MIT Model Predicts Relaxing Lockdowns Too Soon Will Have Catastrophic Consequences

There are various models.

The University of Washington model has been heavily criticized.

This is the MIT AI model that uses machine learning to predict coronavirus infections and deaths.

Daily Mail:

“Coming out of lockdown too soon could be catastrophic and lead to an explosion of new coronavirus cases according to a study modelling the spread of the virus. 

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created a model showing the spread of the deadly virus using publicly available data.

The authors say that any immediate or near-term relaxation of quarantine measures already in place would lead to an ‘exponential explosion’ in COVID-19 cases.

It comes as Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab declared that the UK coronavirus lockdown will stay for at least another three weeks.

The model developed by the MIT team has proved accurate when tested against data from late January to early March – it anticipated the rate of spreading up to April 1 and is capable of predicting spread going forward.

This is the first time a model has been built based purely on COVID-19 data – all previously models used SARS and MERS information to chart the outbreak.

Most models predict the spread of disease by looking at people susceptible, exposed, infected and recovered but this model captures the number of infected individual still in quarantine and unable to infect others.

This allows them to go beyond existing models and create a much more accurate system to predict the future impact of the virus if lockdowns are ended early.

They predict COVID-19 infections will reach a plateau in the US and Italy next week but say this isn’t a reason to relax lockdown measures already in place. …”

I guess we will see.

I’m growing exasperated with the lockdown debate. I don’t know what else I can say to people who believe the flu season goes in reverse and skyrockets in mid-March through April and into the summer.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Practice Racial Distancing. It’s not a perfect strategy but it has sound underpinnings in what we just saw happen. PERSONALLY, Wear a mask. Wear gloves. Eat plenty of red meat. Take an occasional zinc suppliment (but eat cheese n eggs) and drink lots of fruit juice. Keep away from brown folk. Don’t do business with them. There’s a chance to shift economic and social habits now. I like what I’m seeing with Chinese deporting their Africans.

    • 🙂 That’s funny – practice racial distancing. Good one man. Here’s some knowledge for all the trolls and lazy good for nothings that frequent this site and are easily brainwashed by their very enemies !!! None of whom are doing crap towards building up the white south :

    • “Take an occasional zinc ”

      Vitamin d seems to have some efficacy in fighting this bug. Get sun on your body, IN MODERATION ! Vit c won’t hurt , either.

        • Yup. Whole family’s been eating brazil nuts for a month now, two a day…. or as they used to be called, “N toes”…
          (Boy, I miss my dad)

    • Those are good, Captain, but, the biggest things are Garlic and Elderberry.

      Eastern European Monks survived the Black Death wearing necklaces of garlic bulbs about them – though, none understood why, because there was no clinical data, at the time.

      Garlic is proven to be the most powerful antibiotic known to man – killing every bandit that would hide in your gut.

      Moreover, Garlic repels every manner of invisible critter – from mites and fungi to viruses.

      The disadvantage of Garlic is that it takes 24 hours to reach full strength in your body, as opposed to weaker synthetic antibiotics that can reach full strength in several hours.

      But, if you are regularly taking odorless garlic gelcaps, you have a headstart.

      Elderberry has long been in use in Germany, Russia, and American Indian healers. Though centuries of these healers could not prove why it was so helpful, research has shown that Elderberry (taken either in tea of capsules) identifies every viral cell in your system, approaches them and then ties back their spikes, so that, when they bump into healthy cells, they cannot use their spikes to gores, penetrate, and then infect them.

      Every viral cell is like an ole-timey sea mine – a ball with spikes on it.

      Elderberry deals with that 100% of the time, and there are no side-effects to Elderberry, other than feeling better.

      How much to take as a preventative?

      3 capsules a day, on an empty stomach, with water – one upon awakening, one in the afternoon, and one right before going to bed.

      If you are coming down with something – triple this dose level, and stay with it until you have been well for a number of days.

      Vitamin C, in Ester C form, is also as helpful as zinc. As a preventative, take 1000 milligrams, 3 times a day, with food.

      If you are coming down with something, triple that dosage.

      One warning – fruit juice is a terrible idea. Why?

      Because it does not provide enough Vitamin C and it bathes your gut in sugars, which is exactly what any virus loves.

