The answer is no.
“Björn Höcke is public enemy number one in present-day Germany. At least that’s what German media suggest. Höcke is a leading exponent of the “völkisch” wing of Alternative for Germany (AfD), the country’s radical right-wing populist party. And Höcke is a fascist. That’s what a German provincial court ruled a couple of months ago. Yet this did not prevent voters in Thuringia, Höcke’s home state, from supporting the AfD in this fall’s regional election. …
To be sure, the radical right of the 21st century are highly xenophobic and, more often than not, also racist. Yet unlike yesterday’s fascists, today’s radical right-wing leaders — from Marine Le Pen to Matteo Salvini — propagate neither territorial expansion nor anything close to the racial laws of the 1930s, which marked the beginning of a policy of mass murder. There is a distinction between yesterday’s fascism and today’s radical right-wing populism. Calling the likes of Björn Höcke a “fascist” cannot but dilute the meaning of fascism, which is a slippery slope.”
In the 21st century, the conflict in our times is internal to states and it is vertical between populists and nationalists and cosmopolitan liberal elites in metropolitan areas over issues like mass immigration, multiculturalism, transgenderism and political correctness.
In the 20th century, the conflict was external and was horizontal between states over the settlement of World War I. Mussolini wanted to create a new Italian Empire in Africa. Hitler wanted to overturn the Treaty of Versailles, destroy the Soviet Union and create a new German Empire in Eastern Europe. The British, French and Americans defended the liberal world order.
Take the Xenos announcer off the program, and it would already be better. He’s not an Englishman, nor an American. He’s a foreigner.
AmeriKa has been 50 % destroyed FROM WITHIN. It’s way past time for some Confederate founder types to step up and get the Confederacy 2.0 conversation going … which is really the “restructuring AmeriKa in to 4 or 5 new Republics” conversation. Better hurry …
As far as I am concerned, the way I understand the History of America, is this:
American Confederacy is the first and ONLY successful attempt of National Unity & National identity/bond, that is to say, – National unity = Social cohesion, economic sovereignty and real economic growth, foreign/external policy and cultural purity, traditional conservationism – between the various European people that settled in your great land.
Video can be deceiving. This Hodges fellow appears to be sitting upright, but akshually…his head is firmly implanted up his ass. Poor boomer, poor plan trusting, Muh konstitoo-shun boomer…dead man walkin’.
” Have We Seen the Eternal Return of Fascism? “ … I hope so !
Fascism is always and eternally with us. This is why, as Orthospherean contributor Prof. Jonathan Smith points out, the cure for fascism is almost always more fascism. See here:
Here is an excerpt “plucked at random” to wet the ol’ appetite:
” I submit that any healthy society (indeed any healthy social organization) that perceives itself to have entered upon an existential crisis will naturally take on a high fascist character, since a high fascist society is nothing more than a society on a war footing, a society organized to survive an existential crisis. “
When something is true then it is ALSO, self evident !!
Much better than a liberal democracy. Adolf had the right idea. George Lincoln Rockwell made it American! Deo Vindice !
I am awaiting the arrival of Lord Kalki to usher in the Satya Yuga.
The eternal return of Fascism sounds very Nietzschean, HW.
It does but it also sounds very unrealistic too
The eternal return of Fascism? Change is coming but it will probably shock the hell out of all of us. Literally.
~ From a man whose wisdom is infinite