Limbaugh’s death marks the end of talk radio, and more broadly, Reagan Conservatism. Podcasts destroyed talk radio and this closes the book on it.
— Whitepilled Will (@westwood_will) February 17, 2021
Reaganism has also died with Rush. It was already an untenable message and it will finally fade with the passing of its torchbearer.
RIP Rush Limbaugh.
“Kathryn Limbaugh, the wife of conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh, announced his death Wednesday on his radio show to his millions of listeners.
Limbaugh died Wednesday at 70 years old from complications of lung cancer. He first learned of his cancer diagnosis in Jan. 2020. Former President Donald Trump awarded the radio host the Presidential Medal of Freedom shortly thereafter during his State of the Union Address.
“I, like you, very much wish Rush was behind this golden microphone right now welcoming you to another exceptional three hours of broadcasting,” Limbaugh’s wife, Kathryn, said on his show Wednesday. “For over 32 years, Rush has cherished you, his loyal audience, and always looked forward to every single show. It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer.” …”
“Tributes to the conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh poured in on Wednesday following news of his death earlier in the day. He was 70 years old.
Former President Trump praised the talk show host as a “legend.”
“He was with me right from the beginning. And he liked what I said and he agreed with what I said. And he was just a great gentleman. Great man,” Trump said in a phone interview on Fox News.
Trump in February 2020 awarded Limbaugh a Presidential Medal of Freedom, shortly after Limbaugh’s lung cancer diagnosis.
“He was a very unique guy. And he had tremendous insight. He got it. He really got it,” Trump said on Wednesday. …”
This is symbolic of the death of conservatism.
The golden microphone has been passed to … Mike Enoch.
No love loss,this guy was a champion for negro equality.
He did sex tourism in the Caribbean. Probably a homo kiddie fiddler given that profile.
Limbaugh basically accomplished nothing – but that also can be said of the Establishment Conservatism that he championed.
He got filthy rich and had four wives. Maybe that’s all he really cared about, ultimately. He could have told some hard truths there toward the end, but he didn’t do it.
I take that back. Being a Boomer he genuinely believed that American greatness came from the Constitution and American creed of individual liberty, not from the race that put those ideas forth. Lefties always accused him of being a racist, but he was a race denier for the most part. In his view, a multi-racial mongrel America could still be great so long as the people followed the ideas of the Founders. What he and other conservatives fail to realize is that those ideas suit the race that formed them, and are not suited for, or preferred by, vastly separate races who evolved in different environments.
An ethnic German can’t big up a Constitution as a racial construct. He’d have to admit it was all a contract drawn up by AngloSaxons for their own benefit, enrichment and social purposes and designed by outlooks not quite of his own people. Oddly enough I think he did have the weak sense of racial exclusivity seen in many German ethnics, even though he is painted as a racist in wider media circles.
Before anyone goes after that ethnic distinction above remember Limbaugh was essentially anti racist and thought of America a post ethnic exception to the older nations in Europe.
Yeah, an 1848er? There is a big difference between the colonial “Dutch” of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, and the 1848 Germans.
Many of the refugees from Germany who ended up in the Midwest at that time appear to have been Jews. Kampf Mit Siegel! Was their battle cry, then the Lincoln “Turner” bodyguard for example. So these definitions are slippery. I think that the German dentist bounty Hunter in Django Unchained is based on these grifting grabblers. If they go back far enough I’d assume the Limbach’s shot a few confederate Wales’s and Jones’s back in the bushwhacker v Jayhawk fighting.
Rush Limbaugh in believing that the American Constitution, its political institutions, and capitalism made America great instead of the people that created, developed, and maintained it made the mistake of believing that the stream can rise higher than its source.
A decent number of people aren’t going to know what to think anymore. Whatever will they do and where will they go to get their talking points for the day? I certainly won’t miss a certain friend of mine’s recital of things that Rush told him to think for the day.
This is the internal problem with educated stupidity. Educated people like Rush know everything and can`t understand nothing
I do not know when the Jared Taylor or Tucker Carlson die
But I am sure that in this day, Antifa has so much power, that shooting racists and homophobes looking people on the street will be normal.
Can you imagine, that Eastern Europe and Russia had Rush Limbaugh or Jared Taylor ?
Soviet Union would still up and we had mass immigration and college students.
