Mt. Rushmore is a national treasure. It will never come down. pic.twitter.com/ujY7EcxrY1
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) July 1, 2020
Enjoy our new ad. #DefeatTheMob
— Team Mitch (Text MITCH to 47360) (@Team_Mitch) July 1, 2020
Fund the fight: https://t.co/PqXTaYX5rV pic.twitter.com/A5OT1c21h2
All of them.
We can definitively say that conservative liberals won’t succeed in conserving any of these holidays or monuments from the mob. Instead, they will expedite the destruction which will be occasions for grandstanding and fundraising. Ultimately, the American flag will have to be cancelled because of slavery and racism and White Americans will have to be cancelled for being living monuments to settler colonialism. Christmas also has to go for being “anti-Semitic” and depicting white supremacy.
“Conservative” means spineless loser that advances the progressive Left’s agenda. They are currently focused on renaming military bases, getting rid of Columbus Day and replacing it with Juneteenth, cancelling the Mississippi state flag for Walmart and passing “police reform.”
They will go after the US flag next. Trumpers say that if Trump doesn’t get in, things will get bad. Well, they are NOW. No one is stopping this. Who are these people who care nothing about how they leave this world? Do they not have any children or grandchildren? Do they think their money will insulate them?
I agree. Whether a Democrat or Republican is president, the destruction of America will continue. If Trump is reelected or the Supreme Court eventually has a conservative majority, White America will still be a target for cancellation.
Bitch “the turtle” McConnell has the most punchable face ever I swear nothing else matters to him except getting the money train economy going everything else is not a issue I’d definitely put him in my top ten for punchable traitor faces along with French and Lindsay Graham
McConnell mentions the corona vaccine but he doesn’t mention gilead sciences wants to charge 3000 thousand dollars a person for treatment and it costs 10 dollars to make ffs thats a quite a bullshit scam considering tax dollars paid for the research and development!
The Tulmadic Republicans could also suggest a USA flag change similar to the coat of arms used by the Russia Federation. The double headed eagle however; dropping the cross(((!)))
This iconic coat of arms has represented the Russians being on the lookout for adversaries East and West (double headed eagle keeping Look out of its sovereign lands being taking over from Western Europe Mongolia, and Islamic hoards.)
At this point in The United States current history, the flag would have the double eagle‘s looking in at each other. Representing the costal elites wanting control over fly over county, our so called sovereignty taxed, and double taxed for the Orcs that need assistance.
Remember that tax cut we got?
The only good thing to come out of Trump’s Republicanism is Canceling the Obama care tax on the poor who did not buy/or could offered paying into the mandated healthcare insurance.
“The Tulmadic Republicans could also suggest a USA flag change similar to the coat of arms used by the Russia Federation. The double headed eagle however; dropping the cross(((!)))”
When the U.S. Flag is changed, championed by Republicans, it ought be a black weasel on a background of shiny metallic gold thread.
I’d be ok if they canceled MLK jr’s holiday.
I’m sure that they’re working on that right at this moment.
Conservative pundits like Tucker, and yes even Ann Coulter, are just there to get the White Nationalist vote for Republicans, because Republicans can’t win without the White Nationalist vote.
If Republicans don’t win there’s no tax cuts for billionaires, and no gibb$ for Israel. Globalism/White Genocide agenda continues no matter who gets in.
If Pro Whites won’t support a third party and shift the Pro White vote away from Republicans, we will never be a known quantity like blacks, jews, and other minorities that the big parties pander to. If you add your Pro White vote to the rest of the anti-White Republican votes you are invisible.
The slogan for the White Nationalists is: Black lives don’t matter.
Cancel St Patrick’s Day, the snakes have returned and are all around us.
Yup. Cuck face McConnell who is a walking ad for term limits, of course said he hopes Trump does not veto the military bill over the Confederate military base names. In other words cuck face surrenders again. At this point it would be better for him to lose to the socialist lite chick in Kentucky.
I always knew Republicans were bad, some even really bad, but I want to thank you, Hw, for opening my eyes and many other’s eyes with pure facts of just how rancid most Republicans are.
Kevin McCarthy is another used car salesman shady Republitard. He is more interested in keeping his hair nice than actually saving the country he lives in. No doubt the progressive socialists set American agenda while useless conservatives simply take one or two of their multiple agenda items off the table until they give it away down the line. Rinse and repeat.
One clever thing the enemy media does is use the” bi-partisan” routine to attack any Republicans who are out of line. That is being used right now against Trump for the Confederate military base thing. As if you are supposed to just go along because some Republicuck traitors gave in again on a cultural issue.
Zero doubt in my mind Trump owes the Kushner family financially big time. Why would you allow your son in law to be your biggest advisor? I mean what!! Kushner has helped bigly to destroy his presidency turning it into conservative inc.
Even Bolton said Kushner is number 2 in command. Trump is notorious for not paying attention enough and suddenly in the 12th round of his presidency is allegedly now against Kushner’s cucked advice knowing he needs a ko to win. The incredible thing is it literally seems Trump is alone going after anarchists and defending military names. Useless Republican senators are nowhere hiding out. Just a bunch of tired old white guys holding on to power covering up as the young energy of Democrat marxists terrifies them.
I do find it pleasant seeing some Republicucks losing in primaries. I also like seeing older Republicans lose to young blood.
The Republican brand is cowardly, useless, crazy cucked out, bought off, weak, anti white and Israeli shills. As usual it takes more black bull %=× to show us just how useless most Republicans are.
Hey Ted Cruz, got another debate lined up? Maybe Dershowitz can compliment you again like when he taught you in school saying what a great debater you are! Meanwhile you will probably lose next time you run because you did jack regarding massive demographic changes in Texas! Hey I know, debate it!!
