About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Spencer did better this time but STILL no mention of necessary Balkanization and Confederacy 2.0. DUDE … these interviews are your opportunity(s) !!!! It was a 6. Would’ve been a 10 if covered those subjects. Window of opportunity(s) passing …. give listeners a concept … a plan … a manifesto.

    And by you with your polls, ( which YOU helped influence, ) you are HELPING THE ENEMY. OUR lazy asses are to blame. Did we take steps to create Confederacy 2.0 ? NO. We voted and bitched. Anyone with even 1/2 a brain knows, we HAVE TO vote Trump to keep far worse eveil out of power, WHILE WE GET OFF OUR BEHINDS AND FIX THIS BS.

    • To hell with that sleazy orange nigger. The only thing he deserves is to be escorted to the scaffold. And you shouldn’t be afraid to confront evil. Let ZOG do their worst. Let’s get this party started!

      • I am also leaning toward accelerationism.

        An ethno-state is the only solution.

        Better to fight that war now, while we have arms, resources and communications than 20 years from now when our ability to resist and survive independent from the Leviathan has been chipped away to nothing.

        Four more years of Trump = Four more years of pacification and head-in-the-sand.

        • What does that even mean? So we want an ethno-state — so what? We have zero means of getting one.

          We might as well want to be Napoleon.

          We have no “resources” of note. And what meagre communications we have can be taken from us at any time (see deplatforming).

          None of us would even agree on what an “ethnostate” should look like, or how it should be organized, or who should run it, or who should be in it, or where it should be. And it’s not like any nation just gives away pieces of itself to anyone who asks.

          “Acceleration: towards what? We could simply accelerate toward more enslavement, more powerlessness.

          I swear, this reminds me of NRx and their LARPing.

        • Prime TROLL. Beat it Bub. The only ones listening to that negativity are MSNBC watchers.

          All others see John Mark on YouTube, then think of your own ideas … but to do nothing is to hand everything over to the evil state.

    • I’ll go out of my way to vote dem. since I want this illusion that “conservatives” are in charge and kicking ass to evaporate. These Trump-supporting whites, bless their heart, need a damn fire under their ass. When a democrat is in charge, they’ll finally pay attention to the house burning down instead being in a 24/7 pep rally.

      Plus this whole idea that’s been promoted where white nationalists all get thrown in gulags when a democrat wins is ridiculous. They probably can’t go any harder on us than Trump already has.

      • Out of your way to vote dem ??? Are you a troll ? Look no further than Virginia AND the deepstate behind dem’s won’t take another chance. You’ll wish Trump was in but it’ll be too late. We all need to look in the mirror. WHAT did WE DO ? Not a damn thing. Vote and bitch.

        Get Spencer together with YouTube channel “John Mark,” and David Duke and FOR CRYING OUT LOUD MAN … GET THE CONFEDERACY 2.0 / BALKANIZATION CONVERSATION GOING. And yes … re elect Trump while we transition … so we CAN transition, with freaks like the governor of Virginia bringing in The UN to topple us !!!!! Wake the F up.

    • This is basically my thoughts in a nutshell.

      We all know Trump has shit the bed. But, at worst he will continue to do what hes done, which is maintain the status quo.

      Its high time preference wojack tier caved in head dumb to ignore that in the short term, Trump is better than what we would get under president Warren or Sanders.

      Long term it makes no difference since they all play for the same team.

      Voting for Trump isn’t in my mind just support of Trump, but a tactical decision to kick the can while we hopefully get our shit together.

      Nobody here has made a valid argument against the lesser of two evils position. I’ll vote Trump unless I hear one.

      The popular vote does in fact matter, as do all the down ballot effects of the race at local level.

      Telling people to stay home just because Orange Man bad, is a childish reaction to the reality that our system is broken. That should have been obvious to a Southern Nationalist long before 2016.

      Voting is a tool. A small and getting smaller form of influence we still have.

      Staying home wastes it.

      • Trump exists to PREVENT pro-White right-populists from becoming an effective political force. By re-electing for him we are not “buying time” but creating the bad kind of acceleration, where we get weaker and our opponents get stronger and more aggressive.

