Coronavirus: 3/29

The good news: we had a noticeable drop in deaths and a slight decline in the rate of growth of new infections on Sunday.

The bad news: Dr. Anthony Fauci says we are looking at a 100,000 to 200,000 death toll when this is over. Trump also extended his 15 days of social distancing to “flatten the curve” until the end of April.

Here are the latest numbers:

The South: 3/29

MS: 758 cases, 14 deaths

AL: 827 cases, 9 deaths

SC: 774 cases, 16 deaths

GA: 2,683 cases, 83 deaths

TX: 2,808 cases, 38 deaths

FL: 4,950 cases, 60 deaths

LA: 3,540 cases, 151 deaths

AR: 426 cases, 6 deaths

KY: 439 cases, 8 deaths

OK: 429 cases, 16 deaths

WV: 124 cases, 1 deaths

VA: 890 cases, 22 deaths

MO: 903 cases, 12 deaths

NC: 1,167 cases, 7 deaths

TN: 1,720 cases, 7 deaths

U.S. cases:

3/1: 89

3/8: 564

3/9: 728

3/10: 1,000

3/11: 1,267

3/12: 1,645

3/13: 2,204

3/14: 2,826

3/15: 3,505

3/16: 4,466

3/17: 6,135

3/18: 8,760

3/19: 13,159

3/20: 18,563

3/21: 26,138

3/22: 33,276

3/23: 46,371

3/24: 55,041

3/25: 68,203

3/26: 85,873

3/27: 104,671

3/28: 123,578

3/29: 142,070 <— YOU ARE HERE

U.S. deaths per day:

2/29: 1

3/2: 5

3/3: 3

3/4: 2

3/5: 1

3/6: 3

3/7: 4

3/8: 3

3/9: 4

3/10: 4

3/11: 8

3/12: 3

3/13: 8

3/14: 8

3/15: 11

3/16: 18

3/17: 23

3/18: 41

3/19: 57

3/20: 49

3/21: 46

3/22: 111

3/23: 140

3/24: 225

3/25: 247

3/26: 268

3/27: 411

3/28: 525

3/29: 264 <— YOU ARE HERE

TOTAL: 2,484 dead

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • This isn’t the first time it has happened.

      I seem to recall a dip in the numbers on Sunday before. I suspect it is because there is a slowdown in reporting on the weekends. It is too early to read anything into it.

      • It is natural, in gathering data, to have occasional anomalies.
        Daily stats can be be erratic and misleading.
        It’s best to follow a moving average, that will smooth out the anomalies and give a better picture of the overall trend.

  1. Several athletes have tested positive but said they had no symptoms; the only reason they were tested was because of their status and exposure. This leads to several questions, most notably: how many others like them and does that mean the death rate is vastly overstated?, and: could it have something to do with the different strains and how deadlier are they compared to one another?

  2. A glimmer of hope? I thought we wanted this whole rotten system to collapse. The Unites States is the heart of ZOG so anything that weakens that is a good thing. At the very least a U.S. economy in tatters means the end of Trump and any possibility of war with Iran.

    • These people who say this is all helping ZOG somehow are cracking me up. This has been a damning indictment of globalism, open borders and easy travel, diversity, multiculturalism, outsourcing, etc. ZOG needs profits and comfortable sheep to keep going….it is bleeding right now. Niggerball….shut down(the pathetic mewling of sports fans is music to the ears), jewish porno….shut down. I guess it’s all just an elaborate scheme to make the slaves miserable and force a cashless society, though. Even though such a scheme would be unsustainable and eventually collapse.

  3. Health stats in dysfunctional non White/migrant neighborhoods, homeless tent areas of LA, Chicago, Camden New Jersey , Baltimore MD, Birmingham AL don t exist . It s just common sense that street addicts that share needles and don t ever bathe with soap who shag each other are going to have all kinds of viruses and diseases. That healthy White European Americans under the age of 60 are not going to get.

    I was very disappointed with the Political Cesspool last week which pushed the line that Coronavirus isn t much of a problem .

