I wanna just explode over how embarrassing and pathetic this is, but most of you know how I feel about TPUSA so use your imagination. Nothing says worshipping Jesus and the need to live out the Word at the same conference you drag out a money cannon with Bang girls. https://t.co/20w9ioHyas
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) December 20, 2020
I was going to write a big article called Why White Nationalism Failed tonight.
It occurs to me though that this is the rule. I could write the same article and call it Why The Religious Right Failed or Why Paleoconservatism Failed or Why The Tea Party Failed or Why The Alt-Right Failed. An article on Why MAGA Failed or Why The Dissident Right Failed wouldn’t be any different. All of these movements failed for the same fundamental reason. It is due to the structure of the Right.

All of these various movements were sucked into the orbit of the GOP.
The party is institutionally dominated by the Core Conservatives or Free Marketeers who control the messaging of the party and its policy agenda. Republican donors also purchase the policy agenda and vet candidates. Essentially what happens is that the GOP harnesses endless rounds of backlash politics to vacuum up these other groups who then elevate Free Marketeers into power.
All the various causes which animate these various subordinate groups are drained of their energy while their agenda goes nowhere. Religious Right and White Nationalist voters with racial and cultural grievances are inputs. Corporate tax cuts and deregulation are outputs. At the end of the day, the donor class and the Core Conservatives always get what they want and the other groups are left with tweets or token gestures or a pat on the head. Performance art politics is used to manage them.
The same is true of Southern Nationalism. It can’t gain traction because Southerners have been sucked into the GOP and deracinated by it. Southern Nationalists themselves are also caught up in these elections like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football. The Republican Party is useless for doing anything whether it is conserving the Mississippi State Flag, Confederate monuments, the grave of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Robert E. Lee monument in the Capitol that was removed last night, etc. If these people can’t even win small victories on heritage, do you think they are going to secede from the Union?
This is all you are getting from the True Cons who control the GOP. Think of the amount of time, energy, money and effort that has been expended for decades on trying to change or reform the GOP and reflect on the fact that it thinks so little of you that you are only worth $600 to them.
Note: As for the idiots above who are ready to fight for the GOP, they are entirely on their own. They have zero institutional support. In fact, the party insisted that Trump “disavow” them.
A more concise and more direct reason is the one I have been giving for near 20 years:
Lack of brains. Refusal to listen to what you were told about voting your way out, using the Republican Party or The System. Every one of you was fuckin’ told all of this. You’ve wasted more than ten years RELEARNING what was carefully and persuasively told to you way back then. But you all thought you were smarter. You confused what was being told to you by men who had already gone long down these roads as speculation rather than their empirically verified facts.
To sum it up even better: denial and insistence on reinventing the wheel is why the continuous failures while blue haired dykes and pansies make fun of all of us.
All they had to do is follow their own advice, which is ‘Jews bad!’, and use their common sense to extend it. If ‘Jews bad!’, then its common sense that someone who surrounded himself with Jews his entire life must also be bad.
The most ridiculous part of all of this was David Duke, the biggest ‘Jews bad!’ of them all, shamelessly kissing Donald Trump’s ass for the last 5 years. Before Donald Trump, Duke was riding high. He had 10s of millions of views on Youtube (was it 50 million?). After Trump was elected his online presence was annihilated. Gone from Youtube. Gone from Twitter. Gone from Facebook. Statues torn down. Six months of unchecked rioting and cities burned. Nationalists purged from the Internet, banned from their bank accounts, some jailed for hundreds of years. Our enemies given billions, possibly trillions of dollars. And what did Donald Trump do about any of it? Nothing. So how is David Duke doing now? His last video has 1000 views on Bitchute, and in it he was still imploring nationalists to vote for Donald Fucking Trump.
What is needed is a new way of measuring IQ, because the current one isn’t working out. Blacks for example must have a much higher IQ than Whites, because unlike Whites they don’t keep voting and campaiging for a party that screws them over, decade after decade, century after century. I’m serious about this. We need a new way of measuring intelligence.
If you carefully look at what you have written, you have answered the accusations that you have thrown at Dr. Duke.
He is, ultimately, not so motivated by self as he is by the welfare of the tribe.
That he disagrees with you over the best route is not reason to think poorly of him.
Actually, you should hold him in high regard, precisely because he has a higher calling than just himself.
In that way, he is completely in line with our Forefathers.
“Statues torn down. Six months of unchecked rioting and cities burned. Nationalists purged from the Internet, banned from their bank accounts, some jailed for hundreds of years. Our enemies given billions, possibly trillions of dollars. And what did Donald Trump do about any of it? Nothing.”
