Resistance To Modernism In The 1920s

In this video, the Red Scare, Second Klan, Prohibition, Fundamentalism, the Scopes Trial, nativism and immigration restriction are covered which were all fronts in the culture war.

Note: As I learn more about this era, my sympathies are completely with the Victorians. American culture was never made worse by abstinence, modesty, piety, fidelity and sobriety.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You are looking at the wrong decade. We are back to the period right before ww1. America is being eclipsed by the Chinese but the Chinks don’t yet have the muscle to be hegemon.

    • Re: “America is being eclipsed”:

      In spite of a rigid blockade, intelligence, discipline, hard work, and equality pay off:

      • Indeed. It’s well known that putting colorful lights on outdated aircraft is the first step to world domination.

        • Juche. The first step to AVOID world domination. Look it up Juche in an authoritative source.

          You seem to have missed the point of my response to Captain John’s comment about America being eclipsed by China. The video is of the 75th anniversary event, hence the colored lights, etc. Everyone knows the Empire has the most advanced aircraft, and is not only far ahead of Korea militarily, but probably equal in firepower (and certainly in military spending) to all the other militaries of all other nations combined, especially when all the proxy forces, mercenaries and financial clout are added.

          However, I don’t mean to argue, only clarify. You are one of the best commenters.

    • America isn’t being eclipsed, Captain. America as you’re thinking of it no longer even exists. America as you’re thinking of it is the great Teutonic polity built by your Anglo-Saxon cousins. That entity, that great polity, is gone.

      What exists now is America the word on maps. That’s all it is: a word on maps. The Anglo-Saxon remnant in the territory marked by that word presides over a heap of debt; decay; ruin; and clamoring, chaotic non-whites.

      Maybe you’re old enough to have some clear memory of the O.J. Simpson murder trial. Maybe you’re old enough, that is, to remember how much of themselves Simpson’s in-laws, the parents and siblings of his murdered wife, invested in that trial, how much they tried to steer it—simply by hoping, hoping, hoping—toward the proper outcome They were, as Nietzsche once said, with respect to a slightly-different subject, in the position of a bowler who tries, by twisting his body, to steer a bowling ball after he’s released it down the alley, toward the pins. Nothing he’s doing affects its path.

      Quit twisting your body. Quit trying to save America. The ball’s already in the gutter.

      As to China—she’s the same big nothing she’s always been, in debt, for all she has, to the Aryan. The (((newspapers))) are just trying to scare you with stories about her. The real story, as any follower of Occidental Dissent should know, is what’s going on in the Aryan mind—and that is what Mr. Wallace, our host, is trying to elucidate.

      • Chinese people are fundamentally corrupt and cheat each other routinely for a buck. The same “my clan is all that matters” attitude that the pundits use to write about in Iraq during Bush Jr’s misguided war where he started us down this path of huge national debt.

  2. Re: “American culture was never made worse by abstinence, modesty, piety, fidelity and sobriety”:

    Nor any other culture or nation. Virtue and discipline (and humility, add that to the list) always exalt a people. However it is impossible to serve both God and Mammon, and the West in the Opium Queen Age with its imperialism and elitism did try to serve both.

    “Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this.”

    I have been enjoying these historical studies more and more, find them enlightening and useful.

  3. “As I learn more about this era, my sympathies are completely with the Victorians. American culture was never made worse by abstinence, modesty, piety, fidelity and sobriety.”

    Bravo! I am a Victorian Viking!

    If you are going to preach Victorian then practice it!


    1. This website does not support violence. Do not promote, suggest, glorify or incite violence in the comment section.

    2. Please keep all discussions in the comments civil and respectful. No flaming or trolling. Topical and respectful comments are welcome.

    3. Do not promote or share conspiracy theories or links to truther websites in the comments.

    4. Do not use vulgar, hateful, wacky or esoteric language in the comments.

    5. If you don’t have anything of value to add to the comments, it won’t be posted at all.

    Enforce your rules! And consider disallowing anonymous comments if you truly want to be Victorian.

    • 3. Do not promote or share conspiracy theories or links to truther websites in the comments.

