About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why do so many people assume the ideal Christmas landscape involves getting clobbered with 8 feet of snow? Not everyone lives next to Lake Eerie or in northern Maine, for crying out loud.

  2. Nah, Kamala, Jack, and Mark sent you a message:. Keep cucking or your hobby horse is disappeared. BTW, your boy Fauci admitted lying about the herd immunity percentages, just like he lied about masks and covid-19, and further admitted those lies were because he wanted to manipulate the actions of citizens on virus issues. Like I told you, THEY LIE. Your steadfast belief in the Establishment on so-called public health issues is touching but preposterous. As you of course know. But like I said many moons ago, those same Establishment persons will always see you as the enemy no matter how long you sell out to them. Just pray they don’t disappear you or the family. Assuming you are a believer.

    • @J.R.
      What’s with the waffle? All he said on this article is merry Christmas!
      This comment belongs on a more relevant article such as one that like…….. discusses Covid!

      • You are correct Mr. Goose as to the literal relevance of my comment above to the holiday season. Just letting our host know that hitching his credibility to phonies like Fauci reduces his cache on other subjects.

    • Re: “steadfast belief in the Establishment”:

      It takes MUCH MORE “steadfast” belief to hold the “alternative” view that all the governments of all nations, and all public health systems, and the overwhelmingly vast majority of medical doctors and scientists worldwide, are all involved in a conspiracy to make people believe there is a pandemic, “the greatest hoax and scam and mass hysteria in human history.”

      I do not believe, I reject, this alternative view nonsense.

      I believe in science, logic, and common sense, which establish the pandemic as fact. I distinguish the fact of plutocratic “Establishment” taking advantage of the pandemic from the fact of the pandemic itself.

      • Mr. Anon, you need to read up on JRC’s many comments here on OD. I have said multiple times that covid-19 is a legitimate public health issue but that TPTB were using it to destroy the non- believers in Globo-Homo, the Deplorables in the working and middle economic classes as well as the entrepreneurial business community.
        I have also cited Fauci as an employee of the Establishment who will say what they want him to say to further the “Great Reset” back into Feudalism and literal wage slavery. On that subject, Fauci has admitted lying for the “greater good.”
        You mindless shills for Those Who Hate You need to up your rhetorical game against those of us with eyes to see and a lack of hate towards non-Europeans and all non-traditional females. As commenter Ivan has noted many times, white supremacists are too minuscule in numbers to truly affect their world.
        Give up the hate, collaborate with your economic cohorts, whatever their appearance, and you might win for once. Maintain the illusions of grandeur of our host as having ” denied” Donald John Trump re-election and you will continue to ebb away from social and political relevance.

        • “You mindless shills for Those Who Hate You need to up your rhetorical game against those of us with eyes to see and a lack of hate towards non-Europeans….”

          If you do lack hate toward non-Europeans, you should recognize that a truly serious global, international effort to identify, control and eradicate diseases is necessary.

          “Give up the hate, collaborate with your economic cohorts”:

          What hate? What do you mean by “your economic cohorts”? And collaborate on what?

          “Fauci (…) lying about the herd immunity percentages, just like he lied about masks”:

          Fauci and the CDC, FDA, etc. are all we have, although very politicized, thoroughly capitalistic, very far from perfect, yet infinitely better than having no public health system at all. As our understanding of the virus’ infectiousness and mutation potential changes, the concept of “herd immunity” percentage is also subject to change. Remember, effective masks were almost unavailable at the beginning of the pandemic because Chinese production was interrupted and China needed to keep more of its supply on hand. Fauci has given good counsel, but much of the U.S. population inclines their ears to worse counsel.

          • Re: “who will say what they want him to say to further the Great Reset”:

            Fauci is an enabler of a “Great Reset” global conspiracy, then?

            Back to what I said two comments above: It takes IMMENSE “steadfast faith” to believe in the impossible theory of a global pandemic conspiracy. It takes even more “faith” than believing in Pizzagate and Q-Anon.

