Has anyone figured out what this smoke is yet??? Leave your thoughts below.#coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusWho #coronaviruschina pic.twitter.com/h7FxRYVzgv
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 6, 2020
Driving crazy. Isolating some people for a long time can cause anxiety and irritability. Today, I just watched a video of a 20-year-old jumping from a building.
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 5, 2020
Increase your spiritual life. When you are isolated, reading books and my tweets are excellent. ?#Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/ShynLmMfQi
Never seen anything like this before during flu outbreaks.
Two medical staff in Wuhan shits on their government’s lies and how their clinic is turning into a mortuary with dead bodies everywhere. Funeral homes are packed and not taking in anymore#coronaviruspic.twitter.com/CdnGcuESZT
— woppa ?? (@Woppa1Woppa) February 5, 2020
Another video of Chinese authorities locking people up inside their residence for quarantine due to #coronavirus outbreak. (Posted by Jennifer Zeng)
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
#Breaking #coronavirus | #China reports deaths from new virus rise by 73 to 563, number of confirmed cases jump by 3,694 to 28,018: AP pic.twitter.com/FSJ2pR2i5x
— Atlantide (@Atlantide4world) February 6, 2020
The Lies We Are Being Told About The Coronavirus | #FreeZeroHedgehttps://t.co/Y4BhuUTuVN
— freezerohedge (@freezerohedge) February 5, 2020
The #coronavirus epidemic reported in Chengdu, the capital of southwestern China's Sichuan province (pop. 18 million). Long lines are forming around the city, near hospitals and clinics. pic.twitter.com/V9kFH99Z46
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
The media and the government lies to protect the powerful, but that is true of all countries.
Just another “flu case” in Wuhan, China. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/RvLiqGFh8Z
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
I’ve stocked up on hot whiskey and honey.
The number of cases of coronavirus has reached 28,000. The death toll has risen to 565. https://t.co/hQw9pEkELo
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 5, 2020
28,000 reported infections which is 3.5x worse than SARS.
It’s in Wisconsin now?
BREAKING: Epicenter of coronavirus outbreak reports 2,987 new cases and 70 new deaths https://t.co/eUoE2b20hL
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 5, 2020
3,000 new reported infections in Hubei.
We’re all crazy rightwing conspiracy theorists for not believing the bullshit about the coronavirus on television. What about the flu though?
Tick Tock pic.twitter.com/mXVB2S4THf
— Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) February 4, 2020
In theory, it would have been easier to bring back jobs from China to North America by simply abandoning free trade. I don’t know though. Maybe it is easier to release a deadly virus that disrupts global supply chains than to break the neoliberal consensus in Washington.
“The real threat here isn’t all the death and economic damage it’s the bat soup jokes” pic.twitter.com/RtLMa9fEdq
— Mister AntiBully (@MisterAntiBully) February 5, 2020
No one thinks it is bat soup anymore.
The release of the virus in the Wuhan wet market was likely just a plausible cover story for either 1.) an op or 2.) an accident. The media would rather blame ordinary people for making jokes about Chinese eating practices than investigate why the virus actually seems to be racist. No one who is making bat soup jokes has either the capability or the motive to create a deadly virus and release it in the middle of China where it is killing Chinese people in their own country. I will just let you guess who has the capability and the motive to destabilize China.
Those tencent screencaps showing 154k infected, 24k dead. It would explain the numerous crematorium videos and body bag videos as well as the health workers repeatedly saying the numbers were higher than reported. pic.twitter.com/xXid6FRndy
— Mister AntiBully (@MisterAntiBully) February 5, 2020
Anglos monitoring the coronavirus with gallows humor.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. pic.twitter.com/P5MQCJ5Cem
— Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) February 5, 2020
Reports on fire breaking out in Wuhan pic.twitter.com/vsyBAWfvOc
— Russian Market (@russian_market) February 5, 2020
China 2020 pic.twitter.com/C9f1oUpwjP
— Russian Market (@russian_market) February 5, 2020
Normally, the mainstream media in the West can’t stop talking about racism, but for some reason it seems to have little interest in reporting on a deadly virus that only seems to infecting and killing East Asians. Isn’t it strange how the only people who seem to be curious about why this is the case are dissident websites which the media wants to censor?