      • I agree that our votes, in principle, shouldn’t be wasted. I am voting dem. since I am hopeful for a scenario in which a dem. gets elected in 2020, and by 2024 the nation and the economy are both a total mess setting the stage for a real nationalist to emerge and get elected in 2024.

        I’d rather chance that than have four more years of Trump and then 4-8 years of a democrat. I greatly doubt we could get anyone remotely right wing immediately after Trump. It just seems impossible. It might be a little optimistic since yeah I agree the system is broken, but that’s just one argument I have.

  2. Alex Jones is a characature molded by the jews to be a wild eyed, WWE voiced, crazy and unhinged “right wing conspiracy theorists.” Jones is a goof, grifter, and bone marrow deep zionist.

    During Fuentes’ “groyper war,” Jones gave Nick Fuentes two cotton candy soft appearances to gloat about embarrassing charlie cuck and company. Jones is also tighter than two coats of paint with ziocuck and warmongering boomer Jerome Corsi who probably discharged the biggest load of semen in his life when he thought America (i.e., Israel) was going to war with Iran. We all know about pos Paul Joseph Watson and like Nick Fuentes a ‘closeted homosexual ‘ and his neoconservative bonafides who is also a longtime Jones ally and colleague.

    This discussion wasn’t even close. Richard Spencer blew a hole in Jones’ non-talmudic version of globalism. But again, Jones is a world class buffoon, blow hard, and charlatan just his hero Blompf.

    I so wish that Alex Jones asked me about Hitler. He’d get a response that would cause him to immediately go out and buy a black SS uniform and sign off his show with a heartfelt 88.

  3. There is so much of the diplomat in Dickie Trust-fund, and I suppose that’s what motivated him to do this.
    I really hate listening to mellon head jones, but I made the effort…such a garbage head.
    There is no having a constructive conversation with jones, and I don’t think Dickie understands this.
    Kinda’ nice to hear ol’ spencer 101…but addressed to a fireplug, dressed in a clown costume.

  4. People like Spencer are the ultimate lolbertarians! People do embrace state power: when it lines their own pockets! That’s why white nationalism got the living crap beat out of it. It pays more to denounce it. Why would people embrace white nationalism, lose their jobs and get thrown into jail, just because some trust fund baby like Spencer wants to be the leader of it. The white people in the Department of Homeland Security embrace their additional funding to fight losers like Spencer and his followers. And this idiot Spencer embraces state power. LOL!!

    • The white people in the department of zogland suckdickery embrace additional funding to fight losers like Spencer and his followers.

      Who’s the fucking “loser,” white traitors working for ZOG for filthy shekels to the detriment of their own folk’s civilization, culture, and survival, or less than perfect pro-White advocates that support the 14 Words?

      Hopefully you’re sterile, so your line of dysgenic morons comes to an end.

      • I’m not sure that I replied under your thread in an earlier response, so here I go again:

        First off, I’m not cheering for team ZOG. But you are a complete idiot to embrace state power at a time when it is used to defeat anyone who self identifies with WN. Spencer is a trust fund baby who does not need a job, so fuck him for going back to grandstanding. This is like “Heil Trump, Heil Victory”. If you need this kind of shit, please trade places with James Fields so you can learn to embrace state power and its current benefits.

        Have a nice day.

        • EXACTLY…
          ” embrace state power at a time when it is used to defeat anyone who self identifies with WN “

          And that is what baffles me it is from frustrating to see grown men, with independent thought to think and talk/write like emotional women …. “oh you didn’t do what i like and what you promised so out of spite I’m going to hurt you now …”

          • Eksothen,

            It’s more along the lines of ‘fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.’ How many times did you scald yourself with boiling water, before you learned to be cautious around it?

            Do you actually believe that trump if reelected will stay in some imaginary holding pattern and not become even filled with talmudic bile towards anyone and anything that opposes the tribe’s endgame? What color is the sky in your world?

            To hell with all this pussyfooting and kicking the can down the road another four trips around the sun. What’s the big difference whether the shit hits the fan in 2021 or 2025? Tell me Nostradamus.

          • We’ve been fooled – in different western nations – for GENERATIONS !
            Especially during and well beyond that WW2 milestone, that European F UP of the millennia!

