Editor’s Note: F*** Jeff Bezos.
NEW: Amazon workers are exposing what’s happening in Alabama.
— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) February 5, 2021
They say Amazon is forcing them into anti-union meetings, texting them up to 5x daily, putting messages in bathrooms, even changing traffic light patterns to harm union organizing. pic.twitter.com/ADnYYm08B4
These workers organizing for better job conditions, mostly Black, are in Bessemer, AL.
— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) February 5, 2021
Median income is $31,610.
Amazon earned $125,560,000,000 last quarter alone.
Jeff Bezos is using that wealth to run a disinformation campaign to terrify his own workers.
— Biden Voters Posting Their L's Online (@BidenLs) February 5, 2021
I feel like a load has been dropped.
In my view, Donald Trump was simply the material that was available that a rising tide of populism latched onto in the 2016 election. It wasn’t the man himself who brought all of those people into the GOP. It was the message that he ran on which struck a chord with disaffected voters in the middle. The Pew typology surveys clearly show that those people had been around for over thirty years.
Yes, it is true that Donald Trump lost White male college educated voters and suburbanites. He also hemorrhaged support with White working class voters in the flipped states. This alone doesn’t tell us much though. Specifically, it was more downscale White Independents and moderates who got tired of him and who turned massively against him. He found various ways to make up for his losses with White moderates with Hispanics and by turning out more traditional Republican voters like the boat parade crowd. Trump won significantly more Republican voters in 2020 than he had in the 2016 election.
Now that the Trump presidency is over and QAnon is dead, it should be easier for some people to admit that actually he wasn’t that great of a leader when it came to pushing an ideological agenda. He lost a lot of support in the Center by not carrying out his mandate and fulfilling his campaign promises. Trump voters should also be willing to admit that we were always right about the Trump personality cult, the nepotism and “Trust the Plan” mentality which encouraged complacency. Even though Trump didn’t “move the Overton Window” (Sam Francis labeled these alienated Democratic voters “Middle American Radicals” and tried to convince Pat Buchanan to run as a populist in the 1990s), he succeeded in moving two big clusters of White voters from the Center into the GOP which will be his permanent legacy.

If you are blackpilled by Trump losing, you can stop moping.
“MAGA” existed long before Donald Trump and will be around long after he is gone. As Trump himself said, “we will be back in some form.” Hopefully, we will be back in a new, more seasoned and successful form without the grifters, plan trusters and conspiratards weighing us down. The focus now should be on attacking that archaic policy agenda, bringing over even more disaffected populist voters and getting rid of all these geriatrics in Congress who are now wildly detached from their own voters.
Note: It is not the voters who are the problem. It is the Republican donor class, professional conservatism and the geriatrics in Congress who are the problem. These people have been demographically pushed back in the GOP. The most important thing you can do right now is … CHILL.
Didn’t Mr. Trump get millions more votes than in 2016? He screwed things up but to where his base would go? Very few options. The numbers of the so called Radical Right are negligible.
Similarly you supported a Chinese to be the President of US and a clear hoax that is the Covid-19 crisis. But to where autists like Krufty Wurker would go? Very few options
I covered this in detail.
1.) Yes, Donald Trump won 10 million more votes. The 2020 election had highest turnout in decades.
2.) Trump drove up turnout among conservative and Republican voters.
3.) The best polling show that between 10 to 25 million people support the “Radical Right” in America. Trump won 80 million votes. He lost by less than 100,000 votes in five swing states.
4.) Supporting Yang who moved the needle on wealth redistribution was the only smart thing we did while Trump was president.
5.) COVID-19 is not a hoax.
6.) Finally, Krafty has been posting for almost like a decade now
I’m obviously an amateur regarding US politics, I never even visited the country.
Nevertheless 25 million on the “Radical Right” seems a bit exaggerated, otherwise there would be more options than the two parties (Democrats=Bolsheviks Republicans=Zionists), and a site like Occidental Dissent – that is fair and pretty moderate – would have thousands of commentators.
Plus a lot of infighting in the Right in North America, wise people like H. Wallace and David Duke and lots of crackpots like Chechar and the so called Krafty “Lol” Worker. It’s funny tough.