Another case of the sudden collapse in Hong Kong. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/cRTnncaLu0
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
At least 196 #coronavirus cases confirmed in 24 countries outside China
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) February 5, 2020
For CGTN’s live blog: https://t.co/muHYh0SFQM pic.twitter.com/iROYMYsjkg
Comparison of cases:
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) February 5, 2020
Coronavirus vs SARS
Chinese economy also much more important globally today. pic.twitter.com/XOgiSLJj6X
New cases of #coronavirus in Singapore (+4), Hong Kong (+3), South Korea (+3), Malaysia (+2). Full report from @JohnsHopkins https://t.co/7d09AWrA5A pic.twitter.com/Q7xd3VCNKK
— VoiceToData (@VoiceToData) February 5, 2020
“Just a Common Flu” patrol. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/LEsS8p3CxH
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 4, 2020
REMINDER: There isn’t much of a biological difference between mainland China (bad guys) and Hong Kong or Taiwan (good guys). How about other East Asians like South Koreans or the Japanese? It is unlikely that they can be cured by hot whiskey and honey like White people.
Accidently leaked real data about the coronavirus outbreak (source: Taiwan News)
— Coronavirus Live Updates (@Rntk____) February 5, 2020
{ Translation}
Confirmed cases: 154k
Suspected cases: 79k
Cured: 269
Deaths: 24k
If this true then its biggest theat to every human being on earth…#coronavirus #coronavirusoutbreak #Corona pic.twitter.com/Mmcra6KQuF
The body bags w/ the deceased laying on the floor at hospital. Remember, in China, the #coronavirus outbreak had started only with ONE case and it’s out of control disaster now. The point is, it only takes one, one patient ZERO in any particular country. pic.twitter.com/CIXNEkQ3M5
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
New video from the quarantine zone in China. Not sure what is happening here, but it looks very grim. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/Bl7Suir8ST
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
“Doctors” squad in Chinese quarantine zone. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/2GZqpxWWga
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
Another makeshift hospital for #coronavirus patients in Wuhan, China. pic.twitter.com/08hruEn691
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 4, 2020
“90% of our employees are working 24/7… Every day, we need at least 100 body bags.”
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) February 5, 2020
Workers at crematoriums in #Wuhan say that their workload has increased dramatically in recent days, constantly picking up bodies from hospitals and private homes. https://t.co/IRRq60kcZt
Did Tencent leak the real numbers by accident?
Subtitled video shows building in Gulou District, Nanjing getting quarantined. Chinese authorities weld the entrance shut with people inside. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/MLeMKXLSu0
— Arthur D (@arthurpd4233) February 5, 2020
New case of person suddenly collapsing on the ground with convulsions and later passing away possibly due to #coronavirus in Hubei Province of China. (Posted by S. Dimpinoudis)
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 5, 2020
China is reporting daily numbers of the Wuhan coronavirus based on a model. These aren’t the actual total infections and deaths numbers.
Styx, of all people, has been suggesting that his listeners stock up on basic supplies; non-perishable foods, medical supplies, etc, due to shortages. Which is correct. I’m glad there will be shortages; the dimmest, laziest Murkin’s need a stark lesson in the horrors of “globalism”. And just how fragile supply chains, and Civilization itself is. I’ve noticed that the few commenters here-in who were saying this is all fake have vanished.
We’ve been so complacent for SO long. Now the chickens….aren’t…coming home to roost. They’re all in China. We can’t get ’em.
Styx is a bright guy, especially on poll analysis.
“the dimmest, laziest Murkin’s need a stark lesson in the horrors of “globalism”
HAHAHA, you give the average person far too much credit for understanding.
I think Styx is a very bright fellow. He shills for Trump way too much – but the poll analysis is FLAWLESS. He states that he’s getting loads of new Subs every day, due to hits on his daily coronachan videos – and he is doing a real services by offering very sensible advice on how to handle this.
