Twitter Responds To Donald Trump’s Hollow Threats

My sides.

This is the biggest flex yet.

The six stages of the Trump presidency:

1.) Denial – the staggering incompetence we are seeing is actually 4D Chess.

2.) Anger – the Deep State and RINOs are obstructing the Trump agenda.

3.) Bargaining – the second term won’t be so bad because we will have better personnel.

4.) Depression – the coronavirus was a gift to nationalists that Trump squandered by turning it into a culture war shitshow.

5.) Acceptance – Trump will lose the 2020 election.

6.) Laughter – we elected a reality television show host as president who never had any idea what he was doing and never had a serious political agenda.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Quick background check on Floyd. 5 stints in the prison system. Cocaine dealer and armed robbery among other things. If he was a drug user in his thirties and forties it’s not a surprise he had a cardiac arrest while being arrested. Cop out to have laid off earlier but Floyd was just about at the end of his life I suspect. 47 it’s a bad age for most men. INFARCTION very likely.

    • The truth doesn’t matter mate. Blacks murder, rape, rob and terrorize their own people (never mind what they do to us) all day long. The “Black community” does nothing. Then suddenly, when a White person is accused of taking a Black life they become sacrosanct .

    • Cocaine users frequently get heart attacks in middle age. The heart can’t take that kind of abuse when you are not young anymore.

    • Ppl are too quick to condemn the cop.
      We don’t know the details or the provocations that lead to this situation.

    • “Cocaine dealer and armed robbery ”

      An armed robber should not see the light of day, for 30 yrs.
      They are too dangerous.

  2. Only because Hillary was worse. I remember telling my boss I was voting Trump because he wasn’t a Republican and she looked comfused. He’s not a real DFL or GOP just a facade. We only picked him because hildabeast would be way worse. Now I’m looking to 2024 and maybe we may have something not so boomercentric.

  3. Watching cuckservatives on YT rave about Chump being a national savior, despite the best efforts of the loony left, make me feel like I’m watching video from a parallel universe. Has LSD been secretly dumped into their water supply?

    • Those are Q-tards, and they do live in a parallel universe. Like the bizarro world of Superman, in Q-ville everything is the opposite of the real world. Losing is winning, war is peace, fences are walls, immigrants are the real Americans, blacks and Jews are abandoning the Democrat party in mass numbers, etc.

  4. Tee Hee! What Twitter did was really funny, especially in the face of that toothless executive order. The tweet itself was nothing but red meat & we’ve cut all the way back since the Covid meat handling disaster. Ha ha!

  5. All true.

    Also true:
    My kids are 4 years older.
    My ammo/firearm stack has grown exponentially.
    My stored food supply has grown exponentially.
    My off-grid communication equipment is 5×5.

    Trump bought me 4 years. Thanks for the $4600 stimulus check too. Night vision optic works great.

    I’m better prepared today for what’s coming than I was in 2016 and I’ll be better prepared in 2021 than I am today.
    When the whole rotten system collapses, the prepared will not only survive, but thrive. Those that didn’t? Well, best of luck. You’ll need it.

    • Trump has done nothing to stop us being banned off social media, payment processors, and the internet itself. Who is actually sitting in the Oval Office no longer matters – real power is elsewhere.

  6. the biggest surprise of the Trump presidency is that he is a big pussy

    Incompetent? Sure.
    Disloyal? Okay.
    Bloviating? Absolutely.

    But a wimp?

    Trump isn’t just a fraud, he is a coward. Absolutely, 100% a yellow bellied pussy.

    To think he ever actually had any fight in him… what a joke!

    • I do wish he had picked a demographic to kick the shit out of that wasn’t white right leaning.

    • Eric Striker likes to point out that Trump is the kind of person you go out drinking with, who starts a fight in the bar which you and your friends are forced to fight, while Trump slips out the back door.

  7. LOL. Roman Catholic Governor Waltz of Minnesota sucking CNN’s Jew ass on national TV. What a pathetic creep.

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