A new study with a sample size of >10 million finds that non-white ethnicity is associated with higher risk of hospital death from COVID-19 even after controlling for age, sex, deprivation, obesity, diabetes and a variety of other health factors. https://t.co/wR1anHWvW2
— Noah Carl (@NoahCarl90) May 7, 2020
I’m back.
— Ben StayAtHome Goldacre (@bengoldacre) May 7, 2020
Here are the risks of death from COVID-19 for each disease category and demographic, each fully adjusted for the others (i.e. taking the others into account), from our unprecedented cohort study in the full detailed pseudonymised health records of 17 MILLION adults. pic.twitter.com/CYmojwKedX
If you believe the conspiracy theorists, you have to believe that THEY wanted the virus to kill the elderly and non-Whites. THEY wanted the virus to ravage Orthodox Jews in New York City. THEY also wanted the virus to bring international travel and migration to a screeching halt.
“LONDON — Black people in England and Wales are twice as likely to die from the coronavirus as white people, even accounting for differences in class and in some underlying health measures, according to official figures released on Thursday, laying bare an extraordinary gap in the toll of the coronavirus.
The analysis, conducted by Britain’s Office of National Statistics, found that longstanding differences in wealth, education, living arrangements and self-reported health could explain a portion of the outsized impact of the virus on racial and ethnic minorities.
But not all of it. The number of black and South Asian people working in public-facing jobs and living with conditions that increase vulnerability to the coronavirus, like obesity, hypertension and diabetes, may account for other parts of the elevated risk, researchers said. …”
East Asians ARE more vulnerable to the virus than Europeans.
Unfortunately, the virus still kills Europeans and environmental factors like liberalism and the difference in the response of European vs. East Asian governments have left the West more exposed to the virus. The virus can only kill people who don’t throw up roadblocks in its path.
Note: There is a racial difference in the ACE2 receptor that the virus uses to infect cells. This has been known since SARS in 2002/2003.
If you can watch BBC Question Time tonight. Afua Hirsch has been given a seat on the panel.
I hope these race hustlers get a swift boot in the aarse and a prompt deportation.
Life is an IQ test. This virus the claims the stupid, primarily.
Speaking of stupid, how is Bill Mitchell doing? Did he survive his Corona induced lung clot?
I hope he’s okay. I don’t understand why he publically being so cavalier given that his public advice endangered his followers. I’m sympathetic to anyone who’s copped a dose.
“here is a racial difference in the ACE2 receptor”
Can’t be, race is a social construct.
Afua Hirsch just started up on the race hustling. She was impressive be for the inevitable bullshit..
Yah Afua nogs shouldn’t be in a cold northern climate. It’s extremely dangerous for them. Low sun light and a cold damp climate isn’t for people who evolved in tropical and equatorial climates. Multiculturalism is murder.
God is Racist and Hates the One World Order Multi Racial Diversity Tower of Babel because it goes against his law.
Repeal the 1965 immigration act in all the nation’s that Jewish power and influence pressured and passed it into law.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you.
2 Esdras:16:19
Famine and plague, tribulation and anguish are sent as scourges for the correction of humankind.
Revelation 18:3-4
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication (Race-Mixing), and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Hmm. I remember this hypothesis going around early back in February. Didn’t know if it was true then.
The study forgot to control for one factor….IT’S WHITEY’S FAULT, SOMEHOW.