Fred Reed is also nervous about this tinderbox.
“Black militia at Stone Mountain. Cocky, heavily armed, outgunning the police. White militias have similar firepower. A fight is entirely possible. In downtown America.
Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.
No one is in charge in this collapsing shell game of a country. In Louisville hundreds of armed blacks threaten to “burn the motherfucker down,” meaning Louisville, if they don’t get their way. All cringe before them, with reason. They have guns. Larger numbers marched in Georgia, armed, ready to rock and roll. BLM says it will “go into the suburbs” to get Whitey. Who will stop them? Not the government. It fears them. Weimar Kentucky. An American Freikorps.
America today in video. Scroll down to the New York footage. It’s Planet of the Apes.
Gun sales are way up. A friend in Rhode Island went to a gun shop and found a long line outside. A columnist in Virginia was told that the other stores report long waitlists for prize arms, notably the AR 15. People are afraid, or fed up. They are arming. The spring winds. …”
I’ve got to admit.
Maybe living in Mexico like Fred does isn’t such a bad idea? Sure, it is not ideal, but relaxing for a few years in, say, Panama City in Panama or Budapest in Hungary or somewhere near the beach in Indonesia sounds increasingly like an attractive option given the way this country seems to be going lately. The Ancien Régime in France didn’t subject the entire White population to a social etiquette as complex, divisive and absurd as political correctness especially the more intense “woke” version.
Note: I stopped worrying about the mere COVID-19 virus months ago!
We are going to divide and reconstitute – of that I little doubt.
Yet, how that happens, I am not sure – we could just as easily slowly slip away from each other as we could blow up.
At this time in history Americans are conoisseurs of the easy way out, and slowly slipping away is all that, whereas, ‘blowing up’ takes an awful lot of energy, risk, and sacrifice.
Do most care that much to ‘blow up’?
I do not know what you think, but, I think not…
If needed, I’m only going to blow as a defense mechanism.
I hope more of us are prepared. We’ve had nothing but time. Our bunker was always designed to be open to all Whites. Now, we may interview. The White reaction to Covid on both sides has been the most eye-opening thing we have ever seen. Next, a 5th avenue shooting. Hole up at Mar-A-Lago.
Your comment is very appealing. I am reminded of a Vicki I am somewhat familiar with in Reno. When my life was going according to a plan, I was busy, by any body’s standards, as a first rate Architect. That has not been recently. I invent and build stuff (technical term for things that guys would naturally find useful) – lots of stuff that few people could fully imagine that will make post apocalyptic living easier and more pleasant. I write books and petitions and books of petitions of how to take apart virtually every piece of One World Oder. This is not the set of granite monoliths it appears to be. Every part depends on some unchosenites buying an essential lie and then doing things that they never signed on for. I network and socialize a lot (well before covid cooties), in large part seeking solid group mutual support. Every potential group I have been meeting has been sabotaged, falling apart largely on its own, or manifesting being little more than a bunch of weenies or sheeple. I do not say this to be judgemental. I do not want to be judgemental. But it seems like every time I try to engage, I listen to what individuals have to say (often complain about), and reply with any possible strategy far enough out of the box to help their situation and possibly the situation of others as well but requires some investment of effort, there is a problem; and it comes, at least in part, from one of the above. It could come in a high sounding version of this time is not right (when it is the only available time), or this is not the right venue (when it is the only possible venue), or a thinly veiled ad honimen dig. I got all of those in response to even raising any mere questions about any smaller part of the covid scamdemic. Every group has serious structural issues. When the only groups left standing are secret handshake minions of the dark side, well…
Your comment is very appealing. I am reminded of a Vicki I am so what familiar with in Reno. When my life was going according to a plan, I was busy, by any body’s standards, as a first rate Architect. That has not been recently. I invent and build stuff (technical term for things that guys would naturally find useful) – lots of stuff that few people could fully imagine that will make post apocalyptic living easier and more pleasant. I write books and petitions and books of petitions of how to take apart virtually every piece of One World Oder. This is not the set of granite monoliths it appears to be. Every part depends on some unchosenites buying an essential lie and then doing things that they never signed on for. I network and socialize a lot (well before covid cooties), in large part seeking solid group mutual support. Every potential group I have been meeting has been sabotaged, falling apart largely on its own, or manifesting being little more than a bunch of weenies or sheeple. I do not say this to be judgemental. I do not want to be judgemental. But it seems like every time I try to engage, I listen to what individuals have to say (often complain about), and reply with any possible strategy far enough out of the box to help their situation and possibly the situation of others as well but requires some investment of effort, there is a problem; and it comes, at least in part, from one of the above. It could come in a high sounding version of this time is not right (when it is the only available time), or this is not the right venue (when it is the only possible venue), or a thinly veiled ad honimen dig. I got all of those in response to even raising any mere questions about any smaller part of the covid scamdemic. Every group has serious structural issues. When the only groups left standing are secret handshake minions of the dark side, well…
@Willis, Well, yes. And this is exactly the problem of attempting to find like-minded people… Humans ruin everything. You are clearly a talented and clear- thinking man. I wish you well.
