Antifa Disavow Antifash Gordon For Being a Massive Perv and Attention Whore

I covered Antifash Gordon’s big splash and coming out in Rolling Stone as an Antifa eceleb and grifter back in February. The Trump years were a highly lucrative bonanza for all of these “fascism” experts. You could make a strong case that the dumbest move made by the 2.0 movement was the unserious fashy roleplaying which created an enormous market for earnest “antifascist” LARPers.

Antifash Gordon’s Abuse:

“He also leveraged his online clout and reputation as a “legitimate” antifascist for his own professional gain. This is discussed at length in a recent Rolling Stone article in which AFG participated to promote his activities and the non-profit organization he is now involved with.

As AFG made connections with various antifascist crews on Twitter and in person, he also sought professional and, per his own admissions to others, romantic relationships with liberal journalists and writers. AFG uses the network of clout he has cultivated to create rewards for his inner circle, much of which consists of women and people of marginalized genders and identities. He has also weaponized his clout in an effort to discourage various collectives from working with one another, for romantic as well as professional reasons. This pattern of isolating collectives and crews from each other is consistent with the manipulative behavior he practices in his interpersonal relationships. It tilts an already-lopsided power dynamic even further in his favor, rather than supporting individuals and researchers for the advancement of collective goals. …”

Torch Antifa has also come out and condemned Antifash Gordon.

Torch Network:

“Today, a group of antifascist activists anonymously published a statement in which they describe harmful and exploitative patterns of interpersonal and organizing behavior from the individual known in the antifascist community as “AntiFash Gordon.” See this statement here:

As a network we have spoken to the authors of that piece and multiple people who have been harmed by Gordon. The accounts from those individuals show a clear pattern of emotional and financial abuse. We have supported some of those individuals through their process of writing the statement, linked above, relating their experiences and concerns. As members of the Torch Network, we believe that abuse has no place in our organizing community. In addition to supporting the affected individuals, we wanted to address specific issues we have seen and experienced with Antifash Gordon’s brand of antifascist activism, since we believe these issues to be directly related to his abusive patterns of behavior. …”

Well, it made my day to read all of this.

I’ve never been a “fascist” or cared about “fascism.” I do still keep tabs on these people though mostly for my own amusement. Last night, I listened to this podcast between that little bitch Sadie Farrell (Peter Soeller who pretends to be a woman on Twitter) and Daniel Harper and was somewhat amused by how they tried to argue that we are insincere in our foreign policy views even though this has been one of the most consistent things about our beliefs for over twenty years now across three administrations.

Do these people know anything about American history? From the time of Washington and Jefferson until William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, the foreign policy consensus in this country was that Americans should mind our own business, stay out of European wars and focus on our own economic development. When American imperialism first arose as an issue in the early 20th century, it was William Jennings Bryan and the populists who opposed it. Bryan resigned as Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State over getting dragged into World War I. Henry Ford tried to stop World War I with the Peace Ship.

During the Great Depression, Huey Long, Father Charles Coughlin, Gerald L.K. Smith and Charles Lindbergh all opposed American intervention in World War II. Huey Long was assassinated by Carl Weiss who was Jewish. Father Coughlin was one of the first victims of Jewish “cancel culture.” The Jews went after Henry Ford who published The Dearborn Independent. They went after Charles Lindbergh for opposing American intervention in World War II. It was also the Far Left which wanted to get into World War II to rescue the Soviet Union. Pat Buchanan famously opposed the Iraq War. We also voted for Ron Paul twice in 2008 and 2012 because he was against the wars. We also consistently opposed the wars in Syria and Libya.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s sweet to see the commies attack that scum Exoo. Hopefully, they’ll rip each others’ green hair out.

  2. “Activism” is a form of theater, and Antifa are LARPers pretending they are Goyims fighting to save the Jews from Nazis. Which means, in practice, they attacking working class people because they sometimes criticize powerful Jewish oligarchs.

    Same thing happened with Occupy Wall Street – and the anti-Iraq war protests.

    Antifa is a Zionist front group, always has been.

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