Senate Passes USMCA

The House passed USMCA in December.

The Senate passed it this afternoon. Donald Trump will sign it. This is his biggest accomplishment as president alongside the tax cuts, criminal justice reform and ending the Iran Deal.

New York Times:

“WASHINGTON — Congress on Thursday gave final approval to President Trump’s revised North American Free Trade Agreement, handing the president his second trade victory of the week as the Senate prepared to try him for high crimes and misdemeanors.

The 89 to 10 vote in the Senate on implementing legislation for the revised United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement will send the measure to Mr. Trump, who is expected to sign it next week. The vote came just one day after Mr. Trump signed a long-awaited trade deal with China, giving the president two trade wins in a single week.

The unusual show of bipartisan support for the North American trade deal came just before the House impeachment managers formally presented the charges against Mr. Trump, offering a striking contrast. …”

Crazy Bernie Sanders voted against it.

He didn’t vote for the Gulf War, Iraq War, NAFTA or permanent normal trade relations with China either. In hindsight, those are some pretty good decisions. Sanders is terrible on immigration and all sorts of other issues, but he is better than Trump on trade and foreign policy.

Trump’s “National Populism” amounted to making extremely loud noises during campaign rallies, debates and on Twitter about immigration, foreign policy and trade to distinguish his candidacy from his rivals during the 2016 campaign. Since becoming president, Trump has embraced Marco Rubio’s foreign policy, tweaked and rebranded our existing free trade deals and has done virtually nothing about immigration. He built a few miles of the George W. Bush border fence while legal immigration and illegal immigration have continued at the same levels. He “self-financed” his 2016 campaign by lending it money only to cut in the big donors after winning the election.

In 2020, we still have an endless tidal wave of legal and illegal immigration, a globalist free trade policy and a beefed up global empire. NAFTA was the worst trade deal in history. So Trump has essentially microwaved it, reserved it and is now taking credit for it.

KAG 2020

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, make sure to understand that this clown (I’ve established what a damn clown he is in former posts), Trump, has also inflicted serious damage to the ideology of “separating families is an inherently bad thing” – if it is an inherently bad thing, then why do we consistently do it via State-level organizations like DHS-CPS. Duh!

    If I had my way, btw, not only would the borders be secured, but also DHS-CPS would not exist as a national entity, as was the case during my formative years when my dad governed my upbringing and my mom had little say in the same.

  2. I don’t like the Democrats, but I hope that Trump loses his reelection bid. He betrayed his base, and he should not be rewarded with another term.

  3. Sanders strikes me as an old-style, leftist, Democrat (jew or goy) who did indeed want what’s good for the working man. NAFTA was a disaster. It was touted as opening Mexican markets to American goods but anyone with half a brain had to ask the question at the time how impoverished Mexicans were supposed to purchase expensive American wares. There’s no need to read any NAFTA update bill; it’s more of the same.

    I suspect the younger fellows here have only an inkling on how much used to be made in the USA, only about 25 years ago. It hasn’t been that long ago in the grand scheme of things. Can you believe, Walmart – Walmart!! – used to advertise that they sold ‘made in the USA’ products? (1990 commercial)

    • I believe the experiences of our youth 20 to 25 years ago would blow the minds of your average Zoomer. I remember a time when we would frequent all the local shops and supermarkets because it was a guarantee that the cashiers would be attractive teenage girls. The bigger East Coast factories were just starting to go full belly up, but nonetheless most products, as you pointed out with WalMart, were emblazoned with a “100% MADE IN AMERICA” sticker… And people made an effort to exclusively buy those

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