in the conservative movement least of all anything that is actually “conservative.” It is a joke that these people expect to be taken seriously. The only people who were ever worth listening to in conservatism have all been purged or have barely survived and now it is represented by a herd of grifters like Mindy Robinson and Rob Smith.
Note: The firing of Ashley St. Clair aka Sexlaptop by Turning Point USA in September was the spark that lit the Groyper War. In hindsight, that incident really crystallizes the whole debate about the nature of conservatism. They didn’t care when she was being destroyed by Tyrone. She only became a problem when she was seen in the same room with Fuentes.

Its been a long time since White men have been thinking..together. I like what TPUSA has done, and is doing, to reignite our collective mental and spiritual infernos..everything they are doing is going so hard against our way of life that more soldiers are made with every tweet they put out.
Conservatism, Inc. is in self destruct mode. When it collapses it will need another bogus replacement. That’s where Fuentes and his ilk come in. He’ll disavow pro-Whites and “anti-Semites” so fast it’ll make your head spin. He already has done so indirectly.
It wasn’t hard to find Mindy Robinson on porn hub…smdh
You are correct HW.
Conservatives have conserved nothing.
So, where does that leave us? I’m of the opinion that our options will progressively (no pun intended) decline until we have only one option left. That view leads me to the conclusion that the time we have left must be used wisely as our foes are getting stronger (see ChicFil-A capitulation to Big Gay) and our numbers are not swelling.
Instead of focusing on the takeover of the former USA by the militant Left, we should focus on what comes after the takeover is complete. (2024 or 2028 at the latest)
When the Left regains power in the next decade, the Reconstruction 2.0 of the former USA will begin in earnest.
In my darker moments, I see Reconstruction 2.0 as something like a Red Terror.
The Left will have its day in the sun next decade but they will find they have inherited a shell. Conservatism, Inc., the parasite of the Left has conserved its crumbs from the table while the usual suspects ran away with the silver. Again. The country will be ungovernable, the Left will fail spectacularly and the grifters like the Republicans will melt away like snow on a warm, Spring day.
Hitler had no use for conservatives and neither did Rockwell. Conservatives are nothing but cowards, fools and reactionaries.
Hey Hunter,
As you know, my idea of *conservative* has something to do with R.L. Dabney and George Fitzhugh. In their day a “big black nigga named Tyrone” would have been in their fields, not in their daughter’s sexual fantasies.
Joe Putnam,
Big black nigga named kunta kinte should have been hidiufrom packs of hyenas, lions, and other top tier predators in the Sarengeti plateau and not working the fields for Dabney or Fitzhugh.
Dabney’s and Fitzhugh’s extended families and heirs should have been working their own damn fields. When will you nostalgic southern slavers understand that bring the negroes here was a terrible mistake that we pay for 24/7/365.
“I can’t wrap my mind around how we came to the place where it has become highly taboo to identify as a cisgendered heterosexual White Christian male in mainstream conservatism, but open homosexuals, Iranian immigrants, race-mixers, atheists, Jews and proud feminist libertarians have become thought leaders and gatekeepers and given platforms of this thing called “conservatism.”
I can understand it. It’s just an extension of 90’s Rush Limbaugh’s “Democrats are the real racists” and anti-Buchananism. Boomers were already doing stuff like this in the 90’s with cucky evangelicals like the Promise Keepers talking about “racial reconciliation” and by Jack Kemp style conservatism. Much like now you had people like Limbaugh back then serving as gatekeepers and trying to steer disgruntled boomers away from the alt-right.
I don’t identify as a conservative (or a liberal), but even I am shocked at what passes for Conservatism today. No cultural ideas that were considered conservative in the past have been conserved! The only policies that “conservatives” still fight for are related to economics and the military . They are only concerned about their money, investments, deregulation, low taxes, and wars for Israel. Many of them point out that they would rather live in a neighborhood filled with nonwhites as long as they are hardworking. Conservatives couldn’t even be bothered safeguarding the race that has always voted for their conservative policies!
Mindy Robinson?? A long time ago normal people would have called her a less than respectable woman. Now she is called a Conservative???