WATCH: Large crowds gathered in Huntington Beach to protest the closure of Orange County beaches — which Gov. Gavin Newsom closed because of large crowds at area beaches. https://t.co/FuksIg1cmJ pic.twitter.com/QInDR5Dt80
— NBC 7 San Diego (@nbcsandiego) May 1, 2020
This is insane.
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) May 1, 2020
People in Huntington Beach, California are risking their lives to protest beaches being closed.
More than 100 people have marched to the county courthouse in San Bernardino to demand the state reopen. pic.twitter.com/f32nnnNwSq
— Eric Vilchis (@evilchis) May 1, 2020
‘Over our dead bodies’: Lindsey Graham vows Congress won’t extend additional $600 coronavirus-related unemployment benefits, as US death toll crosses the 60,000 mark https://t.co/p9Ey1AtJ7i via @businessinsider
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) May 1, 2020
The coronavirus that has infected over a million Americans is moving into rural areas in search of new victims. https://t.co/Szjxrd2sJq
— The Hill (@thehill) May 1, 2020
New York only reported 289 deaths today.
40% of new cases today were in states Trump won in 2016.
The death toll has stayed about the same because other states are picking up the slack now. The virus continues to shift into the interior where it is hitting meatpacking plants. The MIT Model is projecting 170,041 deaths by August 4, 2020.
Here are the latest numbers:
The South: 5/1
MS: 7,212 cases, 281 deaths
AL: 7,294 cases, 289 deaths
SC: 6,258 cases, 256 deaths
GA: 27,496 cases, 1,166 deaths
TX: 29,893 cases, 849 deaths
FL: 34,728 cases, 1,314 deaths
LA: 28,711 cases, 1,970 deaths
AR: 3,321 cases, 64 deaths
KY: 4,879 cases, 248 deaths
OK: 3,748 cases, 230 deaths
WV: 1,151 cases, 47 deaths
VA: 16,901cases, 581 deaths
MO: 8,018 cases, 358 deaths
NC: 11,071 cases, 419 deaths
TN: 11,891 cases, 204 deaths
U.S. cases:
3/1: 89
3/8: 564
3/9: 728
3/10: 1,000
3/11: 1,267
3/12: 1,645
3/13: 2,204
3/14: 2,826
3/15: 3,505
3/16: 4,466
3/17: 6,135
3/18: 8,760
3/19: 13,159
3/20: 18,563
3/21: 26,138
3/22: 33,276
3/23: 46,371
3/24: 55,041
3/25: 68,203
3/26: 85,873
3/27: 104,671
3/28: 123,578
3/29: 142,070
3/30: 164,248
3/31: 188,530
4/1: 215,003
4/2: 244,877
4/3: 277,161
4/4: 311,357
4/5: 336,673
4/6: 367,004
4/7: 400,355
4/8: 434,927
4/9: 468,566
4/10: 502,876
4/11: 532,879
4/12: 560,300
4/13: 586,941
4/14: 613,886
4/15: 644,089
4/16: 677,570
4/17: 709,735
4/18: 738,792
4/19: 763,832
4/20: 792,759
4/21: 818,744
4/22: 848,717
4/23: 880,204
4/24: 918,510
4/25: 960,651
4/26: 987,160
4/27: 1,010,356
4/28: 1,035,765
4/29: 1,064,194
4/30: 1,095,023
5/1: 1,131,015 <— YOU ARE HERE
U.S. deaths per day:
2/29: 1
3/2: 5
3/3: 3
3/4: 2
3/5: 1
3/6: 3
3/7: 4
3/8: 3
3/9: 4
3/10: 4
3/11: 8
3/12: 3
3/13: 8
3/14: 8
3/15: 11
3/16: 18
3/17: 23
3/18: 41
3/19: 57
3/20: 49
3/21: 46
3/22: 111
3/23: 140
3/24: 225
3/25: 247
3/26: 268
3/27: 411
3/28: 525
3/29: 363
3/30: 573
3/31: 912
4/1: 1,049
4/2: 968
4/3: 1,321
4/4: 1,331
4/5: 1,165
4/6: 1,255
4/7: 1,970
4/8: 1,940
4/9: 1,900
4/10: 2,035
4/11: 1,830
4/12: 1,528
4/13: 1,535
4/14: 2,407
4/15: 2,763
4/16: 2,174
4/17: 2,535
4/18: 1,867
4/19: 1,539
4/20: 1,939
4/21: 2,804
4/22: 2,341
4/23: 2,325
4/24: 1,942
4/25: 2,065
4/26: 1,157
4/27: 1,384
4/28: 2,470
4/29: 2,390
4/30: 2,201
5/1: 1,892 <— YOU ARE HERE
TOTAL: 65,748 dead
Note: Unfortunately, the virus wasn’t the flu and didn’t miraculously disappear in April. We’re starting off May with 36,007 new cases. This is the second highest number that has been reported. Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee and Texas each reported over 1,000 new cases today.