            As far as trump doing away with all potential middle of the road approach in Social & foreign issues that is nothing more then speculation.

            But what IS NOT SPECULATION is what I and another one or two in here warn about in regards President Trump falling and having a democrat ANY democrat taking the reign of power.

            That is NO presumption, because we have clear and tangible proof of what they aim to do and what they are CAPABLE in accomplishing

            So you need to risk and ask yourself, better the “devil” you know and can predict i.e. democrats or better the “devil” you don’t know who has been the PRIMARY mover in awakening pushing the overton window THROUGH OUT THE WEST/EUROPEAN Nations?

            Much more then ANY real Nationalists could have even dreamed off !

            I stand by my choice on this matter.
            I consider President Trump an INFINITE better selection for the 46th US President, then any other democrat or republican or even so called “independents”.

          • The most rational argument presented was the one that had a demoncRat in the White House and a RETARDican congressional majority.

            I won’t rehash all the other options mentioned.

            I do hope a seat opens up on SCOTUS because RBG finally punched her one way ticket home to hell, before the presidential election this fall. It’s well within the realm of Blompf (if it’s his choice in the matter) to screw up her replacement with a Ted Cruz tier nominee. RETARDican presidents have a shitty track record at picking Supreme Court justices.

    • @November,

      You are supposed to actually learn from experience, moron. Spencer is a total loser for not learning about what state power actually means for whites who self identify as WN after Charlottesville. It means losing everything. He does not lose. He was born a trust fund baby. Get that through your head. You have to look at the battle as it actually plays out, not what you want it to be in your head. State power works completely to our detriment. You should rot in jail in place of James Fields so you understand the consequences of the state power you so love, idiot.

      • ps_mike,

        You’re interpretation of what Spencer said is off kilter by 180 degrees. State power is necessary for defending the borders of a nation, deportation of illegal immigrants, building infrastructure like roads, airports, harbors and bridges, et cetera.

        That you believe that Spencer supports TPTB in USA-ZOG aka “clownworld” is a ridiculous take. No genuine White dissidents are in favor of the systems in place as they stand in the West, and no matter that Spencer is a “trust fund” kid or not, he’s definitely a White dissident. Basically, you’re saying is that if you come from a upper middle class family you couldn’t possibly be a since anti-ZOG rebel. Bullshit! We need more sincere dissidents that have the financial means to not fear doxxing that might ruin their lives or livelihood.

        BS_mike, you’re not a serious person. If you have ever read my comments regarding the railroading of USA-ZOG of James Fields (which as recently as yesterday I reiterated), you’d know that found his talmudic prosecution and sentencing an abomination and miscarriage of justice, so stop this line of strawman argumentation.

        You obviously just don’t like Richard Spencer for personal reasons.

        BTW, state power in the Third Reich turned around a demoralized, economically depressed, degenerate, spiritually broken, and under the thumb of the jews pretty well and allowed it to achieve incredible success that our enemies still fear IMHO.

        • You obviously can’t understand the difference between a concept and real life. Real leaders do. You come from the bullshit class. I learned my ZOG lesson from the bailouts of 2008. I don’t spew a conceptual belief system about capitalism and free markets anymore. I saw and experienced something and LEARNED from it. You and Spencer did not. I expected as much after Charlottesville.

          You also don’t know anything about the corruption of money either. The reason you are not funded by someone with financial means is because people with financial means usually look after their own. People like you make them even more money because Charlottesville allowed ZOG to ask for increased funding. You are the useful idiot.

          Don’t you see how fucking bad you lost on the battle field, you idiot!

          And take a look at your last paragraph. You idolize another battlefield loser. Think before you feel!

          • BS_mike,

            Your bitterness shouldn’t be mistaken for wisdom.

            All movements began as concepts. You must have shit for brains or a meathead (dead from the neck up) to fail to see that some of us have learned from past mistakes, but are undermined by fruits, flakes, fakes, fags, and feds at every move. Where do you think you fit In on that list?

            Don’t even pretend to know me or my thoughts. It’s obvious that you were a good little worker drone in ZOG’s Ponzi scheme prior to the real estate meltdown created by Wall Street jews providing loans to unqualified POC. The shekels were nice flowing into your bourgeoisie 401K account, huh?

