Prospect: Can Biden Govern As a Progressive Populist?

I highly doubt it.

It would certainly be nice though. I’m keeping an open mind. We will see how it goes.


“Trump and the Tea Partiers before him made gains with ordinary Americans because a corporatized Democratic Party stopped delivering for them. This was especially true in rural and small metro areas that were once manufacturing centers, where the falloff in support for Democrats in 2016 and 2020 was just sickening.

To some extent, Trump was able to use ethnic nationalism and racism as a proxy for economic populism. But Make America Great Again, however bogus, also signaled a concern for lost living standards and economic dignity.

Joe Biden comes out of the same neoliberal milieu that produced the vulnerabilities of Democrats in the Clinton and Obama eras. Most of his appointees are alums of those administrations.

But thankfully, events are pushing Biden to govern as more of a progressive than he may have intended. And public opinion wants him to do that. …

You should read the entire report, but here are a few highlights.

By majorities of more than two to one, Americans don’t want Biden to appoint corporate execs, consultants, or lobbyists. The majorities are even larger when it comes to people from regulated industries or companies that have benefited from bailouts. …”

Presumably, there are some areas where progressives and populists share common ground and thus an opportunity for the next four years not to be wasted on polarization and performance art politics:

Foreign Policy

  • Ending stupid wars and troop deployments in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan is broadly popular
  • Cutting the bloated military budget
  • Ending MIGA’s abject subservience to Bibi Netanyahu
  • Restoring the Iran nuclear deal

Domestic Policy

  • COVID-19 relief
  • Tackling COVID-19
  • Campaign finance reform
  • Restoring law and order
  • Regulating Wall Street
  • Getting rid of most of the Trump tax cuts
  • Student loan debt forgiveness
  • Universal Basic Income
  • Rebuilding American infrastructure
  • Universal health insurance
  • Minimum wage increases
  • Ending the billionaire class
  • Breaking up Big Tech and Big Ag with antitrust enforcement

I would support all of these things.

I’m 100% in favor of ending neoliberalism.

We vote on the basis of populist issues, not “white supremacy.” In fact, we were far less attached and invested in the Blumpf presidency than conservatives.

Here are the issues most likely to return the GOP to power in 2022 and 2024: “defund the police,” riots and looting, open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, gun control and/or confiscation, Woke extremism (hating White people), a return of Islamic terrorism, climate change extremism. Otherwise, a broad majority of Americans support a modest wealth distribution and focusing on neglected problems at home. Most people are not crazy Woke progressive liberals or Uncle Scrooge libertarians.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Vice-President Biden is perhaps the most corrupt corporatist high-level politicians we have ever seen.

    That’s the cake.

    Whatever icing they put around that will not change the fact, if inaugurated, he will attempt to steer this country further down the line of a One-World-Order Judeo-Chinese style of government (those whom he represents) – that being a Corporate-Globalist Capitalism blended with authoritarian-totalitarianism.

    Say what you will, come what may, The American People are not going to accept that – no matter what face appears to be steering that ship.

    The only ones left out of the loop still are The Governing Elite, themselves, they so cunning that they have outfoxed themselves into thinking that they can win a showdown with millions of heavily armed and tickt-off Rednecks.

    The woodshed is waiting. In fact, a lot of them are.

    • The elite have come away from all their business trips over to China coming away with a desire to implement their system here. They plan to do it over the next generation. One of the lead stories on AM radio as I drove home last night was Twitter was censoring “vaccine misinformation” which is basically exactly how the CCP operates. None of this crap occurred on the internet 10 years ago, it’s astounding what these scumbags are getting away with. This new system they seem to be forming is “Chinese Communism with Jewish Characteristics.” i.e. a different type of social credit system where drag queens are held in the highest regard.

  2. Fat chance. Biden is already speaking in globalist tongues—–“dark winter” and build back better”. The cyber pandemic song is already being sung by Klaus Schwab and soon Biden is going to dance an Irish jig to it.

  3. No, of course he can’t.

    The conservatives, believe it or not, are right about some things, even some economic things. Whatever “populism” that comes out of the Neo-Liberal Democratic party establishment will be of the “dependence-inducing welfare” variety.