It is 10% to 13% of the population
1) Ok, but a feckless candidate like Biden received the most POTUS votes in history? He couldn’t even get a handful of supporters at his three “rallies” who weren’t staffers blowing car horns.
2) Yes, and he received all of the increased conservative and Republican turnout, what thee point here again?
3) ok, back to question 1)
4) Yang didn’t advocate “wealth” redistribution, he advocated increased income taxes on working White people. He didn’t suggest we tax Bezos’s “wealth”, let’s try to be minimally truthful and accurate in that regard.
5) COVID-19 is at best just another flu strain. That it has been utilized to destroy White businesses and White society in general is just a fact. It may not be a “hoax”, but it surely isn’t a pandemic nor an emergency of any kind. Functional, adult White men know this empirically.
“Krafty” (whatever that is) is irrelevant to the argument in general.
The only value Trump had as president was in making it permissible for white Americans to openly defy the neoliberal oligarchy. He was not the savior we have been waiting for but he may have helped clear the way for the Great One, whoever that turns out to be. Perhaps it will be his youngest son, the 9’2″ tall Baron Trump?
No one good comes from money. The trump name is soiled for eternity.
Well, these Black Workers for Amazon are supporters of Black Lives Mater. Trillionaire Jeff Bezos is a big financial backer of Black Lives Matter. But they will blame White Racism for their marginal economic status-even though they are harmed like Native Born White American by post-1965 nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANT SCAB LABOR.
The Jeff Bezos-Amazon propaganda machine:”We support Black Lives Matter….We oppose White racism…We are in the spirit of Martin Luther King….Opposing LEGAL IMMIGRANT Hindu H1-B…L1B visa workers is White Racism and not in the spirit of Martin Luther King…”
Jeff Bezos is a filthy fucking cockroach who masturbates to the open and deliberate murder of Native Born White American Workers by the Democratic Party.
It is a scam.
Black Lives Matter is corporate funded astroturf.
Black workers aren’t as dumb politically as you think. Lots of them work in the horrible service industry that pays poverty wages, provides no benefits, and is careful not to let you get more than 32 hours a week. They are voting Democrat because they think they will stand up to these corporations and improve their lives. Why would any black vote for the true con laissez-faire Republicans who will hurt their interests? True a lot of blacks are crappy workers and don’t deserve a good job, but lots of them along with a lot of poor whites work their buts off for corporate chains for poverty wages and making this service sector provide union working conditions would be a huge benefit for the standard of living for the entire non-elites in this country. There is a black guy at the local burger king who works his butt off and always does a good job when I stop in, why shouldn’t he make a decent living?
They have the whole continent of Africa. We don’t even have Europe anymore. I have no pity.
As usual, you omit reference to Russiagate, which consumed 3 years of the administration with perpetual lawfare funneled through a uniform, orchestrated fraud committed by every lever of power in the US and literally beyond. The very fact of Russiagate proves that Trump was indeed an outsider and a threat. If he was just the fraud you and Spencer said he was, none of that would have happened.
Then Trump’s last year was consumed by an exaggerated, media-weaponized flu equivalent virus ballooned into absurd proportions. An innocent person would have thought we finally witnessed the appearance of the apocalyptic, 50% mortality rate mega virus Hollywood used to make movies about. The Hollywood mystique around COVID was so heavy that everyone rushed to rewatch “Contagion.” It was a fraud but you guys thought you could appropriate the fraud for your own fraudulent ends.
And it blew up in your faces. The Dems will do nothing but be a duplicate of the GOP for the anti-white, anti-male crowd. Interesting that Richard Spencer himself is choosing to run for cover right now:
Just as things are getting really hairy and all his predictions about the Democrats are proven to be false, assuming he wasn’t just lying for revenge, the internet fuhrer ducks and runs. He couldn’t face the music.
And Trump did not lose because of an imaginary underground army of super committed white guys. He lost because of gaslit suburban paranoia. They are rich and therefore easily duped. Status means everything to them because status defines their exorbitant bourgeois living standards. Once the fiscal impact of Biden’s crusade hits them where it hurts, many will return to the respectable wing of the GOP plantation. For them this was just a vote against “fascism.”
1.) Did someone miss Russiagate? If so, how?
2.) The current death toll from COVID-19 is 470,000. How was it exaggerated?