Supply chains are already being disrupted. God help you if you need auto parts! Will Murkins ever make the connection between the absolute fraud of (((globalism))) and local, accountable manufacturing?
“Will Murkins ever make the connection”
NO ! They’re too stupid.
Complacent, feetsball loving, living large, watching 60 inch TV, Muricans don’t want to be disturbed by bad news, DJT has got this, no worries. DJT said the future is bright, once he gets reelected. No need to prepare for anything except the next spending binge, the guy on TV said the stock market is doing great anyway.
The problem is the unbridled, unjustified optimism turns to panic and desperation overnight when the dim bulbs realize the wheels are coming off. The government can’t save itself and doesn’t care about the citizenry, something that is a shock to most people.
“I’ve noticed that the few commenters here-in who were saying this is all fake have vanished.”
AKA Renegade Tribune morons.
Styx is avidly pro 2nd amendment.
So I automatically have a warm place in my heart, for him.
Have any ethnic europeans been infected ?
If so, what has been the progression ?
Yes, the OBSOLETE media has been scrupulous in not mentioning any racial parameters on this virus.
The agenda is obvious, if this virus is racially selective it sinks the entire ” RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT ” and all allied slogans. It opens and entirely new vista , that race may be a matter of life and death, which it is.
It’s going to be interesting to watch what happens as this plays out with Caucasians. The Chinese have been lying about infection and death rates. I don’t know if “our” countries will do this. They may well conceal actual data. They lie about all kinds of things.
I believe the western countries will be much mor transparent.
They aren’t monolithic and don’t have tight press controls, as wi China.
Honestly, we can lose the dead weight of stupid white people. Stupid or dumb means able to learn. Whereas, ignorance is unaware or unknowing.
Correction: unable to learn.
There’s a major flaw in that reasoning.
Sometimes the dullest people have brilliant children that change the course of history, for the better.
Until we have have a deep understanding of eugenics, that judgement has to be held provisional.
ebola-chan only wanted to kill niggers,
but stupid White people frustrated ebola-chan.
now corona-chan only wants to kill slants, and
once again White people are trying to frustrate her.
Stop being stupid, White people!
Well we have PLENTY of examples of Whites so broken they kow-tow and grovel to malicious, hostile, alien invaders, don’t we?
Worst flu evar!!!!!
My chickens are in the freezer not in chiner.
Non Christians shouldn’t really give a shit about flu dyin, because life is meaningless, protons and electrons wasting time until absorbed into space.
Christian’s don’t care if they have faith in resurrection and Christ.
If the flu gets ya, it’s your time!
Great idea. Let’s pray 2019 nCoV. While we’re at it, let’s pray death away too.
“Workers at crematoriums in #Wuhan say that their workload has increased dramatically in recent days, constantly picking up bodies from hospitals and private homes.”
It’s a HOLOCAUST, or is that a Harowcost? It’s dedicated burning of God’s Chosen…. oh, wait.
It’s only chinese. What does that Talmud say? “Tob shebbe goyim harog.”
Umm, yeah. Let’s talk about who has NO compassion….
Relax, the Chinese government is getting it all under control:
Now i feel soooo much better.
If the virus only attacks Chinks then what are we getting so upset about?
ONLY ???
That’s the life or death question.
I’m not upset or worried in the least. I’m here for the gallows humor.
Has anyone noticed Twitter is becoming unreachable using Tor? Now either Twitter suddenly doesn’t want people using Tor to read them any longer, or a large number of bots have started attacking Twitter using the Tor network.
The weird part is Twitter only started becoming harder to reach after news of the virus started to get really big. I have never had difficulties reaching them before, so it looks to me like someone with huge resources is trying to shut it down.
You mention cars parts, in your commebtery, how about electronics?
Try finding electronics not sourced in Asia, good luck ! Shenzhen is maketplace to the world in electronics.