    The problem is that conservatives have no alternatives. Let’s say the conservatives sweep the next elections. They finally end the “Covid-19 lockdowns” and “small business” is free to open back up.

    Well, all those businesses are already gone. There is no demand. There is no room for competition because the monopolies, Amazon and Walmart, are hyper-efficient. Plus, the Republican’s very first priority will be to restrict the money supply – “cut the deficit and reduce big government spending.”

    So, the deflation accelerates and then the GOP is voted out again two years later, with the voter lines to vote them out only eclipsed by the bread lines.

    Republicans still LARP like America is a nation of independent primary economic producers – in Republican Fantasy Land, everyone owns their own farm and metal smelters, everyone is an “entrepreneur.”

    Which is, again, literal Fantasy Land. In the real world, in 2020 America, the vast majority of Americans are wage laborers – and that goes for highly paid laborers who, while perhaps having a nice house and a nice car, are still making the majority of their income from labor not capital.

    Since Republicans refuse to accept reality, Democrats will be able to beat them more than half the time simply by lying less.

    • What you will see is pop up boutiques that are controlled by Amazon and Walmart. They will look and feel like mom and pop shops.

  4. “Cutting the bloated military budget”

    This makes for a good talking point, but it’s actually a bad idea. Military Keynesianism is the only thing America does well these days. The Defense Industry is a primary technology driver, as was academia in the last century.

    If Biden were smart, he’d direct the Army Corp of Engineers to embark on a massive employment program via “shovel ready jobs” rebuilding roads and bridges and a high tech infrastructure component to go along with it.

    Call it the “Smart Shovels and Roads Initiative.”

    If Biden were REALLY smart, he’d take trick out of Mao’s book.

    Take all those obnoxious left wing university students and send them “out to the country” to work in environmental clean up efforts. Progressive SJW dipshits won’t have time to bother everyone with their insane witch hunting when they are engaged in actual productive work wiping oil off of baby seals and picking up trash.

  5. He is merely the new figurehead of the Empire of the Dollar, to be succeeded by Kamala. He CANNOT govern as a populist. Capitalism necessarily involves imperialism, and he is, therefore, imperialist, not ethno-nationalist or even populist. He will govern as an imperialist. Caitlin Johnstone explains:

    “The new imperialism doesn’t look like old-school ground invasions, it looks like multi-front cold wars, economic warfare, blockades and starvation sanctions, drone strikes, arming proxy militias, CIA-backed coups, sprawling tech surveillance networks, mass psyops of unprecedented sophistication and narrative management systems to facilitate them. Peace activists need to be looking in this direction, especially as the US gets a new Secretary of State who advocates this exact approach to imperialism. Imperialism 2.0 is designed to operate so invisibly we don’t even notice it’s happening. No mass troop deployments, no flag-draped bodies flying home in planes, and (they hope) no potent antiwar movement in response to it.
    In the new imperialism there are still troops deployed all over the world, but they’re there with the “permission” of the puppet regimes they installed and they exist primarily to protect the infrastructure of the invisible imperialism (so it can’t be countered with conventional warfare). The more powerful and expansive the empire becomes, the more invisible imperialism can be. In theory it could eventually have so much control that any population which rises up against it can be silently choked off from the entire world economy and starve to death very quickly”:

  6. The whote radicals who backed him will regret it. Many centrist types expecting anything practical will be disappointed.

    2020 election handed everyone a sack of flaming shit.

  7. Biden at one time was against affirmative action, called blacks predators and said they can’t be socialized into western society. As the old saying goes, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots. These politicians say anything to get elected just as Trump did and never followed through on any of his promises, except to Israel. I’m not counting on it because they are all con-men at the end of the day, but anything is possible. He can’t be any worse than Trump on many issues.

  8. Hunter – you use the term grifter a lot. I first found your site some years ago, had some interesting articles on Africa.

