Tucker Carlson: Political Violence Is An Attack On America Itself

Millennials are engaging in violence.

Baby Boomers are legitimizing it because “antiracism” is a righteous cause. Why is political violence suddenly being normalized? Can it be dialed back after the election?

History suggests otherwise. Once it starts in social conditions as combustible as these, it becomes a storm that takes on its own momentum. A point of no return is crossed. See also the Blundering Generation which stumbled into the most devastating conflict in American history.

Over the weekend, shootings began at the “mostly peaceful protests.” Even though someone actually died in Texas, there seems to be no turning back. How long can these violent and volatile “mostly peaceful protests” possibly continue before there is a major collision at one of them? Government at all levels is committed to not restoring order and allowing the disorder to spiral.

Note: These fools are stressing me out. It is like watching an idiot play with dynamite.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Though this is not complex to fathom, John Q. American truly has no idea about the fact that what he regards as his ‘Murican Government is busy kicking the hell out of him and his, all the while pissin’ down his back through academick, corporate, and media proxies, not to mention irregular military forces, such as the private Democrat Armies, ‘BLM’ & ‘Antifa’.

    If there is one good thing about the entire anti-Trump reelection machinations of this past 4 months, it is that it has begun to dawn on millions of disinterest John Q. Americans that things are not quite as they appear; that the governments, both state, national, and local, are not actually ‘governing’, but undermining.

    To be clear, I am not projecting what I think about this, but, just reporting what my sleepy-eyed Far-Right sceptical Conservative neighbours are thinking.

    They are profoundly disturbed, and have seriously begun to suspect that something, beyond just the normal do-nothing corruption of Washington D.C., is gone awry.

    For them, all this comes on the heels of the greatest political scandal in American History – that of Russia-Gate, major crimes as of yet not brought to heel, and it has gotten them to think things they never thougth they would think, much less say.

    But, say them they do, because I am The Town Confederate Flag Flying Southern Nationalist hothead, and, because of that, when they want to complain about the country, I am their go-to guy.

  2. “stumbled into the most devastating conflict in American history”:

    Devastating for the people only. Wars and other conflicts, and even many natural disasters, are profitable for a few at the top. And as for people “stumbling” into war, sometimes it is not really stumbling (making a mistake) but being instigated. Where there are perpetrators, always look for the instigators.

  3. “For them, all this comes on the heels of the greatest political scandal in American History – that of Russia-Gate,”

    Dang thought for sure the biggest scandal is Jeffrey Epsteins death!

    Yes it appears there is some serious blackmailing of Globalist Elites taking place.

    The political violence tho? Right now it is mostly just ANTIFA & BLM live action role playing.

    When they cut the power, take over a military base to get better weapons or attack a regional Federal Reserve Bank then I might consider this a real revolution.

    Till that happens just keep grillin’ and chillin’!

    • @Jeff…

      “Dang thought for sure the biggest scandal is Jeffrey Epsteins death!”

      Yes, for those of us who are politically astute, we see the implications of the Jeffrey Epstein Case, but, my Normal Conservative Neighbours do not see it, not at all.

      They would never mention Jeffrey Epstein, unless you did, and, even if you did, they would not know how to react to the notion that Israel, one of the two nations they consider out greatest ally, could possibly be running a Honey-pot Operation against American politicians.

      In fact, most do not even know what a Honey-pot Operation is.

      In any case, be well and thank you for the remark!

  4. ““America has two standards of justice: when they do it to you it’s social justice, if you dare to defend yourself it’s a hate crime.” – T. Carlson

    A mere month ago. DEATH TO THE JEW WORLD ORDER.

    Who does (((Soros))) fund? Antifa, BLM.

  5. if this does turn into a hot war, i expect it to be gay, passive-aggressive and mostly hilarious. no one is really trained, and most that will break bad are likely to be failures at war. it would be like idiocracy + guns. sounds like this is probable at this point too. the memes will be myriad.

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