Rush only legacy was putting up communism.
Don’t compare Jared to Rush. Rush was a college dropout who parroted GOP talking points. Jared’s a Yale graduate who speaks 3 languages. Tucker isn’t as bad as Rush, but he still shills for the GOP in the end.
Lech Walesa was shipyard electrician and he won. Yeltsin was drunk clown and he also won.
Those highly educated intellectuals are the ones who dooming the countries.
Every last Soviet school had 3 mandatory languages. Your own, Russian and one by choice. I choose German like Putin. Later English became necessary, so I and a lot of others learned this too.
In Poland and Hungary, they don`t whine in 4 languages how bad everything is but they took Soviet Union down , formed nationalist parties and put them on the power.
Have you ever read Putin highly educated intellectual whining in German language how bad things are ?
Winning counts, not whining. What I see, is that Jared and Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul and other educated fools are kicked out of power and The Squad is sitting in power.
Yes. You are a smart and probably good man.
The Republican Party will shift from default whiteness to more open and self aware white identity. Tucker is part n parcel of that glacial shift.
Jared Taylor is far from the complete sellout you make him out to be. He speaks extensively about race, and that makes him a pariah to “respectable” American society. It would be better if he also spoke about the JQ, but by questioning “diversity” at all he opens the door to it. What’s more, his site does not censor explicit discussion of the JQ in comments. Since he is already an oft-canceled pariah, I give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his failure to talk about the JQ is borne out of a belief that the rapidly growing number of non-Whites in the US is the more urgent problem, which it may well be.
Limbaugh had his good days in the beginning but as time went on, he became a water carrier for the Republican party and was an neocon warmonger for Israel. I stopped listening to him over 10 years ago. He like Hannity became too predictable with his cuckservative talking points.
I also stopped listening to him years ago. Rush Limbaugh was unfashionable, but he was not brave.
John, you’re correct. I remember listening to him in the 1980’s in Californication, and his views were RADICAL. He spoke openly about the Jews, and it was due to him, that ‘took the red pill’ – as did a lot of people (boomers) of my era. What he did after that, and how his life ended up, is another story. Anglin pretty much called it correctly in his tribute. As a man sows, so shall he reap.
May God have mercy on Limbaugh’s soul.
Yes, one of the few articles of Anglin’s I agree with.
The passing of a cockroach…..an insignificant event….He was a filthy fucking cockroach with anal warts….Did he get the anal warts from Karl Rove?
Conservativism for the last thirty years or so, seems to be about starting wars, sucking up to Israel, cutting taxes, de regulation, putting the American flag all over everything, honoring our brave military ‘heroes’ because they’re fighting for liberty. Limbaugh was a poster child for all of this. In the end maybe better than the worst of the fag nigger lover liberals, but not really that great, which could also be said about Trump and most of the Republicans.
Immigration is the main issue they have not dealt with, not ‘illegal’ immigration, but constant hordes of third world sub normal types coming to the U.S., they should have stopped it when Reagan was there.
But the old bastard was more worried about de regulating banks and firing air traffic controllers.
“Conservatives” conserve nothing.
“Conservatives” are Anti-White controlled opposition.
once or twice, Limbaugh used the J-word
in a non-adulatory context. But that was long ago. RIP, and
scratch one Trumpchump.
He was an okay guy, a Boomer with a boomer ideology that has apparently reached a shelf life. I’m not interested in bashing the guy.
Yeah, I wonder how many of the tough guys here on Occidental Dissent would even speak in harsh tones to a Jew? Let alone say anything negative about the Jews and or Israel to a Jews face, or even in a public forum or anywhere else.
About half of what goes on here, are Catholics blowing hard. LOL.
I’ll call your bluff. I argue with a few I know about their posturing on several issues. Hypocrisy on Israeli nationalism vs Jews cosmopolitanism in the rest of the world for example. Even discussed the wrong side winning ww2.
Rush Limbaugh was a talent unrivaled in radio broadcasting and as an entertainer. Setting aside all ideological differences I had with Rush, I still listened to him daily as there really was no better source of condensed commentary on current events, anywhere in any medium.
I listened to him all my life practically. I can remember 25 years of him. My dad loved him, even had limbaugh ties he always wore to church cause they pissed off the minister.
