?Must watch: #AmericaVsSocialism ? #CPAC2020 pic.twitter.com/926ry9myYs
— Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) February 27, 2020
Mike Lee is going to save us from socialism by flooding us with cheap labor. https://t.co/DrdVYSy7Cg
— Ulfric (@Ulfric74) February 27, 2020
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 26, 2020
Who Is Taller?
– @charliekirk11
– @EricTrump
Please see recent photographic data of both individuals.
Wtf have these people ever conserved? https://t.co/ksGBSB18TR
— Brian (@tweetofhell) February 27, 2020
Is this what modern “conservatism” looks like? (This thing is like 7 ft tall wtf)#CPAC2020 #CPAC pic.twitter.com/Y45t9CnmF9
— Dave Reilly (@realDaveReilly) February 27, 2020
It’s in the men’s bathroom now, taking selfies…
— Dave Reilly (@realDaveReilly) February 27, 2020
This is EXACTLY what I want my children exposed to when they go to the bathroom. ?????
Conservatives will say this is COMPLETELY NORMAL and if you don’t agree, you’re a BIGOT!#CPAC #CPAC2020 pic.twitter.com/6GOzpzQZYS
I’m having the time of my life at @CPAC.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) February 27, 2020
We’re a movement based on love. pic.twitter.com/NTKfMvmpUk
American Conservatism is the full-throated defense and celebration of neoliberalism.
— Will Westcott (@westland_will) February 28, 2020
Every victory of cultural liberalism (gays, trans, feminism, integration) is adopted and championed by Conservatism.
It is just as much an enemy as progressive liberalism, if not more so.
"I don't like being censored by mega corporations controlling public discourse and information to remove us from having any social capital and only show info they want us to see but by God, I will defend their right to do it!". https://t.co/uG6vS1lcRw
— ?Thamster ?WitNat?? (@Thamster2) February 27, 2020
Great to spend time with some of our party’s Rising Stars at @CPAC today.
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) February 27, 2020
They are fired up to help us win big in 2020! pic.twitter.com/SNEMdaaaEz
Democrats are in real trouble… pic.twitter.com/8g7FRsHoCm
— Text TRUMP to 88022 (@harambe_fren) February 27, 2020
This is the event that banned amnat e-celebs travel to and creepily hang outside like a pedophile at a playground trying to catch a glimpse. https://t.co/Rxoz88rNF7
— OG menace (@RO_bruder) February 28, 2020
There’s actual people who are paying to see Charlie Kirk talk about butt sex being a conservative value. CPAC is not sending their best
— Kramer (@ChadNFashy) February 28, 2020
Groypers https://t.co/HUxxQNIKDp
— Hunter (@TheCptBlackPill) February 28, 2020
2020 CPAC let's go pic.twitter.com/z1In32uxyc
— Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) February 26, 2020
Gavin McInnes claiming Beardson is an employee for Daily Stormer. pic.twitter.com/5pavgLLtcp
— Dino Denialist (@Dugnutt1) February 28, 2020
Nick Fuentes is banned from CPAC.
Gavin McInnes was removed from the building.
Jared Holt and Lady MAGA seem to be a having a good time.
It’s all so tiresome and sad. America is a hospice patient struggling for their last breath.
Kikemerica needs to die imo.
Owning the demonrats and Libtards one nonbinary Congolese trannie conservative at a time
What a pathetic sight to see boomers (or possible Gen-Xers?) greeting that Lady-MAGA freak! The world has truly gone mad.
Interestingly, there was a time when ‘normie’ conservatives thought homosexuality and Transgenderism was immoral and downright weird. I remember decades ago George Bush (Senior) rejected a large donation from the ‘Log Cabin’ republicans because they were homosexuals. Although I loathe the entire Bush family, they at least reflected the sentiments of the time before total insanity took over the nation.
Today, every deviant and parading freak show is accepted and fawned over by republicans, especially if they declare their support for Trump.
When the Trump-era ends and his popularity among the simpletons is over, I predict that Lady-MAGA will have a political ‘conversion’ and denounce his former years as a Trump supporter. He’ll spill a load of nasty poison to the media on how ‘discriminated’ he was by republicans, and how they could never truly accept him as one of theirs, etc.
Where is David French? Did Charlie Kirk attend with his black boyfriend?
Isn’t CPAC a medical gizmo that helps you when you snore?
I don’t know but there are ads on TV for things that clean out CPACs and that’s exactly what these idiots need.
CPAC = Catholic PAC (Political Action Committee). Headed by Cardinal Schlapp.
You’re a scratched record album.
@Krafty Wurker CPAC has absolutely nothing to do with Catholicism but go ahead with the ice cold takes. Don’t worry the evangelitards including Pastor Robert Jeffress will be out shilling for Zion Don on Fox news for the next eight months before the election.
You’re something else, Krafty
The Kraft is somewhat of a caricature of himself. He does keep his comments short however.
Lol, indeed Cristina!
muh’ ‘murrikun’ freakshow…circling the drain.
A conservative is a homosexual Nazi that loves Jews.
Why the freakin frick is Jared Holt there? He was anti trump since day one and has been doxxing trumps most loyal supporters. Then again this shouldn’t surprise me last year chapo trap house communists were invited along with other socialist commie dipshits monitoring intensifies
Send in the clowns…
The entire system is revolting. Both sides and all sides.
Truly, the most vile thing about Zlimpf and the GOP is their absolutely deceitful treachery and betrayal regarding immigration. That’s far far worse than their support of gays, honestly.
Both parties and our neoliberal corporate oligarchy ruling class have been engaged in this for quite a while. But, for the Zlimpf administration to fully support the Great Replacement while championing MAGA and KAG in his down syndrome native supporters faces is truly evil.
Zlimpf invites a bunch of Black Americans into the White House and completely plays them for fools while he replaces them with foreign labor. He perpetrates the same fraud on his White Working Class supporters.
It’s truly disgusting but no other establishment side or camp has any moral advantage and Bernie would open up the immigration flood gates even more.
A malignant cancer with no treatment that has to simply run its course…….
Bernie’s success is a testament to the “conservative” inability to conserve anything. CPAC going after socialism, what a joke.
Ewww. Just EWWW.
Don’t worry everyone, a jewish communist will save the white race in Weimerica !!!!
I recall when I first attended CPAC in 2011, there was some small controversy over the “log cabin” republicans. They were going to have Sophie Hawkins sing at an event out in town (instead of in the main hotel).
…sad how the culture has changed, but it wasn’t unexpected.
Act like herd animals, get herded like herd animals…