In this episode of Illusion Radio, I took a break from covering the coronapocalypse to discuss the Jewish Question in the United States. We dive into the details of regional differences.
In this episode of Illusion Radio, I took a break from covering the coronapocalypse to discuss the Jewish Question in the United States. We dive into the details of regional differences.
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Praise Dagda! You are FINALLY writing about something other – and infinitely more deadly – than CoronaChan.
Its my understanding that jews went to America as “Marranos” in 1492 when Isabella and Ferdinand kicked the muzzies and jews out of Spain for conspiring together to destroy Spain from within(treaty of Granada), from there they set up the first masonic temple in new Amsterdam, characters like Benjamin P. Judah controlled slavery and almost everything else in the South in the 1700’s this is why they fought for segregation etc, Albert Pike, a 33rd degree mason set up the KKK…when factoring in Freemasonry, the U.S.A is mostly jew controlled from top to bottom. They planned on destroying the U.S in the civil war, were it not for Czar Alexander sending the Russian Navy to American waters during the civil war, the South would have been ceded to Mexico and the North to Canada…the U.S.A. would not exist were it not for Russia, the jews/rothschilds hated Russia for this and got their revenge on Czar Nicholas and the Russian empire in the early 1900’s..it seems the jews were trying to destroy America/White People since the day they set foot on American soil
“Pegleg Pete” Stuyvesant ordered the jews out of New Amsterdam.
But the board in Od Amsterdam told him to admit them and apologize for the inconvenience
Alt-Right hero Christopher Columbus was very likely a Marrano. Most of his crew were Jews fleeing “anti-semitism”.
A lot of the Alt-Right’s colonialist heroes were either jews or masonic judeophiles.
I’m not sure about Columbus, but quite a few of his crew were jews..the story of Columbus discovering America is a lie anyway, Leif Ericson and the Vikings were here 500 years before Columbus
The Norse were a 1000 years ahead of them whose settlements in the North American island of Greenland lasted for almost 500 years. L’Anse aux Meadows, the only confirmed Norse site in present-day Canada were visiting their ancient ancestors, the Solutrean Europeans whose founding culture of America 21,000 to 17,000 years ago migrated to North America by boat along the pack ice of the North Atlantic Ocean.
As far as I know, it ain’t who gets to someplace first but, who manages to successfully appropriate the discovery to his purposes and maintains his hold over that.
“the U.S.A is mostly jew controlled from top to bottom. They planned on destroying the U.S in the civil war, were it not for Czar Alexander sending the Russian Navy to American waters during the civil war, the South would have been ceded to Mexico and the North to Canada…the U.S.A. would not exist were it not for Russia, the jews/rothschilds hated Russia for this and got their revenge on Czar Nicholas and the Russian empire in the early 1900’s.”
Yes, and no.
Yes, The Jews have had, by American standards of time, a very very long blood feud running with Mother Russia.
No, the issue of Czar Alexander II and his navy was not uppermost, but, only one of many many things.
The feud seemed to get going in earnest when Czar Alexander I rebuffed Rothschild’s advances in the very early years of the 1800s.
That said, Jews in Russia were chomping at the bit, from the 17th century forward, to break beyond the boundaries that had been set for them, as they gradually drifted east from Poland, Germany, and Austro-Hungary by Queens Elizabeth and Catherine in the 18th century.
Concerning The Jews, yet going beyond them, positions in Russia were closed to any and all who were not members of the Russian Orthodox Church, until The Judeo-Bolsheviks took over. Before the Spoviet Union, wealthy Jews had to content themselves with buying Russian Orthodox politicians, something which, as the 19th century progressed, created a scandal.
19th century Russia was, from the Russian-Jewish point of view, a continuing battle to grow in influence. That they did – gaining ever greater political influence as the century wore on, not to mention financial and media.
That said, many many Jews in Russia were simply Rubes (this slang American term comes from the Russian verb, ‘Rubit’, which means to chop wood) living in little shtetls in subsistence shacks. Their influence was limited to choose what beets to use for Borscht soup or what buckwheat for Kasha Varnishke.
In any case, when Czar Nicholas II allowed Cossacks to make pogroms, it was a move that attracted certain The Wall Street financiers to seek the end of Romanov Dynasty.
Czar Nicholas II was a great husband, and, in general, a very fine man, but, his political miscalculations could fill a book.
All that said, many Russian Jews have, and have had, a bullish attitude about being Russian and a generally positive view about living there. A glaring example of this is the one who is perhaps Russia’s most well-known news personality, the host of the excellent weekly political debate program, ‘Sunday Evening’, Vladimir Soloviev.
