Coronavirus Comes Home

696 cases in Alabama. 4 deaths.

“Five people in Lee County have died from COVID-19 since Friday morning.

Lee County Coroner Bill Harris on Saturday said five patients died between Friday morning and 3:15 p.m. Saturday. All had been hospitalized at East Alabama Medical Center.

Two of the deaths were Lee County residents and three were residents from Chambers County, Harris said. There are currently 19 patients being treated at East Alabama Medical Center for novel coronavirus.

Harris said one of the victims who died was 51 years old and lived in Lee County. Another one of the victims was in his 80s. Additional details weren’t immediately available.

“Our hospital family expresses its collective condolences to the families of these five patients,” stated Laura Grill, EAMC President and CEO.

“As everyone knows, this virus has taken a toll on our nation and world, and our community is not exempt from that. Our hearts and prayers are with these families at this very difficult time … the ICU staff, respiratory therapists and physicians who worked most closely with these patients are especially struggling and we ask that the community lift them up.” …”

Make that 9 deaths.

5 people have died in East Alabama Medical Center from coronavirus in the last 24 hours. Lee County, AL which is the home of Auburn University currently has 56 cases.

Is the virus fake news? Is it a Democrat hoax to ruin Donald Trump’s presidency? Earlier this month, I succeeded in convincing a family member to quit their job in Lee County and quarantine themselves until this is over. This was two weeks before the first reported case in Alabama.

Montgomery Advertiser:

“By some definitions, Glenn Adams has a mild form of COVID-19. This is what “mild” means.

Through Wednesday morning, he had been sick for eight days. He runs a fever. His joints and body are wracked with pain, according to his wife Jennifer Adams, a professor at Auburn and director of the university’s School of Communication and Journalism.

“He can’t sleep because his body hurts so much,” she said in a phone interview on Wednesday. “His fever always races at night.”

Glenn Adams is one of 29 people in Lee County — and 283 statewide through Wednesday morning — who have confirmed cases of coronavirus in Alabama. He is 46 years old and does not have any underlying health conditions. …”

Jennifer Adams happens to be an acquaintance of ours. Don’t ask me how. I will just say that we know this woman.

There is an even bigger disaster unfolding an hour away from my hometown in Albany, GA where the local hospital has been hit by a medical DDOS attack.


“(CNN) A southwest Georgia hospital that’s reporting about a quarter of the state’s coronavirus deaths says it has reached capacity in three intensive-care units.

The ICUs within Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany are filled with “critically ill Covid-19 patients,” Phoebe Putney Health System said in a news release Wednesday. A fourth ICU was previously opened to care for patients not infected with the virus.

The system has four medical centers in Albany, Americus and Sylvester, as well as other facilities, but Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital is facing the worst of the pandemic. Of Georgia’s 47 deaths from coronavirus, 12 patients had died at the Albany facility as of Wednesday afternoon, according to the hospital system.

“As this public health crisis in southwest Georgia gets more severe, we have been reaching out to other hospitals in our part of the state,” the system’s CEO, Scott Steiner, said. “I am pleased that every one of our regional partners we spoke to in the last 24 hours agreed to assist by accepting patient transfers from us.”

ABC News:

“Medical professionals on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak across the U.S. are documenting their raw truths of what’s happening beyond the waiting room doors.

Two health care workers from Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, Georgia, taped video diaries on Thursday where every bed in the Intensive Care Unit is occupied by patients with coronavirus, formally known as COVID-19, and where, to date, 16 people have died.

In a 15-minute diary, Dr. Enrique Lopez is inside the garage at his home and self-quarantined to protect his wife and three children from possibly contracting the viral infection that’s killed almost 25,000 around the world.

Lopez, who showed in the video he’s covered in ant bites from living in the garage, shows photographs of his family and says, “I look at those pictures every single day, and I realize that we are in the fight of our lives.” …”

There are now 2,446 cases of coronavirus in Georgia. 224 of those cases and 17 deaths are in Dougherty County in Southwest Georgia. The whole region is infected.

This isn’t some distant tragedy unfolding in New York City like on 9/11 that we are going to watch on television. The virus is here now establishing itself in the most rural corners of the Deep South. It is going to reap its bloody toll here in April in our own communities.

Note: If you don’t believe the media and I generally don’t either, believe your local hospitals. They have no reason to lie to you about the virus.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One thing everyone might want to research is the number of days a coronavirus patient is spending on a ventilator—it’s claimed that 30 to 40 days on a ventilator is not uncommon. So far I’ve found numerous numbers…

  2. First of all I’m glad you and your family are OK, HW. That is the most important thing. Second, we need to learn the right lessons from this pandemic, viz., that unchecked globalism and miss-migration have serious, undesirable consequences. And third, I’m glad you deleted that retarded “Crucifixion” of Matt SLIMEbach article. Anyone who still supports that BUM oughta have his head examined.

  3. Yea it’s 100% real and a horrible thing for the South and the human race as a whole. My prayers are for all and that a cure will be found soon. Something that can treat it and a vaccine that prevents it from hurting and killing people again. The Coronavirus is the enemy of all. We should make it our enemy and eliminate it forever. This is an important time for love, respect, and prayer that this pandemic will be gone soon, new meds will work, and we can get back to normal. Something I’m really hoping and praying for. Deo Vindice !

  4. I was reading comments about the reason Italy has “so many deaths,” some luminarie claimed that is “lack of hygiene” of Catholic countries.

    I’m from the Venetian region, neighboring Lombardy, the epicenter of outbreak
    Hygiene – never forget that we started the civilization game thousands of years before the Brutish Islands. For example, to clean the “private parts” we use water, on a bidet, not the barbaric dirty unhygienic “toilet paper.” So no dumb toilet paper riots due to vírus histeria.

    The reasons why “so many are dying.”
    Northern Italy has a very old population, the average age of the dead is close to 80 years old, and the habit of not dumping the elders away from the family, very few have the disgusting idea of discarding the elderly in a nursing home or something like that
    So generally 3 generations live together, increasing exponentially the exposure to the vírus

    Plus in Lombardy there was a tuberculosis outbreak prior to the eruption of the mutated COVID-19 coronavirus. Tuberculosis brought by migrants from Africa that German ships were picking in the Mediterranean and dumping in Italy.
    In Milan there is significant Chinese community that traveled back and forth to Wuhan. The mayor of Milan is a Leftist lunatic, so they are reaping what they sowed.
    Nevertheless the patient zero was a German.

    And it seems that everyone who dies, if tests positive for Coronavirus, no matter what, the obituary informs that the individual died due to Covid-19.
    Curiously the typical Leftist voter in Italy is not a female, it’s the elderly and very young.
    The old votes Left probably because of nostalgia of the communism of the 1960s, 70s. etc. A type of Leftism that is dead.
    And the very young vote Left due to inherent stupidity and German/Anglo/Jewish liberal one-world idiocy propaganda

    • Italian mafia are in bed with Chinese mafia, engaging in various criminal activities, and accelerating the Chinese takeover of the EU. This, combined with Italy’s poor sanitation and mongrelized population, has resulted in this deadly outbreak.

    • I would to see racial data on the cases. Just for objective purposes. No ax to grind.

  5. Being in a state that will probably be one of the later hit, I am a bit worried that Trump will “restart the country” right at the time that my area’s curve will be starting to go vertical.

  6. Given that the young people have viewed the second half of March as one big extended spring break to “hand out and pass around the weed” assured that the six degrees of separation from the initial jet set bringing this thing back from St. Moritz would find it’s way into the ‘hood.

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