      A low sugar diet is important for anyone over 40 years of age, and particularly important in a period like this.

      Other things, such as Rose-Hips, Echinacea, Chaparral, Oregon Grape, and Lemon Myrtle leaves are very helpful, but, the ones that are most helpful for you are the ones I listed, plus, what you mentioned, Zinc.

      Zinc is important, (twice a day with food) because it prevents your body from overreacting and damaging itself, when responding to the virus.

      Collodial Silver is good to take, daily (1 week on one week off) because, like Garlick, Silver kills every bad known microbe – without hurting you.

    • If you consider 30 to 40% unemployment “normal”. Another 5.5M registered for unemployment last week. All employment gains since 2008 have been wiped out. I guess it’s All Good if you go by Trump’s barometer of the Economy – the (((Stock Market))).

      • “Trump’s barometer of the Economy – the (((Stock Market))).”

        They think, by forcing the barometer they can change the weather.

    • The Jews are down the street at Harvard, far fewer at MIT. Harvard is much more about being smart and having the right connections and money. There are geniuses at Harvard of course but also many more poseurs, those who know how to game the system well.

      Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jared Kushner (co-president) both went to Harvard. Zuckerberg cheated the Winkelvoss twins to create Facebook later settling lawsuits they filed against him. Jared Kushner’s father went to jail for various frauds while Jared spent much of his time at Harvard doing real estate deals in the Boston-Cambridge area.

      MIT and its equivalent such as Cal Tech and other polytechnic universities are all about applied intellect, not beauty contests. Connections and gaming the system don’t count in science or engineering, either the thing works or it doesn’t. MIT is all about science and its applications through engineering, it’s mathematically and practically oriented.

      It’s unlikely Mr. Facebook or co-president Jared would have wanted to go to MIT even if they had been accepted. Zuckerberg would have been kicked out for plagiarizing (like the sainted Rev. MLK Jr.) and Jared would have failed out because there wouldn’t have been time for real estate scumbagging and studying.

      • Those polytechnic schools are crawling with Chinks, many of whom are spies for Peking. Many are doubtless asymptomatic carriers of the Chink virus as well.

      • Don’t kid yourself there’s lots of bullshit at MIT too. Not everything there is math & science. Far from it.

        • I’ll vouch for the MIT bullshit level. I know exactly one MIT prof, and she is the essence of pussy-hat-ism, assuming that’s even a word.

    • Normal is the sickness. Its time to actually practice Racial Distancing. You’ve got every excuse to so so now.

    • MIT is 8 New England Yankees for every Jew, Ron – so let’s get this straight – Mr. Griffin is sourcing New England Yankees.

      And who cares?

      The truth is the truth – no matter who speaks it, and no matter who denies it.

  2. China is seeing a resurgence of the virus in Wuhan, In Hubei and Heibei province as well as Guangdong province in the south and Heilongjiang province in the north. This is going to get worse.

    The exodus of tens of thousands of people from Wuhan when the lockdown was lifted will result in even more viral outbreaks in 7-10 days.

    No western nation will be as drastic as the Chinese were in Wuhan and it wasn’t enough.

    We need everyone to wear a mask outside and we need rapid testing in the millions. Currently testing is around 150,000 and it is slow.

    The corporations and the donor class will ensure the reopening despite the risks.

    We are in for a very interesting year.

  3. Todd Rider was targeting RNA produced in cells that were infected with viruses out of MIT in 2011-ish, they thought it might work in some capacity against all viruses. It was called DRACO and it caused the cells to commit apoptosis, like if a cell is becoming cancerous, it dies.

    It’s broad-spectrum technology and they were specifically looking at SARS and similar viruses.

    Science isn’t Jewish.

    I understand the criticism of certain university systems and who fund them, but the science itself is quite Western (White).

    And realizing how long they’ve worked on it might indicate we don’t really know how long this thing will go on, in terms of it simply running it’s course because they can’t find a way to eradicate it and 80% of all the people will get it and either live or die. Might happen that way, but would be nice if it didn’t.

    • @MISS EMILY…

      ‘Science isn’t Jewish…’

      Amen, Sister – but, beware – a lot of people who come here are such big Jewish Supremacists they put the biggest Zionists I ever heard to shame!