      Sound pretty awful to me. What do you define as junk conspiracy? Why do you use misnomer of “conspiracy theories” and “truther”, which were created by corporate media after JFK and 9-11, both events I can prove were laid on patsies as the powers behind both attacks gained prominence. Do you still believe fables like Oswald shot Kennedy by his lonesome, and that a former CIA agent on dialysis orchestrated the world most flawless attack managing to stand down aerospace defense forces with only some box cutters?

  4. As I learn more about this era, my sympathies are completely with the Victorians. American culture was never made worse by abstinence, modesty, piety, fidelity and sobriety.

    There it is, the cause of the failure of the Alt Right/Dissident Right/3rd/Turd Positionism.

    There is a French girl, Solveig Mineo, who is Pro-White and who has been on the righteous warpath against mindsets like this. She wrote an article three days ago, addressed to Mark Brahmin, who himself is much more moderate on the issues of Women and Sexuality compared to most of the m00bment, composed as it is of third world primitive views on the subject. What she said here applies to your defense of Victorianism and its fatal downfall, which was its sexual repression. She does not describe herself as a Modernist, but I’m taking the liberty of substituting the word Modernists in this quote of hers:

    “This situation is not a problem for me, it is a problem for you. As long as you will be uncomfortable in front of (Modernists) like me, you will remain a vast mental asyleum, full of cringe and ressent, incapable of genuine creation, open to every third world ideology in seek of white european organisms to parasite, unable to attract the hundreds of thousands of Europeans searching a mental shelter to escape the multicultural nightmare they experience in their lives.

    “This sentence of yours tells a lot about the problem that all DR people have : you dream of an authoritarian model of society where perfect social organization would abolish all need of political antagonisms, especially antagonisms between men and women. You want the end of History, some sort of permanent golden age. You want days without nights. You want sun without the moon.You want Apollo without Dionysos. You want the logos without the pathos.”

    Modern sexual values that developed in the 1920s and exists through the present day was a natural, inevitable backlash to the Victorians putting unreasonable, unjustified, paranoid restrictions on sexuality and sexual expression. Any “good reasons” the Victorians had for restricting sexuality can be filed under the folder titled “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” The “good intentions” of the Victorians in regards to sexuality, if they even existed (I suspect they did not), do not matter. The Authoritarian Personality is unironically a correct description of the motives of those who would repress sexuality.

    Contrary to the fantasies of the Turd Positionists, Modern sexual values are now permanently entrenched in the Aryan psyche. There will be no unraveling of the 19th amendment or any sort of “restoration of family values.” What WILL happen is that the extreme excesses of Modernist sexual values will eventually discredit themselves and will be reigned in, as we’re seeing right now with the backlash to “Cuties” and the general fear among Normies that our society is protecting a powerful cabal of Satanic pedophiles. Modernist sexual values did not “inevitably” lead to Globohomo, and even if they did, the fear of Globohomo only exists among the mental asylum of deranged Dissident Righters and mong cringe AF Boomer social conservatives. All types of social conservatism are worse than Globohomo. Just look at those “Purity Dances” between ugly white christian fathers and their “virgin, chaste” daughters from the 1990s and 2000s.

    The White Race, in its healthy state, embraces its sexuality and is not ashamed of nudity. Renaissance artists were astutely aware of this. The Victorian Era, though it produced worthy values in regards to progress and economics, was unfortunately totally wrong about human sexuality. The Modernist era corrected that. Thank the gods.

  5. As I learn more about this era, my sympathies are completely with the Victorians. American culture was never made worse by abstinence, modesty, piety, fidelity and sobriety.

    There it is. Why the Alt Right/Dissident Right/Turd Positionism fails. There is a Pro-White French girl, Solveig Mineo, who has been on a righteous warpath against mentalities like this. She has a way with words, and this quote from an article she wrote three days ago – directed at Mark Brahmin, who himself is moderate and decent compared to the third world takes on women and sexuality that dominate in m00bment circles – is an apt response to your sentiment:

    This sentence of yours tells a lot about the problem that all DR people have: you dream of an authoritarian model of society where perfect social organization would abolish all need of political antagonisms, especially antagonisms between men and women. You want the end of History, some sort of permanent golden age. You want days without nights. You want sun without the moon.You want Apollo without Dionysos. You want the logos without the pathos.