Russian Jews have long been considered by Gentile Orthodox Russians and Russians of every ethnic stripe an ornament to Russia’s towering cultural life – from many many musicians, landscape painters, chess players, to the one who is Russia’s most celebrated figure, the one they consider the father of their poetry & literature – ‘Pushkin’
As to the U.S. not existing without the Russian Navy, this is beyond farfetched.
In the 19th century, The United States’ Government tried to occupy The South, and they were shot, lynched, and burned down until they stayed restrictively garrisoned in major Southern Cities, and then went home in 1877.
Satan, himself, could not have successfully occupied The South, in those days, and Rothschild could not have printed enough money to change that.
He still can’t.
He can suck on us, like a leech, but, more than that is impossible for him.
He knows that, and is content to suck – especially, and will continue doing so, given the fact that he has been smart enough to make sure that most Southerners have no idea he is doing it!
Im 30 seconds in and I really hope that the “Me So Horny” shtick is gone within the next 30… by the way Brad, you really need to be recommending more multimedia recommendations especially why we are all locked up and have time to consume them. I think the core books are all rather known, but a refresher couldnt hurt. In terms of videos and podcasts, Bitchute, as wonderful of a platform for free speech as it is, is set up teribly. Unlike Youtube before the purge, you dont get recommendations or similar topics. You need to go on their and search specific titles and people
*while.. apologies for the abysmal grammar. Typing on a phone while on the bowl isnt easy
It isn’t just the grammar, fucknut. You don’t read often, and apparently write even less.
“Fuck nuts”… Ad hominems are the most obvious sign of the IQ stunted barfly dwelling set. Whatever the fuck you tried to convey in that outpouring of Tourettes and retardation is beyond the best of us
It happens – I was in the kitchen typing on this page last night, while my wife and daughter were carrying on over a recipe!
HW, thanks for the observations you gave especially about Jews being integrated in with the Whites in the South and being no real problem for about 300 years.
Growing up in the South I never remember any problems with Jews (they were just local merchants) or Blacks (I went all the way through the public school system before it was integrated) for that matter. The only problems I started encountering were from those who moved into the South from other areas who wanted to bring their values, the societies they came from with them.
Xenophobia strikes again.
Mr. Griffin has done something that practically no other journalist has done – carefully and fairly done elaborate investigate reporting on something that drive both Jews, Liberals, Evangelicals, and White-Nationalists nuts.
What is that? –
Basically, that Jews who came to the South integrated much more successfully with Southern culture than their Jewish cousins in the North Did.
Why was that?
It’s a complex discussion, but, we can boil it down to this – Northern White gentile Culture, as a whole, treated Jews as something to be contained and separated from.
Southern White Gentile Culture, as a whole, did no such thing, but, instead, gave every opportunity to local Jews to excel as they saw fit.
For this reason, when The War of Northern Aggression commenced in 1861, Southern Jews rallied to the Confederate government – filled positions from enlisted men and officers, to the very highest positions in the Southern government.
After the war, when those surviving Southern Soldiers saw that the New England Yankee United States’ Government had meant no end to hostilities at Appomattox, and, thus, formed into The Scarlet Knights of The Ku Klux Klan to wage a major, and successful, guerrilla war against The U.S. government, Southern Jews took part in that – both as active members and as auxiliary supporters of it.
Few people, above all Yankee Jews, wish to acknowledge that the first Ku Klux Klan was not about Race, but about Southern Sovereignty.
Few people, above all Modern Jews, even those like Harry Connick from the South, can cope with the fact that their great-grandfathers were slave-holders, Confederates, early Klansmen, and supporters of Jim Crow (a set of racial laws pioneered by Northern cities, when Southern Negroes fled the 1865 south, and White Northerners did not want them in.
More complex yet, is that Free Negroes played a vast part in the Southern War effort during 1861-65.
Some many of them did so much for The Confederacy, that Frederick Douglas, in his frequent meetings with Abraham Lincoln, drove him crazy about finding a way to undermine that – that eventually leading to the emancipation Proclamation, which freed Negroes in The South, but, NOT in The North.
The reason why all of this occurred is because of the basic kindness and decency of White Southerners – the most generous and good-natured people, as a whole, I have ever known.
That people cannot understand any of this is because the New York Jews and New England Yankees have worked tirelessly since WWII to make sure that White Gentile Southerners are seen as ignorant, sadistic brutes.
This is the great achievement of the New England Yankee and the New York City Jew – to make everyone think the exact opposite of what is true about the White Gentile South – so successful they have been that even White Southerners are loathe to claim being who they are, even in private.
It, however, IS a lie – every bit of it.
As I am a Tarheel descendant of Confederate heroes of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia, soldiers of the War of Independence, and colonels who headed militias that fought 2 centuries of Indian Wars in the colony of Virginia colony, I assert that all these things are true.