Why can’t I make a substantial reply?
Going to where the dollar will always be worth a great deal more than the local currency has appeal. But then, there’s the dysfunction of the indigenous people and society you’ll have to deal with. For example, Fred lives in the cartel-controlled banana republic of Mexico. Even though there are those believing the Southwest will be become reabsorbed into Mexico if the US goes kablooey, they should remember the spics weren’t able to provide for their own, which is why their excess peasantry ended up here in the first place. They will prefer to stick with Whitey’s higher civilization, even in a deracinated, more chaotic Whiteyland, I’ll bet.
Mexico is functional and it has White areas. There are clearly some areas that have to be avoided though. The areas where American boomers go to retire are likely safe, there is a city where a lot expats are at. I forget the name.
The State Dept. lists 5 Mexican states as ones you shouldn’t travel to at all, and 11 you should “reconsider” travel to, including Fred’s Jalisco. Because of violent crime and kidnapping, but otherwise it’s fine, of course. There are maps showing which states are controlled by which cartels. Sounds like a Turd World craphole to me. Just because there are pockets of relative safety doesn’t make it a good idea to live there.
Fred’s judgement is beyond poor, having settled in Mexico. He constantly writes about a fantasy; the Mexico he deals with is well behaved, the place is orderly, people are respectful, almost a slice of 1950’s suburban Americana to hear Fred tell the tale. I don’t believe it. Mexico is one of the shithole countries DJT commented on, not some fantasy place that exists when Fred puts on his rose tinted glasses each morning. There is a reason tens of millions of Mexicans have moved north across the border and it’s not because things are great in Mexico, especially for Mexicans.
Mexico is now and always has been chaotic and violent. Fred is living 100 yards away from a volcano by living in Mexico. When the U.S. fails this country is going to take much of the world with it, like it or not because so much of the world has been riding on U.S. coattails since 1945.
The U.S. dollar is one example of American financial supremacy underpinning trade, savings and daily life of places like Mexico all around the world. As the dollar declines in value it will, at a minimum bring raging inflation and therefore, more poverty and turmoil to the Third World. During times of such turmoil the natural tendency of Mexicans is to head El Norte across the 2,000 mile, wide open border to try to live amongst the hated gringos.
Another tendency in the Third World is to blame local White people when things go bad. If the U.S. dollar fails Whites will be stuck in Third World hell holes without money. They can explain all day to the locals that they are really “good” Whites, on their side and not like the bad Whites you see on TV. The locals will just continue to sharpen their machetes, that’s the way it is.
I would rather be in SE Asia than south of the border when things go tits up. As others have commented from living in SE Asia, at least the locals don’t hate you there if you’re White. There are still predominantly White areas of the U.S. and that is a better choice than Mexico when things go bad. Mexico and the U.S. Southwest will probably be ground zero for trouble along with living near any Negropolis like NYC, Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham, Newark, Detroit etc. Avoid the diversity, that’s good for your health.
>Another tendency in the Third World is to blame local White people when things go bad.
That increasingly sounds like America. America will likely keep getting worse as long as the American Jewish community continues to have the influence it does. There is too many anti-White racists among Jews.
Electing politicians who actually oppose corruption is one way to stifle Jewish power. Anti-corruption policies would result in corrupt Jews losing their jobs or being arrested.
Ultimately Goys need to develop their own culture of critique where they constantly criticize jewish power and jewish culture. Creating a judeophobic culture, anti-semitic culture, would make it difficult for Jews to do their anti-social deeds. It is important that a culture devoted to criticizing jewish power is based on being non-Jewish, rather than being White.
The reason for this is that for anti-semitism to become ubiquitous in the culture, it is important that it spread to all races. I agree that Whites need to be racially conscious as White people, and preserve White race, yet when it comes to criticising Jewish power it is important to be inclusive of all non-Jews.
