The current Democrat narrative is that the GOP is focusing on irrelevant culture war issues like political correctness now. For all our sakes, we should hope that they win this battle.
“Real Time” host Bill Maher went on a tirade against the growing “tsunami” of cancel culture.
“I swear to God, I don’t want to talk about cancel culture and this nonsense every week, but I just think people understand how this is a tsunami and how fast the goalposts change almost on a weekly basis,” Maher began the discussion on Friday night.
“Yeah, they’re snowflakes, too,” Maher responded. “But they don’t control the media the way these brats do. That’s the problem. I don’t think that it was Republicans who got Alexi [fired].” …
“People go to parties now and they don’t want to talk. They’re like, ‘Can I talk? I don’t know your girlfriend. She might be woke.’ Really. I’m not making this up,” Maher said. “This informant thing, it’s not just what you do, it’s what you don’t report. That’s another way the goalpost moved.”
Is it really a trivial issue?
What do you do when a single brat has the power to comb through your entire life history on the internet, form a social media mob and destroy your life over a single gotcha tweet?
What do you do when these brats have made our culture so toxic and have created so much resentment against them that it has created a generational divide that is redefining our politics?
What do you do when the entire country has to walk on eggshells, self censor and constantly look over their shoulder for brats and calculate and assess the risk in everything they say and do?
What do you do when other world powers like China start dismissing the United States as a declining power because the brats and their toxic bullshit have become a national security threat?
What do you do when people lose trust in the media and there is no longer a shared set of facts because the brats have taken over the New York Times and have destroyed journalism?
And so on.
Oh well … it is just the “racists” who don’t like them. In the last two weeks, they have taken out Mumford & Sons, the host of The Bachelorette and this black journalist Alexi McCammond. They narrow the appeal of everything that they touch and increasingly that includes the Democratic Party.
Mobs and brats don’t cancel anyone. Media executives do. Managers and supervisors do. Tech oligarchs do. The woke only have the power that they are given by those with real institutional power.
Exactly, the ruling class at could at any point stop what people refer to as “cancel culture”, they just don’t because they believe they benefit from it for some reason. The collective mass of tech magnates, and media leaders could completely destroy the reputation of any “cancel culture mob” if they wanted to in a second.
I think focusing on the people and companies that allow these wrongful terminations to happen in the first place is more important that going after the spiteful mutants that are just let a bit loose on their leash currently.
Not to mention that I think Bill Maher’s entire act of condemning the excesses of liberalism/leftism is either him hedging his bets on where political winds are blowing, or a deflection of blame from stuff that he indirectly promoted in the past. Liberal jews like him are more than complicit in supporting “wokeness” and “cancel culture”. These somewhat nebulous concepts are just people following the idea of racial equality to a more logical conclusion than bill maher is willing to admit. If all human races are the same, then any difference in outcome is ultimately a function of an environment (which jews like maher will always blame on white people). If said racial discrimination is as evil as they say it is, then it would make sense for such a mob to aggressive police behaviors that they think cause the disparity in the first place, all the way down to the most innocuous ten year old social media statements.
He’s gotten older and suddenly realizes the insanity of not having an age based hierarchy but instead letting young punks who know nothing about life control society. The Chinese went through this disaster in the 60s, heck they might even be helping organize this shit to weaken us in a way they know works.
This only the beginning. Now brats canceling minor actors and Antifa is limited with some towns but soon they both gearing up and going after upper echelon of society.
Mr. Maher screaming only because he understands the same thing. what I do. Despite all push, brats are not going after Trump supporters, they are going after their own masters.
Someone must do the Great Purge and remove corrupt elite. Brats are perfect for that. Stalin understood that and Donald too when he pushed regime into self destruction.
MSM showing Mr. Biden stair accident and senseless outburst against Putin with one single reason. They preparing to remove old sick man and put Kamala into office. With this, brat attack will start and The Swamp will be history.
Stable genius removed the only obstacle. MAGA Army. MAGA Army could defend the corrupt institutions, but now after multiple depressing incidents, most of MAGA are too scared or too angry and stays home. So brats have free hands to do the Great Purge.
I would sit back and enjoy the show. Q also taught that trust the plan.