I have no similar association with Mike Enoch. After six months of in depth Holocaust Revisionism, prussian blue chemistry etc. leading up to the election, I’ll never listen to him again. I won’t even pirate the paywall content anymore.
There is no comparison. Saying there is just because you are ideologically aligned with Enoch is gay.
Talent speaks for itself. Enoch doesn’t have it. He’s just a neckbeard that devoted all his time to a podcast since he made himself unemployable and lost his family and kids.
Thats autism, not talent.
Try some of these podcasts, and you will see that shabbos goy Limbaugh was gentile in foreskin only.
I’m quite certain that Limbaugh was one of them there kiddie fiddlers. The Caribbean sex tourism is huge red flag. Enoch is a quick wit and gets to the point. Limbaugh just avoided it right up until death. When Limbaugh started appearing on stage with Trump I tended to see it as the kiss of death for Trump.
Ironic- “My dad loved him, even had limbaugh ties he always wore to church cause they pissed off the minister.”
I still have my one Limbaugh tie. It was the first (and last) time, I ever spent that much on a tie ($50.). But it still is a classy tie, and I always get compliments when I wear it. And yes, I wore it to p.o. Leftists. They deserve to be p’ed ON, not just Off.The utter hatred of the J-Left clearly shows Limbaugh had an effect. Now, further to the right, move on, drive out the snakes from the Promised Land, and make America WHITE again.
The all-time king of conservative grifters dropping dead at this moment is poetic.
Rush was making 85 million dollars a year for being a koshervative gatekeeper mouthpiece for the ruling establishment GOP Zionist elites. He acted a pressure release valve for working and lower middle class Whites to vent their frustrations at being overtaxed and having their children indoctrinated in anti-white politically correct obscurantism.
I have to give Limbaugh credit for defeating George W. Bush’s immigration reform bill by having his listeners clog the White House and US congressional switchboards with angry citizen’s calls. That was his opus magnum.
I stopped listening to Rush sometime around 2016 after the election. I often said he could have accomplished more with his wealth in his later years than with his microphone. Imagine if Rush had championed those doxed by leftist and lost everything as a result. How many young white males could Rush have sent to law school or propped up in journalism to actually counter the Left?
Instead, he died childless and 4 ex-wives will fight over his half a billion net worth.
Greed corrupted Rush just as greed corrupts those that want UBI and other “free” handouts. The only difference is Rush made his money. I don’t begrudge him that.
He was entertaining. That’s about the sum of it. More entertaining than sportsball or modern music or other similar knee-grow worship activities.
Corporal Boomer
The epitome of draft-dodging, Israel First boomerism. Rush was just another struggling radio personality who needed a gimmick. So he became a conservative with a mid-day talk show.
1.) Mike Enoch is an entertaining vulgarian (and there is a place for that) who has far more in common with Howard Stern then the late EIB Professor
2.) Limbaugh served as a good popular introduction to Right wing thinking. He actually talked about getting almost convinced to vote for Pat Buchanan in 1992. (Ann Coulter has expressed similar sentiments).
Aside from the Jewish Question, Enoch is where everyone on the Right under 45 is headed
…And some of us over 45, as well. Though I do agree with the commenter above that Enoch/Peinovich is somewhat of a “vulgarian”.
Yes. I have been there for awhile and I am also “old enough to be your mother”.
Can you elaborate on that. I’m not sure exactly what you mean. I’m split on Enoch at the moment. Clever clever guy, gets to the point, possibly too fond of anti Semitic content even though it is legitimately good to hear. With his show he could at this point knock it off. We do have him on record already.
Enoch a vulgarian?! Sure sometimes he swears too much I haven’t watched Strike and Mike in quite a while actually but he doesn’t swear nearly as much as you suggest you are just trying to tarnish his name
No he isn’t even close to that piece of shit disc jockey from noi york. Anybody who listens to stern is a docile and sad excuse for a human being to subject themselves to the unfunny filth Stern or any of the clowns who guested on his show is talking to. I remember the first time some kid from school recommended I watch howard stern show I was legit depressed after watching about as funny as fricking brain cancer…
Lol um no Limbaugh is a fat dirty backstabbing neocon german Rat who sold his sold for neocon rock n roll and whatever introduction he was to right wing politics is purely for the punch and judy puppet show
A few weeks ago, Cuck Fatboy hung up on a caller who started talking about how immigration was making white people a minority. He was a true believer in anti-whitism.