      And just how I mean that is that many here seem to think that Jews are behind everything that happens in the world, that everything Jews conspire to achieve comes off hitch free; and that, because all Jews agree with each other, all the time, the poor incompetent helpless White Gentile Races are but putty in their hands.

      Sometimes I’d think myself listenin’ to a bunch of teens playin’ Dungeons & Dragans, but, no – these are not teens.

      But, yes, of course, this Tarheel Confederate is surely a paid disinformant, not to mention an agent of The Mossad, all just to further cloud the apparently addlepated Gentile mind!

      • “Science isn’t Jewish.” NO, but they sure can ‘jew it over.’

        Just look at Einstein.. total phoney…. and his ‘science’ has messed up the entire world, for the last hundred years.

        “Portrayed in the popular press as if a congenial and compassionate man, Albert Einstein was in fact a vicious racist and an ardent segregationist. He hated Europeans and sought their extermination. Though he himself had married a Gentile, Mileva Maric, he later divorced her for what his friends thought were racist reasons. Einstein denounced all mixed marriages and believed that Jews should remain separate from Gentiles and not participate in Gentile governments. Though Einstein was a staunch Zionist who championed the Jewish nationalist cause, he wanted all Gentile nations abolished in favor of global government for Gentiles and a Zionist state for Jews. His beliefs mirrored Jewish messianic prophecy.” –


        “In 1920 Lenard attacked Einstein openly at a research conference with personal insults based on his heritage. He complained that: a “Jewish spirit” had come to rule over physics. Science, “like everything else man produces” was down to bloodlines, and the Jewish Einstein, though German, was central to this problem. As Lenard put it at this conference: “Just because a goat is born in a stable does not make him a noble thoroughbred.”

        In this conference Lenard went on to accuse Einstein both of being a fake (i.e., that his arguments were self-contradictory and made no sense) and of being a plagiarist (Lenard published a series of papers which artificially assigned various principles and some of the experimental consequences of special relativity to an assortment of obscure 19th century German scientists). In 1933 Lenard collected these thoughts and views into a large textbook “Great Men in Science”, which omitted all mention of Einstein (as well as of Röntgen and Marie Curie with whom he had also had fights). This book was still being read after the Second World War.”-

  4. On a slightly more positive note, they just ran a story about ECMO saving a man in Arizona and it’s saved 21 out of 58 people who had hours left to live on ventilators. The man in Arizona was on the highest ventilator setting when they used it. It pumps and oxygenates the blood outside of the body so the lungs and heart aren’t working to do it.

    Robert Bartlett made it. Wypipo make some pretty cool stuff sometimes.

  5. “I’m growing exasperated with the lockdown debate. I don’t know what else I can say to people who believe the flu season goes in reverse and skyrockets in mid-March through April and into the summer.”

    Libertarian cucks are not here to debate.

    They are here to shout you down, strangle you with stupid “what about dis, what about dat?” questions that have been repeatedly answered on other pages, and waste your time with long-running videos from some Internet horse’s ass that contains only a few minutes of worthy content. Most have short memories and poor reading comprehension. I don’t know how many times you’ve answered the same silly questions. And all of it is for nothing.

    You went to the body count and stung ’em hard. This forced the cucks to change their argument from “just da flu, bra, nothing to see here” to “jews pulled 34k bodies out of their asses.” There simply is no persuading people like that.

    You know who they are. Don’t suffer these cucked cultists. Block them. Their tears are not only delicious, but there are other places for them to go.

    Send them to WRSA, where there are plenty of libertarian sociopaths they can yuck it up with. So many, in fact, that blog owner CA has to turn off comments periodically from sheer embarrassment and fear of legal consequences. One piece of shit over there wants 300,000,000 ‘Murkans dead.

        • “You went to the body count and stung ’em hard. ”

          Utter BS. What Brad has NOT done, is look to the bigger picture, almost from the beginning. Body counts STILL don’t make sense, esp. when you know that ALL deaths were reported as being COVID’s fault. That’s not just bad reporting, that’s FALSE SCIENCE!

          Again, 90% of the patients dying, are over the age of 70.