            Who the fuck do you get off on badmouthing Hitler and his Third Reich? Hitler wouldn’t trust your defeatist loser ass to clean up Blondi’s turds.

            Go back to Reddit where your BS passes as logos.

    • Non of you ever experience the pains Richard B Spencer have to go through . He lost his money his wife and his future in this fight. He is much greater man that this movement diserves.

  5. Mark me down as staying home.

    My bloody vote doesn’t count anyway since I live in a solidly blue state.

    I repeat what I said before, Orangeman doesn’t deserve to win.

    • Could not agree more. Groveling back to the polls and pulling that lever on behalf of the man is the height of self abasement

    • My bloody vote doesn’t count anyway since I live in a solidly blue state.

      That’s smart. You musta been in the first World War! (*little Biloxi Blues reference there)

  6. At first like alex was all like;
    “You’re a racist democrat plant sent by the deep state”

    But then jones was like;
    “You’re MLK”

  7. Spencer did an excellent job.

    People saying there’s no point in talking to alex jones are missing the opportunity, alex jones still has a very big platform with millions of viewers. Especially a long format interview, despite alex going in monologues and disingenuous talking points spencer was able to get his message across.

    Spencer did a good job talking in short concise answers and arguments which can be one of his weaknesses, sometimes getting to heady for the situation. He was on topic and precise, which is what you need to be in a slanted interview.

    If I was someone who never heard spencer before this would’ve been a great first interview.

    Alex Jones had his scripted monologues talking about sorros being a nazi and racist democrats but spencer managed to flip alex jones whole narrative and get him to agree with it.

    Alex jones’s narrative is that “globalist” want to antagonize racial/cultural difference in a perpetual divide & conquer. In isolated incidences, they will inflame cultural/racial tensions, like the kurds, but their main agenda iSpencer did an excellent job.

    People saying there’s no point in talking to alex jones are missing the opportunity, alex jones still has a very big platform with millions of viewers. Especially a long format interview, despite alex going in monologues and disingenuous talking points spencer was able to get his message across.

    Spencer did a good job talking in short concise answers and arguments which can be one of his weaknesses, sometimes getting to heady for the situation. He was on topic and precise, which is what you need to be in a slanted interview.

    If I was someone who never heard spencer before this would’ve been a great first interview.

    Alex Jones had his scripted monologues talking about sorros being a nazi and racist democrats but spencer managed to flip alex jones whole narrative and get him agree with it.

    Alex jones’s narrative is that “globalist” want to antagonize racial/cultural difference in divide & conquer and they will in isolated incidences, like the kurds, but their main agenda is the last-man. A consumerists individualists blob of humanity. With no culture besides X-Men.

    Which is the opposite strategy Jones laid out but by the end alex was agreeing with Richard and called him an MLK.

    If someone doesn’t see this interview as a massive success I don’t know what they watched. This was amazing.

  8. Alex Jones, Richard Spencer, and other activists are all smart individuals. I’m sad that Info Wars has been so Pro Trump in nature. I think it’s best going after Democrats and Republicans equally. I have no use for Trump…I didn’t vote for him before and I’m not voting for him in 2020. My vote is more important than some established politician that does nothing but reduce grassroots nationalists from being active in meeting rooms, the streets, and working together in Unity. The Constitution Party is always a good protest vote. However we need Third Party and Independent candidates going in more of a Nationalist or even Third Position direction. The Constitution and Capitalism both failed White Americans. Both created the climate for Corporate America taking over our lives and now even controlling the Government. The gap between the rich and poor will continue and get bigger under the current system….we need a New Direction….Nationalism / Third Position / White Nationalism. The AltRight has been a step in the right direction in making it known that Identity is how we organize and become the alternative in restoring our Nation and saving the White Race. Deo Vindice !

  9. Richard Spencer:
    “I want to understand why Whites have lost their confidence.”

    Fat Blowhard:
    “Nazi, Hitler, Nazi, Hitler, Hitler, Nazi, Nazi.”

  10. “6 out of 10 were staying home, 2 out of 10 were voting for the Democrat or an Independent candidate and 2 out of 10 were voting to reelect Trump.”

    I wonder what the same sample would have said in 2016.

