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Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhardt and a guy named Edward Szall, who is Indian I think.
I made a quick research and… Doc Burkhardt is married with a Filipina.
Rick Wiles has two kids, a son who is married to another Filipina, and a daughter who is working in South America, probably Equador, in some Christian Evangelical mission
The guy, probably Hindu, and also Polish, Edward Szall, lives with a white woman.
US is truly a melting pot
Unbelievable how easy it is to find information on the internet.
I’m very dumb, imagine someone intelligent, with time and technological resources searching for personal informations
A white guy who’s married to a slope is a tacit admission of failure with white women.
Understand that I am not defending white guy’s marrying zipperheads, but these a several off the top of my head White gentile celebrities that married East Asian/American women who could have chosen and landed “10” White woman.
I am more inclined to side with Father Tiso and his dissertation on the WWP (White woman problem).
Damn autocorrect put in the possessive of guys. Ugh!
I am not sure why white nationalists have such a negative view of white women. I know plenty of white girls who will make fine wives and do not have deranged views. Some of the white girls are latins.
Decent white men can find or make women decent by a firm and loving approach. If white men were wonderful in the USA then so would white women. You men are supposed to rule so why not do so?
Oriental societies copy white behavior anyway. Just look at their dancing, clothes, singing, and modern attitudes in their own country much less in the United States.
This song was popular over 20 years ago. It’s was made by a White woman who insincerely want on old fashioned White man.
Maybe some of the girls that you know will relate to the lament of the lyrics.
Paula Cole- “Where have all the cowboys gone?”
The link to the song.
I know and have known many White women. From my experiences, at best, 10-15% are worth pursuing for a LTR, and the other 85-90% are basic author same narcissistic, gold digging, zero home making skills, passed around and discarded trollops with different names.
Why don’t men control women? Well, we pretty much did up until the 19th amendment and World War Two. As with just about everything that came after 1945 (sans technology and medical advances), the social order has been turned upside down. What was taken for granted as the norm slowly slipped away and became unrecoverable (the “Boiling of the Frog” analogy would apply nicely).
One thing that an overwhelming majority of traditionalists men agree upon is that when all is said and done, women must return to their submissive/demure roles and the patriarchy restored. I am sure that you’ve noticed that White patriarchal family structures quality to be listed on the Endangered Species list in the West.
In present day clownworld, where there isn’t enough high quality women available for men of high caliber and standards. Because of this severe shortage in women of wife and mother material, many (most?) men would rather either go MGTOW and/or have one night stands with the chaff.
Most young adult females (their most fertile years) put career over being married and having children, and by the time that they’re ready to “settle down” (if they ever choose to), chances of them being able to conceive has diminished, their number of sex partners make them much less likely to strongly pair bond, so they’re often relegated to beta males that they had ignored when the world was their oyster. Now some of those beta that weren’t getting any love and affection are in their prime money earning years and can now get the pick of the crop of the prettiest young women. Why do you think that 25% or more of American women are taking antidepressants? The meme “crazy cat ladies ” didn’t come out of the ether.
I am aware that some Latin women qualify as White. The word Latin has been bastardized in the last one hundred years to mean anyone who speaks Spanish or Portuguese in North or South America. Latin is both a subset of Europeans and once the language of the aristocracy and intellectual elite.
Maybe we should go back to arranged marriages. As it stands in the USA , 85% of divorces are initiated by the wife, so along with all the other aforementioned problems White me have to overcome to ‘win’ a bride, there’s a 50% chance that he’s going to get raked over the coals in family court proceedings and lose custody of his children.
That is sad. My upbringing and my mentality is that we are created for man and I can not understand anything other than that. Most of the girls I know are like me.
I suppose male and female relationships are just another casualty of the modern world.
I am aware of music from the 1950’s because of my grandmother. My belief is the same as your old song Johnny Get Angry by Joanie Summers.
Too many of /our guys/ in the Dissident Right mirror the sentiments of Trad Cons when it comes to marriage/white women. The only difference, is the language they use. There was an old post that floated around MGTOW on Facebook around 2009 or so. It made the analogy of a World War One General ordering his men to charge a hill with bayonets in a modern day conflict. Trad Cons (and far too many on the Dissident Right) want to LARP and pretend that (((Family Court))), hypergamy, The Cock Carousel, false dv claims, and father estrangement don’t exist.
