By all accounts, Jared Kushner was the political genius in charge of Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign and he deserves the most credit for creating this map because Biden got 43% of the White vote.

Georgia has been called for Joe Biden.
North Carolina has been called for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump who won the 2016 election with 306 electoral votes by a narrow margin in a handful of swing states and will lose to Joe Biden who was elected with 306 electoral votes in a handful of swing states. You could almost call it divine retribution for betraying his base.
Donald Trump’s actual base were all the White male Independents who propelled him to victory in the Republican primaries and who won the Rust Belt and took out Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. It wasn’t based blacks. It wasn’t based LGBTs. It wasn’t the Republican Jewish Coalition donors. It was disaffected White male Independent voters in the center of the electorate. It was the Obama-Trump voters. It was Hard Pressed Skeptics. Those were the people who he excited and obviously lost in 2020.
The Right is currently congratulating itself for losing the election. We’re the party of the multiracial, multiethnic working class … that LOST the working class by A LOT while winning the upper middle class by A LOT. We doubled our share of the LGBT vote! We won 4% more based blacks! We won 7% more of the Asian vote! We won 3% more of the Hispanic vote! We brought out 94% of Republicans! We won more women! We won more Jews, Muslims and Mormons! Is this even true? We won’t know the final results with the black and Hispanic vote until the dust settles in California and New York.

With all these accomplishments, how did they manage to lose the election by 74 electoral college votes? Trumpism 2.0 was less White male, more female, more diverse, much more upscale and respectable, more conservative, more Republican and less interesting and threatening than the original version. It was twice as gay as the original version. It was running on criminal justice reform, opportunity zones, the Platinum Plan and the lowest black, Hispanic, Asian, female and LBGT unemployment rate in history.
Trumpism 2.0 is what the Trump presidency delivered. It paid attention to courting and winning EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP in existence BUT White men in the Center of the electorate who are more moderate on economics. There was no Platinum Plan or even lip service for “White guys we desperately need to win the White House.” The generals at Trump Campaign HQ had a delusional view of the battlefield. The Left spent four years fighting on the actual front in the battlefield.

Steve Bannon deserves credit for Trumpism 2.0.
Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani were stupid enough to believe that Hunter Biden dick pics was a smoking gun for Trump. Bannon was a huge supporter of the Platinum Plan:
“But no, he should– look, it’s– it’s absolutely categorical. Ethnonationalism, white supremacists should definitely be denounced. I don’t think there’s any question about that. One thing these people don’t talk about is that, you know, in this Platinum Program that he put out a couple weeks ago addressing access to capital for the African-American community, he put the KKK up as– as something that should be designated a domestic terror organization. …
So you have danger on both sides. One is the ethnonationalism is– is very dangerous. I think parts of Farrakhan’s movement have been dangerous, right, black nationalism. Although, I fully support economic nationalism for the African-American community. That’s why I was one of the big proponents of this Platinum Program. I’ve said for years that working-class African-Americans are going to be a big part of the Trump program over time because of– because of economic nationalism.
And I think that the Platinum Program talks it, about getting access to capital to the black community, which I think is very important. But no, I think anything ethnonationalists, not just white supremacists, other ethnonationalists, right? There’s even aspects of– in China where they’ve got the Han, you know, ethnonationalists that are dangerous. I think ethnonationalism is dangerous across the board. I think white supremacism is definitely ridiculous and– and dangerous. And I think President Trump could have done a better job in doing it.
I think Brian Kilmeade said it best when– I think it was on the show the next day, he said, hey, it was a lay-up, and you just– you know, you shot a brick. So I– I believe– he’s been pretty good, I think, about condemning the past. I think the media way overplays that because they’re obviously biased against Trump. But I– I don’t see any room in the Trump movement for ethnonationalism. Or white supremacism.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2020
President @realDonaldTrump on his recently announced #PlatinumPlan which will deliver more opportunity, security, fairness, and prosperity to Black and Hispanic communities
— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 10, 2020
In Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon’s fantasy world, legions of based blacks were going to show up on election day and vote for civic nationalism and economic populism. There was definitely no room in the Trump movement for ethnocentric White male Independent populist voters. Those people who were in the dead center of the electorate were categorically denounced!
Lets have a laugh at Steve Bannon’s expense.
The 2016 vs. 2020 election results in the electoral college are like a social science experiment in the viability of civnat national cuckservative populism. It is a losing proposition.

Pennsylvania 2020
Pennsylvania was +0 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate grew by 1 point. Meanwhile, Indies went from +7 Trump to Biden +8.
Virginia 2020
Virginia was +1 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate shrank from 21% to 18%. Meanwhile, Indies went from +5 Trump to Biden +13.
North Carolina 2020
North Carolina was -1 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate expanded from 20% to 25%. It went +3 for Biden. Meanwhile, Indies went from +16 Trump to Biden +4.