Ivan read the above and responded with this drool:
“He is, ultimately, not so motivated by self as he is by the welfare of the tribe.”
How does it feel to be dumber than every Democrat voting Black in America, Ivan? Trump promised Blacks 500 billion dollars over and over and over, and wouldn’t call Whites by name, and yet you still voted for that Zionist loser anyway.
Your IQ under this new IQ system the planet badly needs will be ZERO. Where ever you post on the Internet, your name will be printed along with your real IQ.
Ivan Turgenev IQ 0
“How does it feel to be dumber than every Democrat voting Black in America, Ivan?”
Clearly Ivan Turgenev isn’t stupid.
It could be that he is simply an enemy giving bad advice on purpose.
Never attribute to stupidity what can be explained by malice.
How blessed we are to have in you an unsung sage in the saga to save The White Races, and how unfortunate it was for us that you were not around 50 years ago, when your sublime leadership could have kept us all from winding up in this current mess!
“Blacks for example must have a much higher IQ than Whites, because unlike Whites they don’t keep voting and campaiging for a party that screws them over, decade after decade, century after century. I’m serious about this.”
Nice try. Republicans have done more for Blacks than Democrats ever have. All Democrats do is lie to and manipulate them, and blacks keep voting for them.
Until the Right unites, works out what they want, and makes themselves palatable to the public, there will be a lot more ‘failures’.
While we bitch over weather Catholics or the Portuguese are one of us, the left and third world hordes are changing the West in ways we never asked for.
The 21st century is our T – junction. We either get it together, or lose our nations, identity, and everything our ancestors created.
Remember this:- every other race is racist. Every other race has a homeland or homelands. Every other race controls their destiny. Every other race has in group preference. We should want this too……..and shouldn’t be embarrassed or apologetic about it.
Though it is neither the popular nor sentimental thing to say, the reality is that The United States of America has always been, first and foremost, a corporation, our, perhaps better said ; The United states’ Government has always been a front and advocate chiefly for economic concerns, particularly Corporate-Globalist.
Thus, anyone, or any entity, that has, at any time in it’s history, attempted to circumvent, minimize, or curtail it’s pursuit of maximum profits, via Corporate-Globalism, has been foiled.
Race, or racial advocacy, is just one of many causes that have shipwreckt on the rocky coast of the Corporate-Globalist U.S.
That said, The Corporate-Globalism that is the U.S. has become so ravenous in recent decades that it has even eaten much of it’s once robust host, which is why the United States is headed for a fall and a reforming into numerous different parts.
In the end, Money Über Alles can very successfully attack and undermine things, but, it cannot sustain itself, particularly against it’s own inner compulsions…
@ ivan turgenev, premeir caralina gentleman, very well said.
Come to Kent and see the 1,500 truck pile up at the ferry.
The truckers and the electric grid are both enormous weaknesses for the Empire. If either were to fail for any length of time society would implode. If one in one hundred people have made preps to tide them over for thirty day sans resupply from the local supermarket or absent five star dining at the local sawdust and high fructose Burger King franchise it would be a miracle.
its because Whites are the least ethnocentric, and the most individualistic. no White wants to FINANCIALLY COLLECTIVIZE. like the saying goes, you put 3 jews in a room and when they come out they will have created 5 organizations. jews might be stingy, but NOT when it comes to make groups to fight for their kind. Whites are kind on a case by case basis, but just don’t work together as groups at all, especially AMERICAN Whites.
I very respectfully disagree with this.
Some White Gentile Groups, like the English, The Czechs, The Danes, and New Englanders seem to be very little tribal at this time in history, but, it is not indicative of everyone, not by a long shot.
Many things have collided to produce this reality – from the rise of technological specialization, (something which has augmented the hyper-individualist state) to the removal of racism (the glue that holds a tribe together) and, as well, the diminishment of the honour/culture and Christianity in certain western countries of The West.
Moreover, Corporate-Globalism has made our societies wealthy beyond our great-grandfathers’ dreams, and that has produced a spoiled, selfish, and egocentric 3 generations.
There are more things, but, all of these things have collided to create a cultural brew that is not auspicious for tribal integrity.
That said, these conditions are subject to the same laws as are all other conditions – that being that they rise and fall, and, as they, do, the results that the collusion of these conditions have now produced, will fall away and something else in their stead will rise.
30 years from now, The West will be in a very different place, but, for now, we this pain to go through.
To succeed you must first self identify as the enemy of the one who means to do you harm. The enemy of the Jews is Christ. Embrace Christ in every way, you win. God will see to it. Oh and not that fake Jew loving Christian crap that is every where. You want to know why the Jews killed the one you love and worship and you have every right under God to hate them for what their filthy Jew blood did to your God.