3.) Only the Spanish Flu has killed more Americans. HIV is real and has killed millions of people. New viruses are emerging all the time. This is actually the third SARS virus to emerge in the past 20 years.
4.) Yes, we don’t have Trump in power to put everyone to sleep anymore.
5.) No, Richard is just exhausted by the pace of the news cycle. It is hard to keep up with all the news.
6.) His own pollster explained why he lost the election.
7.) Trump actually won upper income voters by a lot.
8.) It is true that suburban votes will probably return to the GOP.
“The current death toll from COVID-19 is 470,000. How was it exaggerated?”
It was probably under-counted for several months in the beginning. I am so tired of all these independent journalists and bloggers who I thought were reliable, who are deliberately conflating the highly-infectious deadly or crippling disease with the schemes of usurers’ taking advantage of it. The disease is real and yes the taking advantage of it is also real, two entirely different things, and the latter is making the former much worse, and the lies of these independent journalists and bloggers who deny the pandemic are also making it worse.
Covid was just another tactic. The virus is real, but no one wanted to close the borders, etc., because of “racism”. I don’t understand anyone blaming Trump. It was the people advising him that gave him bad information.
So the play goes on…and Biden to the rescue, and bingo…the vaccine. OMG. What you see IS what you get.
@ different anonymous:
I disagree vehemently with your pandemic denialism, and I agree with most of Hunter’s analysis of the “election.” However I do like much of what you write, especially this section on suburban White Republicans and independents: “They are rich and therefore easily duped. Status means everything to them because status defines their exorbitant bourgeois living standards. Once the fiscal impact of Biden’s crusade hits them where it hurts, many will return to the respectable wing of the GOP plantation.” Yes, the GOP plantation will be there for them to return to. The two-party illusion of choice will be maintained.
I thought it was you bro. I was like, “Noooo anonymous is no longer cool.” Change your name so I know it’s you.
C’mon guys….just pick some fake name. It’s not that hard.
“The very fact of Russiagate proves that Trump was indeed an outsider and a threat.”
Trump was an outsider, he was an agent of the Likud party. Trump was outside of the two party system – he was working for a different country entirely.
You can’t get much more outsider than that!
Yes, he was defamed to an astounding extent unlike anything anyone has seen in our lifetimes. But he handled it poorly, clearly he needed to bring in some really smart people to think everything through about the psy-ops directed his way. Instead he decided to handle it on his own, with impulsive blunders playing straight into their plans, or had C grade nepotists at best handling it. So many people who tried to work with him and bring some professionalism to the game ended up being canned. Was it because they all were political enemies? Or was he just a complete jerk?
Narcissistic ego-maniac.
He was the best friend Israel ever had.
Blumph lost because he took the White vote for granted and pandered to the niggers and degenerates. In order for Whites to win outside a revolution is for Whites to vote for the politician who looks out for our interests. If they don’t represent our interest, do not vote or defend them. Start looking out for your race for once. All race do it, except the stupid brainwashed Whites.
There is no one. People keep falling for BS. These politicians come out of a mold. They are convinced that whites are no longer a majority or even important, and they all want to court the nonwhite vote.
The kikes, billionaires & commie scum shitcanned Dump not for any “fascist” policy he actually followed through on, but simply because he let us, the “white trash Flyova hicks”, back into national politics, even though it was only symbolically.
Before Dump, they had us safely ignored & excluded; the likes of Runt McCain, Magic Drawers Romney & Jeb! were all we had to “represent” us: empty suits who were all for the continuation of wide-open borders & the shipping of good jobs to Chinka & Mayheeco.
With what turned out to be his meaningless bullshit, Orange jewdas riled up the portion of the electorate all the “elite” scum hate with every atom in their bodies: the working-class Whites they were slowly, safely smothering to death.
And that was unforgivable.