  11. A month ago I never would have thought Spencer would be on a redemption arc and Fuentes would be outed as the closeted homo he is.

    Anyone who spends 90% of their time calling other people gay is gay. It’s a law of nature.

    Also—spread that picture of Baked Alaska with a dildo in his mouth wherever you can. The fact that Fuentes still associates with that ‘tard is enough to discredit Fuentes all by itself.

    • Castizo Nick may turn out to be just another flash in the pan internet celebrity who, like Cantwell, MILO and Baked Alaska before him, sputters out into oblivion. HW certainly isn’t like that, because he’s not trying to develop a cult of personality.

    • That’s the only thing that I didn’t like. That and the idiotic hair bang. I remember Alex Kurtagic used to do that too, to offer a Führer touch. It’s counter-productive.

      Things like that just take away from the content. I hate to bring up an old optics point, but the more normal a person looks, the better the chance that optical idiosyncrasies won’t distract from a sound message — and Spencer was, as others have mentioned, better than usual in delivering his message in a disciplined, concise manner.

  12. I am not voting that sleazy orange nigger, to adopt the excellent summarization supplied by our beloved Spahn, under ANY circumstances.

    I may write in Tulsi. I have been considering that Constitution Party option – but that’s pretty meaningless. A lot of Tulsi write in votes won’t put her in office – but it may send a blip of a message to the deeply confused Dems.

    The contents of my cat’s litter box would do a better job as POTUS, than Zion Don

  13. The following are some cold hard truths not intended to offend….

    You wrote…
    ” Editor’s Note: When I polled my Twitter followers about voting for Trump in 2020, 6 out of 10 were staying home, 2 out of 10 were voting for the Democrat or an Independent candidate and 2 out of 10 were voting to re-elect Trump. James Edwards has found a similar breakdown. “

    And THAT IS WHY YOU northerners & western Europeans will ALWAYS lose, to lesser humans like the jews, because you CANNOT play the long game !!!!

    It is this mentality of yours, Short cycle of defence and UNWILLINGNESS to SACRIFICE to put off short term gratification for the long term gain, which ALWAYS keep you away from having a truly Global Empire like Rome did and like Persia did like Hellenes did like the Byzantine Empire in the classical era.

    NOTE – the Anglo “empire” was NOT, I repeat, NOT a true conquering empire it was an “empire” by PROXY.
    It was not to impose & dominate and change the people you conquered but for the DEGENERATE reason of materialism, to syphon off wealth NOT to civilize !!

    that is why it was transformed in to two GLOBAL COMPANIES (Englishj East India Company & Danish West India Company) that SYPHONED off wealth for the Danish & the English crowns .


    All I have to way is that YOU HAVE BROUGHT our European Civilization to the brink of the Abyss.
    And instead of that disaster being a lesson for you lot in the West & North of Europe you continue with your WEAK & CATASTROPHIC mentality…..

    There is a reason Why the Jews have attached them selves to the Anglo Saxon world – What does that say about you hmmm?????

    IDIOTS – NOW SUFFER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I guess the boys at TRS, are right.

    America needs to be burned to the ground so it can be reborn like a Phoenix !


  15. how is this any different from the treatment CNN would give Spencer? Goofy tinfoil boomers are worse than the left, because they gatekeep the REAL truthers from the podium. (not really a Spencer supporter, but to the center-right, we’re all the same)

  16. Jones just did a bit of Trolling, which was ironically quite funny.

    Thought it was a good discussion of larger ideas in the right.

    What do we mean when we say globalist?

    What do we mean by Patriot etc?

    I thought it clarified the mindset of two factions found on the right.

  17. If there really is such a thing as a Dissident Right then we should be very careful about whom we associate with. The EBL, in particular, are introducing ideas that are anathema to mine.

    Here is one of their new big stars, :

    “Why the freak-out because the US decided to stand over Iran? What was the point of spending trillions to establish a strong presence in the region if when Iran tries to flex the US just bitches out? The US can’t show weakness, otherwise it’s enemies will only get ballsier.”


    We should not get magnetized, like moths to a flame, by those who try to dazzle with abstractions and word spaghetti. We should remain grounded by principle and use common sense going forward.

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