The Jews don t figure much in Southern history until Reconstruction . And then the worst negative stereotypes of bad Jewish merchants, usurers is confirmed. Read Mark Twain on Jews in Reconstruction and also Gen. Ulysses S Grant who banned Jewish merchants from following the union army.
Grimstad’s Antizion is the best source for commentary on the Chosen.
“That people cannot understand any of this is because the New York Jews and New England Yankees have worked tirelessly since WWII to make sure that White Gentile Southerners are seen as ignorant, sadistic brutes.”
Yankees don’t control the media, or Hollywood, or the banks, Jews do.
If you look at the movies where anti-White propaganda was fully weaponized, the directors, producers, and witers are mostly Jews. Yankees and other races are just their employees and casting couch victims.
Yankees are not masters of their own destiny or anything, they are castrated slaves.
“Yankees don’t control the media, or Hollywood, or the banks, Jews do.”
Have you bothered to ask yourself how it got that way, Aquinas?
Have you? What’s the name you used to post under? Why have you changed your name?
“If you look at the movies where anti-White propaganda was fully weaponized, the directors, producers, and writers are mostly Jews. Yankees and other races are just their employees and casting couch victims…”
Yankee Jews, Aquinas, not Southern Jews.
Moreover, you leave out the thousands and thousands of New England Yankee, and, indeed, other Northeastern Yankees, who pundits, authors, professors, deans, universities, intellectuals, and, yes, ‘writers’ never ceased to work for a ‘United States’ where White People, ‘especially Southern White People, became displaced in their own lands.
Why did New England do this, and, thus, effectively give this country over to the first ones who would make a serious stab at snatching it?
Because the New Englander Culture (not every single New Englander who has ever lived) actually believe that all people, in all circumstances and places are equal.
And given the fact that the results of the strife in the years 1861-1877 effectively left The United States’ government in new England hands, it was the New Englander who set the stage for Gentile America’s sovereignty to be usurped.
Never forget that New England was founded by fanatical Puritans who wanted to set up a ‘Shiny City on The Hill’ and then, in totalitarian manner, force that upon the entire rest of the world.
In this desire of The New England Culture, they found a willing pal in World Jewry.
A jew is a jew is a jew.
Morris Dees, the most subversive anti-white and anti-southern propagandist, is a Southern Jew not Yankee Jew.
“Morris Dees, the most subversive anti-white and anti-southern propagandist, is a Southern Jew not Yankee Jew.”
That’s a good start, qt, but, for your would-be rebuttal to work, you need to list many many many high profile Southern Jews who not only worked to undermine Dixie, but, indeed, worked to undermine the essential structure of The United States.
Because if I start listing Yankee Jews, who behaved in a similar manner to Dees, I will be at my computer for DAYS!
Moreover, if i start listing Gentile Yankees, particularly Northeastern Gentile Yankees, who worked to undermine and destroy this country, it’s society, and it’s culture – I’ll surely never reach the end of it!
No, qt, to find a few scalawags in millions demonstrates absolutely nothing – you must demonstrate a trend that has been ongoing in both Southern Gentiles and Jews, to demonstrate that the both of us have been busily at work, over the last 2 centuries, undermining the established meaning of this country and it’s European Culture.
Yet you will not find that trend, because, as a whole Southerners, specific blood irrespective, are a different sort who have tried to preserve the notion of sovereignty and the traditions of this country’s founding.
Southern Jews and Gentiles have a different relationship, both to each other and to this country, than do Yankee Gentiles and Jews, both to each other and or to the country.
For better or worse, the Spirit of The South is profoundly different from The North, and no amount of cookie-cutter White-Nationalism will obscure that reality and all those facts that gird it.
“Yankees are not masters of their own destiny or anything, they are castrated slaves.”
Of all that you have said, Aquinas, nothing could be more far-fetched than this!
No, Sir, I have known many Yankees, lived long amongst y’all, and though y’all are not my countrymen, y’all are an ingenius, industrious, inventive, formidably well organized, and very courageous race.
No, if y’all are subjugated, then that is what y’all have decided to be, and as well, helped foist this state upon the rest of us in this ‘union’.
Very enlightening post. Thank you.
Yes, I know Jews beside Benjamin Judah fought for the South in the war.
Freeman refers to a period probably around late summer/early autumn of 1864 that there were Jewish soldiers fighting in Lee’s army:
“So great was the need for every private that Lee could not even furlough the Jewish soldiers for their religious observances.”
— Freeman, Douglas Southall — “Lee”
And I know Grant (which he tried to make up for later), Sherman and other Union generals were against the Jews.
