American Madness

First, Sir Oswald on our lack of will …

Supposedly, this is about black lives or something which need to be protected from folks like us watching this at home and making snarky racist comments …


New York City:

Andy Ngo continues to document the war zone that Portland has become for a month a half now. The mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon have just let it happen.


Sadly, this is an accurate portrait of America in the anti-racism crisis of 2020 …

Aren’t people dead though because Antifa and Black Lives Matter are rioting and parading in traffic and the police have been cancelled? To ask such an obvious question only proves your complicity in white supremacy. You must apologize and pledge to “do better.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Just dropped by the daily stormdrain for a check in, and the weev crew has kicked their Trump shilling into high gear, as expected. They’re going with the angle that the Democrats are going to holocaust us all if “we” (Anglin always uses “we” when referring to Republicans) don’t win the election. Anglin says the Demoncrats are going to create skynet and send cops to murder us, and weev has now rebranded as a Q Anon follower.

    Must be really hard to be a GOP shill in 2020, since they have so little to work with. So they’ve reverted to the classic Alex Jones rants about how the government will send everyone to FEMA camps and mass murder the American population for no reason.

    • Yeah, the GOP is bad news, however the Dems are insane, we must block them from power and all available options should be on the table to defeat these satanic scum. If you propose worrying about the flu, and staying at home on voting day all your doing is making it worse. The Dems are murdering elderly people by sending COVID infected to nursing homes, force ventilating patients to kill them to make COVID look worse than it is, supporting black supremacist terrorists, and riots while ordering you to be locked down, and you are not going to vote for their opposition? No matter how imperfect and ghey it is? Seriously man, IDK support that. Dems are re-incarnate evil that need to be axed. Sure we won’t get a Salvini or Orban, but at least he isn’t them. Greta will dictate your driving and showering habits, Soros mobs will be allowed to kill you and if you fight back you will be charged, are you mad?

    • Just dropped by the daily stormdrain for a check in, and the weev crew has kicked their Trump shilling into high gear, as expected. They’re going with the angle that the Democrats are going to holocaust us all if “we” (Anglin always uses “we” when referring to Republicans) don’t win the election. Anglin says the Demoncrats are going to create skynet and send cops to murder us, and weev has now rebranded as a Q Anon follower.



      It’s so painfully obvious that Weev is a complete and utter $hill.

      The feds simply don’t produce effective, believable dupes and shills like they use to, lol.

  2. “You must apologize and pledge to “do better.”

    Long ago, ((they)) discovered that WHITES are suckers for ‘guilt’. ((They)) never feel guilt, no matter what they do.

  3. I’ve never been to Portland or anywhere else in Oregon for that matter but to think its filled with so many godless self hating white shitlibs, pos thugs and degenerates. I previously thought Portland was this hipster yuppie utopia well the last few months changed that view completely that place looks like absolute shit now

    They really hate that elk I don’t understand is the elk a symbol of white supremacy now? lol dear Jesus these people sure got more than a few screws loose I guess they will be coming for anything that vaguely symbolises America

    • “I previously thought Portland was this hipster yuppie utopia well the last few months changed that view completely that place looks like absolute shit now.”

      I must say that that comment of yours falls very strangely on the ears of someone like me, for whom “hipster yuppie utopia” and “absolute shit” have been synonyms for about half a century.

    • @Thom…

      “I previously thought Portland was this hipster yuppie utopia well the last few months changed that view completely that place looks like absolute shit now ”

      It’s the toxic blend of Modernity, Material Privilege, Technological Specialization, and a political philosophy which harnesses those negativies to a specific end.

      In some ways this Urban American phenomenon, most acute in The North, is totally new, yet, in other ways, there is nothing new in this – particularly the part about those who fashion a political movement to strengthen and give vent to their negativies upon those around them.

      Part of being a human being is having to be an altar for those negativies other humans want to dump on you.

  4. The Anti-White, state religion of Political Correctness forbids stopping “anti-racists” from carrying out the fight against “systemic racism”. Anyone attempting to stop it is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews heretic and must punished accordingly.

    This is why the madness goes on and on while our “leaders” wring their hands or justify it.

  5. I’ve placed a small bet on Trump winning. 3/2 Ladbrokes. I summise that his pick for VP will be so obnoxious that it’ll dramatically change the entire narrative. The critical thing will be the Pence v???? debate.

    • @Captain John…

      This grandson of a once famous bookmaker agrees with your odds, not only because it is a likely result, but, because it is just the right figure to stimulate betting on this contest.

      Well done!

  6. And yet, as we all know, George Floyd died of Corona, Just like this other ‘gentle giant.’

    Sometimes, all you can do is laugh, as the Lord lets stiff-necked and disobedient people descend into the madness of their own making. Because the Lord ‘WILL’ have them in derision… Ps.2

    And there is nothing we can do to stay his hand, or say, ‘What doest thou?’ after a certain point.

  7. I am not taking sides. If blacks and cops want to kill each other, that is their business not mine.

  8. At this point, Mr. W., I’m not sure whether this is on-topic or off-topic, but here’s another magazine article indirectly promoting a new book (this one about Nathan Bedford Forrest) in which you might be interested:

    (“The Fight Over Monuments of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest Holds a Lesson About Whiteness in America”)

  9. Pre-revolutionary Russia holds some clues to the course of events in America. The moral revolution preceded the political one. While we have Femen, in late Tsarist Russia naked left wing women would run through the parks of St. Petersburg carrying signs saying “Down with Shame.” Shame and other moral restraints were abandoned by the intelligentsia, creating the dynamic Dostoyesky noted in his writings (The Devils ?).that no one knew how many crimes were committed or a least tolerated out of fear of being not considered “progressive.” It is this fear in the face of abandoned moral restraints that ended in Russia with mass murder and unless stopped will end the same here. To paraphrase Louis XV of France, after Trump the deluge.

      • What does a wise man do in the face of a raging river? Demoan the impertections of the dam above his house and wish it were better? Or does he realize the dam, imperfect as it is, is the only protection he has and begin to sandbag and buttress the dam, supplying the strength it lacks? Since you wish to call me a “silly cuck,” I consider you all wet. Does this name callilng advance the discussion or make our people any safer? I think not.

    • The masses created unmanageable, pathogen-vulnerable, Third World America. The madness was to give them a say in anything.

  10. “American Madness”

    And if you asked all these palladins of the current conflagration why they are doing what they do, you might not be able to find a single one who could answer, beyond the usual superficial maxims standardly given.

    That’s what makes any mob dangerous – because they are acting on primieval urges of which they neither conscious are conscious nor understand.

    Those who use it to their own ends, though, understand well.

    • What if they were beaten until they gave an answer?
      It might be a good idea to grab a few of these losers and “ask them questions”.

      Purely for research, of course.

  11. Wild prediction. NEWSOME closed California again. This could drive the vote there successively rightward. Things are heating up. Harris will have to explain this.

  12. There is genuine anti-racism and there is political “anti-racism.” There is genuine hatred for one’s father(s) and there is political hatred for the others’ father(s).

    In the ways of white man, his race is his father(s).

    Anti-racism, in the context of the West, is both a real and an ideological hatred for white father(s). This hatred understood collectively as “white (s)upremacy.”

  13. Oswald Mosley is indeed inspiring even after all these decades. I wish Counter-Currents or whoever would publish more books on him. I have read a lot of the books and pamphlets Mosley wrote.OM is a master of the English language right on there with Shakespeare and Churchill!

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