          “Daily Mail:

          The link between age and high death rates from coronavirus has been confirmed for the first time by researchers – and it could help predict the scale of future outbreaks.The University of Oxford study highlights the importance of age and demographics in explaining why some countries have higher rates of fatality than others.They found that in Italy the rate of death was 1.7 times greater than in South Korea despite both nations having an early outbreak of the deadly COVID-19.
          Lead author Jennifer Dowd said the information in the study could be used to forecast how COVID-19 will play out in different countries as it continues to spread.

          The study was motivated to examine the impact of age on the virus by the early severity and number of deaths of COVID-19 in Italy compared to South Korea.Currently, COVID-19 mortality risk is highly concentrated at older ages, particularly those aged over 80, according to the Oxford team.They say that by understanding a countries age demographic it is possible to predict the burden of critical cases and help plan the need for hospital beds and staff.

          ‘Until more nuanced data on comorbidities becomes available, the concentration of mortality risk in the oldest ages is one of the best tools we have to understand and deal with Covid-19 at local and national levels,’ said Dowd. The researchers used data on death rates and population age in Italy and compared it to the US and Nigeria – which has one of the youngest populations in the world, as can be seen in this animated graph…”.

          It’s WHY this happened, WHY it is so varied in its’ infections, WHY it seems to target certain ETHNICITIES, and leave others alone (the famous Iceland example) is what Brad is NOT talking about.

          It’s almost as if he has an AGENDA to conflate all numbers, make EVERYONE the victim of this virus, and IGNORE the racial/chronological markers that are specific to this bio-engineered virus.

          Y’all are still in the ‘every hominid is equal’ mindset, rather than acknowledging that Multiculturalism, PRECISELY BECAUSE OF COVID, is now DEAD…

          Borders, Quarantine, refusing airlines from ‘shithole countries’- all of it has been proven not only beneficial, BUT NECESSARY.

          The utter fools lauding HW on this site are examples of the same folks that believed Trump’s campaign promises. At least HW didn’t far quicker than most of us did.

          But, something changed in 2019. Brad’s NOT the same reporter/person he was, then.
          And many of us are wondering why…. And that’s what you folks are missing, completely.

  6. Charles Gulilani brought up the photo (in the link below)of the image on the Home page of the WHO’s Global Citizen initiative. The image of the women is the goal of the ‘Beast-system’ of these technocratic elites where one is part beast and part technology. Enslaved to a monstrous all-seeing eye grid of mass-surveillance where computer systems store the tracking information of the populations of the world. The Eye of Sauron ruling over Middle-earth!

    We must resist this!

    • Creepy! Makes you wonder if Washington and Beijing are hammering out some kind of understanding…Lady Gaga looks like she’s about to start singing “Imagine”.

      • Well, Lennon “should” have been killed, merely on heresy charges, back then… luckily, God removed him, (quite clearly) not too much later.

        “Chapman had been a fan of the Beatles, but was incensed by Lennon’s lifestyle and public statements, such as his remark about the Beatles being “more popular than Jesus” and the lyrics of his later songs “God” and “Imagine”. ” –

        The Fool (in Orthodox theology) often has a better insight into God’s mind than the intellectual….

        1980-1971= 9 years YHWH God gave Lennon time to repent.
        2019-2016= 3 years from Trump’s election until Corona.

        Timelines are getting shorter. Just saying.
        God is not mocked.

    • One good thing Trump has done is to highlight the criminal incompetence of WHO and its subservience to China by covering up the Wuhan outbreak. Trump was right to cut off U.S. funding to the no good bastards at WHO. Now, if he would only follow through and cut off U.S. funding to the rest of the UN that would be a good start on driving a stake through the heart of the globalism/one world monster. Kick the UN out of the U.S., relocate them to beautiful downtown Lagos, Nigeria.

      Unfortunately, Trump seems to have the attention span of a goldfish and is most heavily influenced by the last person to speak to him, usually his no good son-in-law and daughter.

  7. “I guess we will see.”
    – HW

    I shall be interested to see which one of you self-taught / self-styled epidemiologists comes closest to hitting the mark, most likely by chance.

  8. If whites who emerge from their bolthole refuse to give service and goods to BAME for fear of contraction based on the solid epidemiological data showing that darkies are the primary vectors of the disease… What would the government do?

    The racist would just be responding to the existing good data.