A group of Paducah’s Jewish merchants led by Cesar Kaskel dispatched an indignant telegram to President Lincoln condemning Grant’s order as an “enormous outrage on all laws and humanity… the grossest violation of the Constitution and our rights as good citizens under it.” Jewish leaders organized protest rallies in St. Louis, Louisville, and Cincinnati, and telegrams reached the White House from the Jewish communities of Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia.
Cesar Kaskel arrived in Washington on January 3, 1863. Two days earlier, the Emancipation Proclamation had gone into effect. Kaskel conferred with influential Jewish Republican Adolphus Solomons and then went with Cincinnati Congressman John A. Gurley directly to the White House. Lincoln received them promptly, studied Kaskel’s copies of General Order No. 11 and the specific order expelling Kaskel from Paducah, and commanded Halleck to order Grant to revoke order No. 11. Grant complied three days later.
— Jewish Virtual Library/American Jewish Historical Society
But it seems the South was very stable until infiltrated by outside sjw agitators who brought the Yankee Empire’s values with them and it has been intensifying every year until now they are ripping down our Confederate memorials.
Xenophobia knows.
Thank you so very much for your generous, thoughtful, and very well informed statement. I loved to be engaged by a mind and soul such as yours, not to mention that you are my Southern Countryman.
So, let us proceed through some of your thoughts…
“Yes, I know Jews beside Benjamin Judah fought for the South in the war.
Freeman refers to a period probably around late summer/early autumn of 1864 that there were Jewish soldiers fighting in Lee’s army: “So great was the need for every private that Lee could not even furlough the Jewish soldiers for their religious observances.
— Freeman, Douglas Southall — “Lee”
Yes, Banned, Jews were not just the 2nd Confederate Secretary of War, but, as well, the Secretary of Arnaments, Surgeon-General, and Secretary of the Treasury for the Confederacy.
As to R.E. Lee : ——– from the time he was in command, in 1862, his Jewish soldiers often wrote home about their appreciation for his allowing them their services, in their own time and way,
As to 1864, Southern Jews did not wait until 1864 to serve as soldiers in the southern Armies. Nothing better defines this than the 5 Cohen brothers in Wilmington North Carolina, who, in the Spring of 1861, all joined up and marched off to defend Dixie.
“And I know Grant (which he tried to make up for later), Sherman and other Union generals were against the Jews.”
As I said, which you kindly confirm – The White Southern Race was, and continues to be, infinitely more hospitable to not just Jews, but, in general, to the endless zillions of aliens (non-American Natives and Yankees) who flood our lands.
My own question to my fellow Southerners is this – in our determination to fulfill our hospitable Christian ways, at what point do we begin to politically organize to deal with this?
Or are we just waiting until White Southerners are a minority in The South?
For whatever it is worth, Banned, I now calculate than only 50% of Tarheels are those who were born here.
The man who is now running to be our governor, our current Lt. Governor Dan Forest, has actually dared to bring this question up – how long will we survive, if we keep on this way?
Most Christians in the South are of the Zionist Christian sect (John Hagee, Hal Lindsey) and believe there is no need to do anything because God is going to rapture them off. Funny thing though: I distinctly thought Jesus said occupy till I came not sit on your but and do nothing while waiting to be raptured! Those who are not Christian Zionist say they are not going to worrk about because they will be dead before the whole thing collapses and its something their children will have to deal with.
But where is the blessing? Christian Zionists assured me that America would be blessed as long as we stood by Israel. Which begs the question of who blessed us before Israel came along and why have things gotten progressively worse they more we get involved with Israel and their agents?
“But it seems the South was very stable until infiltrated by outside sjw agitators who brought the Yankee Empire’s values with them and it has been intensifying every year until now they are ripping down our Confederate memorials.”
I kind of agree with this and sort of disagree with this, Dear Banned.
Yes, we have been ‘ infiltrated – not just by aliens, but, even more completely by IDEAS alien to us.
Yet, all that aside, let me ask you this – if one hands over one’s sovereignty, in legal terms, military terms, economic terms, cultural terms, media terms, and academick terms, how long will it be that one survives?
To put it bluntly, as a Southern Patriot who comes from centuries of such ,it seems to me that my fellow Southerners have lost every interest in surviving as a tribe – either that and or most of them have completely misplaced their balls.
The world is a competitive and unforgiving place, Banned – just like a garden – and, that so, you cannot go years without doing some serious weeding!
that’s my view. What say ye?
Support the preservation of the South and counter the lies of the anti-South historical revisionists and other anti-South bigots.
Misreading the Man: Robert E. Lee and Elizabeth Brown Pryor
Jan 19, 2015
A review of Elizabeth Brown Pryor’s Lee biography, “Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee Through His Private Letters.”
