Coronavirus: 4/15

Here are the latest numbers:

The South: 4/15

MS: 3,360 cases, 122 deaths

AL: 4,241 cases, 123 deaths

SC: 3,656 cases, 107 deaths

GA: 15,260 cases, 576 deaths

TX: 16,009 cases, 375 deaths

FL: 22,519 cases, 614 deaths

LA: 21,951 cases, 1,103 deaths

AR: 1,599 cases, 34 deaths

KY: 2,291 cases, 122 deaths

OK: 2,263 cases, 123 deaths

WV: 718 cases, 12 deaths

VA: 6,500 cases, 195 deaths

MO: 4,895 cases, 159 deaths

NC: 5,381 cases, 132 deaths

TN: 6,079 cases, 135 deaths

U.S. cases:

3/1: 89

3/8: 564

3/9: 728

3/10: 1,000

3/11: 1,267

3/12: 1,645

3/13: 2,204

3/14: 2,826

3/15: 3,505

3/16: 4,466

3/17: 6,135

3/18: 8,760

3/19: 13,159

3/20: 18,563

3/21: 26,138

3/22: 33,276

3/23: 46,371

3/24: 55,041

3/25: 68,203

3/26: 85,873

3/27: 104,671

3/28: 123,578

3/29: 142,070

3/30: 164,248

3/31: 188,530

4/1: 215,003

4/2: 244,877

4/3: 277,161

4/4: 311,357

4/5: 336,673

4/6: 367,004

4/7: 400,355

4/8: 434,927

4/9: 468,566

4/10: 502,876

4/11: 532,879

4/12: 560,300

4/13: 586,941

4/14: 613,886

4/15: 644,089 <— YOU ARE HERE

U.S. deaths per day:

2/29: 1

3/2: 5

3/3: 3

3/4: 2

3/5: 1

3/6: 3

3/7: 4

3/8: 3

3/9: 4

3/10: 4

3/11: 8

3/12: 3

3/13: 8

3/14: 8

3/15: 11

3/16: 18

3/17: 23

3/18: 41

3/19: 57

3/20: 49

3/21: 46

3/22: 111

3/23: 140

3/24: 225

3/25: 247

3/26: 268

3/27: 411

3/28: 525

3/29: 363

3/30: 573

3/31: 912

4/1: 1,049

4/2: 968

4/3: 1,321

4/4: 1,331

4/5: 1,165 

4/6: 1,255

4/7: 1,970

4/8: 1,940

4/9: 1,900

4/10: 2,035

4/11: 1,830

4/12: 1,528

4/13: 1,535

4/14: 2,407

4/15: 2,763 <— YOU ARE HERE

TOTAL: 28,529 dead

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What’s going on in France ?
    1400 deaths in a single day !
    At a proportionate rate the US would be at 10,000 deaths a day.
    Is that our future ?

    • every casual day, 1644 people die in France (600 000 per year)…Even if the pandemic would kill 150 000 more people than usual (oftenly very old or very sick or very obese ones), that is NOT a reason to destroy the economy.

      • “No one can serve two masters, for either he
        will hate the one and love the other; or else
        he will be devoted to one and despise the
        other. You can’t serve both God and Mammon.”

      • Do you people not understand that the deaths would likely be many multiples higher if you pulled the quarantine and had the normal deaths of everyday life plus what you have now and extra due to medical system maxing out and rapid spread of the virus? Maybe you need more a more formulaic presentation to understand?

        No virus w/ no quarantine= X (normal deaths)

        Virus w/ quarantine= Y (quarantine virus deaths) + plus probably a fraction of what X (normal deaths) were above due to people staying home

        Virus w/o quarantine= X (normal deaths) + Y (quarantine virus deaths) + Z (extra virus proliferation deaths from no quarantine and rapid spread) + W (maxed out medical capacity deaths in some areas)

        There will be an economic depression/recession/whatever one way or another. The economy is not going to continue with business as usual as hospitals overflow with the current 4% mortality rate in the US.

        The mammon worshippers really need to get over it.

  2. It appears that reports of the curve starting to flatten were a little too hasty. New cases back over 30,000, and two straight days of 2400+ deaths. Looks like the lockdown will continue as scheduled.

    • ” two straight days of 2400+ deaths”

      That may be some statistical adjustment from the 3000 reclassified deaths, to wuflu.
      We’ll likely have to wait a few days, to establish a reliable trend.

  3. For those of you thinking that ‘the transition’ that we are about to undergo over these next handful of weeks, as we are ‘allowed’ to come out, will be somewhat close to the way we functioned before,….Ohhh…noooo!!! They have had THIS NEXT STAGE ALL PREPARED for you well-behaved lambs!

  4. As a colleague of mine at another college said, ‘WV has been lucky- but if the COVID comes here, it will wipe out all of these poor white folk- black lung, gross obesity, diabetes, etc. Can you imagine?”

    I pray for those simple people, and the faithful in all areas. But God is not mocked…. and y’all STILL are not fasting and praying for a surcease of this biblical plague for our sins….

    Oh, and Brad? Could you type out at least the most salient points from Wiles’ broadcast, since YOU are listening to him on a daily basis?

    As a Prot, he’s still rather tedious to listen to….

  5. TOTAL: 28,529 dead

    That’s more than the 24,557 people living in Paris, Texas.

    Comparing the numbers with where you live, or with nearby towns, gives you a real appreciation of the significance of these numbers. Imagining your entire community dead, brings reality to an otherwise dry statistic.

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