    At present, you are bought. You are getting a paltry UBI from some source. I suspect that you are very easily bought and the idea that some horrible state source is willing to give you $2,000/month filled you with such enthusiasm, that you ran to your wife excitedly exclaiming that you are now rich.

    Joe is not going to take care of you too much longer Hunter and you will be again forced to find some kind of job to feed your family. Learn to paint. Maybe landscaping. I’m sure your local Dollar Store is hiring. So you do have somewhat of a future until your UBI appears. But my advice to you is to work. It gives a man dignity. And you need that.

    • You’ve figured it out.

      I’ve maintained this blog for 12 years because it is such an immensely profitable use of my time. The banner doesn’t literally say this is a populist website, not a conservative or libertarian one.

      • “I’ve maintained this blog for 12 years because it is such an immensely profitable use of my time.”

        What a disingenuous excuse. Just because you’re obviously being paid off NOW doesn’t mean you always were.

        This is the kind of misdirecting argument one would expect from a grifting hireling trying to obfuscate their sell-out status.

        Totally transparent.

    • It’s been evident for a while now that Wallace is either paid off, or completely nuts.

      He’s been screaming against the idea of election fraud in lockstep with the MSM. The simplest explanation is, they’ve all got the same paymasters, trying to get people to disbelieve their lying eyes and believe in the probity and legitimacy of the (((media))) and (((government))), in particular the Democrats.

      It’s so transparent it’s almost laughable. And these retarded wignats here continue to lap it up and probably send this Swamp hireling money.

      It’s too late, Griffin, the American people whom you hate and despise are already fully disillusioned with the media and government. Trump unmasked them, whether that was his intention or not, and it’s too late to go back. You and the other Swamp scum can try repression, or you can step aside, but you’re never going to get the same hypnotic obedience and submission that was in place for 70 years back.

      A threshold was crossed, and Trump triggered that — it doesn’t matter what he himself is like, or what he did or didn’t do afterward, he kicked down the slab and showed the vampires shrieking and hissing inside, and gave the American people the permission they needed to resist them.

      As the man says, you could salvage some of your dignity by stopping this stupid charade, telling your (((paymasters))) to go fly a kite, and getting honest work.

      But, since you’re just a Swamp/ZOG/MSM-hanger-on grifter (a phrase that springs very often to your lips), you won’t.

      Brad Griffin? Brad Grifter is more like it.

      • >It’s too late, Griffin, the American people whom you hate and despise are already fully disillusioned with the media and government.

        Men don’t rule from the “approval” of the “approval” of “the people” (which is a ridiculous notion used to get easy cannon fodder). Men rule from forming coalitions and making it too difficult to oppose them doing what they will.

        There is no real opposition to Globohomo. Trumpanzees like you support a damn Zionist who wouldn’t even keep his own kids from dating racial outsiders. Others in the Dissident Right like that muh Southerners poster still live under the cope that they’re in control and are important on a continental level.

        >Trump unmasked them, whether that was his intention or not, and it’s too late to go back. You and the other Swamp scum can try repression, or you can step aside, but you’re never going to get the same hypnotic obedience and submission that was in place for 70 years back.

        Oh please. Trumpcucks and other aut-rite/dissedont rite like you aren’t even open on race. You have to insist that you’re not “White Supremacists” and that you have to “justify” your own existence by making appeals to “Christian Ethics” or how useful you are to other races (aka yapping about muh IQ or muh achievements).

  9. My wife and I both got covid…and every single cold I have ever had in my life was worse, and certainly every time I got the flu. I haven’t so much as had a fever, and the worst of it was some achy limbs and a runny nos that lasted 2 days. My taste even came back in four days.

    Nobody doubts the virus is real, but the way that people just go along with the hype of this somehow being the most awful pandemic in history, knowing full well what the powers that be will use this opportunity to accomplish is, frankly, astounding and sad.