But that’s not all.
An unseen hand of course always helps.
In 2008, Pryor was awarded the Lincoln Prize for Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee through his Private Letters. She shared the honor with James Oakes, who won for The Radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics. Pryor’s book is notable for using hundreds of Lee’s previously unpublished private letters to create a fresh biography of the Confederate general. Pryor is also the author of the biography Clara Barton: Professional Angel about the founder of the American Red Cross, Clara Barton.
She was married and divorced twice, first to Anthony Pryor, then to Frank Parker.
She was survived by her mother, Mary Brown Hamingson, and two sisters.
— Wikipedia: “Elizabeth Brown Pryor”
You just can’t make this stuff up.
“Support the preservation of the South and counter the lies of the anti-South historical revisionists and other anti-South bigots.”
I do, Sir, and have long been so doing – both in publick and private, analog and digital realms, much as I suspect you have done.
I have done everything humanely possible to avert those in my family, social circle, and community about the the fact that The South is currently, and lamentably, qualifying for all 5 criteria of Cultural Genocide, as authored by Rafail Lemkin in the late 1940s and adopted by The United Nations as an appropriate measure of the health of a people in the 1970s.
I am very sorry to hear about Miss Elizabeth’s untimely demise.
i shall seek out her book on our great commander.
All the best to you and yours!
Actually, Mr. McClanahan in the video suggested not to get the book. Maybe just get if for the letters of Lee that were recently found but Mr. McClanahan condemned her commentary about Lee for the most part. She was just trying to hurt Lee’s image as so many of these anti-South revisionist historians make a living doing this today.
She “blindsided” Lee and in the end she got “blindsided”.
Have a great day.
Actually, Mr. McClanahan in the video suggested not to get the book. Maybe just get if for the letters of Lee that were recently found but Mr. McClanahan condemned her commentary about Lee for the most part. She was just trying to hurt Lee’s image as so many of these anti-South revisionist historians make a living doing this today.
She “blindsided” Lee and in the end she got “blindsided”.
Have a great day.
I am sorry to hear about this attempt to slander our great paladin, Banned, though, I am not surprised.
No, Sir – I watch a ‘PBS’ documentary on our Marse Robert a couple of years back and I simply could not get through it – for, at every turn they attempted to slander, defile, and destroy his great name.
There is no polite language to convey how I feel about this.
Thank you for being strong!
Jews have always been a problem, but they blend in with the USA because America has always been a thoroughly Jewish country.
While I respect what you have asserted about America being a Jewish country, it makes me think that you are relatively young and either not Southern, or a Southerner who does not much know the history of The South.
To cut to the chase –
#1. The United States was not really ‘The United States’ before the middle of the 20th century. Yes, Dart – from about 1620 to, oh, lets say Brown vs. The Board of Education in the late 1940s, The South lived independently in The United States and chose what it wanted to pay attention to, or not, from Washington D.C., or The Northeast, in general.
#2. While the White Southern Race was extremely generous and libertarian towards Jewish existence in Dixie, the simply reality of life in Dixie, from the early 17th century to late in the mid 20th century, was that they, the White Southern Race, maintained an IRON GRIP on all institutions of The South.
The White Southern Race was always clear about it’s rule to anyone not a White Southerner : ——– we welcome y’all to come and contribute your talents to our society and follow your dreams here, but, you will have to follow our ways, or you will leave.
I hope you will take note of that : ———- White Southerners have never believed in democracy – or certainly nothing like what The New Englanders believe.
Thus, tough Jews, Negroes, and Indians lived in The South, there was practically nothing ‘Jewish’ about the South.
No, Sir – The South was a unique entity until only very recently – one that, whilst being profoundly multicultural in a way that The North has only recently experienced in the large cities, was a unicultural uniracial heirarchy.
As a child growing up at the end of the Jim Crow period, I saw all of this – The White Southern Race in FULL COMMAND of every aspect of life.
Even today, however, there is very little ‘Jewish’ about the South, even though plenty of Southern Jews enjoy life in the major cities of Dixie.
So, in conclusion – America has never been one country, not even now, nor has The South has ever been ‘Jewish’.
I hope you will take note of that : ———- White Southerners have never believed in democracy – or certainly nothing like what The New Englanders believe.
Southerners were descended from different stock back in England, than the Yankee, hyper-moralist, transcendentalist tyrants that went to New England.
How very right you are, Dear Southron – we descended from Charles’ Cavaliers and entrepenurial sorts – those who were yearning to find the space to create our own individual paradises.
Just as do we, our Southron forefathers wanted to live and let live – as opposed to attempting to foist an abstract idea of community upon all the rest of the known world!