‘EQUALITY’ for The South and in The South has been a New England Yankee fetish since at least the early 19th century, that inclination something tweaked, harnessed, and channeled by American Jewry to suit their own druthers.
Fortunately, our Southern Forefathers knew the lie of equality (in all it’s manifestations) had to be fought against and did so. Unfortunately, we, the last 3 generations of Southerners, have been card-carrying chicken shits and have not.
Most hurt by this has been the Southern Negro community, though, it would be a lie to suggest that the entire South had not been hurt by this process, because not only has The White Community been hurt by the chaos afflicting the Black, we have been hurt by feminism, the LGBT, and demographic replacement, all things that cannot occur, except under the venomous rubric of ‘equality’.
Again, this lie of equality, (The New England 13th, 14th, and 15th Reconstruction Era amendments) and all the processes of this lie, Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and the entire Nation of Islam correctly fought against, and, correctly so, because they knew that ‘civil rights’ would undermine the independent state of the American Negro.
Their reasoning was : better to be unequal and be master of your own ship, than be considered equal, dependent, and under someone’s foot, which is precisely how the last 60 years has worked out.
Just for the record : ‘Equality’ is a lie, a sham, a farce, and a tool of the Devil.
Somebody has to be in charge and The Good Lord gave White Southerners a special gift for making a society that, even if we do not use it so much any more, we still have.
Negros are a very talented people – geniuses at cooking, gardening, singing songs, getting after the quarterback, praising The Lord, and filling a Southern town with good humour and warmth.
They are not, however, great at running and administering things.
It is a another pernicious lie that the Left suggests that the only reason Negroes are down is because of economic disenfranchisement.
Africa is full of nations that, in the eyes of every African Immigrant I have ever known, ‘do not measure up.’
That gift of regulation and management belongs to Whites, White Gentiles in specific, because unlike White Jews, White Gentiles are not consumed by a mania to constantly press past boundaries to conduct experiments on what might be.
As soon as the malodorous experiments in ‘equality’ come to an end in this land, the sooner we can get back to a stability that will bring a better well being to all.
Isn’t that irony just fascinating – a society that is not pledged to equality is far more harmonious than one that is.
I guess the pursuit of a lie never pays off, no matter how many other lies you tell to accompany it.
Equality is a lie.
Equality is not of The Lord, but, of The Devil…
Re: “Negroes (…) are not, however, great at running and administering things (…) Africa is full of nations that, in the eyes of every African Immigrant I have ever known, ‘do not measure up.’ That gift of regulation and management belongs to Whites”:
For one thing, you do not know the history of Western imperialism in Africa, and Haiti, that regularly removes good, native leaders and installs puppet regimes to keep them easily exploitable. Read an honest history of the Belgian Congo, and neocolonialism there since “independence.” Read about Thomas Sankara, and I can name many more….
Second, even if some ethnic groups have lower average IQ than other groups or different temperaments, recognizing justice and injustice in politics is not like advanced mathematics but very easy, quite evident even to children and adults with lower than average IQ. Hence the foundation of good government is full-participatory, direct democracy on the local level, and “the gift of regulation and management” belongs to those who skillfully and faithfully serve ALL the people.
Re: “a society that is not pledged to equality is far more harmonious”:
Such a “society” that consists of classes (formally or de facto) is not a society at all, but an exploitation scheme. Its “harmony” is not natural but imposed by force and false teaching. Equality is Biblical (NEW Testament) and capitalism is anti-Christian. The Light lighteth EVERY man, not some.
Maher sounds nervous someone will report that he bangs black hookers or something.
Everyone already knows about Maher’s sexual antics. He used to hang out at the Playboy mansion all the time.
I hate the term woke. It implies these people have a better understanding of history.
While they’re smarter than the centrist antiracist on history and subjects, they’re completely wrong, and not as correct as woke racists, etc.
They’re just more extreme/militant antiracists, leftists, anti-majority pro-minority types. Who have more radical views on things and less tolerance against those who are against minorities, have issues with minorities, or make some slight transgression against minorities. Their views of what is racism is more expansive and how it should be dealt with is more extreme. They believe in the concept of ostracism marginalization in their ideal that they protect the “other” at all cost. They take white saviorism to its extreme. That’s it.
