Today’s Cancellations

Judge Carmac Carney:

For politically incorrect comments.

The Radix YouTube channel:

The E. Michael Jones YouTube channel:

Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube channel:

The Donald Trump Twitch channel:

2,000 Reddit Communities

For being too critical of woke supremacy.

Ken and Karen:

For defending their homes from the mob in St. Louis last night.

The Conservative Legal Movement:

For being a scam.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Does anyone remember what Jerry Falwell said in 1981? I do, I vividly remember it.

    He said, on national TV, urging Christians to support Reagan and the GOP, quote;

    “With a Ronald Reagan administration, we will restore America to it’s Christian origins. I have been assured by Ronald Reagan that we will get at least two, maybe three Conservative, Bible-Believing Supreme Court Justices to overturn Roe V Wade and make abortion illegal in every state. With a Conservative president like President Reagan, we will force homosexuals back into the closet and restore morality back to America. Every Bible-Believing Christian needs to vote for Ronald Reagan and support the Republican party.”

    Yes, I remember “It’s morning again in America” vividly in 1981.

    • I remember the 1980 election well. You sir, are 100% correct, Ronald Reagan was going to be our Saviour, the Second Coming of Christ, he was a “conservative” (sic), whatever that is. The cult of personality around Pres. Trump is reminiscent of the cult of personality around President Reagan with the same, disappointing results.

      I found an old 1980 Republican commercial with the theme song from Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign:

      Reagan sold out his supporters immediately (except for the defense industry) just like Trump has. Unlike Pres. Trump Gov. Reagan (R. Calif.) had a track record. While Governor of California he helped the state assembly lessen restrictions on abortion and promoted no-fault divorce, the first state in the country to do that. Gov. Reagan had been divorced and remarried no doubt affecting his opinion of the “sanctity” of marriage. Gullible “conservatives” somehow thought Pres. Reagan would govern differently from Gov. Reagan. Wrong again.

      Pres. Reagan started the offshoring trend and laissez faire economic policies that allowed big bidness to get away with crimes. Under Pres. Reagan the Federal deficits exploded to new highs using the justification of confronting the USSR. U.S. banks that gambled on loans to Mexico and Argentina, perennial spendthrifts, were bailed out after both countries went tits up. The S&L crisis also resulted in more bank bailouts including Silverado Savings & Loan with Neil Bush, the Vice President’s idiot son, one of their officers.

      Michael Milken, Dennis Levine, Ivan Boesky and a cast of thousands on Wall Street screwed workers by replacing pension assets with junk bonds that defaulted, a clever, legal, fraud. The fraudsters got rich, some went to jail briefly and industrial America was hollowed out, impoverishing millions. The result of these egregious economic policies was the 1987 stock market crash which of course, resulted in an unofficial policy of the U.S. Government perennially bailing out Wall Street directly.

      President Reagan’s worst betrayal was, of course, the 1986 so-called “amnesty”, sold as a fix to the 2,000 mile long unguarded Mexican border, another gift to scumbag bidnessmen designed to drive wages down. Once again Republican betrayal was sold as fixing a problem without making hard decisions that would cost the donors a nickel. This betrayal may be the death knell of the U.S., thanks again Republicans.

    • Geir Gunderson said:
      Does anyone remember what Jerry Falwell said in 1981? I do, I vividly remember it.
      He said, on national TV, urging Christians to support Reagan and the GOP, quote;
      “With a Ronald Reagan administration, we will restore America to it’s Christian origins. I have been assured by Ronald Reagan that we will get at least two, maybe three Conservative, Bible-Believing Supreme Court Justices to overturn Roe V Wade and make abortion illegal in every state. With a Conservative president like President Reagan, we will force homosexuals back into the closet and restore morality back to America. Every Bible-Believing Christian needs to vote for Ronald Reagan and support the Republican party.”
      Yes, I remember “It’s morning again in America” vividly in 1981.