I think we’ve long passed the “culture of critique” idea. What we Whites need are what Ariel Sharon called “Facts on the ground.”
lmao “Boomer X” is a pitiful boomer’s attempt to create a cool name. Probably wears dad jeans.
Who the hell would want to live in Eastern Europe or Mexico/Central America instead of the U.S. or Western Europe? You alt-righters can all move there and take the woke nutjobs and antifa with you.
Yawn. Whatever, troll.
Well done – never feed the trolls, LOL! I don’t care what it says, Boomer X; you are one of the best here.
Too bad for you nobody respectable with any influence takes uneducated, poor, old overweight Karens living in trailers seriously huh.
80s, I think these boomers are losing their minds because you, Hunter, and other younger active citizens are focusing on more important issues and not on these sideshow clowns and their foolish antics.
Modelo boy was a cop. The same kind of cop who stood down in Charlottesville and the same kind of cop who tormented innocent blacks for sport. Not a farmer or a fisherman, a cop. These people who always bad mouth Muslims and blacks but are mum on the Jews can not be trusted. They are not honest.
Got a link on Fred’s former life as a cop? If memory serves me, Fred was a reporter who did a lot of police beat work (DC I believe) and rode around with a lot of “urban jungle” cops, but I’ve not seen where he was actually a cop.
No, Reed was a journalist who covered the police beat, eons ago. He’s written for everyone from the Army Times to the Washington Times.
so long as ‘Murkan Whites continue to receive
their daily warm shower of Jewbucks, they
will continue to go peacefully extinct; every
so-called white “militia” unit is infested with jew.gov agents.
If/when a Black Einsatzkommando invades a White neighborhood,
and starts killing and raping,
the white men will be hiding under the beds, and
the women and girls will be
assuming the position.
“Can’t breathe” is a dog whistle. Such hardened troops. Take them to Guantanamo.
I miss New York. From the 1970’s. This is what happens when it’s practically illegal to actually discipline properly. These *uckers needed whipping as youngsters. They’ll end up getting the proper treatment as adults.
This is an extremely unfriendly site to comment posting. I can’t post anything longer and therefore more helpful here.
@Wills it can take a while for your comments to show up. It is not instantaneous on this site and you can’t edit. Still the best forum out there. Keep posting, you comment was well said.
Long Live the South. Yankees can talk to me all Day
I love how conservatives misuse Nazi imagery as if Nazi ideals aren’t what they really love.
Nobody really gives a shit about abstract ideals like “freedom and liberty.” We all want a clean, orderly, functional, racially coherent, society that instills pride in real things, promotes healthy human behaviors and demotes degeneracy. That’s what we all want, all else is bullshit.
So stupid. “American Freikorps.” Lol.
Vickey’ comment of 3:03pm is very appealing. I am reminded of a Vicki I am so what familiar with in Reno. When my life was going according to a plan, I was busy, by any body’s standards, as a first rate Architect. That has not been recently. I invent and build stuff (technical term for things that guys would naturally find useful) – lots of stuff that few people could fully imagine that will make post apocalyptic living easier and more pleasant. I write books and petitions and books of petitions of how to take apart virtually every piece of One World Oder. This is not the set of granite monoliths it appears to be. Every part depends on some unchosenites buying an essential lie and then doing things that they never signed on for. I network and socialize a lot (well before covid cooties), in large part seeking solid group mutual support. Every potential group I have been meeting has been sabotaged, falling apart largely on its own, or manifesting being little more than a bunch of weenies or sheeple. I do not say this to be judgemental. I do not want to be judgemental. But it seems like every time I try to engage, I listen to what individuals have to say (often complain about), and reply with any possible strategy far enough out of the box to help their situation and possibly the situation of others as well but requires some investment of effort, there is a problem; and it comes, at least in part, from one of the above. It could come in a high sounding version of this time is not right (when it is the only available time), or this is not the right venue (when it is the only possible venue), or a thinly veiled ad honimen dig. I got all of those in response to even raising any mere questions about any smaller part of the covid scamdemic. Every group has serious structural issues. When the only groups left standing are secret handshake minions of the dark side, well…
Mexico would be one of my LAST choices among nations to live. If I had to flee the kwa for my life I might have to slip into that shithole but I will NOT live there. I have heard Costa Rica is a nice place to live. Personally, I think Japan would be the best nonwhite nation for Whites to live in. They don’t let just anyone in though. THAT’S why they are still a Japanese nation and one of the most stable countries in the world. A lesson the kwa and Europe unfortunately cannot comprehend.