Re: Mount Rushmore:
The “great” President Theodore “Rossacampo” (look it up) is there. Among many other mortal sins, he presided proudly over the U.S.’s mass murder of one million Filipinos (10% of the islands’ population), loved war (he called it “the joy of battle”) and boasted of having killed a Spaniard in Puerto Rico with his bare hands “like a jackrabbit.”
Theodore Roosevelt’s statement on the imperialist conquest of the Philippines: “History may safely be challenged to show a single instance in which a masterful race such as ours, having been forced by the exigencies of war to take possession of an alien land, has behaved to its inhabitants with the disinterested zeal for their progress that our people have shown in the Philippines.” It was a lie. The U.S. was not “forced” to take possession. That war, like all our wars, were wars of aggression, based on the Elites’ greed for wealth and power based on wealth, and our “national” pride and bloodthirstiness.
He considered socialism evil and subjugation of workers good, though government should “seek a middle ground” between the super-wealthy captains of industry and the unions representing their starving workers. He said “the man with whom things have prospered (is) in a certain sense the keeper of his brother with whom life has gone hard.”
Yes, it would be great, delayed justice to have at least the image of Rossacampo on Mount Rushmore removed.
Do you have a cite for that bare-handed killing of the Spaniard? I’ve read that Roosevelt fired back at and killed a Spaniard on San Juan Hill, I guess it was, and that the said Spaniard “doubled up like a jackrabbit,” but I’ve not heard the of the event you mention, without, not incidentally, context.
Theodore Roosevelt was a fake populist, a true conservative, and opposed socialism and even “labor unrest.” He said “We need to set our faces like flint against mob violence (…) and injustice and lawlessness by wage-workers”!
Let the statues come down.
He has been given a pass on his war and economic crimes for his environmental conservation work, and for suggesting a New Deal style social insurance program decades before the next Roosevelt actually did it. But he didn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize either, no more than Obama deserved it, both of them being flagrant warmongers like all U.S. Presidents.
Incapable of action, you go through life in chronic moral dissatisfaction, by which you elevate yourself, in your own mind, above all others. So it has always been and will always be with commies.
But the current war is not against the wealthy elitists, but regular White people. Taking down any images that reflect both the good and not so good of American history, is done to show us everyday, non-affluent Whites that we no longer have a say in this country and it serves to demoralize us and set us up for a physical genocide.
Teddy Roosevelt goes flying in 1910: https://www.loc.gov/item/mp76000114/
Mitch, don’t talk about defeating the mob. Do something about it.
Will Columbus, OH be renamed Indigenous Peoples, OH?
I would like to see all state funded colleges and universities have a diversity of opinion requirement in order to receive state funds. For example, for every Black, Hispanic/ Latino, Jewish/Israeli or other non-White advocate there must be a White American advocate on the college or university payroll.
This type of legislation is needed. I’m sure many of you could advocate or add to it.
Columbus should be renamed West Muskingum or East Miami.
The holiday at which they are really aiming at is Christmas.
If Gentile Whites will not awaken and take a stand over something, this country runs the risk of becoming an open air 1910-1920s Russia reenactment…
@Ivan- yes, they are coming for everything related to Christianity.
And YES- this is the bolshevik revolution 2.0
What i can’t stand is the fact that republicans and those who listen to NPR have minds that are just like a malleable pile of putty..
They just repeat and parrot everything that they are told by the (R) stooges like Mark Levin the “great one”..lmao yeah, like the self appointed “chosen” status they all claim.
Not only do these talk show jews and shabbos idiots bark about the only democracy in the middle east and all the civ-nat BS but they never stop comparing whats happening in the USA to NAHTZEE Germany when its more or less identical to what his kike ancestors did to Christians and other whites in Russia 100 yrs ago.
These blind idiots sheep and their kosher shepherds are dangerous lunatics that have created white stagnation in the world of political discourse amongst the normies.
We need some of these people to “wake up” not be lulled back to sleep with lies and misdirection constantly.
They’ve played down the Christian significance of Christmas for many years but they won’t cancel Christmas. A yearly black bottom line for many (((merchants))) is dependent on it.
Haven’t read the whole of this, Mr. W.; but in case you haven’t seen it and might find it interesting:
(“Why the Descendants of Confederate Generals Are Happy to See Their Names Go”)
Conservatives say that America is an idea, which leaves them no possible argument for leaving these statues standing. Does Columbus represent the ideas of liberty, equality, and Saint Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, that conservatives claim are the essence of America? Of course not. Does Thomas Jefferson represent these ideas? Does George Washington No, they owned blacks as property, so ironically the founders of the country do not represent the alleged ideas that define the essence of America.
With “America” being defined as ideas rather than as ethnic heritage and historical continuity, there is no basis for keeping these statues up. Especially when the ideas themselves did not even gain any prominence until the latter half of the 20th century.
Philanderer and Plagiarist Day (Otherwise known as MLK Day)
This is all about cancelling White people’s heritage and history, no matter the reasons given. My fear is that the enemy will give the go ahead to physically cancel White lives. They already are using massive nonwhite immigration and forced assimilation to destroy us.
If Juneteenth also has a declaration celebrating the executions of Julius and Ethel Roseberg (June 19, 1953), it can be a more inclusive holiday that I may very well support.
Perhaps Jew sorcery is behind the choosing of this particular day. Black magic is alive and well.
Everyone forgets about White-ethnic Dydd Glyndwr, Owain Glyndwr Day, coming up in a few weeks. He was fighting for the rights of the poor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OMISGGz1rs