There’s serious danger in slighting the vote fraud issue, where evidence is indeed massive despite what Hunter says … Evidence of Nov 2020 vote fraud is clear, but people just don’t want to read it and look at it (the web presentations being sloppy as well) … see below
Continuation of the same kinds of vote fraud makes the whole issue of USA future ‘voting’ moot … and doubly so, given the Democratic legislation in the pipeline which will make vote-fraud enabling tools mandatory
As Hunter acknowledges, it was a small number of votes in key states, in fact in super-corrupt Democratic city precincts with observers often excluded, tho a number of videos etc got out, witnesses giving affidavits etc
Alleged ‘mail-in’ ballots with no folds in them from being mailed, fed into machines … envelopes thrown away so no one can verify that they actually were sent by signed real voters … ‘ballot harvesting’ by ‘volunteers’ who ‘collected’ thousands of votes from alleged ‘voters’ not arriving in person, inspection of their ‘voting lists’ blocked … vote counting machines with clearly non-legal computer internet links etc
Overstock.com founder Patrick Byrne has been a true patriot in this episode, and his suppressed-from-search-results, first hand account of meeting with Trump, Sidney Powell & General Flynn between Nov election and Biden inauguration, is key history … with a lot of the details of the vote fraud evidence as well … link below
You see Trump appearing quite blackmailed, virtually admitting that his own staff members such as White House Counsel Pat Cipollone are screwing him, but Trump unable to fire them somehow, Cipollone shouting at Trump like Trump is his servant … Giuliani clearly betraying Trump too, and Sidney Powell either being dazed, disorganised and ineffective, or betraying Trump as well
Byrne documents blackmail threats of murder against Trump and family, directly made to Melania:
“What I was told was this: Melania had been warned by a government official that if Trump served another term he would be JFK’ed. It may even have been someone in the Secret Service itself, in a “We will not be able to protect him” sense. The threat included another family member as well, per the telling. I find it hard to believe that anyone in the Secret Service itself would ever say that, but the source of the information to me had otherwise been blemishless, and the claim was that whoever (perhaps Secret Service, perhaps someone else) had said this to Melania, it was someone from whom such a claim would be taken seriously. Melania was begging Donald not to fight, and simply to concede and get out of Washington with his family.”
Above quote from part 4 of Patrick Byrne’s ‘How DJT lost the White House’:
“Continuation of the same kinds of vote fraud makes the whole issue of USA future ‘voting’ moot … and doubly so, given the Democratic legislation in the pipeline which will make vote-fraud enabling tools mandatory”:
The Empire is doing the same with elections in foreign countries, so why not here? We must trust the elites, they know what’s best. (sarcasm) It’s their endless waging of global hybrid war, including coups, colour revolutions, election swaying and election rigging, that brings home all the treasure from all over the world, some of which trickles down to ordinary U.S. citizens….
Trump Returns to Social Media With Gab Post
Trump should have been a one term president from the get go. He was the match, we are the kindling and the fire is to come.
We must keep the embers hot, that is what the Dissident Right is doing. We are in transition, the Republicants were never going to be the long term answer. New ideas are being formulated as we speak. Wallace/Yang speaks to this, as does Wallace/Long.
We have roughly 4-5 years before the most chaotic economic shift ever, Robotics and A.I.. We need a Third Way and a Yang/Long morph just may be the answer with Alt-Right /Anglosphere underpinnings.
The political realities from 2025 onward are going to be difficult to embrace and the solutions may be uncomfortable and awkward at first.
These are interesting times and I’m hopeful men like Wallace will help navigate our troubled waters.
I am just so glad to see Trump’s base moving away from Big Tech and onto more conservative social media. This conservative base may one day be an integral part of a new Southern nation.
Andrew Torba
Apparently 100,000 new community members joined Gab over the past 24 hours. Welcome everyone!
Andrew Torba
We have a massive addition to our infrastructure rolling out over the next 3-4 weeks. So hang tight as we continue to work on scaling the biggest exodus in internet history.
The Left are the ones keeping the embers hot.
Andrew Torba
@realdonaldtrump is and always has been a mirror archive of POTUS’ tweets and statements that we’ve run for years. We’ve always been transparent about this and would obviously let people know if the President starts using it. The only reason he’s not using it right now to contact his base is because dopey advisers like Jared Kushner, who lost him the election, are blocking him from using it.
A fake news story was started by random British newspapers that didn’t even bother calling us to fact check or for comment. We will be writing a blog post to expose this fake news shortly.
We will go on the record stating that we know 100% for a fact that Jared Kushner is actively trying to keep Trump off Gab and has been for weeks. Because Gab is the only safe place left for conservatives that means Kushner is trying to keep Trump off the Internet.