Absolutely – we must embrace Chryst.
That said, God will not see us through without a hell of a lot of effort on our parts, as the history of Christendom shows us.
Never forget : God does not have a voice in this world, unless we agree to allow our voices and actions to be his voice.
It’s up to us, and, yes, definitely step #1 is Chryst.
A big reason that right wing movements fail in the USA is because they misidentify the enemy. The American right’s obsession with anti-communism causes them to empower their real enemies in the American ruling class. They will watch dynastic capitalist families like the Rockefellers destroying everything they love, then decide the problem is communism and the solution is to give the Rockfellers a tax cut.
It’s similar to how “anti-fascism” is used on the left to mobilize them against broke pleb rednecks. Anti-communism and anti-fascism are two sides of the same coin, that are used tactically to protect the ruling class.
This article has a good overview of the situation: https://exiledjargon.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-cold-warriors-and-transformation-of.html
Your ruling class is communist and has always been. Communism is not symbols or slogans but genetic hate and wish of tyranny.
Your belief that all people are equal, is dooming you. Words are absolutely irrelevant when genetic mad white people decide what the word mean.
I can be right wing when I want to starve people to death because Government handouts are not a solution even in the worst case scenario. For example, I refuse to give free water to the Rescue Department, when entire town is on the fire.
But I can be also left wing . I think, that you must be taxed to death like Ukrainian farmers in Holodomor.
I can be pro communism when forced labor or other horrors are needed. But I can be also anti communism, when undermanned Rescue Department need help of 2 strong man near by to bring someone out of burning house. No forced labor in any circumstances.
I can be anti fascist when I need immigrants to kill white people and also I can be pro fascist. For example, when peaceful protest against Russia is needed. Like Hitler and Mussolini did.
For solving the entire white race , one big question need answer.
How Medieval witch hunt happened ???????????????????
Then, there was no Jews, no Muslims, no Blacks no TV no video games , no public education and no services, no credit cards, no handouts or whatever badass yo like.
Genetic mad white people burned normal white people just for fun without TV or Jews or Blacks even nearby.
Until you do not abandon all men equal myth , genetic mad white people take over and ruin every last thing you have.
So generally speaking, all our disasters are self inflicted wound.
As the old saying goes, all politics is local and it takes place within a mile or two of your home. That’s where you build your organizations, and, if you get stabbed in the back, you know the back stabber.
THERE’s thousands of young men in this city who will go to the polls for the first time next November. Among them will be many who have watched the careers of successful men in politics, and who are longin’ to make names and fortunes for themselves at the same game – It is to these youths that I want to give advice. First, let me say that I am in a position to give what the courts call expert testimony on the subject. I don’t think you can easily find a better example than I am of success in politics. After forty years’ experience at the game I am – well, I’m George Washington Plunkitt. Everybody knows what figure I cut in the greatest organization on earth, and if you hear people say that I’ve laid away a million or so since I was a butcher’s boy in Washington Market, don’t come to me for an indignant denial I’m pretty comfortable, thank you.
Now, havin’ qualified as an expert, as the lawyers say, I am goin’ to give advice free to the young men who are goin’ to cast their first votes, and who are lookin’ forward to political glory and lots of cash. Some young men think they can learn how to be successful in politics from books, and they cram their heads with all sorts of college rot. They couldn’t make a bigger mistake. Now, understand me I ain’t sayin’ nothin’ against colleges. I guess they’ll have to exist as long as there’s book-worms, and I suppose they do some good in a certain way, but they don’t count in politics. In fact, a young man who has gone through the college course is handicapped at the outset. He may succeed in politics, but the chances are 100 to 1 against him.
Another mistake: some young men think that the best way to prepare for the political game is to practice speakin’ and becomin’ orators. That’s all wrong. We’ve got some orators in Tammany Hall, but they’re chiefly ornamental. You never heard of Charlie Murphy delivering a speech, did you? Or Richard Croker, or John Kelly, or any other man who has been a real power in the organization? Look at the thirty-six district leaders of Tammany Hall today. How many of them travel on their tongues? Maybe one or two, and they don’t count when business is doin’ at Tammany Hall. The men who rule have practiced keepin’ their tongues still, not exercisin’ them. So you want to drop the orator idea unless you mean to go into politics just to perform the skyrocket act.
