A Very Successful Year

I’ve got some good news to report.

Occidental Dissent is now 5x more active than it was a year ago. We’ve grown by leaps and bounds over the past six months. If we hadn’t gone down for two days last month because the site is getting so much more traffic, November 2019 would have been our most active month ever. It was still our second best month ever and was only eclipsed by August 2017 when we were at the height of the Charlottesville news cycle in a media firestorm. We fell into a funk for a year after Charlottesville as the Alt-Right collapsed, but have strongly rebounded this year.

Last month, I had to migrate Occidental Dissent to a new server to accommodate all the new traffic for we could to grow and for there wouldn’t be any downtime. It is a good problem to have because we want to grow and become more influential, but the catch is that with 5x as many people here the monthly bill has become 5x more expensive. As I was reminded when I renewed the bill this morning, it has gone from $25 a month to $125 a month which is a problem. I can bring that down to around $85 a month, but that would require spending $1,400 all at once.

I didn’t want to deal with the problem last month because I was focused on surpassing the Charlottesville milestone, but I have one small request. Please consider sending us a donation to the P.O. Box to help offset the cost of the new server. I don’t expect to raise the entire amount all at once, but every little bit helps to relieve this financial burden.

Brad Griffin

P.O. Box 1214

Eufaula, AL 36072

Note: I’ve neglected my email and text messages because I have been so focused on posting new content to the site, but I am going to start setting aside a day to deal with it. So busy!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Very good. Thanks also for starting a fund raising drive. OD needs to get much, much better at fundraising. Look at the success of Vdare’s fundraising. Our people will give $ funds if they are asked in the right way, preferable by an attractive young woman as is the case with Vdare.

    Please consider working with James Edwards of The Political Cesspool to come up with practical ways of fundraising.

  2. Congratulations HW!

    You and your site deserve it.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours and a happy nee years!

  3. Great to hear! You have one of the best, if not the best dissident websites on the web. The quality of your commentators is top notch, and it is always worth reading thru the comments

  4. That’s great to hear, Hunter. As you know, there’s much I disagree with here, but you’ve been working hard at this for well over a decade now, so I’m happy to see your efforts have a growing impact.

  5. Being a one-man shop can be draining, though. If he needs help, he should allow others to provide some. I don’t want to read that the website has been shut down because HW snapped and needs a lengthy time out in a quiet room with soft walls.

    • HW doesn’t have that kind of temprament. He’s not going to wind up like Dr. Nietzsche or Syd Barrett.

      • As long as he doesn’t have untreated syphilis or drop acid while developing schizophrenia? There are other ways to go milky in the filbert. But I don’t think he’ll go gibbering into that good night, either.

      • Nietzsche went insane knowing “life with out music would be but error ” His lack of music skills vs his creative writing skills did him in. As stated in romantic legend he broke down mentally playing piano keys on a Dosendorf imperial piano with a STD jealous he’s not Franz Liszt and mussing over Christianity vs Jewish atheism.

        Syd Barrett did not die cognitively of LSD toxicity, however; of Leo Fenders guitars, amps and British analog distortion effects and recording studio equipment.

        Music is a bitch, HW is wise to stay away from that rabbit whole.

        Identify Dixie has the best insight next to Redneck Tribune, and The Daily not interact with women, Anglin!

        • At the time in life when schizos typically develop their illness, Barrett’s prodigious acid appetite made the horrible process even worse. That’s acknowledged by many people, including his former Pink Floyd bandmates. Nietzsche was originally thought to have had a longstanding case of syphilis that made him go insane. It’s now thought he had manic depression exacerbated by bouts of psychosis.

          BTW: You turned a little joke into this? Thanks for nothing.

  6. Great to hear. You’ve worked long and hard for it. And, you’ve persevered through some very difficult times. You’re a good man, Brad, and the success is well deserved. There should be a lot more for you in the future.

  7. HW,

    In my humble opinion, it was your consistently excellent writing and deconstruction and exposè of Anglin, Weev and The Daily Stormer this summer that paid dividends in making Occidental Dissent the go to for ‘Tell in like it is’ news, history, and punditry.

    Congratulations. Good job.

  8. I have made promises to my self and I making this statement in public view so I don’t put it off later and keep on kicking this can down the road…

    I have three places where I shall make my contribution. Now, there is a forth place, I like.

    To OD and to HW, keep up the really good work, as sure as day it bears fruit.
    Much more successful for the New Year !

    And my praise to the collaborators to this endeavour, to all of us that express our thoughts, ideas, frustrations & hopes with our comments.

  9. Very very well done! THANK you for your diligence, hard work, and all around stick to it iveness! Let’s keep this going for many more years!

    Merry Yule, and a Bright, Positive, BEAUTIFUL New Year!

  10. The material HW puts out is far superior to anything the obsolete media produces, I.e. NYT, WAPO, LAT, CNN etc.

    Where are the serious White backers Walton’s, Buffets, Mars etc.?
    Why are the rich Whites so disloyal to their own?

    I know that HW , given sufficient funding, could produce a nation media way beyond anything currently existing.

  11. I just want to wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Great Website. I really like all the history you add. Thank you

  12. Keep it up. Same counts for your family. I can imagine this blog would not have been possible without their support. And I learned a lot on US history I had not found elsewhere. It is a very interesting country.

  13. Congratulations on the very successful year, Occidental Dissent I had a rough year financially and in many other ways, but, I’m still alive and doing a lot better now. I hope to be sending you some money soon.

    In the meantime, I just completed my first art-music project for the Dissident Right. It’s wide open to interpretation and I hope many can find some inspiration from it before YouTube deletes it. The Alt-Right might be dead, but, we’re far from dead spiritually.

    Merry Christmas to everyone and happy holidays to the pagans as well.


    D X – entlahn

  14. Hunter,

    I have a simple Christmas music blog in draft mode. Can you look over, see that graphics are working well. I’m good.

    I’ll post this in a day unless you have revisions.

    Take care H


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