Burn in hell, race traitor.
Pore Flush is Daid (The fat old Boomertard is daid)
Flush Rimblow’s dead, Pore Flusher is daid
We gather around the fat bastard’s coffin & don’t cry
He had a heart of shit,
His tard-speech was mighty effin old
It’s past time the fat old bastard had to die . . .
(Had to die)
Flush Rimblow’s dead, Pore Flusher lies daid,
He’s looking all pissfool & obscene (and obscene)
Flusher’s all laid out to rest,
A blowhard fraudulent pest,
His shittohead’s skulls are washed cumpletely clean
(Cum-cum cum-cum pleatly clean.)
The fat old Boomer fraud is dead and so is the world he apologised for as it was not sustainable — nor should it be. The Flusher will be the first to be thankful that this epitome of fat dumb and happy Boomertard croaked just before Collapse with four wives — one a kikess — and no spawn to show for it from a family of Cape Girardeau Missouri Republican lawyers who licked up all the cream and left nothing for younger generations of ZOGling whigger ass-clown ZOGtards.
The Flusher was an entertaining old Boomer bastard who filled the skulls full of shit-mush for other empty-headed Boomer ZOGtards and it is past time now that the Archetype of Fat Boomer-whigger Bastards who presided over the decline and fall of ZOG/Babylon as an apologist for doing nothing but eat, yap and shit get done with his three-score and ten years and go directly to Hell, Do not pass “Go”, Do not collect 666 sheckles.
Flush Rimblow was one of the smarter Boomers who could have been a Good Man and instead was nothing but a cheerleader for ZOGling Whiggerdumb and not being satisfied with being a sell-out & shithead put every other Boomer ZOGling whigger ass-clown straight on the broad, wide and easy moral path that leads to Perdition (Matt 7:13-14). The Flusher set a table of tasty plausible-sounding shit from whence ZOGling whigger Boomer men who should have known better did consume mass quantities.
Don’t get me wrong — driving down the road in the late 1980s and early 1990’s I was entertained by Flush Rimblow back when the fat bastard was “edgy” and something of a critic. But as this fat bastard got older and fatter his words, while clever, were honeyed shit and the sanctimonious dishonesty on behalf of thieving Republicucks grew heavy on my stomach, akin to sheep shit looking and tasting initially like chocolate-covered raisins and then turning back into shit in the digesting thereof. I don’t like eating shit, even when — especially when — it tastes like candy and you are greedy & stupid enough to eat a lot of it, shit that is.
Flush Rimblow was the P.T. Barnum of ZOGling whigger Boomer ass-clowns & ZOGtards.
I’m glad the fat lying Boomer bastard is finally dead and his fat bloated corpse is food to poison the worms eating of his fat-assed ZOGling whigger Boomer ass-clown carcass..
Makes me ashamed since “Ick bin Ein Boomer 2.”
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
The only person I know listened to Rush on the regular was a Jewish colleague at a museum in LA. He listened to it along the lines of monitoring the channel for anti Semitic content no doubt, but I didn’t connect it at the time. I never really understood where Limbaugh was coming from. I suspect the audience was mostly kosher. I do recall listening one time procrastinating about an essay I was writing for an exhibition that Annie Goldstein needed and Limbaugh had on a special forces guy. The caller was talking about Israel as their little brother nation who needed protection.
No love lost, Rush could have spoken out when he was about to die.
His food friend,(((Mark Levin)))was all choked up on FOX eulogizing him and telling the female host (Ingram) what a great man he was and how he and Rush used to visit each other and talk about the constitution and Trump. I almost gagged.
Quite a few years ago, and mindful of the fact that he liked to play Mannheim Steamroller as bumper music during Christmas, and Mannheim is also a moderately important German city, Rush revealed the fact that his patrilineal ancestral village is near Mannheim, the village is named Limbach. Obviously, Limbach was their original last name, and they Anglicized it to Limbaugh after they migrated to the Pennsylvania Dutch region at first, and then later to southeast Missouri.
