This is reportedly the fight that precipitated the shooting at “CHAZ” yesterday. pic.twitter.com/9BOkcfqs72 #antifa #BlackLivesMatter
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 21, 2020
“The table is covered in blood.” The brother of man who died at CHAZ describes what he witnessed when he arrived at the scene. CHAZ “street medics” gave wannabe treatment at the Ranchos Tacos Restaurant they’ve been occupying as command center. pic.twitter.com/O4Vf3xTrQw
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 22, 2020
White people were asked to leave the “CHAZ” for a day. pic.twitter.com/eyPFA8Je0G
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 21, 2020
Livestream by @Omarisal showed the chaos in the moments after the shooting at CHAZ. “Street medics” tried to render aid before the victim(s) was transported to hospital by private car. Responding Seattle Police were blocked from entering to investigate.https://t.co/VzAPFOjT7J pic.twitter.com/jGa4IHUAHJ
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 20, 2020
This happened for the same reason that #BLM rioters blocking police cars is a problem. First responders can only enter a danger zone AFTER secured and cleared by police.
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) June 21, 2020
So would you rather the police used “ramming speed” on your communist sycophants? https://t.co/VEz7wpFNsD
Y’all niggas really don’t know what “autonomous” means LMAO https://t.co/A9ifhbq2Tj
— Ernst Stavro Blofeld (@BrickoMcTossy) June 21, 2020
They ALWAYS end up eating themselves. https://t.co/dMtHbqlJtW
— John Palmer #WeWereNeverAsked (@dicksblackbess) June 21, 2020
>CHOP medics https://t.co/dm72koMSpK pic.twitter.com/xyvCa0HKiy
— Mister AntiBully (@MisterAntiBully) June 20, 2020
If you want evidence that this is a full on attack on history & identity, rather than about slavery, look no further than the US, where BLM protestors just defaced a statue of Miguel de Cervantes. The author who was, wait for it… held as a slave by Barbary pirates for 5 years. pic.twitter.com/LdCo4ShHI0
— Save Our Statues (@_SaveOurStatues) June 21, 2020
My terrifying 5-day stay inside Seattle’s ‘autonomous zone’ https://t.co/kebXAfgu5x
— Lara Logan (@laralogan) June 21, 2020
This is what has become of our civilization.
It has been so weakened by Open Society liberalism and delegitimized by anti-racism that it has given up on basic governance and has abandoned our cities to barbarians. This is how civilization ends … with a street medic in an “autonomous zone” wearing a KFC bucket on its head performing CPR on a teenager because the government lacks the will to maintain order.
Chicago, IL. Juneteenth 2020. pic.twitter.com/2DFHw6IPuu
— Vo (@Sylvo_Boaa) June 20, 2020
And they say segregated lunch counters were wrong. pic.twitter.com/TUd81noICi
— Kyle “Crime Stats” Macleish (@MacleishKyle) June 20, 2020
The Chinese Century has begun.
America is a beacon … of what to the world? Degeneration?
Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. In a moral panic about “racism,” we tore up the roots of our civilization and rebuilt every aspect of our society around the goal of promoting racial equality. The spirit of anti-racism has now left us without racial equality or a civilization worth preserving.
Blacks belong in Africa. It was a monumental error to have brought them here, and equally as wrong to have not returned them back to the jungle post slavery.
Now if Chaz was Waco or Ruby Ridge the feds and coppers would be having no problems at all.
Exactly. Orangeman can’t be bothered with this. He’s busy kissing Israeli ass.
We can only hope it will be the Chinese century.
What are you, some kind of commie?
Quiet fool
What’s foolish is thinking that White Men should emulate Godless, hyper-materialistic, anti-White cheaters, spies, and thieves who embrace the ideology of an 18th century atheist jew.
What’s foolish is you Xian conservatives thinking modern China is truly commie and criticizing them for their pro-eugenics 2 child policy, mass sterilizations and abortions, and ethnonationalist immigration laws while drowning out any attempts to do the same in our nation with “the real racists are the Democrat Party! Muh Republicans!”
“This is what has become of our civilization.”
This is TOLERANCE applied in the wrong direction.
Where’s the tolerance for race science ?
Where’s the tolerance for self-selected communities ?
Where’s the tolerance for dissenting opinions ?
It seems we have a very kosher version of tolerance.
And nothing of value was lost.
The dead guy in CHAZ was black.
And most likely involved in some kind of serious gang banging or some piddly, triflin’-ass revenge drama for dissin’ some other homie.
How do you know that?
White people have this urge to intervene, clean up and order chaotic situations.
Let antifa, blm, and cops all kill each other, and let the Starbucks burn.
Focus on defending our people, and our businesses.
You should be celebrating every time these mutants off one another, or burn down some corporation (which all support BLM via massive donations anyways)
The establishment running the Republican Party are making this country look pure stupid. What you think all the foreign countries think about us now? We’ll go all over the Middle East fighting ignorant Wars for Israel. However we can’t use our own military and end all these Domestic Terrorists and Protesters. Peaceful or not…..all of them are enemies of this country and should be arrested. It’s time we put the Constitution and Bill of Rights away where it belongs and advance with a Nationalist policy. It’s time we stop fighting War for Israel and use our military and restore peace and order here in America. Deo Vindice !
What flag is that red, blue,and green flag flying at CHAZ?