Unfortunately, they will not leave us alone. Yet, perhaps we ought not feel singled out, as they seem to leave no one else in the world, either:)))
“The only problems I started encountering were from those who moved into the South from other areas who wanted to bring their values, the societies they came from with them.”
That is the New England Yankee United States of America – anyone, at anytime or place, is entitled to go anywhere else and have all their rights go with them.
In my belief, this is too much portability, too much flexibility for a society to have, unless, of course, you are the government and wish everyone to be so completely broken up into nothing but individuals, there never will be an serious organized resistance to you!
in any case, it will continue until someone with very serious political clout & ability manages to successfully convey to the publick, at large, the sheer lunacy of that.
Case in point, I was listening to the statewide news in North Carolina, just an hour back, when I heard that the city of Durham had decided to make it illegal for anyone in the near future to go around, anywhere, without a face mask.
The spokesman for this policy of the town?
A man with a heavy northeastern New Jersey accent.
Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves.
Come to think of it – so am I!
A man with a heavy northeastern New Jersey accent.
Bet his name is ‘Vinny” too
To be clear, Southron – I accept ‘Vinny’ being with us and wish him and his family the very best.
That said, to me it is total insanity that a non-Southerner would be placed in a position of political leadership anywhere in The south.
It’s total madness – like allowing someone else’s mama to take the place of yours!
“…’What I am trying to do is blunt the impossible point of view that Gentiles are all hopeless putty in the hands of Jews.
I am also debunking the view that Yankees have had no hand in what has occurred to this country…’
This is totally logical and reasonable, Ivan.
Thank you so very much, Brother, for your supportive comments and acknowledgements!
Though I may never run across your real identity in normal life, or witness your valour on the field of battle, I know you will never waver in defending our Dixie.
Now and then The Good Lord grants me the privilege to meet a Real Southron Man, like you, and it lifts me up immensely to know that there still are some…
Below, Sir, you quoted the question of a commenter, and, immediately below you replied…
“Do you believe Southerners have had no hand in what has occurred to this country?”
Of course, just that most of the policy direction in this country came out of the northeast, from the “Eastern Establishment”
That, Dear Southron, was a fantastic reply!!!
That said, Brother I would like to add this : ————- The South has had to wage a now 161 year+ plus battle with The North, in an attempt to preserve the genius of this country in it’s original form – and every step of the way The North has tried to destroy it.
When people come to this site and spend their whole time decrying The Jews, they forget about how much effort the North, particularly New England, has put into building a system that could be handed over to Jews and the Corporate Globalist Establishment – and hand it is EXACTLY over they did.
The day is here when this godawful mess will have to be straightened out, and when we have to go through this terrible suffering, it won’t be the South which is to blame.
With every passing year, as the South influence in this Republick has waned, the country has evermore gone to pot.
This, Sir, IS the ultimate measure of what has been what and who has been who.
God bless you and thank you, again!
Aaahhh! A Jew attempting to cover for the “Good Dixie Jews” like Judah Benjamin – the jew the stole EVERY bit of real wealth the South had left, after the devastation wright by the Jew Rothschild’s Cotton War – and turn the blame on the Yanquis.
Oh my.
Hi there! I was wondering when you would pop up!
Nope, not trying to stifle well-deserved criticism of Jewry, anywhere.
What I am trying to do is blunt the impossible point of view that Gentiles are all hopeless putty in the hands of Jews.
I am also debunking the view that Yankees have had no hand in what has occurred to this country..
I am also debunking the equally implausible view that all Jews are the same, or that all Gentiles are so.
As to changing my handle, here at this blog, from Junius Daniel to Ivan Turgenev – it was because every time I tried to post under my old handle, ‘Junius Daniel’, my comment was blocked!
Have a good night!
What I am trying to do is blunt the impossible point of view that Gentiles are all hopeless putty in the hands of Jews.
I am also debunking the view that Yankees have had no hand in what has occurred to this country..
This is totally logical and reasonable, Ivan.
I am also debunking the view that Yankees have had no hand in what has occurred to this country.
Do you believe Southerners have had no hand in what has occurred to this country?
Do you believe Southerners have had no hand in what has occurred to this country?
Of course, just that most of the policy direction in this country came out of the northeast, from the “Eastern Establishment”
Yes treason on both sides to accommodate their “lord” (Cor3:17) god (John 4:24, Numbers 23:19) and messianic King (1 Samuel 8:7), the jew …
Yes treason on both sides to accommodate their “lord” (2 Cor 3:17) god (John 4:24, Numbers 23:19) and messianic King (1 Samuel 8:7), the jew …
It has been a slow bake recipe process…
Get a complex multi-grain baking flour that comes from gaining the upper hand in northeastern cities, then northeastern states. Along the way consolidate a hold over media, academic institutions, and the courts. Then leverage banking, logistics, and international trade.