Wikipedia lists five different towns named Limbach in modern day Germany, and the Michelin Road Atlas index lists twelve. But this one in particular, in the current Federal state of Baden-Württemberg, I’ve been to. You head east out of Heidelberg along a road that runs along the north bank of the meandering Neckar River, for about an hour. Then you turn left on this side road and head up and away from the river for maybe about ten minutes, and you’re there. Plain words, you’ve got to be going there to get there, you don’t land there by accident.
And now I think that a lot of people are going to hear about this town, and, at least when it’s feasible to do international travel again, a lot of normie conservative Americans will do a pilgrimage there. For those of you who will eventually do that, I should say there’s not much there, it’s just a tiny village. So you’ll probably want to stage your accommodations in Heidelberg (one of the most underrated cities in Germany, IMHO — Do the Philosophers’ Walk if you have a brain), or Mannheim if you’re feeling ironic.
I’ll also add that the Limbaugh family, Cape Girardeau, Missouri based, has been a big wheel in Missouri state Republican Party politics for the majority of the post-WWII period, long before that particular Limbaugh became famous. Rush’s eponymous grandfather was practicing law past the age of 100.
Would love to claim…
“Ich wurde an der Universität Heidelberg ausgebildet”
Not sure if that’s good German though. I think that line shows up in a James Mason film when Rommel’s personal doctor is challenged on his credentials to dress a wounded British officer and the indignant doctor says it in reply.
Hey Rush, enjoy the void with your jew friends
Was Limbaugh a cigarette smoker? I know he smoked cigars and mentioned past smoking and I had assumed he had quit cigarettes a long time ago? I know Leonard Nimoy quit smoking in the early 80s (just listen to how rasp Spock’s voice had gotten by the movie series) but still ended up with emphysema (they gave it a new less caustic name these days “copd” same as aids became “hiv”)
One thing I did not like hearing from Limbaugh was his endless talk about his trophy wife 26 years his junior. “Oh last night me and Kathryn were sitting around the living room…” You think he’d have kept that private, not rub his audiences nose in the fact that a 59 year old man married some young 33 year old blond bimbo. Johnny Carson never harped about his trophy wives on his show, you only found out about that from the enquirer articles about his divorces.
“blond bimbo” is an anti-white slur brought to us by the porn industry, media, etc. Just saying. It damages blond women in many ways. Sets us up for exploitation on many levels.
It’s much more likely that he did some stuff in the Carribean. Trophy Wives are not a problem.
He was telling us Saddam was going to nuke us. That was around 1990. Never listened to him even once after that. He was a fool.
I’m afraid Tom Metzger was right about this type – Conservative Ind. “American Conservatives – too cowardly to fight, too fat to run”. The Rush type is always out there, presented as the only acceptable opposition to the worst PC, Wok Lib Leftists, Communist or just criminals. “Which would you rather have a LIBERAL like Washington DC mayor (Black crack cocaine addict) Marion Barry or another “LIBERAL” like Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabee…. a principled, Conservative like Rush Limbaugh and William F Buckley and all the principled ZOG writers at National Review who supposed are for The US Constitution, free markets, less government, more personal responsibility and SUPPORT THE TROOPS, BOMB IRAQ, BOMB IRAN, BOMB THE RUSSIANS AND SERBIANS – any White Conservatives who say or even think differently are beyond the pale, RACISTS, NAZIs, Isolationists, Holocaust Deniers. ” I highly recommend the very sharp and well read British ex Pats John Derbyshire and Peter Brimelow who were in and then purged by the Limbaugh, Buckley Conservative Inc, ZOG Neo Conservative Js. The Real Jesus Christ’s comments about about rich people having a very small, camel through the eye of a needle chance of making it in to heaven apply to Rush Limbaugh and William F Buckley.
For once I agree with you on something, JR. Perhaps I shouldn’t speak ill of the recently departed or be too judgmental but let’s face it, Rush was a coward, a hypocrite and a cuck. His passing symbolically marks the end of Reagan era boomer conservatism, which I always hated.
I had done big things in conservative circles before I was even aware of him. But all you cell phone pundit millennials feel a need to piss on him before he’s even reached room temperature. Go read Anglin. He pissed all over him too but at least put some context behind his shityness.
I don’t speak ill of the dead.
Yes I appreciate that about you. I was not referring to you at all but rather to some commentators. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
The sex tourism may come back to haunt his reputation.