New Zealand Has Defeated Coronavirus

There isn’t any “Doomsday Virus.”

There is a highly contagious, moderately lethal new coronavirus that produces a SARS-like disease that destroys the respiratory system. The death toll from the virus in this pandemic depends entirely upon the response to it. It isn’t the virus so much as it is liberalism that kills people.

The Guardian:

New Zealand only embraced the elimination strategy in mid-March. Up until then, the country was taking a similar approach to Australia. Both countries were following their pandemic plans, which were based on managing influenza pandemics. Both were applying increasing border restrictions to “keep it out”, with controls increased after 15 March to require 14-day periods of self-isolation for all arrivals. Familiar methods of case isolation, contact tracing and quarantine to stamp out cases were also being used. …

But then the countries diverged. On 23 March New Zealand committed to an elimination strategy. Both countries had relatively low case numbers at that time: New Zealand had reported 102 cases and no deaths and Australia had reported 1396 cases and 10 deaths. On that day the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced that New Zealand was going to rapidly escalate levels of physical distancing and travel restrictions, reaching the level of a full national lockdown on 26 March (level four on the alert scale). …”

Metro UK:

“New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country is ‘turning a corner’ in the battle against coronavirus after recording the lowest number of new cases in three weeks.

She praised residents for mounting a ‘wall of defence’ which is ‘breaking the chain of transmission’ following the swift implementation of lockdown measures.

The country has recorded 992 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with just one death so far. Health officials said there were 29 new cases on Thursday, the fourth successive daily drop since 89 were recorded on Sunday and the latest sign of a flattening of the curve.

Ms Ardern suggested the four-week lockdown could be softened in just over a weeks’ time, allowing some to return to work if social distancing rules can be maintained. …

Ms Ardern said the government will decide on April 20 whether to relax or extend lockdown measures, which are currently due to expire on April 22. New Zealand confirmed its first case on February 26. But it began testing more than a month before, on January 22.

All new arrivals into the country were ordered into quarantine as early as March 14 and cruise ships were banned.

Within days all non-residents and non-citizens were banned from entering the country altogether.

Ms Ardern has now ruled that citizens returning home will now spend 14 days in an ‘approved facility’. …”

I’m not the biggest fan of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

I have to give her tremendous credit though for doing exactly what I recommended: mass testing, a national lockdown, closing the borders to foreigners, quarantining all people entering New Zealand and segregating the sick from the healthy in order to eradicate COVID-19. She didn’t hesitate to throw out the liberal playbook while Boris Johnson in the UK initially went for herd immunity.

Result? 5 people have died from coronavirus in New Zealand. 22,850 have died in the United States and 11,329 have died in the UK. New Zealand should be able to eradicate the virus, end the lockdown and life will soon return to normal albeit with vigilance and strong borders to keep out the virus. Xenophobia is our strength. As New York City has discovered, there are worse things in this world than “racism” like suffocating to death in your own bodily fluids from coronavirus.

Here in the United States, the same conservatives and libertarians who let the virus silently explode in February and who refused to take the slightest action to stop it out out of fear of “spooking the markets” are beyond furious about the lockdown, which like all other Western countries is having some success in leveling off infections and deaths. They have invented hundreds of conspiracy theories about how Dr. Anthony Fauci is a “Deep State operative” and how the virus isn’t real and is really just the regular flu. The globalists secretly wanted to crash the stock market to wipe out over 200 billionaires and 500,000 millionaires, kill a bunch of poor blacks and Orthodox Jews and close our border with Mexico.

It looks like they are about to get their wish. They are going to get the chance to go with their Plan A which is to end the lockdown and allow the virus to rebound. Most of the Blue States where the bulk of the deaths occurred will undoubtedly go their own way and Middle America should be the global epicenter of the virus by the summer. Elsewhere in the world, life will have long since returned to normal, but we will double down on our initial mistake which was to just ignore this threat, learn nothing from experience and allow it to fester rather than acting decisively to contain and then eradicate the virus.

Maybe a little nativism is prudence

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Social distancing and separation seem to be the only realistic remedy.

    How about RACIAL distancing and separation to cure social contagions, drugs, crime, illiteracy, STDs, etc.?

  2. These countries that are defeating the virus will need to block Americans from entering. No more Asian sex tourism for Amnats.

  3. “It looks like they are about to get their wish. They are going to get the chance to go with their Plan A which is to end the lockdown and allow the virus to rebound. Most of the Blue States will undoubtedly go their own way and Middle America should be the global epicenter of the virus by the summer. Elsewhere in the world, life will have long since returned to normal, but we will double down on our initial mistake which is to just ignore this threat and allow it to fester.”

    This could lead to interesting times. The states that are serious about stopping the virus, will have to block travel from the states that want the infection to spread, and that could be a break up of the Union, because if the virus really does recur, there may not be a vaccine for it any time soon, if ever.

    • “The states that are serious about stopping the virus, will have to block travel from the states that want the infection to spread”

      I think that would be impossible. Raw materials have to come from one place and be processed in another. Interstate commerce would shut down, the whole supply chain would be wrecked, then everybody sinks.

      • The coronavirus has demonstrated that economic self-sufficiency – that is, replacing Wall Street with Main Street – was never a serious option to begin with. It’s simply not as profitable. The whole “Main Street” thing was a ruse Trump played for stupid normies in middle America. The ruse worked especially well with unintelligent blight nationalists, who never imagined that such a move might actually decrease revenue streams from stawk mawket inve$tment$ in the Global Bubble Economy or endanger their minimum-wage underemployment at the local Hindi-owned AM-PM Mini Mart.

        Change of such magnitude involves economic and political risk. Furthermore, “socialism” is required to bring industry onshore.

        Given the above, why would anybody think regional self-sufficiency is possible? Given the profitability of Chinese and Mexican-slave labor, who is going to invest in such a thing?

        So you’re right. Nobody is going to interrupt the highly profitable supply chain that presently exists to develop regional self-sufficiency. Cuckservatives are far more averse to risk than wealthy libshits; therefore, it is Not. Going. To. Happen.

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