Do Nothing

Sometimes it is best to do nothing.

Until further notice, it is the season for grilling and chilling. The enemy is making our case for us better than we could ever make ourselves. They have to be perceived as the problem.

Note: As the backlash grows, this will inevitably change.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mr Ngo is correct – sometimes it is best to do nothing.

    Sometimes, just sticking your head above the trench will get you killed, and will help no one at all.

    That said, no war can be won by doing nothing.

    At a certain point we are going to have to go over the top, and, sad to say, some of us won’t make it.

    • “At a certain point we are going to have to go over the top, and, sad to say, some of us won’t make it.”

      Don’t you mean “Let’s you and him fight”?

    • 2 words for if you are surrounded by lunatics “brake torque” hit yer brake pedal hard hold it and punch the gas pedal the driving tires will break lose and spin creating a very thick white cloud of very foul smelling rubber burning, the brakes will stop you from moving ,when the smoke clears you will be amazed how many idiots decided to move.

    • actually no. freedom is not free it never has been, and it will never be. it always has and will cost blood, im sure you have heard this quote
      “all a good man [or woman] has to do for satan to win is NOTHING”

  2. I don’t see a reason to pretend doing nothing is a choice, when all of our “intellectuals” from all factions of the dissident right have decided its not their responsibility to do anything anyway.

    When it comes time to take our fate in our own hands, it will be the less pretentious of us, the rank and file, who will put ourselves on the line, as it has always been.

    Historians and commentators are useless in conflicts. Too indecisive and stuck on abstractions to see the reality in front of them.

    • The key phrase there is “when it comes time.”

      The present is not such a time. If you “take our fate in our hands” like Dylann Roof, then you will only reinforce the status quo and be perceived as the bad guy. How many times do inpatient people have be taught the same lesson?

      We’ve been living in an age which is defined by antiracism. It has been that way ever since World War II. In the aftermath of the World Wars, racism and nationalism was perceived as the problem. The result was an anti-nationalist age. Now, our enemies are becoming the new problem and plunging us into a new crisis, and that is really the only thing that ultimately can change that perception.

      The definition of “when it comes time” is when our people are ready to save themselves. They have to be the ones to “see that reality in front of them.” As long as they don’t see that reality, there is nothing any of us can do about it. Hopefully, they are finally being to see it now that the boot is coming down on their necks.

    • You are missing the point totally @Badshoe. When your enemies are fighting, let them fight. Let the war disrupt them in both attrition and bad press. Basic Sun Tsu.

      I am sure non of wish physical harm on any of these people, only psychos take pleasure in others getting wounded or killed. But i think it is beneficial to sit back and let these people expose the truth of themselves and the system to the majority of normies still holding onto myths of equality and functioning system. To get involved at this point and risk bad press or even worse crippling injury makes no sense

      • “None of us”
        Hunter, I love you big guy but what are the chances of getting an edit button in comments.

        • @Captain Schill…

          “Hunter, I love you big guy but what are the chances of getting an edit button in comments.”

          Unfortunately, he can’t do it.

          We’re lucky to be here at all, because, perhaps a couple of years before you started coming here, The Evil Empire did everything it could do to throw Occidental Dissent off the Planet Earth, short of dropping an atomic bomb on Eufala, Alabama!

          Mr. Griffin fought of tooth and nail to survive it and succeeded, though, one permanent scar is that we are stuck using the same program he had over a decade ago, when he began.

          Some aspects of this program, I think are better than the modern programs, and one is that you can see recent comments.

          Of course, the negative is we have to proofread more than we care to!

          Sorry for the bad news!

          But .. at least we are here – as are you!

      • >I am sure non of wish physical harm on any of these people, only psychos take pleasure in others getting wounded or killed.

        Ok pacifist cuck.

    • Remember a lot of movement people are still under legal pressure, fighting lawsuits and such from Charlottesville.

  3. This will be a test of our people’s capacity to learn from the experiences of others. Soon after Floyd died from excited delirium some leftists from the university held a protest to demand criminals be released from jail. Observing events in the Northwest has, I hope, had a chastening effect on them So far their demand has not been repeated, but the reopening of the school will be a test.

  4. You don’t stop a runaway train by throwing yourself on the tracks in front of it and you’re not going to stop the tidal wave of savagery going on today by jumping overboard with an anchor chain instead of a life vest.

    More “colorblind conservatives” are waking up and realizing the futility of trying to prove you’re not a “racist.” All white people are racists. It’s our definition and it’s futile to dispute it. More people are being stopped at BLM roadblocks and seeing what savages these animals are.

    The proper tactic for the moment is to allow our ranks to swell, relative to the size of the other side’s ranks. Their ranks are about as big as they’re going to get. Ours have a long way to go.

    Election year politics will awaken more people as time goes by and our side will get stronger relative to the opposition. More colorblind conservatives are being radicalized like us. It’s happening.

    • Good analogy, I agree with you completely.

      Not that I’m suggesting that Trump is the answer to our problems, he clearly isn’t, however I believe that the silent majority is going to speak loudly at the polls in November and give him a second term. This will provide us with an indicator as to how the “normies” for lack of a better term feel about all of this craziness.

      Assuming that the election isn’t rigged of course.

  5. @Mr. Griffin & Captain Schill, and most particularly Badshoe…

    “The present is not such a time. If you “take our fate in our hands” like Dylann Roof, then you will only reinforce the status quo and be perceived as the bad guy. How many times do inpatient people have be taught the same lesson?”

    “You are missing the point totally @Badshoe. When your enemies are fighting, let them fight. Let the war disrupt them in both attrition and bad press. Basic Sun Tsu.”

    Fantastic comments.

    The problem with a lot of folks is that they are driven by emotions, frustration, in particular, and it sabotages whatever judgement they might possess, not to mention any sense of honour or morality.

    No piece of evidence more indicative of satanic usurpation than those individuals who, in the name of defeat heinouness and barbarism, commit heinous barbarick acts!!!!@##$%%!!!

  6. Jim Goad on a recent Red Ice Radio podcast had an interesting insight to this current Marxist mob wave’s mentality in the Northern west coast region Concerning the USA: Note Canada’s British Columbia and Russia’s Alaska are not affected by the mob currently.

    Mr Gen X Post Hipster Goad lived in those areas on the west coast In his angsts young adult years ago and observed the whites where not rooted in historical community like he grew up experiencing in Philadelphia/ now a resident in the metro Atlanta area.

    What I found personally profound in his observations of the BLM most vocalist supporters they are of a mixed race: Sub Saharan African, European, and Hispanic/jewed

    Colin Kaepernick and Shawn King, have no idea what race they are existentially In reality hence the self hatred angst projected on the Poor: Middle class slave Whites.

    Moral of this post: White pioneer settlers need too established Ancient European History, and those low IQ Sub Saharan Blacks need to be hit over the head with the half mixed blacks who rule over them.

    Obama the poster child who’s so was Pick Floyd!

  7. It is a corporate-funded, fake revolution, using outraged (by police state violence and extreme economic inequality) emotion-driven puppets on media-attention puppet strings, and provocateurs trying to make you react. Do not even look at the silly fake revolution show, which will inoculate the population against thinking of real revolution. Meanwhile BORTAC in unmarked cars snatches and whisks away any potential leadership and any others found “going off the reservation” of allowed protest activity.

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