    This situation is not a problem for me, it is a problem for you. As long as you will be incomfortable in front of people like me, you will remain a vast mental asyleum, full of cringe and ressent, incapable of genuine creation, open to every third world ideology in seek of white european organisms to parasite, unable to attract the hundreds of thousands of Europeans searching a mental shelter to escape the multicultural nightmare they experience in their lives.

    • Not really.

      I just reject liberalism and modernism and all their degenerate corollaries like feminism and sexual liberation for undermining what is really traditional Protestant moral and cultural values. My views on this subject are far more popular than my racial views. As for their bizarre feminist pagan cult, it is so marginal that it isn’t worth commenting on.

  6. No, prohibition did make things horribly worse … It was so ‘wrong’ in the public’s hearts and minds, it inevitably created a reaction which undermined everything … It opened the door to all the gangsters, because they were giving people normal things of which people saw no reason to be deprived

    Alcohol smugglers from Canada were treated as heroes by many USA rural people they met

    As Aristotle said, and as the Daoists in China said, both millennia ago – Everything in moderation … otherwise you tend to blow things up

    It is a flaw of USA Protestantism is that it was too prone to conceptual obsessions, psychological agitation, and a desire to push fanatic agendas such as prohibition

    Martin Luther himself was a great fan of alcohol, Hunter, as you know … Luther did not go to extremes, but he opened the door for the legalistic-judaising Calvin and the fanatics that even seized the USA in 1920

    The reason why Orthodox Christianity, and the faiths of Asia thrive, is that they both understand that the best core for religion is mysticism, a mystical experience, which can be either those incense-filled church ceremonies, or meditation-yoga euphorias etc

    You base a religion on words and concepts – a basic flaw of Protestantism – you tend to get carried away with control-freak machinery to impose those concepts, also visible in Judaism, Islam and some of Catholicism

    Tho at their best the ‘trad Catholics’ have had the Orthodox Christian type mystical church experience with the incense, Latin chanting etc … Have actually also heard of a few Lutheran churches that got into the incense, as well as the ‘Anglican Catholic’ ones

  7. Prohibition was progressive utopianism, and not at all Victorian.

    DR84s French chicks takes are the epitome of cringe. She’s some chick who’s so much a slut she can’t imagine anything different. Her ideology would have a society of broken homes and low birth rates that would create its own crisis even without migration.

  8. How can you have sympathies for heretic protestants that imposed the most disastrous political experiment in the 20th century? Do you even know why they organized the harpies of of the Woman’s Temperance League together with heretic prohibitionists? NOT for the better of society by banishing alcohol. It was a fusion of Big Oil and Jewish Central Banking. They needed women to vote so they would vote for prohibition because, big oil wanted alcohols banned as the ethanol trade was dangerous to their businesses, and the Central Bankers knew that after alcohol was banned the Federal Excise Tax which made up 80% of the Fed budget would have to be replaced by an income tax, thus all monies became debts collected by governments from the people’s salary. This is the basis for the modern central banking conspiracy and it has roots in prohibition. You are literally saying these morons and idiots promoting prohibition were sympathetic. No they were not, they caused this to happen.

    1. Women got the vote
    2. Big Oil was made monopoly
    3. Income tax was introduced
    4. Crime up a billion percent

    This had NOTHING to do with Victorian Values vs. progressives. This was a scheme, by big oil and the central banks to impose an income tax and solidify big oil monopoly. It used to most moronic idealism of the time to promote an idiotic outcome. They scrapped prohibition but everything ran on oil and everyone paid income tax, they never cared about that in the first place. Not only that, prohibition runs counter to Christianity and only a hopeless heretic would even try to make a Christian case for this.

      • It established a constitutional basis for taxation, but it wasn’t widely implemented until they had an excuse of running out of excise tax on alcohol.

  9. @ 11:24

    Quote, “The people who supported Temperance were the most progressive in society” End Quote

    There you have it, morons, harpies, and low IQ idiots supported this banker led movement, with the newest and finest in propaganda and endless money. Once their the secretive goals behind prohibition were reached they scuttled the idiotic 18th amendment into the sewer where it came from. Most people don’t ask why Is my income taxed? Or why do the middle class pay more in taxes than the top wealthy speculators who know control the majority of wealth. It all goes back to this. Idiocy, sheer idiocy.

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