Here’s unforeseen consequence, the end of american fracking. China imports ~ 10mmbbl/ day. China’s consumption has dropped dramatically, flooding the world with unsold oil cargoes. Oil prices have dropped steeply. If OPEC+ can’t reduce sypply enough to control prices, oil will be so cheap that it will bankrupt most frackers.
(Of course, if oil returns to higher prices, it will be easy to restart fracking, under new ownership.)
Yup. Even a relay switch I had to replace on a Kenmore gad dryer was made in China.
Auto parts: timing belts/chains. water pumps, thermostats, fuel pumps, alternators, voltage regulators etc. If you have and older model car you might want to get a couple of things now that will go bad later.
A brilliant, magisterial analysis as usual (We would have expected nothing less) but I’m sure there are all kinds of safeguards in place to prevent any apocalyptic financial meltdowns like the one(s) you have described. The global finance system constantly runs all kinds of computer generated simulations / scenarios to anticipate every conceivable crisis.
Plunge protection team.
I’d like to see the contortions that the Liberal media would go through to cover up a virus that burned through the Blacks like wildfire, with 100% lethality, and had no effect on other races.
As an aside; The Soviets proposed to Nixon that they and the U.S. conduct joint nuclear strikes on China, to reduce its future power, and population. Which prompted Nixon’s overtures to, and reproach wth, China.
Yes, China and the USSR fought border skirmishes in 1969 that nearly resulted in nuclear war between the two countries. The Soviets had the better military but the Chinese had a small nuclear arsenal but huge numbers of troops to throw into battle. The movie Omega Man was premised upon the border skirmishes between China and the USSR leading to all out war including biological warfare resulting in the worldwide plague Charlton Heston was immune to.
The Video up on Twitter showing the caravan of at lest 60 ambulances/ large transport on a deserted major highway threw Wuhan. Maybe on their way to a new makeshift Hospital? Has put this situation in perspective for me.
The man taking the Video from a apartment high rise with his family quarantined, made we realize also this is going to be the norm in a lot of large Asian cities!
Epoch Times, along with Great Game India and Zero Hedge, are doing the work (((media))) should be on this story, but aren’t. If we were stuck with the gatekeepers at the three main tv networks and the major newspapers, like we were until just a few years ago, all of us would be as vulnerable to disaster as the elites seemingly want. Accurate info is empowering.
“REMINDER: There isn’t much of a biological difference between mainland China (bad guys) and Hong Kong or Taiwan (good guys). How about other East Asians like South Koreans or the Japanese? ”
Mongols ?
American indians ?
Native Mayans ?
Aztec decent ?
Pacific Islanders ?
Hmong ?
Vietnamese ?
There hasn’t been influenza outbreak with any historical president that quarantined tens of millions of people by blocking roads in and out of cities, or holding citizens hostage at the point of a rifle.
Whether or not 2019 nCoV is capable of infecting non-orientals is unknown. Time will tell.
The last situation that even came close to rivaling this was the tsunami waves that hit that nuclear power plant in Fukushima Japan and nearly caused a Chernobyl type core meltdown.
“Six million Israelis have died due to 2019 nCoV.” NY Times
Jewish survivors of 2019 nCoV are making the case for financial reparations against the CCP for themselves and their progeny. The United States ambassador to the UN vetoes the United Nations dismissal of Israel’s claim. JerUSAlem Post
Too funny
What if they all die and we can’t buy stuff made in China anymore? Maybe “our greatest ally” would pick up the slack and stuff their citizens in sweatshops with suicide nets so we can continue to have unfettered access to that fine Israeli surveillance technology.
But wait….the MSM told me today that the stock market is rocketing upwards because coronavirus is being controlled!
Anyone who doesn’t believe markets can and are manipulated is too naive to be taken seriously.
Wtf is this? It’s got to be biological weapon.
You’re just noticing? That was obvious what – 2 week ago?
Not really.
The antonine plague of 160 AD wiped out 25% of romans and crippled the empire came out of China.
China is the incubator of most all plagues.
MSM is not reporting on the millions dead in africa, #nigtroit and other nigger infested areas, yet…
Don’t get a girl’s hopes up…