I expect that daily death count to spike back up again, like it does. Wonder how many will be from these “protests.” Or, how many will be killed by these selfish people.
So the vaccine at Jenner is actually an outgrowth of previous Malaria research. It works on monkeys and the 1000 subjects are now in test mode. 5000 will be tested in May June. The vaccines are already manufactured and by end of August all the oldsters can have a jab.
“Would incentivize people not to work” people can’t work you stupid as shit useless buttgoy another 600 isn’t going to convince people to stop working, it will hardly be enough for food and rent for a month
I seriously hope Lindsey Graham gets corona’d please corona chan make it happen
600 a week EXTRA !
Not enough?
That’s 2400+ on top of regular unemployment.
You must live a comfortable life.
Hope the consequences of the Coronavirus once again causes America (if not, at least the South) to embrace isolationism and reject “communism, bolshevism and socialism”.
By the time it abated in 1920, the Spanish flu had killed 675,000 Americans and left hundreds of thousands of children orphaned. Not only did more Americans die of the Spanish flu than in World War I, more died than in all the wars of the 20th century combined. Globally, the pandemic infected a third of the planet’s population and killed an estimated 50 million people…
While it may have gone unmentioned, the Spanish flu left a lasting imprint in the decades to come. “The combination of the flu and the war made Americans afraid of what was out there in the wider world, so there was a growing notion of becoming an isolationist country and keeping out foreign elements,” Davis* says. “It combines for a period of great fear—fear of communism, bolshevism and socialism. There’s a tremendous growth of the Ku Klux Klan because people were afraid of what was foreign. The whole nativist impulse was fed by people’s fear generated by flu and war.”
— “Why October 1918 Was America’s Deadliest Month Ever”, history.com
* Kenneth C. Davis, author of “More Deadly Than War: The Hidden History of the Spanish Flu and the First World War.”
October 2020 might break the record
Plague like this is a golden opportunity for nativism and crack downs on Liberal politics.
Ppl are too stupid to wear masks and you expect them to embrace nationalism ?
April 2020 The Month America began to Isolate.
Worst flu season ever!
Dead Kennedys’ Government Flu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs7s00VF33M&feature=emb_logo
In their western press outlets, The Russian Government is asserting that The Coronavirus, and it’s ensuing hullaballoo, has been caused, and fostered, by those Neo-Con Zio elements within The United States’ Government and Israel – this in order to sow the ground amongst the populace for a shooting war with China.
Though I am circumspect about that assertion, it certainly would not be beyond the realm of plausibility.
As real as this new strain of Corona-virus is, I have yet to see compelling evidence that, being confirmed by many different and unallied parties, would conclusively demonstrate how this whole affair came about.
There are numerous reports that some of the corona virus research took place or was related to university research labs in Canada, the U.S. (UNC) and Australia.
This was not part of any U.S. led conspiracy, just the normal incompetence of government with its attendant tragic consequences.
It’s not clear yet if the Wuhan lab was working on bio-warfare agents, researching counter measures to naturally occurring outbreaks of SARS or both. There is evidence that the Chinese scientists needed Western expertise to further their virus research because of their extensive use of laboratories in the U.S. (UNC), Canada and Australia.
Once again, as if more evidence were needed, the results of liberal democracy throwing open the doors of the country and seeing what the cat drags in has resulted in blow back from these stupid, naïve policies. No doubt university research laboratories collected handsome fees from their Chinese associates to allow virus research to proceed for years enriching these institutions at the expense of everyone else. University officials then influenced corrupt, short sighted politicians to continue these destructive policies.
There is a precedent to the destructive policies of allowing Chinese and other potential enemies to study in the U.S., the Orwellian named “Atoms for Peace” program. It was started by Gen. Eisenhower in Dec, 1953 as he announced before that paragon of liberal democracy’s globalist stepchild, the UN, his program to proliferate nuclear technology around the world. Even the USSR, arch rival at the time was reluctant to share nuclear technology with communist ally China leading to a diplomatic rupture in 1959.
The Atoms for Peace program started, amongst others, the nuclear programs of Israel, Iran, India and Pakistan. The public nature of the program was supposed to prevent nuclear diversion from peaceful uses to military technology but the program acted as a stepping stone for Israel, Iran, India and Pakistan to develop their nuclear military technology. The public nature of the program didn’t prevent people like A. Q. Khan from secretly selling nuclear technology to Saudi, N. Korea and Iran.
The program was so poorly run that even shit hole places like the Belgian Congo got nuclear reactors one year before independence in 1960. The Belgian Congo was in turmoil for decades after independence and some nuclear material was, naturally, stolen with a nuclear fuel rod being seized by Italian police in the possession of the Mafia. Other fuel rods are still missing.
The take away is that whenever governments, particularly liberal democracies go on a bender of “good deeds”, Hell follows in their wake. Corona with Chinese researchers operating freely in Western laboratories is just the latest incarnation of this stupidity. Isolationism should be the natural, normal, healthy reaction to corona directed against the ruling, hostile elite of the West which will result in our destruction unless they lose power.