There is something else to this as well. White Women are conditioned to be creatures of the hive.
Father Tiso,
I had to look up those terms. I am not in touch with the average American white girl so I cannot say but none of the girls I know met those definitions. We are not riding the C— Carousel, we will marry men of our own station in life and most of us have happy home lives.
I feel sad for what November and you are claiming is the normal life for modern American women and men.
I got banned from all social media precisely because I wouldn’t shut up about the ADL, Trump’s Mossad handler Jared Kushner, and the Israeli control of both the Republicans and the Democrats. I even used the word “Mishpucka” which is like saying the word “Mafia” in 1970’s Brooklyn. (Or mentioning the Hell’s Angels in a biker bar in 2005 Rotterdam, for that matter, another mistake I made that got me, er, “deplatformed.”)
It just isn’t done.
We can see the two factions quite clearly: Likud’s Netanyahu and Trump’s Mossad handler Jared Kushner along with their sexually blackmailed shabbos goyim like Lindsey Graham, the late John McCain, Jerry Falwell Jr., Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and the TPUSA style Conservative Inc.
In the other corner, the liberal Zionist Ashkenazi media oligarchs and their “diverse” anti-white coalition in the Democratic party. They used to support Ehud Barack, now they support Benny Gantz and Blue and White.
The political analysis of these TruNews people is of course mostly correct. But they are trying to do exactly what E. Michael Jones is trying to do: trying to frame this fight as “Christians vs. Jews” instead of what it really is, ethnic Ashkenazis vs. ethnic Americans.
Here’s the problem:
The reason that E. Michael Jones is so popular is because he downplays all the ridiculousness of Catholicism and instead appeals to “reason.” He keeps things cultural, and since he’s a Catholic he can always appeal to “tradition” instead of trying to proof-text the Bible on every little thing. Notice that E. Michael Jones doesn’t try to sell the physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ nor miracles like Jesus turning water into wine. Because that doesn’t appeal to any three-digit-IQ White American in 2019 – in fact it didn’t appeal to any three-digit-IQ White American in 1950 either. In fact, Whites were moving away from that way back in 1900.
So E. Michael Jones doesn’t talk about Jesus, he talks about “Logos” – “reason” – and sticks to culture.
Evangelicals can’t do that because they only have two choices: either interpret the Bible literally, like an 18th century fundamentalist, or use New Testament allegories, which tend to just be “conservative liberal” SJWism with a religious patina.
The Millennial and Zoomer Evangelicals are essentially “anti-abortion SJWs.” Not only will you never, ever, get any sort of pro-whiteness out of them, they oppose you more than they oppose Drag Queen Story Hour.
Charles Stanley is considered “very conservative.” He moved First Baptist out of Atlanta to the suburbs precisely when it became obvious that his White congregants weren’t going to drive through Black urban Atlanta on Sunday mornings. Even at the time, everyone knew it was a race thing, but Stanley made sure to have enough black faces on his TV show to maintain plausible deniability.
Evangelical Southerners don’t care about the Confederate flag – if anything, they hate the Confederate flag. There is more pro-Confederate flag sentiment among the “Hick Hop Artists” who are just full-stop redneck boys (and girls) who are fine with church but aren’t going to watch some particularist Evangelical video opposing ZOG on Biblical grounds.
I’m just completely confused at the strategy here. George Fitzhugh?
If this is about Fitzhugh and Thomas Carlyle, if this is about “honor culture” and “hierarchy” – why is the word “populist” in the tagline? Neo-reaction is anti-populist.
The only way you can merge Curtis Yarvin style “neocameralism” with White Populism is with a celebrity like Donald Trump. But we see how empty that is. Real monarchs controlled the military – and the priest class, which was the media of their day. Jews figured out long ago that if you control the media, you control the common people therefore you control the military. And since the radio era (really, since the printing press) control of high technology is control of the media.
If it’s White Populism, isn’t the Kingfish – and Andrew Jackson – far more effective than George Fitzhugh?
In a decent society, HW would be the Dean of History at a private Southern liberal arts college.