    Sure shutting down the whole USA country is a huge over reaction , but shutting down mass immigration from dirty diseased third world places like China and India is what we ve all wanted as #1 priority fir the last 30 years .

    The Political Cesspool even brought on some lame guy on the final hour who was trying to resurrect the Ron and Rand Paul Libertarian cult – like there s some free market economics adjustment that s going to make the mass invasion of tens of millions of diseased 3rd worlders not hurt the health and economy of regular (White) Americans .

    Just take a few more puffs of MJ, put on John Lenon ‘s “Imagine” and just imagine 40 million bat and dog eating Chinese Chinks , 50 million Indian Shudra turd eaters all coming to all remaining White towns and suburbs in the USA – but it s for our good DIVERSITY is our strength, just read the US Constitution , listen to Pope Francis or Michael Moore or those Libertarian Loons.

    • The continuing insanity of it all is almost enough to make a sane person go over the edge. Just let em all in, cuz we are the best and we can handle it and these hordes are just like us, down deep. Insane, and evil. A terrible price is going to be paid eventually, on top of the one that already is.

  4. Of course 100-200k deaths are possible, setting Americans up for accepting an eventual unproved assertion that the subsequent lack of such deaths was due to government intervention, which then serves as justification for heaps more to come.

    This insulting logical fallacy characterizing government interventions is called affirming the consequent. It goes like this: “Unless you accept our interventions, there will be 100-200k deaths. There were not 100-200k deaths; therefore, our interventions were successful.”

    Also, can you imagine brainwashing so effective that statistics illiterate citizens start squawking like trained cockatoos in statistics-speak about “flattening the curve”? No, wait, that’s too Orwellian to contemplate, right?

    • There are two viruses.

      The first virus is the coronavirus which is as lethal as advertised. The second is fear which is a natural, instinctive response to the former. Fear is more widespread than coronavirus and people who want to preserve their own lives and those of others are isolating themselves which reduces the spread.

    • This insulting logical fallacy characterizing government interventions is called affirming the consequent. It goes like this: “Unless you accept our interventions, there will be 100-200k deaths. There were not 100-200k deaths; therefore, our interventions were successful.”

      Also, can you imagine brainwashing so effective that statistics illiterate citizens start squawking like trained cockatoos in statistics-speak about “flattening the curve”? No, wait, that’s too Orwellian to contemplate, right?



      “Affirming the consequent”

      You’re reply is PURE GOLD

      Be prepared for the €$tablishment to use this justification in any and all future “crises”.

  5. Even with a large number of foreign quacks now practicing in the US, we still have the most modern medical system in the world. Consequently, our death rate is lower.

    • The earliest cases will get the best treatment until the system is overwhelmed. Then mortality will increase for everything

  6. To a degree people are dropping out and hiding and the official state policy just rubber stamps the decisions of people who have run to the hills and bolted the doors.

  7. Keep a close watch on China.
    Most ppl know their case and death figures are false.
    The CCP is using it’s financial arm to keep Chinese stocks from collapsing.
    Combine the above wi state propaganda to divert public angst to foreigners and this patchwork of lies could unravel into civil disorder.
    If there is large enough civil disorder combined with financial chaos the wuflu could really explode in china. With each of these factors providing fuel to the others.

    China has a long history of tyrannical governments that explode into civil war and chaos. It seems endemic to the Chinese civilization.

    • I saw a video about the Ethiopian WHO director Tedros. He’s a specialist in creating deliberate famines and media disinformation. It’s like putting a genocidal maniac in charge of global pandemic coordination to have had him decide how info about Wuflu went out to governments and the press. TEDROS is a war criminal.

  8. Mexico will be in crisis.
    Mexicans in US aren’t able to send as much money back, oil prices have collapsed, tourism is dead and the closed border cuts the narcotics trade.
    The peso is collapsing.

    • What’s that you say? The border has been suddenly closed to the narcotics trade? Surely you jest, sir!

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