  9. The economy should be opened…very slowly. Places like Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota should never be compared to New York or New Jersey. The latter places cannot be opened now. And when they do open it should be the more rural parts of those states first. Upstate New York has far more in common with red states than it does with New York City and several of its suburbs.

    The protest in Michigan was basically showing tons of white people saying ” hey, we don’t live in Detroit” or some other relatively crowded city filled with people not doing social distancing. The Senator from Wyoming, Barraso, said his state has been practicing social distancing for 150 years. Lol. You can’t compare Wyoming and it’s one or two covid deaths to New York and its 15 thousand deaths. Open Wyoming. Face masks? Sure.

    The one good thing I see from this is more and more jobs will go to those working from home. Renting out buildings and having hordes of people commuting to them stinks. I always hated the concept.

    I also love the fact sportsball is taking a hit. Paying grown men obscene amounts of money to hit, throw, catch or dunk a ball is disgusting. It’s obvious in this pandemic who the important people are and it’s not some dude running with a pork ball. But, but, but ” muh Tom Brady” at nearly 43 and his 250 million had to leave his team of 20 years to make more money. I hope he has a crap season in a, most likely, shortened season playing in front of nobody. The egos of sports ballers and actors must be taking a massive hit.

    Sooo open up the economy slowly in the areas not hit hard. Wear your masks, wash your hands and practice social distancing. That’s all, folks!

    • I’m glad you mentioned sports, I wholeheartedly agree. And let me add Hollywood to my glad to see them take a hit list. None more deserving.

      • Absolutely, Sc Rebel. I see these Hollywood turds trying to stay relevant doing stupid human tricks on social media. I don’t watch them on the few social media things I am on. Tv news or similar will show some absurd actor doing a lame song or some silly play acting to stay relevant in their child minds.

        It’s gross seeing some 45 to 70 year old doing things as forgetful as farts in the wind. Or we get a Jennifer Lopez at 50 years old acting like she is forever young with the teeny bopper look at my azz and breasts. Hey, I admire older women looking good but these low down Hollywood turds in the social media era are so classless. They are perennially like the jealous sibling who always has to be the center of attention.

        It’s obvious capitalism has gone too far and it rewards the dumb and those who entertain us non ending like some five-year old. I hate it. I actually miss the days pre Reagan where the rich were taxed heavily. I was a little kid then but I was shocked at how much the rich were taxed then when I read about it.

        Now we get goofy Jewish, cucked goy or semi retarded rappers with obscene money really contributing the equivalent of eating cheese doodles every day.

        Coronavirus has shown me even further what overrated tools sports ball and fake line readers really are. Cut their money! They are not really that needed! That’s why these sports ball guys are panicking and want to play in front of nobody!

    • One of the advantages pf the current crisis, manufactured or not and hyped or not, is that sports ballers and actors have proven themselves to be irrelevant.

      • Yes, totally irrelevant, obi don. I read where the half back with the Panthers- ironically the only or maybe one of two white half backs in the entire Nfl, McCaffey, signed a huge contract for 16 million per year making him the highest paid half back ever. 16 million per year to run with a pork ball. Something is not right and it lays at the door of capitalism gone wild. I remember when a ballplayer making a couple of million was considered huge. And make no mistake. The higher the salaries, the higher the ticket prices and concessions.

        I am one of those reformed sports junkies. I was particularly fanatical with baseball and football knowing all the statistics and watching games six hours straight. I played a lot of ball when younger, even getting a minor league baseball tryout. I was a borderline great player but no way elite which is what one has to be to move on to the big show.

        Slowly I saw the insanity of making other guys rich and me wasting my time ” studying” sports statistics unless you were going to make money in it.

        The fact that salaries grew astronomically finally did it for me. I remember when Ken Griffey junior was the highest paid guy in baseball at 6 million per year. Today, guys who make 6 million per year are barely above average players and the highest paid guy gets about 35 million per year with many players making 12 to 25 million per year. The ticket, parking and concessions have grown right with it.

        It’s like the soul was ripped out of sports. I don’t need to get into the vile pandering to lunatic black players in this day and age. Just another reason to hate sports. I don’t like seeing disgusting white haters and America haters get obscenely wealthy as cowardly white owners sit back and check their morality and courage at the door. Obviously Jewish run Hollywood is very similar.