But if it’s “Southern Nationalism” instead of “White (American) Nationalism” – does Dixie nostalgia even appeal to really-existing-White-conservative-Southerners in 2019?
Does Christian (Populist) Nationalism?
I mean I know plenty of rednecks that like Ryan Upchurch. In fact, I know a couple of rich frat boys that will admit to liking Upchurch – after a few beers.
But how do you square the Evangelical circle with ZOG-critical White identify? Fag-bashing will only go so far, because minus ZOG media, fags aren’t even a real problem.
If Lincoln beat Jefferson with better technology (and organization) and FDR beat Lincoln with better technology (and organization) … well, isn’t the answer … ?
I feel like Agent Mulder. I want to believe.
But I’m a liberal. “Doubt is an important part of my faith.”
I’m confused why you’re insisting on making this an either/or thing. You don’t have to agree with everything Fitzhugh wrote, see the NT as all figurative or all literal, limit our choices of political leaders to reactionary monarchs only, etc. The Kingfish and Old Hickory have been mentioned here as models of a populism to emulate. With, of course, the proviso that we don’t have to agree with everything they said or did. Imperfect beings aren’t capable of perfection. It’s like you’re looking for the unified string theory of White nationalism.
Dear Banned:
As I have note noticed you on the comment boards much before, please let me comment on your comments.
“The reason that E. Michael Jones is so popular is because he downplays all the ridiculousness of Catholicism and instead appeals to “reason.” He keeps things cultural, and since he’s a Catholic he can always appeal to “tradition” instead of trying to proof-text the Bible on every little thing. Notice that E. Michael Jones doesn’t try to sell the physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ nor miracles like Jesus turning water into wine. Because that doesn’t appeal to any three-digit-IQ White American in 2019 – in fact it didn’t appeal to any three-digit-IQ White American in 1950 either. In fact, Whites were moving away from that way back in 1900.”
If you are not a Catholic, were not raised in Trad. RC’ism prior to 1970, you perhaps are unfamiliar with the emphasis that catholic schools placed on Thomistic philosophy, prior to the free-for-all known as Vatican II (Vatican Ewww, as I call it). Catholics of that era (and EMJ is of that era) always appealed to ‘reason,’ because they believed that the human mind was able to see the things of faith, when rationally presented, and the arguments for the existence of God, etc. were set up, based on this belief. EMJ doesn’t proof text the Bible, because it’s the primary source document of the Catholic – indeed of all Christian Faith. With Scripture, Reason, and Tradition, most liturgical Christians felt for a long time (up until say, 1970) that any ‘logical’ man could understand that the faith (including the miracles, the rising from the dead, etc.) was witnessed to by more than two witnesses, was the culmination (and supersession) of the OT faith, and all that. In short, they didn’t believe in the inherent ‘total depravity’ of Man, as did Augustine, and as did the Calvinists.
Now, having said that, it doesn’t mater whether or not the Faith, and her truth claims ‘appeal’ to you or not. They are objectively true, and your opinion doesn’t matter. You either submit to them, and are given grace to see the truth of them, or God respects your obtuseness, and lets you remain in your tresspasses and sins. THAT is the Reformational/Reformed view of things. I believe it is far more biblically consistent, and proved by the wilful denial of the faith, in this ever more apostate civilization.
And may I point out, I have numerous degrees, including a Doctorate, and am above an IQ of 100, yet find my entire existence predicated on the fact that God loves me, and has redeemed me, a sinner, from my own perversity and error. Your attempt to make Christianity a fool’s faith is both based on ignorance, and wilful denial of the God you will serve one day, before you are dismissed to Hell.
The choice is yours.
“.. yet find my entire existence predicated on the fact that God loves me, and has redeemed me, a sinner, from my own perversity and error. Your attempt to make Christianity a fool’s faith is both based on ignorance, and wilful denial of the God you will serve one day, before you are dismissed to Hell.
The choice is yours….”
These guys help me believe…! Its never all doom and gloom with Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you Fr, John
Their Jew Coup video was great in a populist sense of spreading the JQ and Naming, I spread it myself. The more people who know the better, especially Christians. Defeating Christian Zionism would be monumental. The Elders of Zion know about the video and the last thing they want is for Christian Zionism to evaporate. Messages have gone out and Joel Pollack of Breitbart seems to be going berzerk against the impeachment.