South Carolina 2020
South Carolina was +3 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate, however, expanded from 19% to 26%. Meanwhile, Indies stayed put at +4 Trump.
Georgia 2020
Georgia was +2 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate shrank from 30% to 29%. Meanwhile, Indies went from +11 Trump to Biden +9.
Florida 2020
Florida was +1 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate grew from 14% to 15%. Meanwhile, Indies went from +4 Trump to Biden +12.
Texas 2020
Texas was -2 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate grew by 1 point. Meanwhile, Indies went from +14 Trump to Biden +6 Biden.
Arizona 2020
Arizona was N/A for Trump in the Based Blacks department. Blacks are completely irrelevant there. Meanwhile, Indies went from +3 Trump to Biden +11.
Nevada 2020
Nevada was +5 in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate was unchanged. Meanwhile, Indies went from +13 Trump to Biden +4.
*This exit poll is doubtful. Clark County went for Biden by similar numbers.
Colorado 2020
Colorado was N/A for Trump in the Based Blacks department. Blacks are completely irrelevant there too. Meanwhile, Indies went from Trump +3 to Biden +17.
Maine was N/A for Trump in the Based Blacks department. Blacks are completely irrelevant in this swing state. Meanwhile, Indies went from Hillary +5 to Biden +23.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire was N/A for Trump in the Based Blacks department. Blacks are completely irrelevant here. Meanwhile, Indies went from being equally split to Biden +26.
Iowa was N/A for Trump in the Based Blacks department. Trump won a whopping 22% of the black vote which was 2% of the electorate here in 2020. Meanwhile, Indies went from Trump +13 to Biden +4.
Minnesota was N/A for Trump in the Based Blacks department. Trump won 21% of the black vote which was 4% of the electorate here in 2020. Meanwhile, Indies went from Trump +2 to Biden +15.
Wisconsin was +1 for Trump in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate shrank by 1 point though. Meanwhile, Indies went from Trump +10 to Biden +14.
Michigan was +1 in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate shrank by 1 point though. Meanwhile, Indies went from Trump +10 to Biden +8.
Ohio was +0 in the Based Blacks department. The black electorate shrunk from 14% to 11%. Meanwhile, Indies went from Trump +14 to Biden +6.
Objectively, Steve Bannon is full of shit.
White Independent populist blue collar voters told him to take a long walk off a short pier. Jared and Brad Parscale spent a BILLION DOLLARS on this shit! Muh new Republican Party!
Bye Steve!

Michael Savage is sometimes good to listen to for a few hot takes that others are afraid to touch, but then he always pulls the Judo move on you. Today was the biggest I’ve heard.
He just said that Jews are the biggest losers in this election and that Biden will repeal Trump’s ban on teaching critical race theory to school children, a theory which is aimed especially against….Jews.
I will listen to Rush for as long as God keeps him alive but no more Michael Weiner for me.
I have listened to both Rush and Savage for many many years.
I do so, NOT because I agree with them, but, because they are interesting and, oft, thought-provoking.
Savage, particularly, has provided the most original talk-radio I have ever heard, though, not all from him is gold – not by a long shot.
I am sorry both are soon to disappear from radio.
Ben Shapiro, who has been marketed as a replacement for either, is not fit for such a thing, this because he is way too young and lacking in life experience to have deep probing and unique views.
Nevertheless, others, who know how to be interesting, such as Dr. Steve Turley, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Tim Pool, and Styxenhammer may step into the gap.
Wiener like most jews care about jews 1st, Israel 2nd and the host country last.
“He just said that Jews are the biggest losers in this election and that Biden will repeal Trump’s ban on teaching critical race theory to school children, a theory which is aimed especially against….Jews.”
Of course he did.
For the next two years Jews are going to be constantly saying that “Biden is anti-Israel and AOC is an Anti-Semite.”
They are already doing it on
Even though Biden said, “I’m a Zionist, you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.” Biden has voted for Israel 100% of the time for his entire career in government. He’s never, not one time, done anything Israel and Jews didn’t want.
Michael “Savage” Weiner is just a typical right-wing grifter suckering the rubes.
And sucker them he has. Here in my very white, very Republican county, I have noticed two damn Israeli flags. One is a full flag flying with the American one, the other is a half and half US-Israeli flag. I’m not sure how can you expect people who are that lost to save themselves.
I know some people who aren’t going to know what to think when Rush is gone. I wonder where these people are going to turn.
Just a thought. Boris is purging Brexit supporters in his Cabinet as a result of Biden winning. It’s possible that the pressure and coordination to demolish Trump on both side of the Atlantic were really about Brexit. Secession can’t be tolerated. One breach anywhere is a breech everywhere.
There was clearly voting fraud, the only question is was it on a scale enough to alter the entire election results towards Biden. Pennsylvania looks really fishy, so many ballots without signatures.