Now, I’ve told you what not to do; I guess I can explain best what to do to succeed in politics by tellin’ you what I did. After goin’ through the apprenticeship of the business while I was a boy by workin’ around the district headquarters and hustlin’ about the polls on election day, I set out when I cast my first vote to win fame and money in New York City politics. Did I offer my services to the district leader as a stump-speaker? Not much. The woods are always full of speakers. Did I get up a hook on municipal government and show it to the leader? I wasn’t such a fool. What I did was to get some marketable goods before goin’ to the leaders. What do I mean by marketable goods? Let me tell you: I had a cousin, a young man who didn’t take any particular interest in politics. I went to him and said: “Tommy, I’m goin’ to be a politician, and I want to get a followin’; can I count on you?” He said: “Sure, George.’, That’s how I started in business. I got a marketable commodity – one vote. Then I went to the district leader and told him I could command two votes on election day, Tommy’s and my own. He smiled on me and told me to go ahead. If I had offered him a speech or a bookful of learnin’, he would have said, “Oh, forget it!”
That was beginnin’ business in a small way, wasn’t it? But that is the only way to become a real lastin’ statesman. I soon branched out. Two young men in the flat next to mine were school friends – I went to them, just as I went to Tommy, and they agreed to stand by me. Then I had a followin’ of three voters and I began to get a bit chesty. Whenever I dropped into district headquarters, everybody shook hands with me, and the leader one day honored me by lightin’ a match for my cigar. And so it went on like a snowball rollin’ down a hill I worked the flat-house that I lived in from the basement to the top floor, and I got about a dozen young men to follow me. Then I tackled the next house and so on down the block and around the corner. Before long I had sixty men back of me, and formed the George Washington Plunkitt Association.
What did the district leader say then when I called at headquarters? I didn’t have to call at headquarters. He came after me and said: “George, what do you want? If you don’t see what you want, ask for it. Wouldn’t you like to have a job or two in the departments for your friends?” I said: “I’ll think it over; I haven’t yet decided what the George Washington Plunkitt Association will do in the next campaign.” You ought to have seen how I was courted and petted then by the leaders of the rival organizations I had marketable goods and there was bids for them from all sides, and I was a risin’ man in politics. As time went on, and my association grew, I thought I would like to go to the Assembly. 1 just had to hint at what I wanted, and three different organizations offered me the nomination. Afterwards, I went to the Board of Aldermen, then to the State Senate, then became leader of the district, and so on up and up till I became a statesman.
That is the way and the only way to’ make a lastin’ success in politics. If you are goin’ to cast your first vote next November and want to go into politics, do as I did. Get a followin’, if it’s only one man, and then go to the district leader and say: “I want to join the organization. I’ve got one man who’ll follow me through thick and thin.” The leader won’t laugh at your one-man followin’. He’ll shake your hand warmly, offer to propose you for membership in his club, take you down to the corner for a drink and ask you to call again. But go to him and say: “I took first prize at college in Aristotle; I can recite all Shakespeare forwards and backwards; there ain’t nothin’ in science that ain’t as familiar to me as blockades on the elevated roads and I’m the real thing in the way of silver-tongued orators.” What will he answer? He’ll probably say: “I guess you are not to blame for your misfortunes, but we have no use for you here.”
There’s no real fight in Americans on collective aims. The blacks, browns and Jews have no trouble collectively demanding/carve out entitlements.
“Dj ?Not waiting to be approved…
2 hours ago
No. You have your political spectrum mixed up. Fascism, is the right wing of socialism (communism being the left wing) Neither of them are anywhere near anything we see as ‘right wing’ the american right is limited government and protection of liberties; to the right of republican conservatives are libertarians and to the right of that is anarchism (the opposite of communism)”
This from Breitbart is why. If you can sit through Summer 2020 and still think like this, there’s no hope. Stubborn fucking mules who don’t realize you have to butcher opponents like BLM and Antifa.
“Dj ?Not waiting to be approved…
2 hours ago
No. You have your political spectrum mixed up. Fascism, is the right wing of socialism (communism being the left wing) Neither of them are anywhere near anything we see as ‘right wing’ the american right is limited government and protection of liberties; to the right of republican conservatives are libertarians and to the right of that is anarchism (the opposite of communism)”
This from Breitbart is why. If you can sit through Summer 2020 and still think like this, there’s no hope. Stubborn fucking mules who don’t realize you have to butcher opponents like BLM and Antifa.
A race divided can not stand together. The jews made sure of that.
Until jewish people and their influence are removed from politics in America, nothing will ever get better.
I think you should have written that article “Why White Nationalism Failed” because unlike Religious Righters, Paleo-cons or Alt-Right, the failure of White Nationalism has been different. While the former all have a worldview in American Right politics, White Nationalism wedded itself, foolishly, to those same politics, ignoring that the emphasis of White Nationalism is a nationalist worldview. No nationalist movement has prevailed by wedding itself to a worldview that does not see the ethnos as an integral part of the nation. It’s called third position for a reason.