    Some of the dearest old ladies in the church I attended growing up caught covid and died in the last few months. But they were also in their 80s and 90s, had dementia, etc. They would have died of anything. My own grandma died at the age of 95 from a normal cold after surviving a broken hip at age 93 and learning to walk again. IF MY OWN MOTHER OR WIFE DIED of this virus, and of nothing other than the virus, I still would be against these lockdowns because, just like when a nutso shoots up a shopping mall, I know the powers that be in this country will use that tragedy to inflict more and more draconian controls that will only really hurt white and conservative people. If my wife or mother was killed in a spree shooting in public I would only blame myself that I couldn’t protect them, I wouldn’t scream for more gun control, for instance, because my suffering doesn’t mean that all of society should have to pay for the actions of random criminals. The deaths of some people impacted by covid is a tragedy. But what the regime will do thanks to the open door provided by the hysteria surrounding the virus is going to far far worse.

    If this was a flesh eating virus that killed almost everyone it came into contact with the lockdowns couldn’t be strict enough and no one in their right mind would complain. But this is just not that bad.

  10. “this is just not that bad”:

    That is YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. One tree. Now look at the forest. I know of some middle-age people with no known health problems who are very sick. A sixty-five year old farmer in apparently excellent health, dead in a few weeks. A young veteran recently returned from Afghanistan with no known health issues, dead after a few weeks. Furthermore, death is one thing, and the permanent organ damage that is occurring even in “mild” cases is another. Now there is evidence of delayed-appearing, long-term damage to blood vessels in children who had no other symptoms but a low fever for one day.

    “If this was a flesh eating virus that killed almost everyone it came into contact with the lockdowns couldn’t be strict enough”:

    If, or when, Ebola breaks loose in the U.S., I believe “the herd” will be just as careless.

    • To be fair, every one of those admittedly scary cases you mention are “one tree.” Nobody knows what this virus is or will do specifically because its observable effects are so variable from person to person. Those borders really should have been shut down in January. But what we do know for sure is that this system we live in and the regime we live under will capitalize on whatever the virus is to extend its control in very negative ways that will not take scientists and doctors years to discover. They don’t care about saving anyone’s lives from covid. They care about such things as making gun violence a public health crisis just like covid is a public health crisis. Or about the public health crisis of antisemtism and racism and whiteness.

      • And you can tell that anon here also reckons that racism is a virus, instead of a simple way to cut down risk.

    • It’s great that you are taking this disease seriously, but I can tell you favour anti racism and open borders. I can tell you are more or less okay with the behaviour of blacks this summer. That’s what has spread this disease. Xenophilia.

      • “I can tell you favour anti racism and open borders”:

        Not really. Anti-imperialism is not the same as being anti-racist and for open borders. Being racist is also not the same as being anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist. Some racism serves the cause of U.S. imperialism as much as anti-racism, open borders and identity politics. I am ethno-nationalist, in favor of “multipolar” independent multi-national existence, rather than “unipolar” U.S./Western/Zionist global hegemony.

        “I can tell you are more or less okay with the behaviour of blacks this summer. That’s what has spread this disease”:

        Not okay with that behaviour, but also not okay with other, worse crimes that I won’t begin to list here. Obviously the protests and rioting were a major vector of the disease, through the mostly young mostly asymptomatic spreaders, and this anti-hygienic behaviour would have been stopped if the government was even half-serious about stopping the pandemic instead of “achieving herd immunity.”

        • >Not really. Anti-imperialism is not the same as being anti-racist and for open borders. Being racist is also not the same as being anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist. Some racism serves the cause of U.S. imperialism as much as anti-racism, open borders and identity politics. I am ethno-nationalist, in favor of “multipolar” independent multi-national existence, rather than “unipolar” U.S./Western/Zionist global hegemony.

          In which case you’re a cuck. Geopolitics is zero-sum automatically. History prior to our Judeo-Masonic -Merchant order (the 1600s up) was that of war, rule, and crushing. The global order we have today with its multiculturalism and “self-determination” is but a tool of the current global elite for their rule.

  11. Biden has never been a progressive anything, at any point during his long career, why would he do anything but serve his corporate masters now?

  12. Yes I agree 100%. I think plenty people who run for office or already in office support Populist / Moderate / Nationalist solutions. However it’s always the far left and far right that push those politicians far away from the middle where government is best run and actual solutions are found. Deo Vindice !

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