Until the General Services Administration certifies the vote, Biden is not the President-elect. We have to wait and see if this goes to the supreme court, we have to wait and see what the GSA says.
The 5% meme is getting old. I’m not completely convinced one way or the other if Biden won despite the fraud or if the Democrats conned the American people. I’m on the fence because I don’t have enough information.
We need to wait to see what the courts and GSA say.
@Gryphon’s Ferocity…
Pennsylvania definitely looks bad, but, so, too, do Georgia and Michigan.
The ultimate truth of Arizona, Nevada, or Wisconsin is not clear to me, but, those first three states I listed I would bet my life on being the sources of massive systemick fraud.
It’s a test of the character of those White Men who run the legislatures of these states.
Will they stand and take the pressure and the heat?
We do not know.
Pennsylvania– horrendous problems of violations of Pa election laws, defiance of US Supreme Court orders, etc. More.
Michigan– middle of the night vote drop of 138,499 for Biden, 0 for Trump plus >10,000 dead people voting. More.
Georgia– massive numbers of votes for Biden with no votes down-ballot, not even for senator. Way, way more than normal and enough to change the result.
These 3 give Trump the win.
Will he get it? Of course not. This is now the ultra-corrupt new evil empire, the empire of lies and warmongering.
Georgia is doing a straight re-count. No signature or address matching or studying the huge number of weird Biden-only ballots. They’re just counting everything all over again. What a waste of time. And to think this country bombs the hell out of other countries to bring them “democracy.”
Why does everyone just assume that electoral fraud would favor Democrats? After all, the Republicans are the most pro-Israel party and Israeli tech companies manufacture the electronic components in vote counting machines. You think the Jew-loving Zionist scum that is the GOP are above dirty tricks? They are too honorable? lol
At this point I am just going to assume that anybody still whining about non-existent fraud is a Republican shill or MAGAtard in denial. Perhaps you’d be more happy over at the Daily Grifter?
“In the United States, Election Day is the annual day set by law for the general elections of federal public officials. It is statutorily set by the Federal Government as “the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November”[1] equaling the Tuesday occurring within November 2 to November 8.”
Tuesday is just 1 day. It’s ‘election day’ and not ‘election week’ … correct?
The election ended Tuesday evening? Why are they still counting votes?
The main way to lose the White House is for the other party to steal enough votes through faulty machines and mail in voting to win key states.
And for all of the bitching about Trump, are the nigger loving commies who are getting ready to shut down even a semblance of democracy really better?
@ copperhead. No!!!
Seriously? You’re still an advocate of democracy? Sheesh!
I posted on Bannon’s (or someone representing him) facebook page that Jared Kushner was taking the “white trash” for granted and the post was removed for hate speech. That being said, Bannon, to have any future of influence, has to stay on the same page with Kushner’s campaign. It’s silly to blame Bannon for all the PC nonsense when he has been effectively sidelined. It’s the sad irony of Trump, that the people he sidelined are the people who are there to stand up for him when he’s down. He’s a master manipulator, after all, one of the main ways of getting things in life is to convince people you will deliver what they want so that they will give you what you want in exchange. Then refuse to deliver. If Trump proved one thing over four years, it’s that he was NEVER going to deliver anything beyond Wizard of Oz gifts to the substantial base of his voters. I think he would take everything he’s promised to protect, if he thought he could get away with it, and in a second term, he might well. And the second term could well be coming, don’t count out the agent of ZOG.
The Democrats have always cheated and why would they limit it? Who’s to say they didn’t steal 2012 and try to steal 2016? Why wouldn’t they? Who’s going to stop them? It’s “mainstream” to pretend they don’t cheat, and kooky to admit they do. Those labels have nothing to do with the truth. No amount of so-called “hard-headed skepticism” is ever going to make a WN better than a “kook” in the minds of people who think that way.
We will have lost one helluva lot more than Trump lost.
I see no reason to celebrate, jeer or express satisfaction. And I believe that there was off-the-charts election fraud.
Trumpism v2.0 may have legitimately failed (but I’m not sure that people who were afraid to tell pollsters their preferences before the election eagerly shared their choice and reasons afterwards).
Maybe 1991 v2.0 will not.
Bro, you really need to stop deluding yourself with the idea that your vote was sooo important as to deny Trump the presidency. These mytical 5% you are talking about are as real as Andrew Yang “third way” about which you babbled for so long on this page and about as important as your modernist research. You apparently have the ability to convince yourself for a certain period of time that this or that idea is the panacea, the answer to all the questions you have. The reality is very different. The white men who didn’t vote for Trump in MI and WI are working class illiterates who have absolutely no understanding of politics and were influenced by the media. “ Erik Rush is outraged by the “nation of feckless morons” that voted for Biden: “I see morons who failed to resist the pop culture spirit poison being purveyed by their schools and school boards because they didn’t want to appear bigoted. Finally, I see morons who insisted upon playing fair with opponents who were making gain after dangerous gain playing dirty.”