      Falwell was a power and money grabbing phony preacher who was lucky enough to escape the fate of Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, and if you idolize him, that speaks volumes about you.
      Reagan unfortunately courted the religious right and made them an important faction within the GOP (alienating others in the process), but Falwell was clearly ignorant on how politics works. Votes on voluntary school prayer, abortion, pornography, and scaling back LGBT rights took place in Congress. They failed miserably because most Americans even in the ’80s were in favor of our liberty to watch porn, have an abortion, not have religion imposed on us, and for the homosexuals to lead their lives.

      Falwell, like many neo-Confederate Bible thumpers here, was a typical religious right winger who thought abortion, LGBT rights, and school prayer were more important than the rising Third World tide from the southern border. “Ah prefer those Messicans because they aint into abortion and homosexuality like the white liberals are!” Well, you can either have a safe, clean, prosperous white Western nation where progressivism will always exist to some degree due to European altruism (ie Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, etc) or you can have a diverse hellhole like Brazil or Guatemala where the people agree with your religiously conservative extremism, but y’all can’t have both.

      We logical people will choose the former and focus on preserving the white majority while you illogical neo-Confederates can bitch about the Civil War, abortion, and homosexuals and welcome turd worlders who share your religious values lol

  2. Good. I can’t stand these edgy alt-lite types that flirt with the edge of what’s acceptable but always uphold establishment taboos like cowards. Now if you’re going to be anti-establishment you may as well go all in and break every taboo.

  3. All the Bastards that hate the White European Sheep will be cancelled by Christ.

    Revelation 20:9 They marched up over the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from heaven and consumed them.

  4. I do not listen to Mr. Molyneaux, E. Michael, and some of the other questionable sources mentioned.

    But the silence about Julian Assange here is deafening, and the reality of the pandemic is being obscured with sensational news of protest excesses and provocateuring.

    • “Liars fear truth”

      So does AmRen apparently since they can only name the symptoms not the disease.

  5. I will miss Molyneux as his “Truth About” series was always well researched and interesting, and he was honest about race realism even if he couched it with “but discrimination is bad, don’t be racist.”

    Perhaps getting deplatformed will nudge him to explicit white nationalism.

      • He has a bit of Jewish admixture in him, but it doesn’t seem to be doing him any favors. He hasn’t ever shied away from criticizing bad Jewish behavior. He’ll need to figure out which side his bread is buttered on.

  6. (Eric Striker has good info on this:)

    Leaked Anti-Defamation League Memo Exposes Elaborate Conspiracy To Enable Israeli Annexation of West Bank

    The ADL’s cynical ploy is already beginning to impact citizens. Earlier today, some of the last remaining “alt” libertarians, conservatives and nationalists were purged from Youtube.

    On Reddit, the Trump supporter section, r_thedonald, and major left-wing outpost for fans of Chapo Trap House, along with thousands of others, were abruptly deleted. This is unique in that it is one of the first times leftists are subjected to tech censorship. The crackdown on the anti-Israel left, which Chapo belongs to, is not surprising in light of the ADL’s leaked plans for a pro-Israel public relations war.

    The ADL has also been demanding that the already tightly censored Facebook platform to wring out whatever is left of political dissent, which includes anti-war left-wing and Muslim groups alongside nationalists. Last week, the ADL directed various corporations to completely boycott Facebook until they shut down every last direct and indirect critic of Jews and Zionism. The other tech companies — many run by Jews and eager to submit — have gotten the message.

    Black leaders who are not in the thralls of Jewish money are also being silenced. Prominent black community activist Louis Farrakhan, who is an ardent anti-Zionist Muslim, had his appearance on the Fox News channel canceled by ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.

  7. Final battle this summer. Set up redundant accounts. Fred them in a timed manner.

  8. Amren too? They used to show Amren conferences on CSPAN years ago for crying out loud!

    We might have to go back to fax machines like the militias used in the 1990s!

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