*To keep the mix from separating and or clumping : stir in New England Yankee lunacy – heapin’ spoonfuls of :
LUNACY #1. the believe in the equality of all peoples, places, beliefs, cultures, institutions, and things.
LUNACY #2. Instead of separating yolks from egg-whites, separate individuals from races, genders, and places.
Beat carefully to make sure the lunacy makes the mix come out consistent.
For the cake icing, mix 2 parts heavy cream, sugar, with egg whites of Gentile reticence, submissiveness, and a desire to appear virtuous before all.
Time to bake?
About 200 years, give or take a few decades.
Level of recipe – only for those ultra advanced bakers with millennia of experience.
* Neuter the White Southern Race with unconstututional New England judicial decisions, and by bombarding them 24/7 for decades, with the message that everything against their interests are actually in their interest.
** Make sure to keep Dixie’s borders wide open and flood their towns with drugs, while shipping out almost their entire economy.
*** Take over the Christian faith and redirect it towards homosexuality, White Southern replacement, and for the benefit of Israel first.
One of your best comments ever, Ivan!
Thank you, Southron ! ! !
There was that incident in1913 with Leo Frank, though.
This “Pikachu” is a piece of shit cuntbag fuckwad who hates the poor though. It’s time to stop giving a platform to people who associate White Nationalism with those kind of horrible worldviews and policies.
Jews are tribal. Just like blacks are tribal. Good Jews, like good blacks are forced to tow the tribal line which more often than not has negative consequences for the majority population.
“Jews are tribal. Just like blacks are tribal. ”
EVERYONE is ‘tribal’, Malachi – everydangone!
And that includes those Western Races, such as The French, English, and New England Yankees who are trying as hard as they might to force their recently concocted non-tribal tribal identity on all the rest of the world.
That Jews or Negroes would get signaled out for being ‘tribal’ is truly something!
Just try, as a White Westerner, to get citzenship in Mongolia, India, Yemen, or Japan and find out just how ‘untribal they are…
And that includes those Western Races, such as The French, English, and New England Yankees who are trying as hard as they might to force their recently concocted non-tribal tribal identity on all the rest of the world
All of this really started with the French, beginning with their so-called “Enlightenment”, then reaching it’s apogee during the demonic “French” Revolution, and the midget tyrant Napoleon constantly invading other European countries.
Interesting comment, Southron. thank you for it!
I will reflect.
You’re welcome Ivan!
Yes brother, unfortunately the French have been a bane on the moral and spiritual life of the European peoples.
The so-called “Enlightenment”, and especially, their revolution and the Napoleonic invasions that followed, which was the Enlightenment taken to it’s sickening, evil conclusion, has clouded White, Western man’s judgement and discernment ever since, since everything had to be looked at through a universalist lens and prism.
A lot more people really need to know just how bad these evil French ideals, and ideologies, have been for the White Race.
Southron – Jews – not the French, fomented the Enlightenment of Lucifer.
They probably did Denise, but unfortunately, they had a lot of French shabbas-goyim helping them in this one.
Thank you again, for teaching me about things to know!
And thank you, too, for being my Southern Brother at a time when we seem to have mostly sisters.
In a sea of sleepwalkers, I treasure that!
You’re so very welcome, Ivan!
Yes sir, always great to be around a Southern Brother, I learn a lot from you as well!
*Do read up on how much of all our modern-day social ills, like with liberalism and Marxism, really do trace their lineage to the “Enlightenment”, and the French revolution. (I wish Hunter would do a separate post on this.)
Deo Vindice!
The French are messed-up people. But strangely, both Southrons and Yankees have always been huge Francophiles and admirers of Napoleon. This had disastrous consequences in both Europe and the US.
The French are an amazing peoples (those of Gascony not like those Bretagne – nor those of Bordeaux not those of Alsace-Lorraine) and French culture is simply amazing!!!
As a retired professional classical musician, I have spent thousands of hours of my life in French music – from the lute music of Charles Mouton and Vieux Gaultier and the harpsichord music of Louis Couperin and Gaspard de La Roux to piano music of Debussy and Satie.
French architecture & Gardening are all incredibly amazing – not to mention French literature or the amazing landscapes by Corot, Courbet, Monet, Seurat, Signac or the Fete-Galantes of Lancret & Watteau!
Dare I forget Chateau-neuf-du-Pape or the Syrah wines from Burgourgne or Armagnac – my favourite spirit other than bourbon!
And their incredible cheeses and breads are to die for!
