President Trump: "It was hard to get it aroused, and it is hard to get it aroused, but we got it aroused." pic.twitter.com/ThY4WMd9ml
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 19, 2020
The MSM says there are a “couple hundred” people at this Washington rally against the shutdown
— ELIJAH (@ElijahSchaffer) April 19, 2020
Does this look like a couple hundred people to you?
Don’t believe the headlines, believe your eyes
(There are many more not pictured) pic.twitter.com/qb10fyX5T6
Reported U.S. flu deaths in 2019:
— Norbert Elekes (@NorbertElekes) April 19, 2020
– 37,000 people
Reported U.S. coronavirus deaths in 2020:
– 40,000 people and counting
Back in March, President Trump probably didn’t expect U.S. coronavirus deaths to exceed 2019 flu deaths in 41 days. https://t.co/bOI66JhPPb
— Norbert Elekes (@NorbertElekes) April 19, 2020
It has been a bad day for the Daily Crackpot.
40,423 Americans have now died of coronavirus. As Donald Trump himself said last month, 37,000 Americans died from the flu in 2019 and nothing was shut down. This was over the course of an entire year and evenly distributed across the states and without a national lockdown.
Here are recent annual flu season deaths:
2018/2019 – 34,200 deaths
2017/2018 – 61,000 deaths
2016/2017 – 38,000 deaths
2015/2016 – 23,000 deaths
2014/2015 – 51,000 deaths
2013/2014 – 38,000 deaths
2012/2013 – 43,000 deaths
2011/2012 – 12,000 deaths
2010/2011 – 37,000 deaths
2009/2010 – 12,469 deaths (H1N1 swine flu)
The 2017/2018 flu season was the worst flu season in 40 years. The CDC estimates there were 61,000 deaths. It has taken only 41 days to get 2/3rds of the way there.
BTW, it takes coronavirus about three weeks from exposure and the onset of symptoms to kill and for cases to resolve. We had 128,578 cases on March 28. We’re currently sitting at 69,956 recoveries and 40,478 deaths. 37% of the people who were confirmed to have the virus in March are now dead.
We currently have 652,062 open cases from the last days of March and April. Forget about asymptomatic cases. How will those cases alone resolve? Not to mention the 25,000 to 30,000 new cases we are still adding a day? Where are we going to be a year out from now?

It’s a very severe flu.
There are anomalies in nature,
just as there are 100 year floods, mega storms etc.
The serious question,
Why wasn’t our zog prepared for this ?
Why don’t we have a national grain reserve ?
Oh, i fotgot, we’re hi-tech, we can’t have a famine.
“Why wasn’t our ZOG prepared for this?”
Look at Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci and that fruity affirmative action surgeon general. Then you shall have your answer.
We used to have a 5 year supply of grain, but our capitalists decided it was too expensive to store it so they sold it all off. Here’s the story: https://modernsurvivalblog.com/preps/the-us-national-grain-reserves-are-apparently-gone/
Thx 4 the link.
Arian – ZOG has been preparing, and very well! Fraudci has been working with the MudWho for years, testing the Gates Needle in India and Africa. They’ve killed and destroyed the bodies of THOUSANDS of kids. Birx is the bagwoman. She gets the shekels. .
Well I certainly hope you gentlemen are well satisfied with yourselves – madam has fallen asleep! That doesn’t say much about your ability to entertain the fairer sex, now does it?
«Daily Mail:
Parts of Sweden could achieve ‘herd immunity’ as early as next month, the country’s leading epidemiologist has said as the death toll steadily rises. The Government is still prohibited from adopting measures that curtail rights guaranteed by the country’s constitution, meaning it would still need to go through parliament to issue the type of curfews seen across continental Europe.»
Who knew! The faggot Swedes we braver than the home of the brave.
These people don’t care. They don’t care how many die and they don’t care how much this has revealed the weakness of the international liberal order. The open borders are closed, migrants are leaving, multi-culturalism has been damaged and they don’t care.
No amount of reason, logic, or proof matters to them.
They desperately want the old order back because they were never serious about wanting change. For them this was always just a way to strike a pose and feel important.
The idea that there will be a serious price to be paid for real change is only of interest to them as long as it remains an empty talking point.
” They desperately want the old order back because they were never serious about wanting change. For them this was always just a way to strike a pose and feel important.
The idea that there will be a serious price to be paid for real change is only of interest to them as long as it remains an empty talking point.”
This and it has been the real striking thing that this virus has revealed. Men have gone to jail, suffered injury, suffered social standing and lived and died under the beliefs we espouse. Yet we have joiners to the party who, having not suffered or have suffered oh so mildly, for their beliefs begging for the state to
come and allow them to return to a life of endless consumption.
These counter-revolutionaries are nothing but dead weight and are useless people with useless beliefs. They fancy themselves as patriots, but in reality are part of the population majority that will obey whomever is in power.
Traitor Heimbach at least had the balls to fight before he gave up. I spit on RamZPaul.
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way as the saying goes.
True words, Sharrukin.
No. The protesters see through the scam, and are simply trying to survive. You don’t care about White people keeping a roof over their heads, and food on their tables. Why do you hate White People, Shar?
I’d assume that many have been cut a cheque. I’d hope that they have. And I don’t mean that in a cynical way.
Marcus Cicero’s brief account of what he went through was by far the most sobering thing I’ve read regarding this virus. If he feels like going into more detail it would be greatly appreciated. But if he doesn’t I completely understand.
You know how the genesis story describes us as clay formed in God’s image, and God breathes in the air that brings life… Yeah you realize you live because of a tiny air flow into your blood and brain. You realize it really good and hard and pray you get through the infection.
As someone who, across two-thirds of a century, has shown virtually no vulnerability to pathogens, I spit on you weaklings who “get sick.”
You probably do spit like a Chink too Bonacorsi. Most likely one with TB.
No, I do it very decorously. Vulgar ejection of bio-material I leave to your football fans in London, where, as I was informed a few years ago, by an American who’d recently visited the place, walking along sidewalks involves near-constant sidestepping of vomit.
Doesn’t look like that many people tho 700- 900 people maybe in that photo probably two thousand at the event at the most
Look who DIDN’T die of coronavirus, Mainstream Media reports of his coronavirus fatality being “greatly exaggerated”: https://thegrayzone.com/2020/04/19/media-fake-news-nicaragua-ortega-dead-speech/ The coming coup d’etat will secure the banana corporations and prevent Chinese construction of a rival trans-oceanic canal. Major General Smedley Butler reminisced about doing it many times before: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Wars