        Coronavirus has exposed many weaknesses in America and Europe. Way too much trade with a communist and GOD less China. It came back to haunt us. Way too much frivolous travel to every corner of the globe bringing back diseases. A total lack of making important things in this country.

        Due to capitalism we simply went to the lowest bidder for profit. Now we see who is important- the doctors, nurses, police, firemen. Ems, truckers, food workers, etc. Not our dancing monkeys- aka sports players and ego maniac actors. In fact coronavirus has shown what complete overrated bores they are. May that continue for a long time post coronavirus.

        • Come and talk to Southern Colleges about N*ggerball, and how it saps every bit of energy from the concept of the Academy, from the faculty on down to the lowliest freshman…..

  10. “I’m growing exasperated with the lockdown debate.”

    Don’t waste tour time on intractable people.

  11. Some areas are sparse in population density and haven’t seen the virus arrive yet and in a way this job shutdown was like giving penicillin the month before you got strep. Seems to me that you need one policy for the Detroit Metro Area, but a different one for the UP. Places like the Upper Peninsula, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota need to go to work, but with intensive monitoring and contract tracing quarantine for the cases that pop up. If stats show things are starting to spread, then more shutdowns, but for now one thing they could do is shut down the Mackinaw Bridge to non commercial traffic to try to keep the infected from SE Michigan out of the UP. There really needs to be some travel restrictions out of the hot zones or this is not going to work. And not just as limited as “Cook County” You’d probably need to create a hot quadrant in NE Illinois north of the 41st parallel and East of I-39. Look at NY, the north and west are in a much different situation than the NYC Tri-State area. As covered before, restricting travel is something Trump doesn’t want to do, either out of philosophy or it’s a fight he’s just not looking to pick right now. But this isn’t really going to work if people are traveling from areas with too many infections for case based contact tracing and contactee quarantine into the areas that don’t have infections the plan won’t work.

  12. The imported plum pox virus (aka “Sharka”) was probably eradicated in this state, and the United States, a few years ago. This was accomplished because all infected or possibly infected plum and related stone fruit trees were located and “ruthlessly” destroyed including backyard trees and the stocks of commercial nurseries, which “violated individual rights” and harmed businesses. It is one of the few success stories of our government “liberating” our agriculture from foreign pests and diseases that have become established. It is the proper role of government to remain constantly on guard against invaders.

    The present (temporary) inconveniences, financial losses and other hardships of doing the hard work necessary to hunt down and destroy or defeat any new, serious and infectious disease, whether it affects agricultural crops or livestock, wild flora and fauna, or humans, are “nothing” compared to the future cost of ignoring it.

    • Don’t forget the American Chestnut, destroyed by a Virus imported from…..ASIA!

      “…the American chestnut suffered a substantial population collapse due to the chestnut blight, a disease caused by an Asian bark fungus (Cryphonectria parasitica, formerly Endothia parasitica). This disease was accidentally introduced into North America on imported Asiatic chestnut trees.” –

      It’s the botanical version of the Corona virus.
      Why do we even deal with the Chinese? They are irredeemable.
      Miss Denise merely corroborated the facts presented a hundred years ago, in the book ‘Ways that are Dark.”

  13. Handy Andy Torba’s “GAB” has been down and out for a couple of days. I thought that Monster dude had all of GAB’s problems solved?

    • I now believe Torba is either getting paid or pressured to keep Gab in a permanent state of dysfunction.

  14. Computer models are notoriously inaccurate. Most of the climate change death scenarios have come out of wildly inaccurate models. They’re used to support ideology, not to provide actual knowledge. Remember the Imperial College London models projecting 4 million deaths from corona in the US? All of those predictions that assert sci-fi levels of dystopian doom tend to promote heavy-handed gov’t control as the cure-all for everything, whether through actually saying that or by implication. Which is what the multicultural left always wants, Stalin and Mao redux.

    Don’t believe any mainstream sources on any issue. Check it out yourself, using multiple sources that go beyond the corporate narrative.

  15. Our rulers tell us it’s safe to go to Costco, Sams & Walmart but not work. It’s safe to go to Food Lion, Publix & Kroger but not work. It’s safe to go to gas stations, liquor stores & marijuana dispensaries but not work. It’s safe to go to Home Depot, Lowe’s hardware & auto parts stores but not work……

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