And there were probably some who were upset that Trump did nothing to revive the industrial base in the Midwest. That’s it! Its that simple!
Everything you point out here is accurate. I’m not convinced these 5% Whites in the Midwest were super-based Whites who wanted to send a message. In reality, they were probably just low information voters.
It’s hard to believe 5% of Whites pulled a Spencer and voted for Biden as a fuck you to Trump.
The 5% meme was clever at first, but it’s starting to get retarded.
Based Whites held their nose and voted for Trump or didn’t show up. They didn’t vote for Biden, that’s for damn sure.
“I’m not convinced these 5% Whites in the Midwest were super-based Whites who wanted to send a message.”
Of course they weren’t. There were probably a very few number of these people, but it sure as hell wasn’t 5%.
My vote here in Alabama?
Obviously, not. The 2 point blue swing in Alabama wasn’t enough to kill Trump in Alabama. It was enough in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona though where he lost. Trump lost Indies in Alabama by 5 points too. Even in Alabama, he lost Indies, which shows you that the people who were running his campaign had no clue what they were doing. They lost the middle.
The “mythical” 5 percent is very real. Trump won the 2016 election because of his support with Indies. Period. End of story. He won millions of more conservatives and Republicans this time. He won more support in every demographic in existence but that one. His precious based blacks in … where? The Pew Research Center has tracked that demographic for over 20 years now. Disaffected populist voters put Trump in the White House and fired him. As for Andrew Yang’s support with rightwing Independents, that foreshadowed what happened in the 2020 election.
I’ve been saying it was going to happen for years now. Who was right? Did Blumpf in a Trumpslide or did he go down in flames because his support with White male Independents cratered?
You are not good at arithmetic too! Trump increased his voting numbers in this election. Let’s presume he had gone all in for your mythical 5%! That requires an unconditiinal embrace of white identity politics and obviously I am all for that but that is not a strategy for winning an election that is a call to white people to take their country back. He would have lost 20% of his current voters and gained your mythical 5%! You do the math.
No it didn’t. He could have ordered a live fire on BLM. He could have discussed white opioid abuse or specific white working class angst. He could have refused to condemn any voters, as long as they were not committing crimes, all voters are worthy of respect. Wouldn’t have taken much.
If nothing is done about the voting fraud it will intensify.
Why shouldn’t they manufacture a half million votes each for the Democrats in the Georgia run-off? Getting those two seats is crucial to their program. Who will do anything to stop it? Who would be punished for it? Hell, jews who write for the New York Times are telling people to move to Georgia to vote.
Republicans control *22* states outright – the Governor and both houses of the legislature. The are the majority in 15 or 20 other states.
The Republicans could do something about the fraud tomorrow if they wanted. Apparently, they don’t want to.
The people who run the Republican party are not stupid, so there is a reason they don’t want to stop fraud.
“Apparently, they don’t want to.”
I don’t want to hear any more shit about “our democracy,” which impresses me no more than Haiti’s.
I may be wrong, but I suspect that those two seats in Georgia will be very narrowly won by the Republicans. I feel that one of those Old Boy Agreements have been struck,between the opposing establishment party leaders, because the Democrats want to purge their numbers of the Socialists as badly as the Republicans wanted to get rid of Populists.
Trump will bluster, but make a grudging concession speech (after his lawyers negotiate to keep him from being prosecuted) and vacate the WH. I imagine he will content himself to avenging himself on Fox by creating an alternative media station.
The Democrats will encourage the Republicans to get their Talking Heads to whip up any die-hard Trump supporters to take revenge on the Democrats for their cheating by voting more Republicans in the House. Why?
The Democrats won’t want to pay Slavery Reparations to Black Americans or let young Whites off the College Debt Hook, so they are getting ready to engage in the same type of Failure Theater the Republicans did.
Trump should put blame squarely where it belongs, on his jew son in law. But he won;t because Trump can’t admit mistakes. His ego won’t allow it.
Since Trump obediently went along with the Kushner-Bannon ‘Failer Strateegery’ (the literal mirror-image of the Sailer Strategy), perhaps someone should send a congratulatory tweet thanking him for his support of critical-race theory with his 38 denunciations of white-supremacism during the campaign. It’s useless trying to deflect the blame onto the Satanist Kushner. Who’s the one who made the smirking devil-worshipper his chief-advisor? Al Sharpton?? Or was it his old buddy Jeffrey Epstein?
“Trump should put blame squarely where it belongs, on his jew son in law. But he won;t because Trump can’t admit mistakes. His ego won’t allow it.”
After four years of Don the Con, some people just cant admit they were bamboozled by a New York hustler. Trump was a registered Democrat before he entered the presidential