Welcome to the sixth or seventh party system.
The Democrats have officially elected a Republican president.
“President Biden says he’d “strongly support” moving the Major League Baseball All-Star game out of Atlanta as a rebuke to strict new voting restrictions in the state. The president said on ESPN Wednesday night that the curbs are “just not right.”
“This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they are doing in Georgia and 40 other states,” he said. “What it’s all about — imagine passing a law saying you cant provide water or food for someone standing in a line to vote. Can’t do that. Come on? Or you close a polling place at 5 o’clock when working people just get off? …”
“One week after it was signed into law, Georgia’s Republican-led voting overhaul is facing backlash from a growing number of corporate voices, including several of the state’s most prominent companies and Major League Baseball.
Critics of the legislation say it will restrict voter access and disproportionately affects people of color, with President Biden slamming it as “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”
In a Wednesday interview with ESPN, Biden said he would support MLB moving its All-Star Game in July out of Atlanta. Tony Clark, executive director of the Major League Baseball Players Association, first raised the idea last week, and it’s not without precedent — as ESPN noted, the NBA moved its 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte after North Carolina enacted a bill limiting anti-discrimination protections.
“I think today’s professional athletes are acting incredibly responsibly,” Biden said. “I would strongly support them doing that. People look to them. They’re leaders. … This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they’re doing in Georgia and 40 other states. …”
“Georgia Republicans on Wednesday took a last-minute swipe at Delta Air Lines after the company’s chief executive criticized a massive measure overhauling voting rules in a state that narrowly voted for President Biden in 2020.
In the waning hours of the legislative session, the Georgia state House passed a bill to repeal a tax break on jet fuel, aimed squarely at one of the state’s largest companies and the largest operator of flights into and out of Hartsfield-Jackson Airport. …
The provision did not pass the state Senate, so Delta will keep its tax break. …”
Here you have on display a buffet of the new and the old:
- Woke capitalism
- Big Business explicitly on the side of the Democrats
- Big Business and Democrats trying to bully state legislatures
- Joe Biden virtue signaling about how Georgia’s new election reform law is “Jim Crow on steroids” which is hilarious. Have we gone back to the days of Tom Watson, Eugene Talmadge and Richard Russell?
- Big Business explicitly aligned with progressive activists
- Populist fury
- Republicans in the Georgia House passing a timid repeal of a tax break on jet fuel which was shot down by the Georgia Senate
- Georgia Republicans trying to punish Delta like they did a few years ago over the NRA
It has been building up to this for a few years now.
See also Big Tech imposing a woke progressive orthodoxy on social media.
See also the fallout from Kristi Noem’s vetoing the “trans women” in women’s sports bill in South Dakota while similar measures have been passed in Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee.
See also how Mississippi was bullied into getting rid of its state flag under corporate pressure in the media that followed the George Floyd riots.
See also how Nikki Haley and South Carolina Republicans moved to take down the Confederate Battle Flag that used to fly out in front of the South Carolina Statehouse after the Dylann Roof shooting.
See also corporate pressure and the religious freedom bills in Indiana, Arkansas and North Carolina.
And so on.
We’ve seen this alignment of forces before in American history: the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, the Whigs and the Democrats and later the Republicans and the Democrats prior to the New Deal. It is the same Eastern-based establishment party that represents corrupt elites and which is aligned with Big Business, the upper class and upper middle class, professionals and social reformers. It might still be called the Democratic Party, but it has obviously become our old enemy the Republican Party.
Joe Biden is a yes man that does what his nurses and handlers tell him to do.
His JEWISH handlers, to be specific.
“Critics of the legislation say it will restrict voter access and disproportionately affects people of color, with President Biden slamming it as “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”
Meanwhile, the Crucifixion MIStrial of Derek Chauvin is proceeding apace in the land of 10,000 STUPID WHITE IDOLATORS (i.e., ELCA Lutheran/Liberals) worshiping at the Giant Negroid Phallus that once was the name George Floyd.
Disgust doesn’t even BEGIN to describe what I am feeling….
Baseball aka “Boomer Ball” – this should get the Fox News Boomers’ Depends in a twist – after all, that demographic is the only one that watches/falls asleep to baseball now.
Time to boycott pro-sports.
Take a walk, go explore nature.
Yes. Baseball always bored me, anyway. Folks…use your time and money for something more worthwhile than pro/college sports.
Biden is a very evil man so his attempts at trying to punish Georgia for the voter integrity law is not shocking in the least. He is either too dumb or is 100% lying regarding what this bill does. To see these disgusting corporations piggy back on as they are nothing but in the open far left organizations, is infuriating but certainly not shocking. These thugs only react with one thing- punishing them in the wallet.
How long can this country survive this media created madness of black people are always good and Whites always bad? Not to mention it flies in the face of reality.
Joe Biden is a monster as is 90% of the Democratic Party. He is not a ” nice guy” as is so stupidly portrayed in our fake media or once in a blue a Republicuck saying it. He is riding bully black people to try to get his way and steal elections.
Everything in America is about bowing to blacks. Why do we have to constantly see the George Floyd case? How many Whites and police have been killed by blacks since then? Tons. Even the never ending blacks killing or hurting other blacks gets a big shrug from Democrats. It’s all about dismantling Whites and turning us into what exactly? What shithole are we trying to emulate?
Support Georgia. Go on a trip there or a couple of day stay. Forget sports. It got in bed with communists and blacks. What good is coming out of that? Plus, do you really want to pony up to make obscenely wealthy men who do nothing of importance, even more wealthy? A line has to be drawn. Let this evil decaying ship sink big time.
Joe Biden and his affirmative action vp are so substandard that it’s truly embarrassing. One is an evil old man suffering from early dementia who happily trashes the country he lives in and is unfortunately president of. The other is a lying racist piglet picked as vp only because she is part black and a waaaaman. These are the bottom feeders that get elected. This is also what happens when a country is overly diverse as America clearly is.
It’s obvious that the democrats want these mail in ballots going out to all these illegal aliens and green card holders. They want to automatically register anyone going to the DMV or interacting with “social welfare agencies.” This bill is more to keep all the illegals and green card holders from voting than it is blacks, almost no blacks don’t have “IDs” that’s a liberal myth where they reveal they also think of them as inept children. But the democrats have been running on black 24/7 because they couldn’t win without them voting as a block for them. The trans shit doesn’t bother selfish republicans but if they don’t get voting under control they won’t win another election so maybe they have some vested interest in not backing down in this case.
Vaccine passport: Yes!
Voter ID: “Racist!”
If liberal and “anti-racist” policies are so popular and wanted why do they always require force and blackmail?
We should support dissolving the Congress, Senate and Presidency.
The states can. But some of them don’t want to give up their monopoly on the federal government. We know which states those are.
I support President Biden’s call to move the major league baseball all-star game out of Georgia.
In fact, I support moving all corporate sports, currently in Dixie, out, so that we can go back to having our own events that won’t be used to blackmail, bully, humiliate, and indoctrinate us to alien thinking.
To my way of thinking, President Biden is doing Southern work, in this, and in numerous other things.
Thank you, Mr. President!
Good, punish Atlanta, a heavily black city.