Big Law Forms Alliance With Big Business To Force Their Views On State Legislatures

Big Law has joined the chat.

New York Times:

“As corporate America continues to push back against a wave of restrictive voting laws under discussion across the United States, Big Law is joining the fight.

A coalition of 60 major law firms has come together “to challenge voter suppression legislation and to support national legislation to protect voting rights and increase voter participation,” said Brad Karp, the chairman of the law firm Paul Weiss and the organizer of the group, which has not been formally announced.

On Saturday afternoon, more than 100 corporate leaders attended a Zoom meeting to discuss what they should do, if anything, to shape the debate around voting rights. …

Many of Wall Street’s most powerful firms are also part of the effort, including Simpson Thacher; Skadden Arps; Akin Gump; Cravath, Swaine & Moore; Ropes & Gray Sullivan & Cromwell; Weil, Gotshal & Manges and Wachtel Lipton. …

“It puts legislators on notice that if there are laws that are unconstitutional or illegal they will face pushback from the legal community,” said Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center. “This is beyond the pale. You’re hearing that from the business community and you’re hearing it from the legal community.” …

Yet the business community appears to be emboldened, with more companies and business groups preparing to get involved. “All these C.E.O.s came together days after McConnell admonished corporations to stay out of politics,” said Tom Rogers, founder of CNBC, who attended the meeting. “In convening, they were saying as a group that they were not going to be intimidated into not voicing their views on their issues.”

I wasn’t really interested in the election integrity issue.

As the archives show, I didn’t think that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because of voter fraud in majority black cities. It sure looked to me that he lost the election because he lost so much ground in the suburbs and because so many people had voted by mail due to COVID. Donald Trump actually increased his support among blacks and Hispanics and lots of big cities like Philadelphia swung toward Trump.

I’ve kind of done a big eye roll over all of these election integrity laws. None of this will actually do anything about the wealthy, college-educated suburban professionals who have cosmopolitan values who are True Cons who swung the election to Joe Biden. The Georgia election integrity law was also more of a sop to the Republican base. The point of passing the law was to restore confidence in the system without really doing anything that would have had a significant impact on who can vote. It was clearly a token gesture and something that had to be done after Republicans lost the Georgia Senate races because their own voters didn’t show up. They all believed Trump when he said the election had been stolen from him.

Well now, this symbolic token gesture of an election integrity law has blown up into a huge deal that is pitting Corporate America, Wall Street and Big Law against Republican voters who have lost confidence in the system with Mitch & Co. trapped in between. Joe Biden is saying that Georgia has been transformed into a Jim Eagle state after voting for Democrats. Perhaps this impression that the system is rigged will be dispelled by these people coming out and trying to force their views on state legislatures?

Maybe more people will be persuaded and come around to our point of view now on Big Business and plutocracy? Things were already snowballing in that direction in January. We’re champing at the bit here to bring back the glory days of William Jennings Bryan and Huey Long.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is hubris of greatest order. Nemisis must be chuckling somewhere off stage. Talk about pissing off the other half of the country, sheesh. Pushing your weight around like this never ends well. They are just asking for the next Kingfish, erc

  2. The corruption of the US legal establishment, and lawyers in general, into serving the USA oligarchy, is highly significant

    And maybe the biggest lack in ‘Der Movement’, is the near total-inability of the newer social Right, to assemble significant legal resources, even in highly publicised cases that lawyers should be attracted to defending, just for the publicity

    Yet it seems that, despite there being over a million USA lawyers, in general those lawyers seem to be either in the anti-people lawfare mafia, or afraid to fight it

    Apparently lawyers are quickly disbarred if they do anything that is too bold in exposing the establishment or especially the corrupt way that judges operate … so lawyers just want to take people’s funds, but not really defend them … especially now for the ‘toxic’ right wing

    For decades now, white Americans have talked about being robbed and outright betrayed by their own lawyers, especially in divorce cases, or in lawsuits targeting small businesses … and now white are hit even harder

    It’s an interesting parallel to how minorities have long talked about getting railroaded on criminal charges even tho innocent … and it actually seems to be the case, that often the black or latino guy coerced into a ‘plea bargain’ is not the actual criminal … leaving the streets full of crime

    “A Guide for the Perplexed victims of US legal corruption, particularly common working people, when mauled by sadistic lying judges and gangster lawyers … Legal injustice victims are often mystified by how no one seems willing to help, after betrayal and abuse by courts, counsel, prosecutors, politicians, media, and bent ‘bar ethics’ and ‘civil liberties’ groups.”

  3. If Trump had won re-election in a blowout like Nixon in ’72 and Reagan in ’84 then there is no way that victory could have been stolen from him. No doubt there were lots of instances of voting fraud/irregularities. But even so Trump lost fair and square. Instead of taking Jared’s advice and pandering to hostile minorities he should have worked extra hard to ensure his base of white male working and middle class voters were going to show up on Election Day. I didn’t bother voting last November and I’m sure there are millions of other white guys who didn’t either.

  4. Not even the banking, steel and railroad trusts of the late 19th century were this arrogant. And unlike those assholes Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates billionaires of the past such as Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller donated huge parts of their fortunes to philanthropic causes that actually benefited the public.

  5. You’d have to be a fool to believe the Democrats don’t cheat and intend to cheat to whatever degree it takes to win. You think too much of upper middle class shitlib whites to believe they can sway elections more than legalized cheating. They have more influence by their commitment to defending cheating than they have with their votes.

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