So very grateful am I to the French peoples for all these things, plus the indispensible aid they gave us in our first war against the Anglo-Jew Syndicate in the 1770s!
That said, as a political entity they are a dang mess – nothing from which Dixie ought ever take from or emulate, unless it is to observe what NOT to do!
Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses and the French are a political and millitary mess!
I gave it a listen. She is Romanian. It was pretty good up until the end where I found a couple of things I disagree with.
She says White Nationalism will not work in because Europeans are against each other.
What will happen when your governments make you a minroity in Eastern Europe, and blacks, asians and mixed race people are given Romanian citizenship? The other races will call themselves Romanian and claim your country is their own. You will be put in jail for excluding them from your nationanist political parties.
Your nationalist political party will become a clown show of multi-racial flag wavers like Nick Feuntes, RamZPaul, HipsterRacist, and that nice lady from Vietnam who says she wants to stop illegal immigration to America, but the race of the people coming doesn’t matter to her.
In that case as a minority among a hostile elite and majority, being Romanian will mean nothing and you will look to people that look like you for protection. Those whites will include other whites who aren’t Romanian because you won’t be able to afford to be picky. That is how nationalism among whites will spread.
The other thing, she said Eastern Europe was protected from Cultural Marxism by Communism. The only reason for that is because while Cultural Marxism was exported from the Soviet Union to the West, it was discredited inside the Soviet Union. The only people who still take its ideas seriously, are the idiotic intellectuals of the liberal West.
Fantastic podcast. More of that would be great.
The history that needs to be written is the history of American Protestant Christianity, which decayed and degenerated from Jonathan Edwards to John Hagee.
The history that needs to be written is the history of American Protestant Christianity, which decayed and degenerated from Jonathan Edwards to John Hagee.
Indeed Jim.
The Scofield “Reference” Bible, which as you know, is actually a bible within a bible, virtually single-handedly accomplished and finalized this process.
*Maybe Hunter can do a blog post about this not so well understood phenomenon.
Yes, Sir – if ever a ‘Poison Pen’ ever existed, it was and is ‘The Scofield Bible.
Scary to me how our Faith has been usurped to usurp us.
I try NOT to think about it much, because doing so brings on inconsolable grieving, and that does no one any good!
Scary to me how our Faith has been usurped to usurp us.
Indeed brother, indeed…
The proverbial saying a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” couldn’t be more spot on.
Probably so. Lutherans aren’t even aware or taught about what their founder thought about jews.
The League of Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of 25 years.
Nahum Sokolow, President of the World Zionist Organization.
Jewry eventually must conquer the world!
David Wolffsohn, leader of World Zionist
“If Gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their
rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very
Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist
Organization), August, 1984, pp. 151-156
When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national
consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile.
They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it.
What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for
their international swindling and cheating.
As a sovereign State, this cannot be
controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.
Mein Kampf page 184
Love your Southern Drawl, Brad. Made only in America.
Oh, come on now, Snow – Mr. Griffin was NOT made by America, but, in and by Dixie – Alabama, in particular!
Maybe we should start considering the “bloodline” as not only an alien threat, but an alien threat whose origins are non-terrestrial. Think outside the “herd” box. Thinking inside it hasn’t done us much good. This problem is hundreds to thousands of years old.
Look up the Shasu of Yhw from the Sudan …
In the small town in which I grew up in we had an infestation of Freedom Riders in the sixties from Boston University many of whom were Jewish. A lot of young white college girls joined to fulfill their fantasy of having sex with a black males because all of them lived in local black households as they organized the black population.
The problem is y’all complain about the jew but in true brainwashed stupidity and cognitive dissonance y’all worship a dead Jew as of the dead Jew created the universe… it is nothing less than global jew messianic communism. WAKE THE F* UP. NO MAN IS GOD AND NO JEW IS MY LORD (2 Cor 3:17), or my King (1 Samuel 8:7) and see Deuteronomy 17:15 about placing a foreign alien Afro-Asiatic Turk over you as you chief! Global messianism is the total antithesis of sovereign kin-folk nationhood and it is anti-Southern! Read the book y’all claim is inerrant! Idiots!
Hunter, in the articles on your front page as they are when I write this you have upheld at least three Jews as authorities in diverse ways. They are Mike Savage, Yoram Hazony and Paul Ramsey (aka Ramzpaul).
… another one who espouses global ‘messianic’ monarchy (which is nothing but communism, as you”ll have no property right and the “chosen” will own and control it all … the true King and Lord : John 4:24 with Numbers 23:19 with 1 Samuel 8:7 And 2 Cor 3:17… and finally the real temple is not in Jerusalem or London, it’s here 1 Cor 3:16 and see Acts 7:48. If they tell you otherwise, they are communist liars!