For some reason we never use “communist” anymore to describe it, but that’s exactly what it is.
It’s not communism bro.
“What do you do when the entire country has to walk on eggshells, self censor and constantly look over their shoulder for brats and calculate and assess the risk in everything they say and do?”
You have no choice but to wait till things get bad enough, and the resentment and hatred boils till people don’t give a fuck, along with a movement that taps into the resentment and uses it in an effective way as a sledgehammer against what you call the “woke.” And a counter purge/revolution begins. It has to get bad enough to were people no longer care about social ramifications. Until then. Nothing. Once a group gets that much social and cultural control and passes as certain threshold, it will take an entire population to be pushed to a corner and not care about being “canceled” per say and the ability to purge people will become much harder as many will refuse to “cancel” and even those who do won’t care. This will create a chain effect. The social views have to no long be aligned to antiracism.
All we have is more centrist antiracists resentful that more radical antiracists are purging all traces of racism (movies books etc). That is what Bill Maher is. Resentful that a more extreme movement of the ideas he holds is going further than he’d like.
Bill Maher sounds like a Conservative here. Just a reactionary Liberal.
*to be no longer aligned
“What do you do when other world powers like China start dismissing the United States as a declining power because the brats….”
“Woke brats” are a mere symptom of the systemic disease. China needs to beware, and stop “taking capiralist roads to a socialist destination” and eradicate the disease within its own borders.
And of course Maher the elite is against equality.
Everyone who is for the truth and against tyranny is against equality.
Kindness and fairness are doable, but they are very different things than ‘equality’.
“Everyone who is for the truth and against tyranny is against equality”:
I am for truth and against tyranny and I am FOR Equality. Note the French revolutionary motto: “Liberty, EQUALITY, fraternity.” Without usury and Elitism that is supported by usury including slavery and exploitation of foreign countries, there is Equality, and a maximum of Liberty, for ALL (not only for those who are rich enough to afford it) and peace instead of endless violence, and Brotherhood (fraternity) instead of fear, pomp, and envy.
“What do you do when a single brat has the power to comb through your entire life history on the internet, form a social media mob and destroy your life over a single gotcha tweet? ”
You start doing it to them. And you keep doing it to them, then you do it again, then move on to the next one.
I thought right-wingers are supposed to be all hard and masculine. Yet they keep waiting for some event, the Rapture, the Revolution, the Collapse, and the good guys win and they never have to fight anymore.
I thought the whole right-wing thing was that fighting and competition are natural?
Well, here it is. Every single anti-white, every Jew, every non-white, you are in a 100% full time competition with them. You have to get them fired from their jobs before they get you fired from your job. You have to prevent them from getting the job in the first place and make sure a white gets the job instead.
You have to sic the crowd on them before they sic the crowd on you. Remember – they send mobs to people’s houses to harass their wife and children while they aren’t home. They aren’t kidding around.
Just like you eat every day, you have to attack one of these people every day. Life’s a competition, right? It’s a fight. Go go get them. Every single anti-white, every single Jew, every single non-white.
Those are the Rules of Anti-Racism.
It sounds like Maher doesn’t like the societal problems he and his tribe helped create.
“What do you do when these brats have made our culture so toxic and have created so much resentment against them-”
What happens when Bubba and Skeeter have absolutely nothing left to loose, and start shooting the brats? Especially if they’ve been cut off from buying groceries and water and electricity.
What happens when the Southern states have real Southern state governments again?
What happens when Yankeedom and the Left Coast can no longer out vote Normal America, or get away with stealing national elections?
What happens when the South and the Interior West get serious about their natural political affinities?
“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution,”
Texas GOP chairman Allen West.
They’re pushing for a referendum in Texas, for secession. If it comes up, I’m gonna vote Yes. It’ll be like voting for Trump. Which is to say; throwing a wrench into the gears of the machinery of state. It’ll be interesting to see how the vote turns out. It’ll especially be interesting to see the reactions of the rest of the South, and the Interior West. The political shockwaves further afield, might be interesting, too.