This latest video from Trunews is lacking though. That’s all I’ll say about that. No need to attack good people who are doing good things. The sanctions placed on Iran are causing major chaos inside Iran which is what the Israel First crowd want. If Iran is attacked by Israel or the US that would neuter the possibilities of regime change which is what this crowd wants. That would also seriously endanger Israel, US troops in the Mideast, and global oil supply coming out of the Strait.
Trump is trying to appease the Israel First crowd including Sheldon Adelson while trying to placate his actual gentile voting base who voted against continued Neocon policies. I could be wrong but he is not going to order military attacks on Iran and neither is Netanyahu. Israel routinely assassinates Hezbollah commanders but they know not to go too far because they’ll have thousands of precision upgraded Katyushas and other missiles raining down on their citizens.
Regarding Naming, we have some serious experts on our side. The beginners can only spot them with the -stein, -berg, -witz, -man, etc. The expert Noticers are like scientists who can decode their ethnicity without the usual markings. I’m not sure what level I’m at but I think that Eric Ciamarella and Fiona Hill are both Jewish. Compare Fiona Hills face to former IRS subversive Jewish Lois Lerner and see what you think. We already know that Hill is a Soros operative who derisively mocked the Republicans about the ‘Protocols of the Elders’ when questioned regarding Soros connections to divert and subvert the public consciousness.
With that being said, we also have some serious nutards who call everyone Jewish, including Richard Spencer.
“…With that being said, we also have some serious nutards who call everyone Jewish, including Richard Spencer…. ”
If you aint on myside you are of your father the devil…yer a jew.
It’s just facts y’all.
I’m rednecker than you.
That’s “Larry the Cable Guy” level ‘good ol’ boy’ larping. Not too different from the hip hop parodies that Justin Timberlake and Adam Sandler use to do on SNL.
What was you point again?
Oops, I appeared to have named the wruSNL jew. It was Adam Samberg and Justin Timberlake.
Mother Lovers
Wrong SNL jew
Arab Sunni Islam with Jew backing to up end Suni-Persia/Semite Islam is not going to help whites/western civilization with a war. The cycle is repeating! The solution is to have the Indonesian/east Asian’s , Pakistan/center Asians and African black Muslims to fight each other!
Apply (((rules for radicals))) for the Muhammad’s
Fight Fire (((with))) Fire
Shia Muslim was vented as a spell check!
Haha what the hell you talking about man? Whatever you smoking or vaping I want some
Tru-news is for old white Christcucks with brown grandkids.
Do you have kids, Spawn? Do you tell your grown children whom to marry? Did they listen? Do you have 100% PURE ARYAN grandchildren? If so, I tip my hat to you. But such procreational vileness that you write from time to time, really is just beyond the pale.
Granted, if we had an “Ezra 9” situation, whereby the priests could command the populace to ‘put away’ their Mischling whorewives and bastard spawn, it would be different. But this is gonna take generations to restore the Patriarchy, and the Kingdom. One step at a time.
When you allow a section of a any government to act and behave as if their “reality” and their “manufactured” strive/social upheaval, a well crafted manufactured reality is the prevailing reality.
Then, what you get my dear ladies and gentlemen, you get in your society a modern case of Plato’s Cave, i.e. A PSYOP aimed against the People !!
Distract the public, justify the war machine – Wag the Dog (1997)
Who remembers that “war” that the CLINTON Inc, declared against Serbia ??
I remember that war very well. It was what made the scales fall from my eyes, see the US FEDGOV as the immoral, antichrist bastard state it was, having elected the Bushes, as well as Clinton, and that the much-suffering Serbian Christians were hated on by two God-damned Jews- Madeleine Albright, and Gen. Kanne Clark.
Jews, antichrist state, fornication in high office, and persecution of Christians. It’s all been there, for a loooong time.
You said it, exactly how it is.
Godless goys in league with the anti-Christian jews.
It disgusts me that the US pays big money to keep Israel afloat, enables their war crimes by giving them diplomatic cover, and kills millions and destroys countries on behalf of these shit people.