          • Mr. Anon, if you want to persist in accepting on faith everything your Government and the wealthy people who support it says, then nothing I can say will dissuade you in the error of your ways. No doubt you still believe everything your parents and other adults told you when you were young and ignorant of life’s realities.
            You may try to deflect this touching naivete with the standard OD slander of conspiracy theorists against the point of us realists that human motivations color the acts of those in power, who will say or do anything to maintain their place atop the pyramid of life hierarchies. That does not change the truth: those on top get there by playing to win, which includes being dishonest with those under them. As a citizen, you are powerless unless you use the information available and the cooperation of people with the same economic insecurities to act against the predation of the powerful.
            So play dumb if you like. I choose differently.

          • “if you want to persist in accepting on faith everything your Government and the wealthy people who support it says, then nothing I can say will dissuade you”:

            I am not advocating faith in the “public” health system of the U.S. I am advocating for science, which does not involve ANY faith, and for common sense. I am opposing the ridiculous story of a worldwide pandemic conspiracy and hoax.

            “No doubt you still believe everything your parents and other adults told you when you were young”:

            How about a socialist working class grandfather who was proven right again and again.

          • Scientific postulates are made by humans, who can be wrong in their interpretations of the world they are observing. These same scientists as humans have genetically based needs that manifest themselves on occasion in falsehoods meant to meet said needs. Therefore, your faith in science is a reflection of your faith in people. If you believe people always are honest or never are wrong,then by all means take it as a given that people like Fauci or Brix are always accurate in what they are telling their superiors and / or the public. However, since Fauci himself had admitted twice lying about key facts concerning the virus, for the express purpose of manipulating the public for their own good, pardon me for exercising my native intelligence to disbelieve him.
            You and our dear sage Hunter Wallace need to dissuade yourselves from the notion that ad hominem attacks on anyone who points out contrary facts and makes judgments based on alternative facts is an effective way to debate the issues presented here. The CIA cooked up the “conspiracy theory ” slander to turn the light off their involvement in multiple illegal activities around the world, including the USA. If that is the source of your received wisdom, the lies of our spies and the wealthy patrons they serve, I think you might want to adjust your thinking.
            Finally, nothing wrong with your socialist kin. Collectivism and Individualism are two sides of the genetic coin, each necessary for the good life. Google “J. R. Chloupek ” and “Sovereign Wealth Fund ” UBI” to see my “Socialist ” public policy proposal here on the pages of OD. I want to provide real security for the 99% so the 100% can survive and thrive, not just the 1%. So take your jibe elsewhere Mr. Anon. I am 1000 steps ahead of you in my thinking.

          • J.R., your “socialist” sovereign wealth funds are essentially capitalistic, in that they seek the maximum return on investment and tend to invest internationally and indiscriminately, although two of the major Chinese swf’s do invest almost strictly in China. China is taking a perilous road (capitalist road) to a socialist destination. Instead of swf’s, I recommend truly public, not for profit, and no-interest, national central banking, combined with the abolition of most or all private property and inherited wealth, and worker control of means of production.

  3. Merry Christmas to all of you?.
    I bought my ex wife a book on the best food to eat when you’re trying to lose weight!
    I bought my daughter a gift that was exactly the same as what my son bought her! If only we’d communicated a little better! Haha!
    Happy new new.

    • Excuse the typos! Obviously, I can’t get emojis on these comments…….and instead get a misplaced question mark! Oh well….
      And that was……. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  4. Glad you’re back online,and many thanks for your hard work and the excellent coverage you provide. Frankly, I had begun to worry that you were either the victim of the Internet censorship police or of a cyber attack (never underestimate the vindictiveness and psychopathology of the Grift Right).
    If possible, please do more podcasts and other audio discussions,such as your colloquy with Spencer a couple of weeks ago: It was lucid and supported by facts.
    At the same time, best wishes for the new year.

  5. Yeahhh he is back. I thought the ADL Grinch had permanently stolen OD from BG/HW but a Christmas miracle has returned you. I hope everyone had a wonderful and Holy Christmas with their families and lets try to keep that positivity and good cheer going for awhile longer

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