I have soft spot for our former political allies.
I, too, support most of the things that they talk about. If the Democrats were running solely on, say, student loan debt forgiveness or the PRO Act or organizing Amazon workers here in Alabama or stimulus checks or Universal Health Care or raising the minimum wage, then I would be a Democrat. Hell, I have more in common with them on those issues than I do with Charlie Kirk.
I’m not a Democrat though because of all of these other toxic things that they support. It is this package deal that is the problem. You can’t vote for the economic agenda of one specific wing of the Democratic Party. If you vote for the Democrats, you are voting to empower those people … the White college-educated, upper middle class professionals who are libs with cosmopolitan and modernist values who live in urban areas and the wealthy suburbs and who are motivated by their culture war agenda.
I don’t want to vote for those people who HATE White people, who HATE the South, who HATE Christianity, who HATE their own country. I don’t want to vote for political correctness or woke people or to affirm cancel culture. I don’t want to vote for the people who are toppling statues of George Washington, who censor the internet, who go around assaulting people who have different political opinions, who have no inhibitions about destroying the property of other people. I don’t want to vote for open borders or amnesty for illegal aliens or abortion or gun control or transgenderism or “Defund the Police,” etc. Have the Democrats ever considered not attaching themselves to 50 different layers of cultural toxicity? Wouldn’t that be easier than getting rid of the filibuster because you only have 50 Senate seats?
FDR “collaborated” with “white supremacy.” He didn’t push an aggressive culture war agenda like the coastal elites who now control the Democratic Party. Until the Democrats figure out what a massive albatross political correctness and open borders is for the rest of their agenda, I don’t see much structural change on economic issues happening for them. In fact, the problem is going to get worse.
Note: It would be wise to try to separate these issues as far as possible from the toxic Democrat brand. The $15 minimum wage, for example, was passed in Florida even though Joe Biden lost there.

Democrats have gone far astray, since LBJ.
Dementia Joe’s ugly girlfriend will be President before too long. After that it’s look out below, things will be collapsing all around.
That’s the tragic truth. She’ll make hillary look like a kindly grandmother.
President Biden may well be likened to LBJ & FDR, though, in the end, I think he will be most remembered for being one of those last presidents who presided over the waning days of The New England Yankee Federalist United States, before it was redivided back into sovereign states and new confederacies.
“…I’m not a Democrat though because of all of these other toxic things that they support. It is this package deal that is the problem. You can’t vote for the economic agenda of one specific wing of the Democratic Party. If you vote for the Democrats, you are voting to empower those people … the White college-educated, upper middle class professionals who are libs with cosmopolitan and modernist values who live in urban areas and the wealthy suburbs and who are motivated by their culture war agenda.
I don’t want to vote for those people who HATE White people, who HATE the South, who HATE Christianity, who HATE their own country. I don’t want to vote for political correctness or woke people or to affirm cancel culture. I don’t want to vote for the people who are toppling statues of George Washington, who censor the internet, who go around assaulting people who have different political opinions, who have no inhibitions about destroying the property of other people. I don’t want to vote for open borders or amnesty for illegal aliens or abortion or gun control or transgenderism or “Defund the Police,” etc… ”
Yes, Sir – it’s the quandary of untold tens of millions of former and would-be Dixiecrats – we have no party, for all the reasons you so perfectly state.
HW and Dr. Hill need to form the Southern White Populist Party/Separatist Party. From the banks of the Potomac to the Florida Keys, from Cape Hatteras to the Texas Panhandle….
There is much news coverage in the USA about how President Biden and the Democrats plan to eliminate the filibuster, which can be used in the US Senate to require a two-thirds majority to pass legislation. They claim this is needed to pass large tax increases on American millionaires and corporations. However, Biden and Democrats are funded and controlled by these wealthy titans. The tax promises were made during the election campaign to explain how massive social welfare programs can be afforded. This is why Biden and his team will not eliminate the filibuster as it allows them to propose such things knowing that some Republicans will filibuster so as Biden secretly promised his sponsors “Nothing will fundamentally change.”
They’re both have disabilities, one physically and the other mentally.
History is full of people that were shit on and ignored, or taken for granted by a powerful elite. We are in good company.
At least there’s some nobility in being the long suffering workhorse of an empire. The Scots and Irish have been for several empires now. And the Scotsirish for that matter.
Could be worse. Nobody eats their plowhorse until they have no other choice.
I don’t know of any job that starts off at the Federal minimum wage. Most people wouldn’t find such a paltry wage acceptable.
If anything Biden is similar to Woodrow Wilson in his last year and a half in office, a sick old man who cannot function at any level. He’s an embarrassment every time he goes out in public.
Biden’s a doorstop for Harris. He won’t last two years. However, they’ll wait as long as they can, to the point that it’s past obvious that Biden is no longer fit, and can no longer be covered for.
The Ugandan Giant is already doing a lot of Biden’s job, behind the scenes, anyway.
I finally pulled a Spencer and switched to Democrat. It was more to help the primary challenger get rid of our Antifa DA than anything else. If it wasn’t for their failed policies everywhere else, I’d happily keep in that lane. But everything else it is either Optics Jews or Jewish Nationals. I’m just gonna vote depending on what I see as needed.
And I’m not going to go vote for Shabbos Goy DeSantis.
“Jacobin: Is Joe Biden Going To Be Our FDR?”
Imagine actually asking this.